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tv   News  RT  March 12, 2019 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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ready. to sit down and talk. wants its sovereignty so. you know what the good comes the you know. you're going to get me to. speak. the british prime minister still manages to keep a semblance of a sense of humor just hours before a crucial break vote. gathered in parliament today to debate. the pm secure some assurances from europe at the eleventh hour. coming up in the
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program two decades after they conflict in northern ireland fears return of the irish republican army could be behind a string of bomb threats of course the. us diplomats. gives american official seventy two hours to leave the country while the us position. receives a thorough to declare a state of emergency in the country from the national. twenty four hour news live from moscow this is r t international stories from all across the world coming up over the next thirty minutes. firstly we take you to. being defending her brags it's divorce. the spot box as you can also see germy
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corbin also just the box right also responding to some water trees and they were saying later on tuesday. on whether to approve the deal or not this will be the second vote on a break that agreement with the first being rejected by a large majority in january the british prime minister agreed several changes to replace a dinner with the president of the european commission treason may travel to strasburg for a last ditch talks with the head of tonight crucially part of the. opposition labor leader jeremy holden who we just saw called the negotiations a failure of the words the house of commons to reject means a deal that is merely. put forward very clear proposals very clear proposals on which he's day night british politicians once again get to vote on some form of withdrawal agreement that the prime minister has negotiated with the
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european union so what happens next if the government wins the vote the prime minister will have had a lucky escape the u.k. will be leaving the e.u. with a deal on march the twenty ninth but not scenario is looking increasingly unlikely is expected that politicians will reject terry's amazing beleaguered withdrawal agreement just like they did in january tries to the right two hundred into. the nose to the left four hundred and thirty two. in that case they'll be more votes to decide what to do next on wednesday polman would be whether it would approve leaving the e.u. without a deal that's not likely to be approved by politicians either pretty much the only thing there appears to be a majority for in parliament is the option of excluding no deal and the potential calamity it might. tail priority is to stop no deal no deal that would be hugely
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chaotic nobody has the. law nor do you under any circumstances so by midweek the u.k. is likely to have ruled out to reason may's deal and no deal as well and then politicians would face another vote on whether to extend article fifty in other words delay britain's departure from the e.u. something that until recently to reason may had said wasn't an option we are leaving on the twenty ninth of march i'm clear that we will not extend article fifteen that we will leave the on the twenty ninth of march any delay is a delay it doesn't address the issue it doesn't resolve the issue to reason mase said that that would be a short and necessary delay just to keep talks going with the e.u. on a potential deal but critics say it would just put off a potential cliff edge bragg's it by another month or so it would be highly dangerous for our country to go cap in hand to the european union. and beg for an
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extension it is not an answer to the situation we face. is merely being moved all of this would leave the field open and he brags that politicians to advance their parliamentary maneuvers to thwart britain's departure from europe one thing is for certain it's going to be a busy week for politicians a week which could define the brags that process or even ground it to a halt. ok let's know as return to westminster we're just hours away. british lawmakers voted whether ter proved to me is a new regs a deal as we can just see the labor opposition leader in the house of commons jeremy corbyn is having his say at the dispatch box let's take a little listen just to what is being talked about right change my opinion unless we have a text shows the risk has been eliminated and indeed his legal opinion today
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states and i quote the legal risks remain unchanged. i think more i think more fame for giving making a point about the absurdity of this idea that could be a unilateral exit from the backstop that would destroy the very function of the backstop is not the case that the prime minister's committed a major strategic blunder for our country and pandering to the e.r. genes that are reaching out across asia to build consensus. seems to be missing today but i overcome by the excitement and enthusiasm of all the members sitting behind the prime minister in this debate. is secondly even to speak. over i don't generally is not currently giving way members require any affirmation or contradiction with the honorable judgment he's got to learn the ways of
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parliament jeremy corwin thank you mr speaker and secondly there is the use of the word deliberately the risk that we are held in the backstop indefinitely has not been reduced only the risk that we could be deliberately held in the backstop indefinitely the prime minister has said herself on numerous occasions that the backstop is painful for both the u.k. and the european union is something that neither side wish to see applied there's been no indication from the prime minister that there ever was was. a risk of being deliberately held in the backstop in the first place you are going to make some progress if i may yet in a statement last night the prime minister said the joint instrument guarantees that the e.u. cannot act with the intent of applying the backstop indefinitely the e.u. has never ever expressed this its intent and the prime minister has not and neither has the prime minister ever accused them of this intention the prime minister has
