tv Keiser Report RT March 14, 2019 6:30am-7:00am EDT
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let's turn to stacy herbert and get the latest max we've seen the evidence pouring in it looks like despite soaring stock markets in the united states this year at least maybe other places didn't have the same. that they actually cannot taper the ponzi they've been trying to pretend that they can taper only so that they can unwind it we saw that in europe they're announcing more quantitative easing the fed in the united states is indicating that they're considering negative rates should anything ever go bad again but you know here's an image that really put the fear of god in me and that is powell yellen and bernanke. current fed chair former and then the previous one to her pal sixty minute message to stress the fed independence of the efforts to support average american yes their policies just so you know and just so you don't come with the pitchforks when the
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next round of negative rates gowns they're doing this for your own good well you may recall that ben bernanke the well he was the chairman of the federal reserve bank made the comment that yeah we're doing all this quantitative easing now the word they're buying back the bonds that they sell but we can reverse ourselves in fifteen minutes it's not a debt monetization like you might find in some quote banana republic where they just buy back all the debt that they sell no no it's quantitative easing because it's temporary what they've said this week and i guess to why all three of these fed chairman kernan poster on our past are on sixty minutes are because they've now come to the realisation that they have been monetizing debt that the u.s. dollar is grossly over inflated that it is in a bubble that it will pop and they are preparing for the backlash they are preparing for the ugly backlash. so here i'm going to say also in the past week
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what we've seen i'm going to show you two tweets which indicate perhaps all is not right behind the scenes on the surface it all looks sunny and fun and warm and cuddly and house prices are rising and stock prices are rising except for the huge down to the fed's william says in a downturn we could consider quantitative easing negative rates and then that was you know the united states federal reserve bank a tweet from the e.c.b. draggy negative rates have been quite successful he said he believes negative rates have been successful so far in helping the european economy when the. european central bank drag mentioned this i will say this is the stock six hundred bank shares they plummeted so i don't think investors were happy to hear this from the european central bank no bank stocks and you know
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the era of reagan you know the financialization of the economy has become the dominant theme in global economics so we're post manufacturing you know we entered into just a bank ponzi scheme economy globally that requires. continuous money printing as any ponzi scheme does so this idea of negative interest rates is the admission that simply printing money is not enough to keep the ponzi scheme going to have to confiscate money they have to confiscate money from people's accounts the negative interest rate is coming to your bank account soon as being done on the wholesale level right now between countries but now it's going to come to your local bank account so instead of getting thirty basis points on your money market fund or on your savings account the bank you'll get a negative three percent so that three percent will be taken out of your account and given to someone that the central bank says a systemic only important so if you said oh my god that sounds like medieval islam
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that sounds like the old church tithing from folks to appease god yes they believe they are gods that's why they justify stealing so this is new for this is neo feudalism now we're entering into well i'm not sure about the gods or certainly lloyd blankfein mentioned that he was doing god's work nevertheless he's no longer there but what we have is a system that is rigged against the ordinary person here they are telling you they're doing it for your own good this is what abusive parents also often say when they're abusing their children is they say they're doing it for their own good yellen or nanki and pow went on to sixty minutes on to national television here in america and i said we're going to be doing something for your own good get ready for it so they're basically giving the banks warning that what's coming in the banks are happy the banks should be happy they're going to do well but for the
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ordinary person you should buy gold and silver i think you know because you need to protect yourself because they are already signaling to the world what they're about to do and that there are bad debts that we don't know about that haven't been made transparent. again when everything is on a block chain that is immutable and you can't hide your fraud this sort of behavior will not be allowed but i want to turn to another tweet about what's going on with the european central bank and european banks so you know that the european central bank started late with their quantitative easing compared to america they started a few years afterward but here's a tweet saying that european banks have been buying e.u. government bonds again they've even been making the purchases using the cheap loans extended to them by the e.c. be the ones intended to spur lending to anyone or anything other than
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governments when they're telling you that this is for your own good ordinary joe bad they don't a citizen out there where we're giving all this free money to banks for your own good and they say what how it's supposed to be for your own good is that this is going to stimulate the economy it's going to encourage companies to borrow and invest in production and the future and you and your wages but over and over they just continue to lend to governments because of gov of course governments are the safe bet because they could just print more money and tax you the citizen who hasn't been a beneficiary of any of this money printing ok the term for this is debt monetization so if i have a store and i borrow money from the bank to buy everything in my store. how long would that be successful how long would that could i be in business that business model i borrow money to pay the bank interest and i buy everything in my store. i don't sell anything i make no profits i'm just borrowing money to buy my own store
