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tv   News  RT  March 12, 2019 7:00am-7:31am EDT

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time looms for the british prime minister to resume a secure some assurances from europe a crucial parliamentary folks. coming up on the program at the. national assembly. a state of emergency an extensive blockade in the country continues. record levels in parts of the u.k. a leading supermarket chain say. the sale of single kitchen knives.
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twenty four seven news live from the russian capital. international my names you know neal good to have your company our top story the british prime minister has agreed several changes to her bragg's a deal with the president of the european commission treason make trouble to. stitch talks with the e.u. ahead of tonight's crucial parliamentary vote on the agreement opposition labor leader germany has called the negotiations a failure on urge the house of commons to reject may's deal. on tuesday night british politicians once again get to vote on some form of withdrawal agreement that the prime minister has negotiated with the european union so what happens next if the government wins the vote the prime minister will have
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had a lucky escape the u.k. will be leaving the e.u. with a deal on march the twenty ninth but not scenario is looking increasingly unlikely is expected the politicians will reject terry's amazing beleaguered withdrawal agreement just like they did in january tries to the right two hundred into. the nose to the last four hundred and thirty two. in that case they'll be more votes to disappear to decide what to do next on wednesday parliament would be whether it would approve leaving the e.u. without a deal that's not likely to be approved by politicians either pretty much the only thing there appears to be a majority for in parliament is the option of excluding no deal and the potential calamity it might entailed priority is to stop no deal that would be hugely chaotic
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because. the law nor do you under any circumstances so by midweek the u.k. is likely to have ruled out to resign may's deal and no deal as well and then politicians would face another vote on whether to extend article fifty in other words delay britain's departure from the e.u. something that until recently to reason may had said wasn't an option with all the attention on march i'm clear that we would extend article fifteen that we will leave the on the twenty ninth of march any delay is a delay it doesn't address the issue it doesn't resolve the issue to reason mase said that that would be a short and necessary delay just to keep talks going with the e.u. on a potential deal but kristie. say it would just put off a potential cliff edge bragg's it by another month or so it would be highly dangerous for our country to go cap in hand to the european union the eleventh and
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beg for an extension it is not an answer to the situation we face. the term people will do you really been moved all of this would leave the field open and he brags that politicians to advance their parliamentary maneuvers to thwart britain's departure from europe one thing is for certain it's going to be a busy week for politicians a week which could define the brags that process or even ground it to a halt. or international relations professor gholam blunt thinks mrs may still very much stuck between a rock and a hard place. the prime minister loses the vote by say fifty votes this might allow her to continue to push for a third meaningful vote on a slightly altered deal just before d.-day but it's you know this is hopeful thinking by the prime minister's office i think the europeans are going to agree to it a delay and they have to agree to it we can't do it unilaterally unless there is some substantive reason to do so a general election
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a new referendum but it can't simply be for theresa may to continue to kick the can down the line week on week day on day. breaks it. yeah we will be keeping a very close eye throughout the day but moving on now to more world news that venezuela's national assembly has approved the states of emergency declared by opposition leader and celtic third interim president. he say's it's necessary before he can request international aid for the country when it all comes really as the country struggles through an ongoing power block humanitarian crisis president maduro say is the power cut so the result of cyber attacks by the united states that his government is working to solve the issue he claims to subba troops were caught trying to dump the hydroelectric dam on monday and investigation is underway
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in while mr y. doak say the crisis should be tackled at all. if they can bring this catastrophe needs to be addressed immediately no we cannot turn our heads elsewhere no we cannot abandon our people and you are in the states you have the right to protest you have the right to demand you have the right to raise your voice you have the right to protest for your relatives you have the right to go out to the streets and demand our rights it's not true that there is normality in the streets in venezuela there is not. this is a lot of psychological pressure on the venezuelan people to be dealing with the humanitarian crisis and now the crisis with the electrical grid and put the man on top of that to have the assembly declare a national emergency this is really designed to create more chaos and more here and more division within the venezuelan people live plan of the opposition is to find
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any way that he can to bring things to a head i think the military remains pretty much consistently on the side of my douro and so this is another attempt to push the military to defect and to deep in the crisis. or gabrielle i agree or a from the committee of international solidarity believes the u.s. is exploiting the humanitarian crisis for its own. in savile's. we think the concept of the humanitarian crisis is the fundamental argument used by us imperialism around the world wherever they develop the plans of intervention and into thier inst overthrow the national government and violate sovereignty self-determination and independence in order to take control over the strategic resources of countries and we think this part of the plan for the we cannot uphold the concept of humanitarian aid which has been specifically defined by the us in