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constructed one enormous great big gigantic attractive paper tiger and then slain it. but the substance already existed through article one seven eight section five of the withdrawal agreement agreed in november truly nothing has changed and the prime minister also claims the joint instrument in trying to use the january exchange of letters in legally binding full christmas break up on the fourteenth of january from the dispatch box the prime minister told the house those letters had legal standing and would have legal force in international law as the speaker would back again into smoke and mirrors the illusion of change when the reality is nothing has changed it's all spin and no substance from the prime minister the statement i make is that brokers if i may. be extremely grateful to deliver the opposition for giving me any agile breaks perfectly be my ass most
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chaos that is eating away at this place but doesn't he agree with mean that given the chaos that's about to hit the people of scotland who voted overwhelmingly to stay in the european union should the request the section aadhaar to hold a referendum on scotland's independence it would be undemocratic in the extreme for the government to refuse it. there is no relevance that intervention in this debate that we're having today. this debate is about. gubbins proposals on leaving the european union was this big is a statement in the attorney general's legal advice still holds that the backstop would endure indefinitely until a superseding agreement takes place that was the case in january and it is the case today i reiterate the view of the attorney general despite the theater of the prime minister's late night declaration in strasburg that nothing has changed.
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i found alive i have a friend giving way is it not the case that the critical issue here is that that party cannot countenance a trading arrangement which puts both northern ireland and ireland on the you can union in the same trading arrangements and so whether it is today or next week or the end of this month or may or any time that party office it cannot bring forward effects it that people can agree on and i thank my friend for that intervention is very clear that this government has delayed the vote from december the eleventh then was found in contempt of parliament by refusing to release legal information then broke the record for losing a vote in parliament and now has come back to the scene of previous disasters with exactly the same proposal and i earnestly hope the house tonight rejects the agreement that the prime minister has brought to us the prime minister mr speaker
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has also attempted to convince labor members of this house about an equally empty promise on workers' rights she said last week in a speech in grimsby that being allied aligned with the european union on workers' rights would mean that if they lowered their standards then we would have to lower ours it's simply not true european union standards are a floor not a ceiling and the if the e.u. chose. and i hope they never would but if they did choose to reduce those minimum standards it would not compel the u.k. to lower its standards and it's important to clarify that point because i'm sure the prime minister would have no intention of misleading anyone when she said it however i come to one second however being allied to those aligned to those standards means that if the minimum improved the u.k.
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would be compelled to improve and indeed i would want us to go much further than the e.u. on many workers' rights as a good way to my friend i thank my right a little friend i give way and he and i share about how we protect workers' rights as we move forward and leave the e.u. which i know he respects because he respects the outcome of the referendum of twenty seventeen does he know of three with me. the general election of twenty seventeen but also the referendum of twenty sixty two public votes that came to the same outcome could i ask by right of a friend does he know me that when we voted on a deal in january what we didn't have is an assurance that in moving forward in this house we would have the opportunity in the future up by law to ensure that if the european union raise standards in equality in terms of health and safety employment rights that we would have a mental motion brought to this house in which we could focus support that increase and not only that go further than the european union that is different to what we
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had in january isn't. having a vote in parliament on the potential improvement of rights is obviously a chance we would have to improve those rights but it is not legally binding to defend those rights or to ensure there is dynamic alignment not only on rights at work but also very importantly on environmental protections and on consumer standards and we are very clear them. a dynamic alignment and the e.u. basis is a floor by which from which i would want to personally to go about trying no work where the moment thank you and i misspeak a labor government would obviously go much further on all of those mr speaker this was a bad deal in december when labor decided to vote against it it was a bad deal in january when it was rejected by the largest rajan in parliamentary
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history and mr speaker it is the same bad deal now we will be voting against this deal tonight for the reason that we set out when replying to that in december it is a bad deal that will damage our economy undermine our industries irreparably harm our manufacturing sector risk our national health service damage our public services and harm our living standards because mr spago opens up the possibility of a race to the bottom a bonus of rights and protections provides no certainty on trade and customs arrangements in the future that will risk people's living standards. will fall the leader of the opposition giving way and i get on personally we have a shot as he ok we're just being came in and say leader of the opposition in u.k.
