tv News RT March 16, 2019 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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doing preaching virtue of just. one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. violent clashes plumes of tear gas and fire smog the eighteenth weekend of the protests in france all reports it was caught up in the middle of. this is the eighteenth week. is revealing. the death toll in the terrorist attack in new zealand has risen to fifty people with the man accused of shooting people in two mosques now charged with murder a manifesto that surfaced online just before the assault stated that nonwhites
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invaders threatened existence of europeans. and in other news hundreds of protested in italy after two men were cleared of rape with a panel of female judges giving the alleged victims on the track to this is one of the reasons. for joining us this is r.t. international. in the french capital where the latest yellow vest rallies have descended into vandalism and looting the protest to be met with a strong police response almost two hundred people were arrested with sixty others injured. at the center of the unrest throughout the day. the situation here in the some cities is getting increasingly more violent the demonstrators have been using cost bottles to sing fire. crackers and they've also
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been destroying a number of buildings is a bank in a side street that has burned down and a number of kiosks have also been completely destroyed and for that reason we have been ambulances coming in and out and also a number of fire brigades to come and put out the fire thanks thanks. this is the eighteenth consecutive week at a speed chase here of the to cast is really really intense and we've got the canisters that are being thrown at us at the same time with the protesters that are approaching to them but. at the at the arctic thanks. there does seem to be a more heavy police presence today but protesters saying that this is really the ultimatum that they're giving the crowd to step down.
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the protests are getting more and more violent and things continue to be bent over here further by police just in front of us so we caught between the riot police and the protesters so. we're just going to move down a little bit but could possibly flames. but. thank the country's interior minister saying that they be there about one and a half thousand of these protesters who are here just to cause damage and just to cause violence so he these are the most violent scenes we've seen in paris in recent weeks but it's reminiscent of the chaos the frustration and the anger against president maccollins government. thank people are still out on the streets they've been here since early this morning and that's it. last bottle that's been thrown the scenes continue to unfold
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and this despite the fact that the great debate which the french president micron initiated ended yesterday more than seventy percent of the french saying that they believe that it is simply a waste of time the french president certainly will continue to struggle to content this anger on the streets of paris policia r.t. paris. for cheering that arrest a producer for artie's a video agency ruptly was hit by a rubber bullet while filming he spoke to us from hospital. we. were covering. you know very. few reporters in from forty. to. fifty fifty. or more emotional we. wanted to. put it well it was very much.
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for me. to eat. very briefly. here and there was a difference from today's. new zealand police say that the death toll of friday's mass shooting in christchurch has risen to fifty people a twenty year old australian has appeared before a court following the massacre brenton tyrant has so far been charged with just one count of murder although further charges are expected to follow. prior to the massacre of seventy four page racist manifesto was posted online on the page believed to be connected to the gunman he identifies himself as a fascist and encourages attacks on non-whites saying that their invaders.
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but he wasn't alone donald trump and the norwegian white supremacist a mass murderer hundreds brevik were also listed the attackers said he wanted his actions to pit political parties around the world against each other parties right against the explains. in the hours after the dreadful events in new zealand an act so horrid so soulless that defies understanding in those hours it seems everyone's become a detective judge and jury it seems that everyone's milking this tragedy using it as an opportunity to sling mud at those they disagree with starting of course with trump mr trump your awards matter. your policies matter here's the u.s. president with his friends trump inspired an australian white supremacist to murder a group of new zealand muslims words have consequences like saying we have an
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invasion or border. and talking about people as though they were different in some fatal way this partisan madness has well and truly spilled over the chairman of the democratic coalition has published a poll asking people whether trump was responsible ninety one percent said yes well everyone has a right to their opinion but it wasn't just troubles fault no no you see this he missed massacre carried out by a self professed white supremacy was actually inspired by get this by a black conservative activist. people with deep psychological impairments show the most clearly moments when healthy humans would feel nothing but empathy and sadness and grief candace owens is deeply deeply even
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puti pyatt youtube's biggest star even if he got the blame the white supremacists who carried out the killings of christ church new zealand you don't subscribe to p.d.p. before the shootings i have two to three years were in people about pete. dangerous rhetoric we're connexions the shooter also likened himself to nelson mandela and thank goodness no e.d.s. has yet come forward to blame the global icon the reason all of these people and others are getting flack is because they were mentioned by the killer in this manifesto in the live stream therefore because they were mentioned by a deranged maniac or somehow complicit the logic goes oh really this madman is being taken seriously another thing the murderer route is that what he did will set off a larger political conflict global pit the right against the left and
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unfortunately it seems to be happening exactly as he wanted we see the whole all about terrorism is to turn one section of the community against another whether it's muslims or whether it's christians or anyone else it is about turn it people on themselves and the terrorists and i think most most countries these days do realize that there's a problem is not only with islamic terrorism it's with these right wing people is also we've got to be aware that the only way really to stop this is to catch people before they actually got their guns and you know we live in a difficult world and we live in a democratic society and if you if you have those freedoms of course people will make use of those freedoms as well and that's what we've seen in new zealand. a vigil is being held in new zealand following friday's attack other countries have also joined the morning with vigils held in canada the u.s. u.k.
