tv News RT March 13, 2019 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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oh. yes. you do you want me to. this is the humiliating defeat of the government deceiving prime minister nouri screaming. on the country with the same promise cheeriest amaze tweets brags that plan is transpire m.p.'s who will next vote on whether or not to leave you without a deal. a new documentary about a deal that supporters of terror group islamic state have infiltrated a greek refugee camp where they rule with an iron fist we talked to the film's producers also. european leaders scoff at french president emanuel
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a new vision for the e.u. branding his idea of the blocks renaissance and utopian plus. supporters of venezuela's opposition leader clashed with police after presidential pretender one urges them on to the streets. you're watching are to international coming to life from the russian capital where it's just turned six pm welcome to the program. britain's prime minister returned to parliament on wednesday to answer questions from m.p.'s later in the day they will vote on whether to exclude the possibility of exiting the without an agreement this comes after a truce amaze breaks a deal was again heavily defeated by lawmakers on tuesday in an evening of high
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tension. can you identify a single say since the american war of independence in which your prime minister mori you preach around the country used with the same promise we have a responsibility to the old suited to football or constituents but all are businesses the prime minister's proposal for a motion to morrow sounded unclear tonight here. this is the humiliating defeat for the government this evening and this deal should not come back you know we choose form again well m.p.'s are now gearing up to return to the commons for another vote on bragg's that the issue being debated and then voted on later today is whether politicians will agree to leaving you without a deal now that's likely to be rejected in which case on thursday there is going to
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be another subsequent vote on whether to delay bragg's it and if that happens to reason they would have to go back to brussels and once again and request a delay that would leave london at the mercy of brussels of course and the mood in brussels is pretty thunderous so really political uncertainty the theme of the week a we do not know how everything will shape up by the end of it and the turmoil that the country is facing was triggered by another disastrous vote in the house of commons last night politicians united against to resume a's deal she tweaked it with brussels but not enough clearly one politician referred to it as a polished turd in the run up to the vote and so she failed to push it through the house of commons by a second time she lost by one hundred forty nine votes that is
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a big margin so she. lost more stature as leader if that was even possible and if that wasn't enough she lost her voice as well take a lesson by profound the decision that this house has taken to it i continue to believe that by far the best time is you know she's going to leave the european union and orderly fashion with the deal. and the deal we've negotiated is the best and indeed the deal of the e.u. therefore tonight we will table a motion for debate tomorrow to test whether the house supports leaving the european union without a deal on the twenty ninth of march well the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn didn't hold fire he tore into her deal and her handling of the brags that process altogether take a listen to what he had to say the government has been defeated again by an enormous majority and they must now accept their deal their proposal the one the prime minister's port is clearly dead and does not have the support of this house.
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the prime minister's run down the clock on the caucus run run. maybe it's time instead we have a general election and the people. who think government should agree not jerry corbin he's leader of the opposition he talks about general elections all the time but of course this time it's different it's no longer outside the realm of possibility really all the options are on the table to resume as a weakened leader it's hard to argue that she's still in control of the braggs it process and the way the parliamentary system works is that every time there is a vote politicians can bolt on extra issues and amendments with enough support so this could steer the process either back towards no deal even through potentially accidentally even if it's rejected tonight it could still get
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back to that or it could stand the process back towards no bragg's if there is enough support for another referendum. with two defeats to her breaks a deal in as many months may is facing the pressure and not just from m.p.'s a new poll shows that fifty percent of people in britain would now support the prime minister's resignation but as jeremy corbyn renewed his calls for a general election today may lash back saying that there was only one thing more worrisome and backs it. leaving the with the deal this is a business organizations have been clear across the u.k. they will do to back the deal this is worried about the uncertainty it breaks it there's one thing they worry about and that's a government. with may's deal as good as dead and no clear alternative in sight the mood in europe is one of frustration here's paul slayer who's in the french capital with more. it's a lot of frustration and dismay across europe we are hearing from the european
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council president donald tusk who has said that he expects it to be a credible reason given for any delay to break said in a statement issued by his spokesperson tusk say that the e.u. has done all it can to reach a good deal and that it gave additional assurances back in december january and also before this latest u.k. vote and it was defeat and it's difficult to see what else it could do these views are echoed across europe we're hearing from the spanish prime minister who says that he would grates the decision of the british parliament particularly that it comes despite all the e.u. efforts to reach the best agreement from germany we're hearing from the foreign minister who says that we're coming closer to a no deal break said he said and i'm quoting that those who reject the deal are playing with the well being of citizens and the economy in a careless manner and he urged that these coming days be used in such a way that they avoid a disk orderly exit we've also heard from germans europe minister now he has