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part of their term because in fielding questions up on the spot check boxes and from a number of his own party some fiery questions from the labor party itself but derby corgan essentially saying that not one single word all videla things they may. get from europe for this vote this evening in the house of commons has changed it doesn't look at this stage as if that vote will not be won by. what will happen in iran we have a half hours from now with people very close eye on developments in the heist of collins. for now though let's listen to some reaction we've been hearing from international relations professor for a while well i'm blunt he is all of the view that treason may we'll be seeing even more continental opposition even if the vote was won tonight but now it looks as if it's going to be the opposite the prime minister loses the vote by say fifty votes this might allow her to continue to push for a third meaningful vote on
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a slightly altered deal just before d.-day but it's you know this is hopeful thinking by the prime minister's office i think the europeans are going to agree to and it's a delay and they have to agree to it we can't do it unilaterally unless there is some substantive reason to do so a general election a new referendum but it can't simply be for theresa may to continue to kick the can down the line week on week day on day. breaks it. it's been twenty years since tensions between the irish republican army and british security forces subsided but u.k. police have now launched an investigation after a mom allegedly representing a republican organization calling itself the ira claimed responsibility for posting expose of the vices across the u.k. authorities say the organization rather is both a dissident groupings here. following four incidents in
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london and glasgow last week indeed the ira have reportedly claimed responsibility for planting the explosive devices now the ira of course stands for the irish republican army they are a violent paramilitary group that have historically been seeking north ireland's departure from the united kingdom and these four incidents in question several of them happened on march fifth where packages have been found at london's waterloo station which is very central another in the vicinity of heathrow airport and another at london's in the london city airport area and on march the sixth at the university of glasgow another package now to be clear all of those were handled by authorities nobody was injured and the police are now saying they are of course
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investigating these incidents but they're saying they have seen similarities to previous ira related activity. given the packages received last week bore similarities to devices sent in the past which ruling to dissident groups associated with northern ireland relate to terrorism already this is the one of inquiry these claims. of responsibility were apparently received by a media outlet in northern ireland using a recognised code word and unfortunately the police have reiterated this is well those claiming responsibility have indicated that five devices were sent but of course as you see as we have just discussed there were four devices found last week so the public and businesses have been called on to remain village vigilant as police investigate this and they have said that no arrests have been made so far. and we've got the latest goings on in venice we have heard it is all going on in
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the south american nation but after this ninety seconds i'm back. this manufactured consensus of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. you know world of big partisan. and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. choose the evening twenty minutes past six pm here in moscow welcome back u.s. diplomats have seventy two hours to leave venice we let cording to the country's foreign ministry it comes as the political crisis deepens there following the national assembly stamp of approval for opposition leader one why do the clear a state of emergency mr why do insist that is necessary before he can request
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international aid the country is grappling with an ongoing power block humanitarian crisis president maduro sees the power cuts are the result of cyber attacks by the united states i think that his government is working to solve the issue he claims to saboteurs were. courts trying to damage i draw electric dam on monday an investigation on the under way meanwhile one god all say's outside help would be appreciated. if this catastrophe needs to be addressed immediately no we cannot turn our heads elsewhere no we cannot abandon our people and you are in the states you have the right to protest you have the right to demand you have the right to raise your voice you have the right to protest for your relatives you have the right to go out to the streets and demand our rights it's not true that there is normality in the streets in venezuela there is no good
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or gabrielle or where a from the committee of international solidarity speaking from caracas believes the us is exploiting the humanitarian crisis for its own in. in samples. we think the concept of the humanitarian crisis is the fundamental argument used by us imperialism around the world wherever they develop the plans of intervention and interference to overthrow the national government and violate sovereignty self-determination and independence in order to take control over the strategic resources in the countries and we think this part of the plan for the. not to pull the concepts of humanitarian aid which has been specifically defined by the us in the country. is seeing the crisis of the capitalist system which many of the countries in the world also face and based on this argument that humanitarian crisis other countries also wanted to legitimize that intervention. in direct by.
