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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  March 15, 2019 1:30am-2:01am EDT

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experiments in fields such as biology and human research artie's maria phenomena witnessed the thrilling takeoff at kazakhstan's baikonur cosmodrome. ok here it is the moment you can see them fifty nine six petition to the international space station starts oh my goodness look at this line. it's. the. russians see. this just from here to the rocket in this chain to national border russia aleksey of chanaan and to nasa astronauts nikkei and
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christina colgan here people who have gathered here from all around the globe to witness the launch of loading because that was picked tackler it. is a little bit clouded right now here is so but i can still see the rocket in this cause just eight and a half minutes it is expected to reach the orbit and that is going to take another six a round six and a half hours to dog with the international space station alexander in a neat hagen mondo's and word as you remember their previous mission in october didn't go well it was aborted made flight due to technical problems and just minutes off to the left all for sneak and aleksei had to return to earth in an emergency capsule maybe you remember these dramatic pictures from the inside of this emergency capsule showing nique shaking a really dramatic sad pictures but it actually was
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a miracle that they had returned to earth on the horror and injured. this is where they were you think cap to pipe down from five hundred to one of those from the launch pad microwave this way to would mean they've fallen on populated lending very healthy and cina need paid to lend it on farms on group who have given that the one with a fifty kilometer if he believes to be sent many times poorer than the force of gravity while on the ground no one was hurt either you want me there think of stafford obama into law before they in this area never mind the power for a religion fool truly think worth a paper a world power is bring may flowers here on they haven't found that as well as
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romney who would praise for the emergency system. i had a chance to talk to both the nikkei and alexei of chaining and they have assured me that they are full of confidence ahead of flight and looking forward to finally reach the international space station well the space launch is always a very spectacular thing to watch as you can imagine especially during night time like today so we are kind of a lockie but we are not the only one to witness the launch from the ground people from all around the globe come here to baikonur to see with their own eyes this is a spectacular as seen and actually to wave spacemen while they're sitting already inside the spacecraft funny thing is that spacecraft has no we actually those who are on board cannot see those who are on the ground but still it is very emotional
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moment for everybody involved earlier i've had a chance to talk to some of these enthusiastic tourists the course. you can see such an event on there once in your lifetime one cannot miss it it's a great event it's very interesting and is a huge step into space for all of the country we came last year in october to see the space launch and as you know is a wonderful experience but they got up it didn't get all the way up into space it was an aborted mission so we just got our mind it came back again we were five years old when they landed on the. spot a long time we were young it was exciting and we are because we lived near where neil armstrong the first man to step on the man he's from really close to where we live it's a special it's a one time experience and i'm glad all these people got to come here and this is. a dream of mine since i was five years old to go off and to come here which is the
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birthplace of the russian space the russian space program for me is. there is no long standing sort of ratio but it's just a long long standing dream i watched every launch at home i watch on the internet and i even arrange my working life around the launches so. we heard about this last year and we were looking forward to it and we saw the launch problems last year and we're getting more and more excited. quick update now on our breaking news a multiple shootings at two mosques in christchurch in new zealand have left nine people confirmed dead with media reports putting the number of fatalities as high as twenty seven it's also reported that thirty people were injured four suspects all now reportedly in custody in place of war and members of the islamic community to stay clear of places places of worship at the moment. obviously on this developing situation after
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a short break. me me me me me me me me me me me break said count down tonality. join me every thursday on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to the world of politics sports business i'm sure i'll see you then.
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the briggs's saga continues a deeply divided british house of commons can only seem to agree on one thing it doesn't want the u.k. to meet the e.u. without a deal the problem is there isn't a parliamentary majority on what to do next maybe this was to resumes play and all along breaks it down. this is this is a stick of water bottle found in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers they're the bad ones they're the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this way to company has promised to reuse the plastic.