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ok the central bank is borrowing money from each other to buy their own debt they say they're lending money to businesses to create economic activity to stimulate aggregate demand but that's false they offer this credit out to the market and they say who wants credit who wants to be in business who wants to be a millionaire and the betting jamie dimon says i want it i want it so as we saw with m.f. global that scandal he simply walks and breaks every known law on the books to get the money what's in a bank account. ok well by that measure anyone who's robbed a bank is a genius anyone who's robbed a convenience store is a genius by that measure but it's also smoke and mirrors and you don't know who's lying to you but they're lying to you it's a it's a it's it's like a magic show right there pretending oh we're helping you the ordinary citizen out
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we the central banks and we're independent we're not doing anything to help the governments or the bankers and yet time after time it seems to just help the governments and the bankers and that's it's a shroud it's a charade it's like it's fake it's like why are they giving the money to the bankers who then lent it to the governments why cut out what why use that middleman so they don't have to pretend it's an entire lee command and control monetary system but as i was just about because i believe it was you who pointed out that there is a separation between church and state america and the central banks have set themselves up as a church have set themselves up as a religion well so explain this further we this will be coming up in a new series we have called to the moon and we had a conversation with ms only highways and in that conversation we talk about that separation of church and state and what has happened now is we have no separation between the church of the federal reserve back. the bankers i.e.
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they have a divine right to continue to exist only they have a divine right you must be subject to the laws of nature and that is you know creative destruction you if you have a bad business idea you fail these guys have bad bets and they succeed over and over that's my point about neo feudalism under feudalism you had the monarchy you gave to the monarchs or justified it by being divinely and. in doubt right then you had separation of church and state then you have the enlightenment then you have the constitution then you have the american express experiment again now the central banks are saying that all the american is determined felt we are gods we are part of your mental definitely definitely post in my human it's a pretty and lightman sort of time and only certain feudalism feudalism was the economic model before that time was called feudalism so this is a neo feudalism yeah but i like the i prefer the word sort of divine in that they
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have some sort of there in doubt with special privileges and rights above them by. a margin i believe they were the queen elizabeth i think she's given power by god right i mean that's what a monarch thinks in terms of europe of course you know the central bank says i'm printing this money we're printing this money we're giving it to the banks and they're going to lend it to companies and economy is going to grow but in fact what happens is they give it to the government and the reason is because of the the regulations about their tear one capital and basically there's nowhere for them to put it to governments so. you know this is part of that weird neo liberal claptrap which they they all say they're just following the rules the algorithm says we have to put it there we would lend it to you joe bag it don't it's. there but you know what you're not credit worthy even though our free money is coming from your good
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credit essentially as a nation and as a people write and speak in a chair when capital in this is by the bank of international settlements the latest basil agreement kicks in on march twenty ninth and in this new iteration gold is considered to be a reserve asset for the first time in many many years so now gold is back a century in play gold as though a reserve currency for the first time in decades that's why china russia and these other countries have been aggressively buying gold and now we're back on a gold standard i know people won't cover this on c n b c or other news outlets but the gold standard effectively is as of the end of this month is back where the b.a.'s used to not count foreign currency exchange reserves they only counted gold and now they're it looks like yeah we're coming back to that i saw jim rickards will say in the last few moments here but he was saying that you know the u.s. in terms of their debt ceiling debate coming up again because now are over twenty
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one trillion dollars and it is our gold reserves that eight thousand tons are still valued on the books at forty four dollars an ounce obviously it's thirteen hundred dollars an ounce but he's saying like one way to get to avoid this you know the showdown in congress about the debt ceiling is just to revalue it at one hundred dollars an ounce and you know so double their ability of your government to borrow but that's what they'll do to reduce debt percentage to g.d.p. they'll simply say ok gold is higher than forty four dollars an ounce and so the gold standard is back in that we were saying about this for years and i'm going to take a break when we come back much more coming your way through and go one. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest on the world