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the united kingdom have joined a number of countries grounding their boeing seven three seven mox eight aircraft in the wake of the deadly ethiopian ur lines crush the second involving that plane model in months sunday's accident follows the indonesian lion air disaster in october which also led to the deaths of all those on board couriers in china ethiopia brazil morocco indonesia south africa singapore and the cayman islands have also grounded all their marks singapore additionally to that is also a cry from using its airspace china which has one of the world's largest earth fleets ses the planes will not be allowed to fly until all security concerns have been resolved. the civil aviation authority will contact the us federal aviation administration and boeing company to notify the shipping airlines to resume the commercial operation of the boeing seven three seven eight aircraft after
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confirming the relevant measures to effectively ensure flight safety. however the us is refusing to force earline in that country to grow in their planes insisting that the model is are worthy just to recap what happened on sunday one hundred forty nine passengers and also eight crew died when their plane crashed shortly after takeoff from addis ababa in ethiopia people from thirty five different nationalities were on board including twenty one employees of the united nations the pilots had reportedly been given permission to land after sending a distress call. and some other news today on this story the plane's voice data recorders are being recovered however it may take months to extract information from them and as mentioned it is the second time in months has crossed a line or
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a flight came down just off the coast of indonesia and all one hundred eighty nine people on board perished i spoke earlier to independent aviation consultant cherry so yeah man told us. the american company must make changes before its reputation. all of these groundings that's happening around the world is to address the public fear the public skepticism about the safety of the aircraft now boeing needs to change its language and how to the issue of the public otherwise it is going to suffer and at least in the short term in public confidence in the safety for example indonesia we grounded the aircraft starting today we announced yesterday and we said that it's going to be up to we. and we'll be waiting and we'll be assessing the situation again after the end of after the end of the seven days to see the developments of the investigations with the lion air and the ethiopian want to see whether we continue on that so i think
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a lot of the other countries also adopting similar stances if somebody buys me a ticket on imax a plane to fly tomorrow out fly it but i would be lying if i say that when i see the aircraft part in front of me i don't have second thoughts that i'd be lying of course these airplanes are still very safe but of course they're you know nothing is perfect we've identified the flow. and the floor needs to be fix for the safety can improve. and fact is just another line come in moments ago on this germany and france they have both the seven three seven eight from flying over there or a space that's a huge area in the west of course all of europe a lot of the u.k. flights would be affected by dot as well so that is the latest line coming all that boeing dealt another blow that is are a lot for busy news are i'm sure you'll agree next though the new stuff the
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pentagon is going to use a billion the u.s. tax dollars to install a new missile system for saudi arabia that's the focus of the watching the hawks cruise to washington we go next day with us. join me every thursday on the alex salmond and i'll be speaking to us from the
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world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see if. this is a stick from the water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litterbugs for throwing it away and history should. blame for all this waste the company has promised to reuse the plastic. and to. demand. a special kind of just funding me. on the. phone now the mountains of lease only grow higher.
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ratings salutations the business of war rolls on watchers like the ticking of a clock in the rising and setting of a saw the first installment is in my friends for the fifteen billion dollar bad missile defense deal between saudi arabia the united states of america and lockheed martin initially signed and sealed back in november of two thousand and eighteen and boy oh boy oh boy oh boy this first installment of boozy not only for its close to a billion dollars sticker price but for who actually is footing the bill guess who is paying for the first installment the pentagon yes it's not the kingdom of saudi arabia it's not lockheed martin no it's the u.s. taxpayers will be paying the first bill for the kingdom's brand new missile defense system according to reuters the pentagon announced the payment as and. ties the
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contract action which translates for us non arms dealers as a partial payment that will go to lockheed martin and prevent major delays in production if the new missile defense system of the new missile defense system in saudi arabia. because nothing my friends nothing is higher on the wants and needs of u.s. taxpayers than on time production of a saudi arabia missile system so why are u.s. citizens forking over one hundred forty six million dollars to lockheed martin you ask. well according to whitney web over press news it may have something to do with the competition in the marketplace web writes one likely explanation for the pentagon's willingness to pay such a significant amount to subsidize the saudi bad system is the fact that the saudi government had intended to purchase the cheaper and more effective russian made s. four hundred instead of the that. welcome to the world of.


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