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on. the mountains of moist only grow higher. welcome back and straight to our breaking news story multiple people have reportedly been killed and injured in a mass shooting at two mosques in christchurch new zealand police have confirmed that nine people dead through the reports put the number as high as twenty seven it's also reported that thirty people were injured four suspects are now reportedly in custody however the police are warning that people shouldn't assume. the danger is over if our teeth are advising people to stay away from mosques and school children to stay at home staying. has more to tell. the situation is still very much ongoing at this time it isn't either what we do know
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is that early after in the afternoon our time right in the middle of prayer time at the mosque that mosque in christchurch called mushy down or a gunman burst into the small screen was traced and military military clothing with a mask and he opened fire with a semiautomatic weapon we think he didn't get reloading and kept shooting shooting anyone he could see indiscriminately the reports we have we don't know how many people were killed it's it's at least at least twenty maybe thirty that wasn't only in one mosque and been there was another more christchurch group the little. mosque and there was another attack there again it's still unclear how many people were killed in that mosque in a society still ongoing very much the police have got the whole city under lockdown nobody is allowed to leave their homes or go home the police commissioner the chief
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police officer in new zealand. mike bush warned people not to go into mosques and not just in christchurch but around new zealand because although they have for people he said for table in custody at this time he doesn't know whether there is still a risk and he warns that it is still very unclear it's a very fluid situation and people should stay at home and just be very careful we have heard that the possible suspect one of them has been identified as an australian man a white supremacist. and he apparently posted on twitter that he had planned the subject and as motivation was to attack immigrants basically and this is just terrific prime minister just send dern his spin on. made a statement saying this is not who we are as
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a people as leaders the wonders we have tolerance towards immigrants to people from around the world and let's just never have happened a lot has happened in the past few allies has a quick recap of the key moments. it was the neighborhood i saw in the main the room on the right inside it would burn people plus people some of them were dead some of them were screaming bloody but the monument left in the room and i'm thinking oh my god oh my god it's going to happen to me now. this is one of new zealand's dhaka just days. according to reports one of the suspects is a twenty eight year old local who streamed the shooting via facebook he previously
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posted a white supremacist manifesto his social media accounts have since been blocked this latest incident follows a rising number of attacks on muslims in recent years. right terror attack took place in june twenty seventeen in north london near finsbury park a man named darren osborne used his phone supplier through a group conducting prayers outside the muslim welfare house one person was killed and twelve were injured and in january twenty seventh team canada saw an attack on worshipers at a mosque in quebec city the perpetrator was a local university student alexander bissonnette six people died and nineteen were injured in that attack it was declared an act of terrorism our guests gave us their analysis of the situation. if he attacks in a mosque one report said he was light skinned so one presumes that he was a little muslim himself. a show presumes this i'm sure would be i think that it
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is a terrorist attack that somebody has been doing it for political religious a mixture of reasons all compounded by some sort of drain. but a terrorist attack i think is this assumption is that there will be this huge psychological and political damage this is charles and as the first time this has happened a religious shooting at this sort as happened in new zealand we've had in a mascot's before. people did range people but this is the first time a mosque has been attacked. a so the implications of that are really very very serious you know and you zealand. in a sense is coming into the twenty first century the timing of it doesn't seem to be related to anything in new zealand particularly because this that leads to the gunmen who they have at the moment is not the new zealand but it's the one who
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chose new zealand as a kind of a soft place where he would go and attend and make his political point and connect his violent side i think this is got very much to do with with timing in new zealand this is about the move to do with the pseuds of of of right wing racist behavior in other countries we've had many years of heightened anti terrorist activity in our country but it's always been looking towards the muslim community not for protecting them and i hope this will cause quite a lot of soul searching among the people that the people they've been spying on and worrying about would end up being the victims and they found to still. in other news now brags it is heading for yet another cliffhanger after british m.p.'s voted to delay the u.k. departure from the european union the british prime minister will now return to
