tv News RT March 18, 2019 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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leaving. a way to alleviate the many people suffering is it to prolong the conflict by handicapping our partners in the fight by giving the saudi led coalition the support needed to defeat. sure just peace us secretary states support for the coalition's bombing campaign in yemen is despite a u.s. senate vote to end it. we will be lucky for some reason. to put the brakes at once again and she pleads for support for. the united states deploy its nuclear capable strategic. border is the. first strike policy.
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on this monday morning the eighteenth of march. thirty minutes of news to come starting with this state's defended washington's backing of the u.s. led coalition bombing campaign in yemen it comes after a senate vote last week to withdraw support says its continuation is the way to ensure just peace and to alleviate suffering in that war torn country that. the senators who voted say they want to end the bombing in yemen and support human rights. but we really do think about who's human rights. if you truly care about your many lives you'd support the saudi led effort of iran the way to alleviate the many people suffering isn't to prolong the conflict by handicapping our partners in the fight but by giving the saudi led coalition the support needed to defeat
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arabian back rebels and ensure just peace don't trouble songs deals with saudi arabia are expected to total around three hundred fifty billion dollars over a decade apart from arms supplies and military equipment washington provides riyadh logistics and intelligence to senior correspondent next this morning looks deeper into the u.s. secretary of state's comments. the united states makes no secret of what it stands for freedom justice democracy and saudi arabia the white house stands firm on that even if the senate is having second thoughts voting to end u.s. support for riyadh's endless war in yemen saudi arabia's bloody war in yemen world's worst humanitarian disaster the horrific wall in yemen saudi led quagmire we are helping saudi arabia drop bombs on churches and weddings we
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all want this conflict to end if you truly care about your many lives you'd support the saudi led effort to prevent yemen from turning into a puppet state of the corrupt british islamic republic of iran as opposed to becoming a puppet of the free and fair saudi arabia but what do we know the saudis have waged a four year war against who the rebels who they call terrorists that has turned yemen into a humanitarian catastrophe worse even than syria four and five yemeni civilians twenty four out of twenty eight million need aid to survive three in five or twenty million either on the brink or already starving that is to pump a zero has a solution the united states has given more than two billion dollars to help the many people since the start of the conflict. and saudi arabia has given over five hundred million dollars in two thousand and eighteen alone and as pledged an
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additional five hundred million dollars this year we work sowed to about two dollars per hungry civilian per month from washington but as for the cameras you know where the real money is guns oh yes guns very very you know five hundred thirty three million dollars five hundred twenty five million dollars the screeners view. peanuts he says twelve point five billion dollars in that the u.s. is selling saudi arabia is peanuts what does that make the aid then but mr pompei zero is adamant if a little bit rabid in his support for saudi arabia and gun sales which really care about saudi lives you'd want to stop or run back to these from launching missiles into riyadh amazing how you can twist and turn reality on its head
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rather than protecting you many civilians from saudi arabia he's protecting saudi arabia from starving many civilians brilliant speaking of protecting saudi lives there is at least one life that washington didn't seem so concerned about mr hersh shoji was the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing planned and perpetrated by officials of the state of saudi arabia riyadh has brushed off ickes ations that the rule family had anything to do with it saying it was rude to operation and that seems washington was all too happy to support this explanation. that relationship. really really dollars profit u.s. oil company. the banks the military or the transit government usually notice the
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administration's and democratic. serving interest though. and so many no relationship all of that means or how or why or just now the priority not the wires. or the people sorry raby year or. next week of the eventful week for breaks it with u.k. parliament expected to vote for a third time on trees of maize divorce deal the british prime minister's been trying to rally support from a conservative party and key coalition partners warning that a rejection could stall breaks it indefinitely. if parliament can find a way to back to brag city hall before a european council the u.k. will leave you this spring without having to take part in the european elections and we can get on with building our future relationship. if it cannot will not
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leave the e.u. for many months if ever so as it stands at the moment british m.p.'s rejected trees of maize proposals in a series of votes last week where they also voted against the no deal. however parliament backed plans to extend the u.k.'s withdrawal period from the e.u. now this push back on to reason may now mean she's left with a smaller pool of options to see if plans try and sell if m.p.'s reject it she's going to ask brussels for a long deadline extension tension lasting for years depending on the reaction back home that could trigger a general election or a second referendum on leaving the e.u. but if m.p.'s pass may's deal she lost brussels for a short extension just till june thirtieth if that's not granted or no deal agreed the u.k. could simply crash out of the block empty handed still even at this point political commentator joel white has his prediction on how this week's but it is going to go down. very unlikely that she will manage to get her was droll deal passed in
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parliament. at the start time of asking because the majority that voted against it in the commons last thing she tried the second time was one hundred forty nine so she has to convey that one hundred forty nine m.p.'s who voted against it just just one week ago to change their minds within a week recently is clearly determined to be the prime minister who goes down as delivering breck said but she's only delivering more and more chaos and division in the country usually when a prime minister loses parliament a parliamentary resigning issue because it means she's lost or he's lost the authority of the house of commons and the third i thought the whole kind of prime minister lead but she's managed to hang on because we have any and we are in extraordinary times. and it isn't only part of a list of voted over breaks it recent polls in the u.k. it's just forty six percent would remain in a second referendum only thirty six percent would choose leave under the current