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of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising people and i saw why not if you think. i'm going to talk about football narvi or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of the slide here. this is is a stick from the water bottle found in the stomach of a fish the brand is sponsor of the coca-cola company which sells millions of
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bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. that seems cool sets their classes. on my end i need to stay on your phones at a special projects funded me. on the new vest that is the end of it for the team but for now the mountains of waste only grow higher. welcome back to the kaiser report i'm max keiser time matter eternal for a conversation with mr shad lot of missed talk dot com flesh welcome back pleasure to be on the show max are you watching the economic indicators the economists are
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surprised by is once again right max what they are not surprised yeah yeah we're going to talk about economic indicators in a second message i want to follow up on a point from our previous conversation and it has to do with competition versus non-competition the problem is with socialism social democracy m.m.t. keynesianism or our or the universal basic income is that it creates monoculture because there's no there's no competition and competition is needed for a species to survive the way you end up with survival is you need diversity in a species not a monoculture and that is gives you protection against changes in the environment when the environment changes those those elements in those parts of the culture of the ecosystem that might be different than the other parts they survive the others
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don't it's survival of the fittest the only way you get that is through competition if you have universal basic income you'll have one flat line monoculture you know dead zone there's no competition therefore you're threatening their survival of the species that's what socialism does it and it always produces. a society that collapses and we've never seen it ever work how come these will any ills are buying into this claptrap it's completely dead stuff dead dead and mess absolutely max you know no competition no price discovery it's incredible how anyone can think that this can possibly work except it's what they want to hear if someone says i'm going to give you a free. people like to believe that even though they ought to know
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it can't possibly work. ok well let's move on the economic indicators some construction spending has tumbled again a whole bunch of numbers that have come out you're great in putting all that connecting the dots in providing us a picture of what is going on you mentioned in our last chat that ether some perhaps a recession on the horizon where are we in the cycle ness i with it's pretty clear that the whole global economy is sinking but if we just look at the u.s. a lot of these reports were delayed and i mean we're just now looking at december data for some of the stuff we're looking at december construction data today and that should have been reflected in the last g.d.p. estimates of for two thousand and eight tain fourth quarter what they were were just finding about about this stuff now now economists said in december that december spending consumer spending was an outlier well it wasn't and
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we're saying you know more evidence of that elsewhere and then today economists expected almost sales to excuse me a residential construction to rise in november instead it fell year over year numbers why i came up with different numbers than bloomberg connor day they complain normally when you compare year over year numbers you do it out or non seasonally adjusted basis residential construction spending is down over three percent year on year the numbers look abysmal now nonresidential construction is still positive year over year but i'm watching all these store closing reports max all over the place stores are closing wal-mart's only in a build ten new stores this year so it's what started with residential
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is going to spill over. or into malls big time and of course amazon is part of that reason and part of that reason is consumers are simply tapped out rank and personal consumer numbers we have tumbled we haven't seen this since two thousand and eight so during the huge crisis but there is no reported crisis happening and yet consumption is is collapsing and it's interesting though of course that u.s. stock markets continue to move higher this seems to be divorced from reality in some way or it all started there wasn't a down week for like six weeks i think maybe it was five after our all reversed course the stock markets were tanking when he's penciled in three rate hikes for two thousand night jane are not going to happen max and then he said the quantitative easing or quantitative tapering was on autopilot it reversed course
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on that to the markets took off never looked back we're saying a strong down day today actually for the first time in a long time we've seen some minor down days but this rowdy seems to have been. fueled by just the power of just reversing course i look back and people like john hussman look back and markets can stay irrational for a really long time but there's there's no instance when they stay irrational forever max that i can say right what about our friend gold you know gold is in it's looking a little perkier plenty of a certainly on a quite quite a run there the same to be some fundamental reasons for that and but you know gold and the dollar dollar is strong in all of this and i guess the question is really
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what the dollar measures you know these there. so much problem in europe so much problems at bragg's that so there is a bid for the dollar you do have problems and starkey the emerging markets so there is a lot of support for the dollar but the dollar is you know problematic in a lot of ways. you know dollar versus gold is that kind of strange any time soon or is twenty one thousand going to be another another year for a dollar strength mr trump was complaining just two days ago he made a complaint back in december i was surprised when he repeated it eight attacked the fed once again for raising interest rates and he attacked a straight to the u.s. dollar and then like oh us had second thoughts when he gave this speech came back and said well you know we want a strong dollar ok not too strong max so all these people believe they know where everything should be a now and you kind of