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expressed the frustration that we're feeling across europe he says that they are at the very limits of what's bearable that they've already changed the agreement one has to suit britain and that they are open to further talks but it's difficult to know what bush said once at this stage what's much more clear is what person does not want the european commission or to say that the e.u. will consider a possible extension of for a brics a deadline but that equated to period is on the reasons given there is a growing expectation that britain could ask for such an extension if he don't go see it is obvious that if the parliament of the united kingdom asks for an extension we would be stupid to pull the plug ourselves in other words we could tell them listen we give you an extra month we give you two months or more than that i mean if they ask. an extension just for the sake of having an extension with those plans what guarantees do i have that the situation will be different in
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a month or two they are growing voices against such an extension guy federal statue is the european parliament breaks it coordinated is one of those who's against it what what what where we should start to give even a short extension if there is no clear position of the house of commons nigel for raj the former you keep leader and currently a member of the european parliament is not surprised by the vote it's a massive crushing defeat for the government it represents a total failure of leadership on behalf of mrs may well how can it be that breaks it is like me who want a recall of a century for us to leave the european union or against this deal about how bad a deal it is the e.u. chief breaks it negotiating michelle bania blame the u.k. lawmakers for failing to accept to resume a's plenty he took to twitter in which he said that he was disappointed and that a no deal preparation was more important now than ever and he also said that the
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impossible could only be solved inside the u.k. our guest discussed the prospects of bricks it saying the u.k. parliament finds itself in a bit of a rut. i think we will be going to have to deny brakes in any event because we've even had the miracle happened and she had one tonight we simply don't have enough time now between now and the end of the amount to put in place cooling you statute two statutes three bits objects or that we need now i think frankly that it would be completely crazy of the government to come back for a set time with the same deal because it would be the identical deal because brussels didn't blink and they're not going to blink the e.u. has been flexible it's refused to change its position that i think in some way so you could say that the e.u. obviously what spitzer many in back and i suppose all the way through it's had two
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goals the first one is if possible to persuade britain to go back on the vote but secondly that if there is going to be a bracket that they don't want to censor the example of votes of being easy for any other man and some of it's going to have to be done in the next two days to make politicians start to really genuinely work together to get some decent outcome out of this chaos we put the. brakes at countdown on r t. the terror group islamic state has penetrated a refugee camp in greece where it's persecuted a religious minority and that's the finding of a soon to be released documentary. it's a process for so many that's designed for about. daoism but realistically.
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around to head down. the conditions of the home raided by the rest of the soto's of videos of the right something all the times but she was seriously hurt oh the earth or even the flu. or rather know your. eyes i didn't. say oh he'll come away do i care oh they can steal my dogs every. model of. life on the farm or the on the other nor moved i know you know i've been there in the. car on the dog park with the living off i thought the book on.
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top of this many times to put a camera i trust to protect ourselves we get to go. the full film will be released in may we had a chance to speak to its producer about how they ended up telling the story. you know the main reason we chose more is because there were reports of really quite disastrous things happening there but we never ever expected to find out what we really found out this place was was completely sort of uncontrollable there were there were tens scattered all so all through the mountainsides there was no security there there was almost no control whatsoever and one of the residents actually told us they were terrified of being attacked one man told us on camera that the reason he fled the middle east was to escape from radical islam's when they arrived in europe within days they were experiencing the same thing which was which was really really shocking and there's an overwhelming feeling of
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hopelessness when you're there you know as a filmmaker. director george and laura and i have spent so much time in different different environments different conditions but this was definitely one of the most difficult and also scary this is you know interpol only recently published published a report saying that there's now a new wave of terror threat coming to europe from returning to hardy's the residents told us that the reason isis is operating on the town now it's because they've been defeated in their own countries in the east and so now they're coming here and it all fits into the narrative of interpol and to to everybody else so so it's. it's quite depressing overall but it was worth it to bring this truth now that the police know the government has responded to a request sent by the documentary makers on the situation in the camp we've sent our own request to the police as well. french president emmanuel mccrone vision of a reformed european union which he made last week has been met with derision by some of the blocs key players the austrian chancellor and the head of germany's
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biggest party merkel successor of the christian democrats are among those rejecting his ideas artie's peter all over looks at what they took exception to. if french president or manual mccrone was hoping that fellow e.u. leaders would support his new vision for the future of europe his european renascence as he called it well he may be a little disappointed austrian chancellor said busty and could says the latest to criticize micron's plan saying it's utopian and comes with too many rules as it to me i believe that many of the suggestions are utopian we plead for europe with as few rules as possible. so what is mccrum put forward that could doesn't like well he's proposed creating a whole load of new e.u. agencies including one that would police campaign financing in elections in member states he also wants to see more and more centralized powers for a shingle on board a force and is even a plan there for an e.u.
