tv Politicking RT March 15, 2019 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT
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out of jail he is going to benefit is is it should have flipped when he had the chance or should have told the truth to the special counsel when he had the chance these charges might not have been levied against him had he been seen to be somebody who had remorse and was cooperating with authorities so i don't think that triple pardon him at the new york matter has to go to trial it does but right now from the from the initial reading that i've done on it it looks like a very open and shut case in terms of the way he misrepresented the value of his assets in order to get these mortgages for these apartments that he was purchasing trends says he's going to rough go if tim does. what will be the reaction of the congressional republicans and his base. well his base in the congressional republicans will look at that pardon as part of trump saying oh it's all a witch hunt it's all fake it's all phony but the reality is i think he'll pay a price more broadly because he's not just releasing the guy who was his campaign manager he's releasing a guy who has been convicted and is now admitted to
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a number of these charges that he has gone out and committed both perjury and fraud and he's also violated the foreign agents words act a whole host of other things that is going to get banged on conspiracy as well so you've got to you have the president setting free a guy who is an admitted criminal you have a president sitting free a guy who is who is by no means a model of the community or a model citizen who has worked for some of the worst folks in the world i think it's a net negative for the president to pardon him who do you think in the trump world other than men of ford has to worry about men and force charges in new york. well i think you might end up with a situation where whoever negotiated the out the exit package from the campaign with palm in a fort from from the truck campaign whoever negotiated that go away agreement i think may have some exposure here but i think we'll learn more as the charges or as
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the dockets are unveiled in that in the new york cases why does remain so popular with his b.s. they have nowhere else to go larry donald trump is sort of eating the republican party and change it from this limited government conservative party with loyalty to the constitution into something that is all about donald trump and he has presented them with this very apocalyptic scenario it's me or death it's me or nothing and so they're stuck in that rut he also has a lot of self reinforcing mechanisms from from fox news and talk radio and other out and other conservative leaning news sources that are presented this again as this very apocalyptic thing it's trumped or death it's trump or nothing you see any chance of a primary challenge to end. well there will be a couple folks come into the primary space against donald trump and larry you know given our politics today it's impossible to predict the extra nowadays that could lead to a serious candidate jumping into that race i mean right now we have bill weld who's
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in it and larry hogan is looking at it you know and both of whom have many merits about the most of both a move have many good things about them but both of them right now represent very long shots in the republican party as it is constituted under donald trump today i think we may end up with donald trump being greater legal peril greater legal jeopardy his family in legal jeopardy as we get closer to the election so you may end up getting more g.o.p. primary opponents to hop in the race at that point but what we got it we got to see the road goes do you agree with nancy pelosi who would be worth it to impeach. i think nancy pelosi and you know she and i have not agreed a lot over the years but she's right on this one nancy pelosi is correctly that determined that if you impeach donald trump in the house and you don't convict him in the senate all you've done is make him stronger all you've done is inoculate him and give him the ability to shake off future investigations and future things that that try to hold him to account whether it's on the congressional side on the
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special counsel side or on another impeachment charge on other matters who would have been to the republican moderates well larry most of them quit or lost their races in the last year. in the house the most of those guys the forty races that were that were forty seats that changed hands in the house a lot of those with a moderate republican caucus that was left in the senate there are still some moderates but they are keeping their heads down they're afraid of donald trump's anger and his tweeting and his mob and so moderate republicanism and centrist republicanism is still out there it's just in the tall grass hiding from the trump world is a soon to be published book. by generals vicky ward reportedly portrays yvonne did trump and jared cushion is power hungry opportunists who only care about enriching themselves was you have you jim.
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well i think jared in a voc. i think jared evocate had a long term at the white house with no visible things to prove that there were you know affective jared kushner supposedly is running the middle east peace process opioids technology business all these other it's huge portfolio and there's no there there no one could tell you with a gun to their head what evocative for her job every day and so i think that characterization of these being two very ambitious hustlers who are in the white house is it rings true and i think that reporting in the washington post this earlier this week about how donald trump wanted john kelly to fire his own kids i mean that to me was kind of an amazing story and john kelly did not deny that story so you know this is a they are a strange pair in the white house and donald trump you know having them there is it
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violates every kind of you know basic morality about nepotism in government but obviously until they're gone they're going to play a significant role in being in donald trump personal radar every day. fire and fury larry i don't know yet we're going to have a hell of an election in two thousand and twenty it's going to be a it's going to be a madhouse the democratic field has one hundred people in it basically donald trump is is distrusted and disliked by sixty five percent of the country and and he's under all kinds of different legal pressures that pressures and perils so it's going to be it's going to be the election of a lifetime and everybody says oh this one is the most consequential this one really will be the most consequential action in our lifetimes the democrat adam schiff who share the house intelligence committee says that trump's top reason for wanting a second term is to avoid prison. you bet it was you he used that or that.