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the country like the missouri we're seeing the crisis of the capitalist system which many other countries in the world also face and based on this argument of the humanitarian crisis other countries also want to legitimize their plans for intervention either direct or indirect ways. there has been a steep rise in knife crime in britain and according to official figures last year thirty five percent of all crime involving a knife or sharp instrument happened in the capital london prompted a leading supermarket chain to stop the sale of single kitchen knives here's our tease out of society. knife crime has become a major source of concern in the u.k. even described as an epidemic these days since the beginning of the year forty one stabbings have been reported fetal with both adults and teens among the victims and attackers a huge debate on how to tackle the problem has been pushed to the forefront the
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u.k. home secretary has been holding emergency meetings with chief police officers last week to find a way forward as the surge in knife attacks gets dubbed a national emergency meanwhile this british supermarket joint seems to be adding its two cents to address the problem they have announced they won't be selling single night any more by the end of april when no single knives are the most common knife products to be stolen and that is why we have chosen to remove these items from our stores but the office has welcomes the move we'll find out if locals think it can actually make any difference it's a very good idea because they're not going to spend fifty pounds to buy twenty knives i think the problem is that it's fine because they've charge of this you stop selling to under a chain that doesn't work take a stop so they know. you're in there people who are older he might need an eye perhaps it is a good idea to an offer to solve the problem are not for selling one michael selling a packet a nice that they can make a difference where they used to get to for more money so. a lot of these guys get
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knives from their home safely so they go buy those they they can readily access and that's stress in their homes we also caught up with a former metropolitan police officer for a professional take on the knife crime situation but i think it's. very like a day on the problem as a whole. will be going to do with here is a very very stringent legislature so that the punishments and the deterrents for very noisy circumstances or explain the horn. this sort of thing is a step in the right direction but it's a very small stuff. it's a very long journey we've got to go on so we go look for government and we've got to look to our legislators to give us at the top still with us but these tools need to be very very powerful ones because we can't continue down this road for about. what is a kind of cultural thing that's taking place this nation to address that you've got to go. right through you know sort of forming unforeseen social trying to use and
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that's going to take a long time and i think you know you need to look at government changes in social services to try to think that but we have to do something in the sort of you know we read about a sticking plaster on if you like and they're sticking plaster again needs to be a crease in the amount of first office so that we do in the freedom of movement the place i had to exercise that but also you know we have to put the placement in the perpetrators more and so the guy or the terran. will perhaps stop these youngsters from carrying these large and carrying out these awful tax is a very very stringent one indeed we almost got to go back to it but how the victorian attitudes of this because you know they deal with these things at various storms off one war or the other and and they did it with you know it with almost six three military slices. but because this is an extreme problem i think that's
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the kind of extreme cure that you know we're looking for. is really actress gayla ghetto best known for her role as wonder woman has defended a t.v. host who came under fire from the israeli prime minister both women took to instagram to share their concerns about what they see as a rise in islamophobia in israel while benjamin netanyahu is adamant that jews must come first in the country. israel is not a country of all its citizens according to the nation state law that we passed israel is the nation state of the jewish nation and its alone love thy neighbor as they self is not in the sheer fright a left jew or arab secular. or religious it's in the issue of dialogue of dialogue for peace for equality for tolerance between one another while if we moved to the u.s. critics are raising the pressure over remarks by democratic party representative by jewish influence on american politics many branded her anti-semitic for the
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comments she later apologized for them leading republican liz cheney warns that a subsequent democratic resolution condemning all bigotry isn't enough the leadership is there protecting her you know this isn't just being silent they are protecting her by failing to put a resolution on the floor that names her and that strip search for committee assignment instead they put a resolution on the floor which she then went out and said this is a tremendous victory for me congress had the opportunity to denounce anti-semitism a very specific very odious problem and democrats decided to dodge that opportunity unapologetically dressing up a resolution as anti hate and insulating the person that was meant to discourage while one thought hostess speaking about thursday's resolution condemned all forms of hate and intolerance including anti semitism and discrimination against muslims it was backed by a large majority including all democrats and omar herself the move came after she questioned the alleged power that the israeli lobby real is over u.s.