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brussels and seek an extension to the deadline with just two weeks before the currently shed your digs that date frustration is building in the us. we are like a circle in a spiral like a wheel within a wheel never ending or beginning on an ever spinning real it's just going on and on and on now we're told that the way that we can avoid any delay is to support the deal that the government has concluded with the european union but yet this house as my own girlfriend has just mentioned has twice rejected that deal most recently only two days ago the deal is dead it cannot be resurrected her deal and no deal a simply no longer viable option it isn't just the prime minister let down by. the countries being misled and now the plan has been mislaid she has bludgeoned us black and blue with a painful deal and her robotic mantra of it's my deal or no deal this is
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a waste of time and a waste of time for our chamber and that should not be what we should be to is thinking i am asking now a way forward and why full weight is to extend article fifteen british people are sick of this pricks it's those people you know how sorry try as they may well have a third chance of putting her divorce plan a vote before the house of commons next week the british prime minister has warned against rejecting it saying it would trigger a lengthy delay period and a secure looks at some of the possibilities still on the table as parliament calls on may. been a very hectic week here in parliament with a series of votes meant to eliminate certain possibilities of what bracks it might end up looking like if you recall just on tuesday nights we saw m.p.'s reject to resubmit breck's a deal that she painstaking this taking we negotiated with brussels reject that for
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the second time around then on wednesday night we saw a big no to the possibility of a new deal bracks it which of course still didn't take that option off the table however are no thursday nights the last of a series of crucial votes at least for now where m.p.'s got together to vote on a possible extension of the bracks a deadline the original bragg's a deadline now march twenty ninth as many as four hundred twelve m.p.'s said yes to extending the deadline two hundred two said no that's a majority of two hundred ten votes so certainly quite a considerable margin that indicates if there's anything the house of commons can agree on at this point it's that they're not ready for bracks it to take place at the agreed deadline of march twenty ninth now the big question is to resubmit has to get energized yet again find her way back to brussels and try to get an
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extension agreement from members of the european union so what is this extension going to be used for is the big question and that's an answer that certainly brussels wants to hear from the u.k. but also that's an answer that teresa mayes going to have to find before she tries to get back into any kinds of negotiations or talks or whatever you want to call it attempts to try to figure out what happens with all of this next. across the channel news of a brags that delay we're less than welcomed by brussels elite is thrown cold water and teresa mayes plan to buy time one in westminster to clarify and when it intends to leave the block from berlin here's peter oliver. almost immediately after the vote in the house of commons that went through with a two hundred ten majority m.p. saying they wanted an extension we heard from the e.u. commission saying that they had been watching the vote intently and they pointed
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out in this very short but quite distinct statement that in order to get an extension it would require all twenty seven member states to agree to it donald tusk the european council president said he would be doing everything that he could to try and get the leaders of the e.u. twenty seven to vote in favor of an extension however he said if he was to do that he was going to need a little bit more than just a vote from n.p.'s he was going to need a very good reason why britain needed this extension during my consultations ahead of the european council i will appeal to the e.u. twenty seven to be open to a long extension if the u.k. finds it necessary to rethink its brags its strategy and build consensus around it we've also heard from one of the leaders of the e.u. twenty seven who will be voting on whether the u.k. gets this extension or not a money with the french president said this although he was in favor of an
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extension this couldn't be an extension period that took the form of well a renegotiation period this was very much a period of time for the u.k. to get its act together to get its strategy sorted out the european union's deputy chief of the go see a shin have been well and had said earlier on that the vote that took place in the house of parliament to take no deal off the table pretty much what wasn't worth the paper that m.p.'s had voted on well she was quoting words apparently said by the dutch prime minister mark looter who described a vote by m.p.'s to take no deal off the table a bit like the titanic voting for the iceberg to move out of its way doesn't matter what m.p.'s there decide it matters whether there's a day. all there's not and in fact we also heard from the chief negotiator from the side michel barnier he was speaking in rumania on thursday and said that he still
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wasn't sure what briggs it hoped to achieve or where it was heading to this because . it's a lose lose situation. straight to me crucially i did you. know even. so as it stands at the moment m.p.'s have agreed they want to extend article fifty they're now going to have to convince the twenty seven leaders of the well who will be the twenty seven remaining members of the european union if the u.k. eventually does break that they're going to have to convince them that they've got a good reason to extend article fifty. the hand of u.s. special operations in africa has admitted and washington and its allies and not winning the war on terror in the region and one country in particular. is paying the price down all quarter reports. you've heard about the u.s.