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with bearing in mind. elsewhere the united states is the largest deployment of strategic bombers to the u.k. in more than a decade to be fifty two strategic bombs which carry nuclear weapons to take part in nato drills in georgia that of course very close to russia's southern border. just days after the pentagon spoke of the possibility of a nuclear strike against russia and reports. no limits on american military power even when it comes to new that seems to be the prevailing sentiment among certain forces earlier this year two u.s. senators put forward a new law to prohibit the first strike use of nuclear weapons by the united states they made it pretty simple the entire text of the law was one sentence it is the policy of the united states not to use nuclear weapons first now that's also the policy of the russian president but top u.s. military brass say that it's unacceptable and i wouldn't recommend any change to simplify and. decision making calculus but also can envision several circumstances
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where we would not want to remove that option from the president there are some circumstances apparently where nuking somebody who hasn't already knew first it might be a good idea we decided to talk to new yorkers and see what circumstances they think it might be can you think of any situation where we would nuke somebody who had nuke us first. that's a look. i don't think that's right i don't know what the circumstances would be i mean like syria i mean that makes sense to me that he knew spotlight with syria what was going on hopefully lands over there not here so in some circumstances nuking somebody first might be a valid decision but what exactly constitutes aggression take it from the acting secretary of defense or competitors of not being complacent china's defense spending china's organized approach to steal foreign technology russia for its part continues to compete asymmetrically with the united states now he made that
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statement. while explaining why the us military budget despite being higher than every other country in the world by billions of dollars was actually going up so russia is doing it and we have to keep up but let's look at what russia is actually doing total combined military budget for nato countries in the year of twenty nineteen is roughly one thousand three hundred ninety five billion euros meanwhile russia china and russia in particular the capabilities developed over the last few years to limit our ability to operate freely in space cyberspace land sea and air in the capabilities that we have identified in this year's budget are really designed to allow us to project power when we're necessary to ensure interest in the context that emerging threats for china and russia so at this point us military ok and number two russia and china two major nuclear powers are bad and must be opposed can anyone think of a greater recipe for disaster. r.t. new york. for the kids not the only one talk tough so as you assume it's
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a clue. sometimes yes i am tough i push people that is true. i would trade you for a bottle of water. she was known to throw off in frustration including binders and phones employees were asked to perform duties they described as the meat dishes for other. negative reports of how you treated some of your staff in the past what you are when you're out there on the world stage and dealing with people like flattery and why you want someone to stop.
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thousands of anti-government demonstrators of master of sides police station h.q. in the serbian capital belgrade on sunday they were demanding the release of those arrested during the stormy the country's state t.v. channel protests as drove a truck at a police cordon at the presidential. destinies denounce what they say is president alexander which is slide to war to try to rule the president himself was thought to be inside that building up rioters to justice on saturday night protesters tried to storm one of the country's main broadcast is accusing it of not giving enough time to the protests. i. was. among the protesters for
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several opposition leaders and. in the head of the nationalist very party rallies are part of a bigger movement denouncing the serbian government's perceived attack on civil liberties including free lives and. this is not since i'm sure good morning is coming up to the past eight moscow time in the stories ahead german police officer is suspended for sharing near nazi content just one of the subjects we'll talk about when we come back. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and. want to be rich. if you're going to be close it's like them before three of them or can't be good. interested always in the logs.
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they're sitting. oh oh dear it's. been a real good shot to begin murders. but sometimes are the last community young people are deciding if they want to not like their parents not like the liberals. always struggle school again you always have problems but. focus and walk is the most ubiquitous going out there most police departments use it almost overstayers in the school that they could get their hands on communism twenty four hours. teach nice kids both racism about police brutality taking pride of them being all these kids are
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a part of all history. i give only so it's international next now says express concerns over advancing five g. wireless technology he says it could potentially interfere with vital weather data setting focused accuracy back fifty years old has got the story. remember the devastation left in the wake of america's worst hurricanes. i. think what if those affected had one less day to brace for disaster it might seem
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hard to imagine but nasa warns that this could be the future of weather forecasts and it's all because of the new five g. network everyone's ranting and raving about. a new foster network that has the potential to transform the internet the promise is to connect nearly every aspect of our lives over an incredibly fast reliable wireless network driving cars smart cities fully connected homes and robots this is the future will be made better cell phone coverage but to set it up the federal communications commission wants to auction off the bandwidth used by meteorologists to predict the weather and that nasa warns could knock forecasting accuracy all the way back to nine hundred seventy the current federal communications commission proposal would have a significant negative impact on the transmission of critical science data the problem has to do with a special radio frequency sensors that detect weather patterns operate on the same
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wavelength that five g. is set to use now these sensors are vital for quickly informing the public of natural disasters without them it would have been impossible to predict hurricane sandy's trajectory in two thousand and twelve and meteorologists are worried because a new five g. network could drown out that information and this is a very difficult thing because a lot of the radio frequencies that are used to sense the atmosphere do get out of survey sions about the weather are very close to areas where five g. rollout. will occur and in fact we do know that many of the weather sure asians that we collect from space. do meaningfully impact estimates of the trend in intensity of developing storms over the ocean this is not only in the issue or the united states it is an issue for the entire world the f.c.c.