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minimum wage mark or once a an agency for democracy that's ridiculous i mean we have democracy you should reform the e.u. but he doesn't really want to reform the because it's an intra governmental e.q. built on french design i mean france basically has a vested plymouths there and the e.u. is missing true parliament and the who is missing. french nuclear power and the french seed in the in the security council so for the to reform we have to talk about everything it's not just the austrian chancellor that is unhappy about this though here in germany the woman widely tipped to take over from angola merkel is chancellor also isn't very king european central isn't european status in the community rising debt the european eyes ation of social systems and the minimum wage would be the wrong approach c.d.u. leader on a good outcome count did agree with president macro when it came to security but on
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not a lot else and members of a christian democratic union party are also critical of the plan i'm quite amazed that on. good come of the new cd you little skeptical because normally german leaders always follow the french leaders of germany thought that would be part of the german reason of state but apparently it's not anymore than you can see in this the turmoil and the the change in europe the pressure by the people and democratic change her has probably brought the party leader to push her position herself slightly more skeptical of new french plans and france is failing and this e.u. in some ways is feeling the timing of the release of my crohn's plan hasn't helped the french president either it's come out just before european parliamentary elections in which it's expected euro skeptic parties will make pretty decent gains and while he hasn't got the support of key allies within the european union mccrone his dream of a new european or in a sense may well remain just
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a dream peter all of a r.t. berlin. the european commission has been in china a systematic rival and a new document put forward to a u. member states the document adds ten points to achieve better economic balance with beijing to address what it calls the distortive effect of china's state owned companies the plan also urges all member states to form a unified position on china the proposal will be put to e.u. leaders at a meeting next week ahead of the e.u. china summit scheduled for next month what we want. is to avoid. in up to the situation where we are forced to we public subsidies we believe in social market economy and we are not in favor of subsidized economy. brussels mayfair member states moving under china's influence after italy said it was considering joining beijing's giant one belt one road global infrastructure plan
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the project involves building interlinked land and sea routes across the planet it already includes sixty five countries and half the world's population accounting for a quarter of the global g.d.p. thirteen countries have already joined and italy may be next with all the necessary precautions it's a lease accession to new silk route represents an opportunity for a country the coming meeting with the chinese president will be no opportunity to sign the framework agreement it won't mean that the next days will be forced to do anything it will allow us to enter into this project and have dialogue. co-founder of arachnids investment managers told us brussels has real concerns about major member states doing deals with china. to handle the relationship with china as a bloc and now that italy which is the third biggest economy in the u. and one of the d.g.