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he the president knows the d.o.j. rules right now as they are currently being implemented in his the justice department say the a sitting president cannot be indicted so he's buying himself four more years of not getting indicted. i think it's a legal fiction but that's the current thinking inside the white house where he may not love this job but he loves that one thing that it gives him which is the protection against prosecution we used to have you had mike pence as president you know i think mike pence would end up being at best a gerald ford figure. he would probably serve out the remainder of trump's term and not win reelection and at this point i've reached the point i kind of wonder about where mike pence his moral compass is given the compromises he's had to make as a republican as you know and as a human to continue to support donald trump as all these things go on i think he's complicit in a lot of the behavior of the president the white house right now so i would have
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more trouble than i perhaps i would have you know three years ago if you'd said to me three years ago hey mike pence might be president i was going to knock you know mainstream conservative republican but now he's got so polluted by trump i think there are a lot of dangers for him going forward what would you like to see president. you know i've called me a diehard but i'd love to see mitt romney sit in that chair right now i think he's got a lot more judgment and heart and i think that some of that would be the party needs to steer itself back a little bit into the into the center right lane and their work recover some of its principles and some of its underpinnings but there are an awful lot of republicans out there who are uncomfortable with donald trump and they won't say it and we're going to see which ones emerge in the coming months and years to try to reclaim that mantle why won't they see it. they are afraid that donald trump will tweet about them larry that's the bottom line they know that if he does that his mob gets turned loose on them their lives become a living hell they're flooded with death threats they're they're miserable they get
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nothing done because they get pinned down by this gigantic social media mob that trump owns and operates essentially and it and their lives become very difficult so that's they're afraid of mean tweets what democrat would be ok with in the white house. you know that's a stats a funny question right now larry because i don't think any of them have really done much to talk about policy yet you know i would like to see a democrat in the white house if i'm going to support a democrat it's going to be a it's a high hill much more probably inclined to support a centrist or independent right now as a republican but if it's a if it's a binary choice i'm going to what one who is who understands the markets matter going to what one who doesn't think that you know the hot new flavor of alexandria ocasio cortez style socialism is a working economic theory so we'll see which one emerges from the field that could do that it's really it's really kind of a hard question right now none of them quite broken out of the pack yet and the
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adamant riggin a no they don't larry thanks here in time today rick thank you sir i appreciate it as always and again ridge book everything trump touches dies a republican strategist against real about the worst president ever is now out in paperback. well politicking after the break. aeroflot russian and lights. you know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that
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made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. aeroflot russian and lights.