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is adventures in afghanistan iraq libya syria but maybe you didn't know washington's also got involved in the west african country of bourke enough so and well it's not going so great i would tell you it's time we are not winning well he seems more optimistic than some of his allies what we fight against received every day is like a took a don't know with the terrorists won from us for years washington has been fighting that terrorist toxin in burkina faso and like afghanistan terrorist groups in the country are only becoming more active isilon al qaeda splinter groups conducted one hundred thirty seven attacks last year three years ago it was only twelve as a result tens of. thousands of people have fled their homes and over a million require aid the u.n. is calling it a humanitarian emergency and the government knows it has a problem so far the consequences are terrible schools and health clinics are
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closed people have fled it's become a no man's land washington solution has been military presence and money france has also brought armed forces into its former colony its airstrikes regularly act on behalf of the government to deal with militant attacks. today we are militarily engaged in the whole region through the bar come force it's your responsibility to do it because these are friendly countries and because we are all targeted by terrorism which creates a common cause in which we are today deeply engaged there stay in the country hasn't exactly treated the french well though last year the embassy was attacked by militants. but human rights groups are saying the government's crackdown on terrorists is fueling the hate extrajudicial killings abuse of suspects in custody and arbitrary
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arrests to name a few the growing insecurity in birkenau fast so has led to terrible crimes by both armed islamists and state security forces but enough also has been taken over by militants the country itself has suffered immensely the government has not been able to meet top its obligation in or in the interest of its own citizens instability in the country in general with many soldiers who are one supporting the government many have taken arms many are in the bush may be accounted for maybe be joined al qaeda the government clearly has already put their hands up to say they're not feet not able to to contain al-qaeda has decided to increase its attacks against booking afonso simply because it wants to make a statement to the united states that it can take the fight to them so as the united states' involvement in the book you know faso saga has increased so have the attacks. quick update on our breaking news story now multiple shootings at
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two mosques in christchurch in new zealand have left nine people confirmed dead whatever points putting the number of fatalities as high as twenty seven it's also reported that thirty people were injured four suspects and now reportedly in custody police have warned members of the islamic community to stay clear of places of worship up and back in just a few minutes with more updates on this terrible tragedy. that financial survival today was all about. money laundering first to visit this guy should this be different. oh good it's a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in europe
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something in america something overseas or the cayman islands or do we do all these banks are complicit in their tough talk received a soft ball and say hey i'm ready to do some serious money laundering ok let's see how we did while we've got a nice luxury watch for max and for stacey beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal here for a watch guys record. this is a sticker from the water bottle phone in the stomach of the fish the brand is part of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic.
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that seems cool set their plastic. tank on your own fat concessional funding. on the new vest that is the end of it for the teeth of fun now the mountains of waste only grow higher. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to say the home fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising people and i saw why not if you think. i'm going to talk about football narvi or else if you think i was going to go. by the way what is it that sliding here. seventy four design submissions.
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seven thousand pilings. to join judges. and eight hundred sixty nonstop days of. a russian w.b. . under russian stuff. show you how and none. the chromium bridge was built. witnessed the construction living you need to transport. that will help them out of crimea the. most all those while google for more of the rights group. think. someone. bought they are quite.
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enough for a fair and i don't think i want to. justify. putting up because a couple of. e.g. got money. well of course they would be ok sunny. more gentle for a while for you if they think you know how to save a fish and to help you want to go there for fun you both get on thing nothing wrong but not like in a way out of your fucking head. full of opening night and. most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of
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the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest ratings in truth to stand the news business you just need as the right questions and demand the right answer. questions there. breaking news. reports say twenty seven people have been killed and thirty injured. not just. people from this school tomorrow.


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