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seven countries talking about joining this chinese project of this infrastructure connected the whole word it is quite concerning for them from any point of view not only as a bloc. also in the relationship with other blocs such as the us which is actually engaged in a very clear stance against china loping this infrastructure around the world to let's not forget about the what happened with the the chief investment officer of the way being arrested in kind of that and then sent to the us i mean it's a it's a global situation then the e.u. is concerned if italy would given the size of the country would join this kind of project. still to come the head of c.n.n. slams fox news as a propaganda machine adding that the channel has done quote tremendous damage to the us a look at what prompted that outer outburst after the break. join
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me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be old rich. six percent world market rose thirty percent somewhat one hundred to five hundred three first second per second and this one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember in one one business show you know bored to miss the one and only boom but
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. welcome back c n n's chief has slammed fox news as a propaganda outlet he also expressed support for the us democratic party's decision to exclude fox from hosting its twenty twenty primary debates. they choose to work at fox and they don't get to hide behind the fact that they're excellent journalists so anchors the fact is they work at a place that has done tremendous damage to this country the idea is that of course whoever is in power or and whoever i guess whatever platform is more sympathetic that will be state run or what i buy referred to as perhaps state
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sympathetic fox and c.n.n. have been at each other's throats for some time here's a look back. more fake news from c.n.n. this time it is spewing from the lips of the clinton news network president his name is jeff zucker it is really state run t.v. it is a pure propaganda machine sucker is a partisan democrat you cannot understand the thumping here without understanding. given the world a very distorted perverted view of our country every single day we get the echo chamber effect starting to sell the president's message it's a lot our news anchors don't consult donald trump when something becomes a pattern you don't tell the truth on a daily basis that's a problem at least i'm not responsible for a quarter of a billion dollar lawsuit by smearing a minor they want to press. their entire trial obsessive coverage it's
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impossible to watch with this is not personal this is just the truth. and rebuild a list of all the things that you said and do it again and show that you mean it all that's fair and balanced these are the facts as journalists we have to give you the facts we should put c.n.n. six feet you see right there under brown scary. we were object scene and world view completely. folks can do no room. right and i don't think either one of those is right. propaganda means something that somebody else is saying that you don't agree with their recipient and the object of your truth if they don't like it calls you propaganda it is impossible for a human being to look at any particular story and not have any as you would say by
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if you don't know the history of something if you don't know if you have no basis and with that basis. comes a particular slant perspective there was no such thing as objectivity because objectivity means everybody had to agree on it then the person who doing it was a why they got objective and the person who does not particularly like the flavor or the subject of the story didn't say that only are you not objective but is it propaganda which brings us or right back to the beginning. protests erupted overnight in the venezuelan capital were supporters of the country's opposition leader clashed with police. the unrest started after people gathered in the western district of the city as they see their worst throwing stones at. people were urged on to the street by the country's self-proclaimed president one white oh i think it was one of the people i know it sounds harsh in a venezuela that is bleeding today that is suffering to say that we are doing well
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i know that sounds tough but it is obvious that we aren't saying it because of the country situation because we know the situation in the country is critical we know it is critical and have condemned it and we have a proposal to improve it when we say that it is because we are united when we say it it is because we are going all out to achieve in his way less freedom we will not tremble when we make those decisions and as well as president nicolas maduro says the majority of the country is calm with electrical power having been restored following massive nationwide outages he alleges us hackers were behind the a blackout and has appealed for help defending against future interference. i want you to know that i have appointed a presidential special investigations commission to look into the cyber attack and i've asked for the participation of international specialists i will ask for the support of the united nations and in addition i will also ask for the already active support of russia china iran and cuba countries with
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a lot of experience defending against cyberattacks we really have the support of these countries. if the u.s. government was concerned about the humanitarian situation inside then as well and then they should begin the process of lifting sanctions twenty million dollars in aid does not in any way reflect the value of what could be lost by the venezuelan government every day the very notion that the chopper ministration would be concerned about the humanity of people in venezuela is laughable there has been an attempt by the administration to manufacture a crisis a crisis they did not exist in this country there was an election the people voted and i mistook him a dorm was. scheduled to assume his office of the constitution but then we have this diversion by the national assembly that is in contempt and now we have this manufactured crisis at this point all of the
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respectability and legitimacy stance with the. government a government recognized by the vast majority of the states on this planet that's a wrap up of the day's top news for now thanks for tuning in. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to be. the two going to be cross it's like the full story in the morning can't be good that i'm interested always in the winds in the house. or sydney.
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after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to say i know from fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising us all or nothing if you think. i'm going to talk about football not be or else i just think i was going to the. by the way ways of that slide here. in a world of big partisan lot and conspiracies it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting
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past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. hello and welcome across all things are considered i'm peter lavelle whether you're for or against the ben is way low government for or against socialism it is obvious the mainstream media are committing a lot of journalistic malpractise once again mainstream media at hold the policy preferences of those in power if it comes to still another military intervention will the media be held responsible.
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