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politicians. why is it ok for people to to foreign country why is it ok for me to talk about the influence of the n.r.a. and fossil fuel industries and not talk about of powerful lobbying group that is influencing policy we discussed it here on r t where we heard disagreement over whether criticizing the israeli government is tantamount to an attack on all jewish people. ilan omar has camouflaged anti-semitism in the united states and has turned it in to a to a chemical us issue of criticism of israel this is not about criticism of israel dairies know all that between being anti-semitic and israel and one can be. a reason rarely government policies certain policies without being anti-semitic in fact many jews both in israel and abroad
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are against the policies of the current israeli government even though they consider themselves proud jews they are proud of their jewish heritage and they resent any such comment this is only about anti-semitism in the united states this is not about israel per se and i think that what has happened here there has been a conflation of the issue in which mrs omar who knows exactly what she's doing when you call israel a racist bigoted or apartheid state as she has done as well as some of her some of her colleagues in the in the democratic party you are you are making an anti-semitic statement if you want to make a legitimate critic criticism of israel then make it in context israel used to enjoy bipartisan support on capitol hill and in washington and the country in general but under benjamin netanyahu has publicly supported the republicans over
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the democrats and by you contributed to the democrats now coming out in force against israel the challenge of the democratic party is will they stand up to miss omar and to mr from michigan and to ms cortez from new york who are working as a triangular power in order to to to create an unfair and biased and even at times anti semitic diatribe against israel. and the jews in the united states will the democratic party stand up to them or will they collapse as they have in this resolution that essentially makes miss omar the victim as opposed to the perpetrator of an anti-semitic trope the power for israel's friends be they jews or father the nominations on capitol hill and an american politics is not only undeniable so when it fits these ready pappas it indicates to people in washington on that it behooves them not to do is read speeding and when he does
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not feed. it to all of a sudden fears such perceptions but this is of course spot because in a first for britain a mother has been jailed for occurring i had female genital mutilation on her daughter we could through that story to the press. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this spearing dramatic development only i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down in.
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you know world of the big part of the law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle. true the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. you're back with r t international a u.k. courts has hunted done the country's first ever deal sentence for carrying i feel
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genital mutilation that's after a ugandan mother practiced home surgery on her three year old daughter.
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well female genital mutilation is still carried out in a number of religious traditional cultures usually to control the girls' sexuality and as a precondition for mar age the practice is painful and significant harm to the victim it's before mostly on young girls that's been illegal in the u.k. for decades according to britain's national health service almost seven thousand
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women and girls who undergone the surgery received medical treatment in twenty eighteen there are run fifteen hundred cases every three months in the u.k. we spoke to the exact. director of forward u.k. that's the foundation for women's health research development she says that the practice does cause lifelong problems for the victims. and the reality is that it's a human rights violation g.m. courses and g.m. also affects the health and wellbeing of women and girls a number of people are who is through a lot of emotional trauma but i'm not able to when we speak to some of the women that we work with women would tell you that the flashbacks when they see the knives or the see blade or these are the things that are part of issues that have actually been suppressed in your mind for a very long time there is also the elemental those who do have sexual problems as a result of going through the military solution we do know that there were cases of
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post traumatic stress disorder and it's something that we are for will increasingly seeing we through our work with community women a lot of the supports we see in women after training they request to have additional support particularly on emotional wellbeing. the authors of an infamous dossier on alleged trump russia collusion are apparently gunning for the us president again former british spy christopher steel and his company fusion g.p.s. are thought to be working on a new report funded by top democratic party donors including billionaire george soros eleven open brings us more. do you remember that da ca compiled by british intelligence officer christopher steele that may have been full of outrageous allegations gossip and unsubstantiated claims but the late night comedians just won't let it die don't want to say what it was on video but. it was p.p.