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during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was and most of my family were unemployed or people and it wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. at the one. a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america where shape my the ten principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo down engineer elections manufacture consent and other principle holds according to no i'm trumps just one set of rules for the rich opposite set of rules from. the that's what happens when you put her into the hands of the narrows her of will switch rule is dedicated to increasing
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power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then. it's up to the government to step in and be a player in the economy not just an enabler for monopolist you know the government should be competing for health care and drug prices they should be competing in transportation and education and they should offer an alternative people should be able to get a public utility bank for example account and get out of the matrix of the big wall street banks they don't have that often they should have that option and therefore
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you would restore some competition in the economy. looking back to paul i'm thinking i'm now joined by my political panel there brian joyce host of the brian joyce show i'm told radio airing on w g w f.m. he's in chattanooga tennessee and in new york. police jan is used form a small version of the california the fall of a good part he was shot with. men and ford is now received a total of seven and a half years in prison your reaction well i think that's probably fair given the charges against him and look i think it's important to remind folks here that paul man a fort has been charged and convicted of things that he did many many years before he actually even met president donald trump then candidate donald trump but but in terms of justice i think that's about right for
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a man of his age i don't think it would have been right for him to spend the rest of his life in prison although the judge could have certainly done that but i think justice was delivered here and i think the sentence was fair. well i think one thing is clear here larry the president likes to say that he only surrounds himself with the best people clearly that is not the case paul metaphor would not qualify as even remotely one of the best people that you could hire to run your campaign and you know to john's point that this all occurred years before he worked with the trump campaign number one why would trump ever hire him in the first place if he knows it comes with some baggage like this or if there's even the suspicion that he would a number two we do know that he had some contacts and connections with the russians i'd like to know what those contacts and connections were all a boat and i'd like to know if they connect back to some of the illegal doings from previous years jen do you think the president will pardner. you know i don't know
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i given this sentencing you know initially was four years now it's seven i'm not sure that president trump well i think it depends on what the feeling of the majority of the american people are and look nobody knew this about man of forty even some of his closest associates did not know this about palm and a foreign law i've been critical of some of the people that president surrounded himself with in the beginning it happens when you're a neophyte candidate your first time running for office sometimes you have those folks that i call you know kind of hangers on and grifters so so i wasn't a big fan of a few this people but but look in fairness to president trump this is a man paul man a forte he conducted himself in a way that was not appropriate that was apparently illegal many many years before he met president trump so i don't know that president trump will benefit him with a pardon but we'll have to see how that plays out brian house speaker pelosi says you doesn't think some you should go down the impeachment dance that those who
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wouldn't be worth it do you think. well i think it's definitely worth it if we discover that president trump is guilty of some of the things we we feel like he might be guilty of but look there's no reason for democrats to rush down the impeachment path i think pelosi is just trying to play the smart and let's see how the mother investigation pans out again there's no use for democrats to rush this thing rush down the path of impeachment make it look like a political hit job why do that when possibly robert muller can do the job for you and make the case for you so i think pelosi is just sitting back and she's doing the right thing she's going to wait to see what what is in the full results of the report. secretary kerry said sanders says that close is starting to lose control of her party do you agree with that. well i do and look to address your previous question there is one reason nancy pelosi says she will not pursue impeachment and that is because the polling has changed on that you look at
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the quinnipiac poll just last week shows that fifty nine percent of americans are actually against beginning proceeding of impeachment against president trump you look at other polls liberal networks who i won't mention by their call letters but they even had a poll out in december that showed about sixty percent of americans actually opposed impeachment so nancy pelosi is very smart she always does with the american people want her to do i think that's what she's doing here in terms of her own caucus boy nancy pelosi has a real mutiny on her hands there is no way that nancy pelosi wanted to be addressing things such as defending an anti semitic resolution in the month of march when she was sworn in baca and january third she had a very lofty agenda one that included driving down pharmaceutical drug prices working on some manners of gun control she had five or six things on her
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list that she announced at the outset that she wanted to accomplish and boy she's not been able to do that so far because she's been babysitting her own caucus. the house intelligence committee says he thinks. if mother does not. end. before you complete the investigation you gary. well i if you're donald trump why would you ever respond to any questions under oath i mean this is a man who cannot go more than two seconds without uttering a lie the worst thing he could possibly do is testify to anybody under oath because he will absolutely perjure him self in a perjure myself probably about one hundred times in less than two minutes so if i were donald trump i would try to stay as far as possible away from any kind of testimony under oath but so you know to that point i don't think that's really even
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a question that's realistically on the table i don't think it's going to happen why would trump ever allow that to happen why january new york d. attorney general poorly is launching an investigation into the chamber organization's readers day dealings. that new york governor andrew cuomo who are now presidential harasses and it's no wonder people leaving in record numbers. out the window are they fleeing. i ran past a few on the way here. but look larry i think the cuomo here is not even the problem i think the president should be more concerned about the new york attorney general who is made some really inflammatory political statements that she does not feel that president trump is a duly elected president that he is unfit for office it's very clear to me that the attorney general of new york has an extreme bias against the president of the
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united states in most cases you would actually ask that prosecutor or to recuse themselves and she has not yet done that so be very interesting to watch this play out it's clear to me larry this actually speaks more to the moeller report which could come out as early as tomorrow or friday i'm hearing but but i think what democrats are saying here is that the moeller report is not going to get done what they thought would get done which is you know prove that there were. some grand russian collusion with the president of the united states and now they're going to start going into every little neck and cranny present trumps personal business and personal life it's going to be unfortunate to watch and unfortunately the country is going to have to go through that. the defense budget to seven hundred fifty billion. in scientific programs from the dead on arrival on capitol hill but what does it portend for the twenty twenty alexion.