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and the vatican among others in solidarity with a nation for the suffered the worst terrorist attack in its history. u.s. special counsel robert mueller says that he's ready to report his preliminary findings on alleged collusion between russia and donald trump the u.s. president is branding the probe illegal so if there was knowingly and acknowledged to be zero crime when the special counsel was appointed and if the appointment was made based on the fate dossier paid for by crooked hillary then the special counsel should never have been appointed and there should be no moola reports this was an illegal in conflicts of the investigation in search of a crime. the president's words come just after the house unanimously voted four hundred twenty to zero for the report to be disclosed the fake dossier mentioned by
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trump is the infamous still report and the reporter who broke that news later said nothing in the dossier is verified the report was in directly funded by the us democratic party and drawn up by former british intelligence officer christopher steele the dossier claims of russia has compromising material on the us president. recently released testimony from a u.s. justice department official sheds new light on the state of dossier bruce or says he warned the f.b.i. that it was likely biased against the u.s. president on the scale of more pain as more. bruce sor he's the former associate attorney general and director of the federal organized crime drug enforcement task force his testimony related to the christopher steel dossier on trump is now in the focus of the media under review apparently is demoted d.o.j. official or big story in washington those allegations that russian officials have compromising information about donald trump tonight we're learning more about bruce
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and here's why according to the latest revelations bruce or is looking a little bit two faced here's face number one so the record is clear what the department of justice and the f.b.i. was aware of prior to the first foreign intelligence surveillance act application was your relationship with christopher mr bush against donald trump when i spoke with the f.b.i. i told the my wife was working for fusion g.p.s. i told them fusion g.p.s. was doing research on don't trump i told them this is the information i had gotten from chris steele now that so lace has an unconfirmed dossier written by christopher steele is the basis and foundation of the trump russia investigation according to his testimony given behind closed doors bruce or thinks it might be biased against donald trump he testified that christopher steele seemed determined that trump not get elected i provided information to the f.b.i. when i thought christopher steele was as i said desperate that trump not be elected
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so yes of course i provided that to the f.b.i. now at least some in the justice department were actually suspicious of steel from the beginning but let's look at face number two despite his warning about the da ca mr or and mr steele were in close contact you have my sympathy and support if you and i really need another viewer a contact point or number who is briefed a million francs understood i can certainly give you an f.b.i. contact if it becomes necessary now for ten months after donald trump was elected bruce or function. as the middleman communicating with mr steele on behalf of the justice department so on the one hand we've got bruce or testifying before congress under oath that mr steele had an ax to grind that he wanted trump to be removed and that his report may not be credible but on the other hand we've got bruce or communicating with christopher steele and reassuring him that everything's going to be ok almost as if they're working together now after two years of investigating
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collusion it seems that congress has finally found some but it wasn't between trump and russia a little op and r.t. new york. and the scene reminiscent of the viral video game angry protesters have launched hundreds of pigs at ukraine's presidential administration building demonstrators demands president poroshenko is close business associates whose surname sounds like the ukrainian woodfull pig job for corruption despite poroshenko launching a corruption probe denies disabled than ten thousand people took part in the rallies although authorities insist it was only one fifth of the protests were arranged by an opposition party and the presidential elections coming up later this month. now have been protests in an italian city after two convictions were quashed love story in a few minutes. it's
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up to the government to step in and be a player in the economy not just an enabler. you know the government should be competing for health care and drug prices they should be competing in transportation and education and they should offer an alternative people should be able to get a public utility bank for example account and get out of the matrix of the big wall street banks they don't have that option they should have that option and therefore you would restore some competition in the economy.