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wipe their hands clean of scientists concerns they said a quick rubber stamp from the state department was good enough for them it's no wonder that the federal communications commission will move forward as planned the nation can win the race to five g. and the american people can quickly enjoy the benefits of the next generation of ones connectivity donald trump already said american companies need to compete or get left in the dust and a full speed ahead charge into a five g. world is apparently the only way to do it as for the everyday american well they'll have to bear the consequences i'm definitely. because we've been through hurricanes here you're not going to slow down technology and the applications that we can use five g. four are very exciting i'm not sure the risks have been divinely i'm not sure that we know what the risks are i do. a faster internet then that is. worth the risk over three thousand puerto ricans died as
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a result of hurricane maria and twenty seventeen without the warnings twenty first century technology brings there is no telling how much devastation the next disaster may bring donald quarter r.t. . in germany the peace of munich have suspended five offices for sharing neo nazi content. that they've opened a probe of several offices for hateful internal and legal violations over a dozen officers are under investigation for spreading out he submitted videos and images of swastikas the extremist content is being shared. a social media messaging service says it was fun but churned son and offices phone during a separate sexual offense investigation as the rubber and germany we spoke to says any anti semitism in the police force should not be tolerated as for the minute police president he's commented on the scandal saying the force will never tolerate this behavior robert to tell again says the whole country is to speak out against all forms of discrimination the police force us all through law and order
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so of course if we in the police here are told that have negative views and as the minutes use something that cannot be accepted if we want people not to be we're reminded of our trust in society people have to know that law enforcement is there are actually how the people are not the other way around and if there's anybody did a good at least for us of course generally it has a bit of use and intolerance used to be immediately removed. rusher is set to commission two new power plants in crimea to ensure energy supplied to the peninsula the plants are part of a larger infrastructure project to develop the region in southern russia. a new airport schools kindergartens hospitals a state of the art one of a kind of bridge from the peninsula to the mainland. russia has been steadfast on its promise to propel its new all region into
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prosperity yet still crimea has been plagued by one particular type of hardship and that has electricity supply it may seem like a third world problem and really well it is but still of the peninsula would plunge into darkness repeatedly and abruptly that would be for all sorts of reasons really starting from crumbling infrastructure and sometimes that would be due to accidents and well at times crimea would be simply held hostage by its x. key of either incapable of or not willing to keep the lights on in people's homes see crimea draws most of its power from ukraine so it's doomed to dependency on a country chose not to be a part of that's how it is for now yet not for long because russia is launching into full capacity several brand new power plants to tackle this problem once and
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for all. but of course this is just the backdrop to world the main event and that is the celebrations because the launch coincides with the. five year milestone since crimea voted to join russia and people in all major cities of the peninsula is set to mark this date in the streets and i will be bringing you all the latest from the chair and because don of reporting from sin for opel in crimea see. we will indeed
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saw she was spoilt so the stories that we got time for the moment always so much more on our site r.t. dot com we have a comment on that in there as well there moscow this monday morning is cover though in saying thanks for watching out international and have a great day. i'm max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is a gun is a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these has flaws are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to them. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because we're. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic
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development only closely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. i do think the numbers mean something they've matter to us with over one trillion dollars of debt more than ten white collar crime families each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to be ultra rich eight point six percent in the world market growth thirty percent some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and that one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know bored to miss
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my family were unemployed working class there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objectively than today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today. inequality is really unprecedented i'm sure that total inequality it's like the worst periods in american history. but if you're trying it more closely inequality comes from the extreme wealth in a tiny sector of the population fraction of one percent. there were periods like the gilded age in the twenty's and the early nineties and so on when a situation developed by the similar to this. now this period six trillion because
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if you look at their wealth distribution to inequality mostly comes from super wealth. literally the top one tenth of a percent are just super wealthy. not only is it extremely unjust in itself. inequality as highly negative consequences on the so it is. because the very fact of inequality has a corrosive harmful effect markers. you open by talking about the american dream or the american dream is closed and deluded it will infuriate you work or get rich it was possible for a worker to get a decent job. at a core of children go to school.
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