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well tell you what larry i'm sure you would probably agree with this but i'm old enough to remember when republicans actually cared about debt and deficit steered member that time it wasn't very long ago it's only about two years ago now ironically this president and the republican congress he was working with before democrats took over they've been on pace to spend more of our tax dollars than the previous president did now after all these years of complaining about how much money obama was spending and how much money the democrats spend this is what they're doing with our tax dollars they are blowing up deficit they're blowing up debt and typical of the republican party they're not allocating the money that we do have to the proper resources and they're actually starving the programs that we need to be funding taking money from paul trying to pay peter with it this is just i mean look i would be shocked if it weren't for the fact that republicans have been doing this for thirty thirty five years now where's the outrage we had so much
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outrage over obama's spending and the debts and the deficit it literally created the tea party where all of these fiscal conservatives now this president is spending more money than obama did and that obama ever would and i don't hear a peep. well i can't believe i'm about to agree with brian but i do i came up through the tea party movement larry fiscal issues are very important to me and it's disappointing to see especially paul ryan during the first two years of president trump's administration you know republicans had full control of congress they could have done a lot of things they could have gotten funding for the border wall they could have made some other spending cuts so i actually agree with brian here it's a little disappointing to see this magnitude of a budget however what i think the president trump is banking on here and i think rightfully so is that he has been growing the economy in a way that has not been grown in about twenty years you look at the presidency of
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barack obama he never achieved three percent growth in the economy whereas president try well when jenna hold out first of all that is a total lie we all know that horse he did he did he hit five percent quarterly growth he hit four percent more than once he hit three percent more than two or three times of course he did we all know that's true. no but when you look at other sectors you look at other sectors the economy you know unemployment is down record jobs numbers bringing come before so it is it's back to the kind of employment spittal it's a clown for banking on here. paul ryan says travis religion could be in danger if he lies on. the rather than policy you grew that gen. well. just for the previous conversation i don't have that high regard for paul ryan he left the republicans kind of in
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a bind lost control of the house you know a lot of republicans have a bit of bad taste in their mouth i don't think paul ryan is the person who should be commenting on the twenty twenty alexion look at the two thousand and sixteen election donald trump did win even his own republican party did not think could be done he won in a mere landslide and i think the runway is his to do that again especially if you have someone like joe biden getting in i don't think democrats are going to be as enthused about uncle joe as he thinks they will be you know the democrats have a different way of doing things were publicans off and say oh we'll john mccain didn't win last time let him run this time mitt romney didn't win last time so we'll let him run again this time democrats they've gone far to the left they've gone to the socialist place of the party and i i don't know that joe biden actually fits into the democratic party anymore i think it's going to be very tough for him so i think the real challenge here is for democrats not present trump brian thank
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you so much for joining us we love having you on politics. thanks larry thank you and thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at king things and don't forget to use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking. aeroflot russian airlines. you know world of big partisan
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movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. terrorists russian airlines.
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is nonsense ideological scarecrow is a real neighbor who will have to leave it always being in nato e.u. or wherever and it's in our interests to go to russia too cold for russians to understand the. country's gone into a nihilistic fever that's why i think they got hit the road and get out the traveling across america to find what makes america take them the charlatans the genius of this question especially american hero this is it we come to a point around which element is gone so we always are on the margins someone called down culture saying sorry. we're starting
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last with. begin to headed east into the swamp we're going into the belly of the beast i think i want to leave now doesn't get any more gone down the left it may be completely different but in the mystery. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've matter to us with over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be old rich eight foot six percent world market rose thirty percent some with four hundred to five hundred three first second per second and when he rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember one one business road you know for the mid one and only boom boom.
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it was that it. was. a. terror attack in new zealand mass shootings at two mosques in christ church kill forty nine people many of the survivors are in a critical condition. the monuments much money and symbol my lord oh my god it's going to happen to me not to words believe it will and it pretty distraught over the course of just putting it on so that's. one of the suspects has been charged with murder he allegedly lifestream to the attack on facebook social media companies have been slammed for failing to detect his racist manifesto where he reportedly clay.
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