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hundreds of people protested outside an italian appeals court this week after two men were cleared of rape in part because the alleged victim was they not attractive enough to have been a target. to judges express various reasons for deciding to acquitted defendants but one was because they said they didn't even like her because she was ugly they also wrote that a photograph reflected this. in two thousand and sixteen the two peruvian men were convicted of raping a woman in the italian city of ancona however they were later acquitted by an appeals court but the grounds for that ruling of only just been revealed and the judges all female decided the defendants could not have been attracted to the
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alleged victim because she was said to be too masculine in appearance. the woman also of peruvian origin who was only twenty years old at the time of the alleged attack doctors said that her injuries were consistent with rape and they found traces of a date rape drug in her blood the woman's lawyer said she was forced to return to peru and she couldn't stand the burden of what had happened to her the case will now be heard again in another court and there was much anger online about the latest ruling. i guess in italy the men never get free since they're all masculine in theory anyway while down in italy i had no idea that masculine women were not deserving of dignity this is what rape culture looks like judges in italy have ruled it can't be rape because the victim isn't pretty enough actress a model you know believes that the case demonstrates why many women don't report right to the police this whole situation is. absolutely
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unacceptable you know in this day and year to warsaw to make progress for women riots and wednesday whish earlier the state police believe gays are much more war there is. so much more to eighty percent of grey but never even reported to police and these are show that while he was shooting this. subject is not being all struck. if they are the same. and do not want their passion and using it war. tens of thousands of catalan independence supporters of march through central madrid with hash tag fake justice panels have been calling for the release of former catalan leaders who are facing decades in jail nine defendants are on trial for staging a banned referendum in two thousand and seventeen and declaring catalan independence protesters who say that the defendants are political prisoners and so want
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a fresh independence vote. and your report by the u.n. says in order to protect the environment people need to eat less meat and it suggests a tax on red meat saying that that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and make people rethink their diets it's estimated that worldwide emissions taxes on foods could save around one gigaton of c o two and result in net health benefits at the global level due to reduced consumption of meat they report states space for livestock accounts for almost eighty percent of global farmland livestock industries considered one of the main contributors to the forestation of the amazon so we put the issue up for debate with social and environmental justice campaigner george barda former republican state senator john loud. i think the important thing from my point of view is that as a point of principle who the idea that we try in bring in the real well understood
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costs of meat eating to human health to the planet we bring that into the moment calculation i think that clearly makes sense one thing a tax would do is as we know is make people more poor i mean we know that in the united states we typically except in most states not california that taxation is supposed to be about raising money to operate government not change people's behavior if you're going to go down the road of taxing things to change behavior then we make enemies of our neighbors or people in america and europe there are billions of dollars of negative health impacts from meat consumption but what we're talking about across the world is devastating impacts already to hundreds of millions of people from the climate change the meat eating drives enormously we have all sorts of looming crises i mean this is absolutely demonstrably the case we've already seen droughts floods typhoons flattening countries this idea that
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somehow it's manmade and that col flatulence is going to kill millions of people around the equator is just one of the most laughable things i've ever heard and it's really amusing to see people like you come on with such veracity and as if you've got your case prove it and you have to laugh at this because otherwise you would have to take the new different scientific strands that demonstrate this seriously and what we're talking about is millions of lives already being hugely damage and impacted by the pollution caused by the meat industry you know we have the healthiest we have probably among the healthiest poor in the world here in the united states the lifestyle the poor here very well taken care of and because we have the largest to care for them and by the way they eat a lot of meat in this country so it's hugely distro. active to the health of the united states i mean it's you would really struggle to find a single medical professional these days that wouldn't agree with the fact that we
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need to reduce we need to reduce our consumption of meat and dairy to live happier and healthier ok i'll be back with updates for you in half an hour see that. the internet has no bill for security so we have to take it to a different level and we have to take the new value that is five g. level when you can embed security security as an industry and the security has all they need to expose the fears and all the hacking devices so that people get afraid and believe that if you. know we have to come up with a new infrastructure this is very important to start thinking positively about the
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new tools to build a new system. is this is a stick from the old water bottle phone in the stomach of a fish the brand is spawns of the coca-cola company which sells millions of bottles of soda every day the idea was that let's tell consumers there are the bad ones there the litter bugs are throwing this away industry should be blamed for all this waste the company has long promised to reuse the plastic. that seems cool sets their plastic christic a close ally and i need to stay on your own that special projects funded me tell the difference i'm. on i'm your best bet is the end of it for the team the fun now the mountains of waste only grow.
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what politicians do. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or somehow want to. have to go right to be cross with the bible before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in the. flesh should. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics small business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed working class there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation that things were going to get
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better. of there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america where shape by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solidarity engineer elections manufacture consent and other prince holds according to no i'm chomsky one set of rules for the rich opposite set of rules for . that's what happens when you put her into the hands of a narrow sector of will switch will is dedicated to increasing power for itself just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. you know world big part of the new lot of things and conspiracy it's time to wake
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up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the hope the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to sit in the home field where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective and i'm used to surprising people and i saw why not if you think. i'm going to talk about
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on a. list this is the place he says. your. business. mr edward is a good yes you will you know this. this piece to internet easily this is the third. if you look through to the new i have come to time out to give you the inside story on one of the biggest engineering projects of our time trust me i won't leave
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a single stone unturned. near new york. i might pick up but the sheer scale of this construction project is so much more impressive here a few numbers the construction site is divided into eight parts on each one of the piles are being driven in the time the sound of the piles being how much into place has become the construction sites true it will be to. feeling. that well but what. was there would be usual here when you usually look the judge doesn't fire to you. on the spirit of our i was born in curch and have a small house here so i'm a real crimean local that's why i really do have a vested interest in the crimean bridge. welnick i tell.
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