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a hit one of the strains of the dollar isn't were expected to get on with their version of quantitative tightening if they did it would literally say italy either one big buyers for dahlia and bonds. so here we are it's the bad is still in no people are still and pretending mode here but yeah the u.s. is a little bit stronger than europe right now that's going a bit to a dollar and then of course when stocks go up foreign investors are have a double when max that dollar goes up so they gain their stocks goes up they gain their. whenever vs max wealth plays to the noun side the dollar declines u.s. stock market declines what we've had is this positive feedback loop well we are going to have. see that go in reverse where we're going to have
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a positive feedback loop of the negative kind we're reinforces itself negatively once the u.s. stock market starts to decline right right leverage is a two edged sword isn't it cuts both ways now of course a missed eleven the beautiful state of illinois and illinois does not known at this juncture for having very sound economic policies they seem to be going through some troubles there you have been updating us from time to time what's the latest on illinois is it is that they figured out how to rectify the problem over there mess no they figured out how to make it worse they're borrowing money for pensions they don't want to reform pensions we've actually got a socialist government here in the state now this guy ran on a democratic party but he's a he's a pure bred socialist he wants progressive income taxes wants more unions
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all of the things that got illinois and hot water he wants to do more people are fleeing the state of illinois i think two thousand one thousand two thousand and twenty one of those two max i'm out of here might be heading to utah i don't know where we're heading precisely but anywhere out of here. is is is is where we're headed metals examine that for a second because of course in the united states right now you have migration out of the so-called blue states because of the tax picture has changed pretty dramatically can't get the same right off he got and people are moving into these red states. they're moving into florida they're moving into texas where you have no state or local income tax they're moving to puerto rico where you have a very high tax advantages there as well so that adds to you know that creates
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economic migration creates all kinds of different changes in the economy and so you know illinois i guess wants wasn't a manufacturing hub and if everyone's going to flee the state where where would you look at me would you go would you look to a texas or florida miss in terms of taxes spends on exactly what your strategy is here in the we just you know want out of here period the if if you're looking to. find a job somewhere else certainly you're going to try to go to a low tax state. people are going to texas people are retiring to florida i don't like florida it's too hot and too humid from a huge so i would go somewhere else but a lot of people are simply trapped and those who are trapped are those that don't
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have skills that don't transfer so you have wealthy individuals leaving the state and you're leaving behind poorer and poorer people and the governor solution is to raise taxes it doesn't work it's it's a lie max they're talking about raising taxes on the upper end it is going to be the biggest middle tax. tax middle class tax hike we've ever seen and illinois has seen several of them already this next one if they pass this note does require a constitutional amendment change but that is number one on the governor's agenda if they get that thing passed we're going to see a mass exodus we're out of time you know if you are living in chicago i believe just on the basis that there is absolutely no decent pizza anyway mr gotta go
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thanks for coming on the cars report leisure be on max next time looking forward to . going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and stacy everett want to thank our guest mr shabaka of mr talk dot com if you want to reach us on twitter it's cause the reports are like signed by a. bank or a thumb up from what they. thought they you know quite. a chore in the. form of fear and i don't think i want to. go through because a couple of i. got. focused through the
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case and. you know full well for you but i think you have a. stabilization because you want to. perform. the don't think nothing according. to folks in. the united. seventy four design submissions. seven thousand pilings. to china judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of. a russian w.b. a champion. and a russian stuff. show you how. long the crimea bridge was built.
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witnessed the construction moving you need to transpose doughtery that will help out of crimea. pasta most of those you know won't go for more snow yet it abuts clear. although the latest skirmish only indian pakistani border has faded from the headlines it left the leaders on both sides with high up rueful ratings will most spike in the polls lead to more risk taking when the next confrontation takes place . was .
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was. you have no doubt that we are in the constitutional crisis it is a crisis unprecedented levels the british prime minister's deal rejected no deal breaks it rejected and no clear way out but the clock ticking the u.k. parliament tears its hair out over how to overcome the proxy impasse. u.s. secretary of state mike pompei out declarer's washing.
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