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did some people believe that this tape proves trumps guilt oh my god it's real i should be now steel never actually visited russia to investigate his claims furthermore he alleged that michael cohen had secretly met with russian authorities in prague even though michael cohen has never even visited the czech republic now you'd think that spotty intelligence work like that would render mr steele jobless but it appears that he's hard at work once again it's been revealed that over two million dollars has been funneled to christopher steele and the research firm to use in g.p.s. the of the democracy integrity project headed by a former intelligence committee staffer for a democratic senator joe secured the services of steel and fusion g.p.s. to continue exposing russian interference in the two thousand and sixteen us presidential election jones planned to share the information he obtained with
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policymakers on capitol hill and with the press indirectly the funds are being put up by a certain george soros among other wealthy donors soros has been funded fusion to pay is directly but had made a grant to the democracy integrity project which used as a contractor and it's not just wealthy democrats apparently the department of justice is in on the action as well the d.o.j. has been in touch with using g.p.s. the research firm before during and after the twenty sixteen elections christou was on the stand that was hired by fusion g.p.s. to do research and got the information he provided information to me glenn simpson who is the standard to principle of fusion g.p. is some a couple. the cajuns he provided information to me so the man who cooked up a widely discredited report that makes a great punchline on late night t.v. is currently working on a new masterpiece we're all excited to see what he is paid to come up with next
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kaleb mop and r.t. new york. the top diplomats of austria russia have met in moscow for talks on european security economic and cultural relations. more world affairs let's get the details of what was the last hour or so from if a trade go. relations they have been notably strong for quite some time now what was discussed today. union high so how much care and i still is keen to be friends with russia is it really only about the fact that a lot of our putin was a guest at her wedding and the even dance together or that she likes to share a cigarette with surrogate. she believes that if because of geopolitics russia and western countries may find themselves on different side of the diplomatic barricades that doesn't mean that the most senior officials shouldn't
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avoid talking meeting face to face and also being frank about their issues she believes that isolation boycotts can be the way to go. in the fifteen months since i became foreign minister the biggest concern is the loss of conversation last conversation i have instead a number of monologues happening simultaneously i also asked karen about the collapse of the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty an issue aided by donald trump and his administration well she remembered the times when the greenman was struck with genuine. warmth however she fell short of saying that she is not a fan of how the dream and is being ruined by the americans as seen here and moscow although she did say that it was a great example of diplomacy i also asked the russian foreign minister sergey
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lavrov about donald trump's congress were quest for half a billion u.s. dollars to save europe from what they're calling russia's malicious influence attempts and sergei lavrov called that move some of the worst examples of american diplomacy. obviously not diplomacy who are its motto and use diplomacy which is reduced to threats sanctions or to attempts to buy. some to american taxpayers to decide how much it reflects their interests and it's also to the countries who are recipients of the generous help. by the way i don't know how the countries would like the initiative that someone wants to buy them. so a lot of smiles general warmth in this room and also plans for things to be done together in the near future something we don't always see when western diplomats
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come to this foreign ministry villa in central moscow summing up the meeting between the foreign ministers of russia and australia trying to thank you a lot is our lot the news though that the pentagon is going to use a billion u.s. tax dollars to install a new missile system for saudi arabia that's the focus of the watching the hawks true honest to washington we go next.
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with make this manufacture consensus instant public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round lifts and be the one percent. we can all middle of the room stick. to the real news. this is a stick. found in the stomach of a fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that. the litterbugs.
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industry should be blamed for all this waste to company has promised to reuse the plastic. now the mountains of waste only grow. so.


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