tv Sophie Co RT March 18, 2019 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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out of the nosedive while i ask dr. iranian presidential hopeful and president of the american iranian council. the trump white house is tightening its noose around iran trying to isolate it in the middle east and pushing for europe to stop trading with the sanction of his country but with iran's involvement in the region the crucial to the balance of power how far can the americans go in putting pressure on to her before it backfires with iran's new european friends to defy the will of washington and what will the leaders interim do in the face of yet another round of this standoff with america. doctor who is shanghai myanmar the president of the american iranian council welcome to the show great to have you with us. thank you very much for having me thinking about the sanctions against it on foreign minister jobs every for recently said that europeans will have to get wet if they want to swim against the tide of the u.s. you to lateral anti iran route will european countries in your opinion actually go
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on and risk anything for sake of keeping trade ties with iran alive if. i don't believe i never believed that with magic it opens would be any effect you had to iran in fact europeans have been playing get very. very unfair game dave want to keep iran in the jail. and therefore they. giving iran empty promises promises that they can not deliver the purpose of european promises empty promises it's just to keep it on in the. iran so far has also been willing to listen to those empty promises because iran are so one to have a legitimate reason to a stay in the j.c.
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. iran doesn't want to leave is afraid of to leave and therefore it is also looking for a pretext to a stay and i believe you know pens are also playing that game giving iran that pretext to a state in the j.c.b. us otherwise there is no help or hope from europe for iran so european companies like french oil giant or dennis shipping have to wait maersk and many others have already withdrawn from iran over fears of u.s. sanctions does this mean that trying to save the deal is really a losing battle for the europeans. it is certainly is and i don't believe europeans believe that they can save the deal but the problem is this the one that wants to
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save did this is iran that's the problem the iran doesn't want to get out of that the europeans are giving iran that the pretext iran needs the bottom line they want that wants to a stay in the deal is iran because iran is after a of exiting dead dead dead and making a medica even more you know. aggravated and i guess if so so in fact iran also is trying. to stay they did open are giving them by the way we all know that europeans do not mean it open governments do not control that private sector so the promise that it is that the european governments are giving are the promises that the governments are giving not the private sector and the private sector is not listening to their governments and that's why there have
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left or leaving iran in large numbers and in the meantime the u.s. europe and have come up with this scheme called instead basically a trade make. that supposedly will help. today to continue and particularly trade in so-called legitimate to come other that is come up that is that are not and that the u.s. sanctions like medicine and wealth food items exactly the only and here's my next question because it seems like turkey is planning to set up a similar framework to the european one but turkey and iran are not exactly close as of countries their relations somewhat strained over syria and other issues so how far can this cooperation go is this just. a shaky marriage of convenience for
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both countries. again this is schemes are really at the bottom of our sort of oil by oil for food or or in for medicine or other commodities for food and medicine similar to what existed for iraq bought back in two thousand to the europe that is before the us in base iraq sun only unfortunate that you that iran will have to come after the j.c.b. us to such a situation and i think no country i believe no country. wants to really jeopardize its relationship i mean economic relationship with the united states of america a group of u.s. senators actually recently published and in the washington post and they're suggesting that they trumpet ministration has been trying to establish
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a strong link between iran and al qaeda based on no hard evidence and maybe using this speculation as a pretext to strike iran just like what happened with iraq in two thousand and three there's a round take this kind of speculation seriously or as a just internal american politics at play. that's a very good question my own view of this is that iran misread from misunderstood from and messed up its relationship with the us center arms significantly to the point of. being king that relationship into some kind of a danger this it term is a businessman trump is not a politician taran is not a diplomat. from the day von trump wanted this nuclear deal didn't a go she remembered around vater for almost
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a year before he leaves j.c. he did not leave j.c. pos immediately he became president he gave iran as a long time to think about and he tried his best and did not really impose sanctions for almost a year even after it really imposed sanctions it actually gave eight countries. you know have a out for exporting iran's oil and they continue to exist to. two bodyguards or so i think trump is cannot be responsible for everything that has happened between iran and the us i believe i believe iran has to take at least a big part of this responsibility and i particularly i particularly fault iran's foreign minister message that if i. was president rouhani because both of them
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but saw in love video of the day scipio they could not see that that particular did it go she ate it what you're saying is that iran has interests in to say in the deal that back in july iran's supreme leader summon a has ordered the country's atomic energy agency to prepare for an upgrade of her own steer a name in richmond capacity is there any leadership law saying or is it serious about restarting the country's nuclear program. first even bidden d.j. c.p.u.'s iran has rights to do certain things what must come any order. it was not outside the j.c. pos it is part of the j.c. pos for death for iran by by doing that mr how many by ordering that
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particular action was not violating the j. c.p.u.'s iran has not violated the j.c. even at a millimeter absolutely zero and therefore there is that has been no violation of the j.c. from date outside the international and the energy atomic agency as very fide died many many times and iran continues to stay salat. within the j. c.p.u.'s and therefore of whatever that has happened to j.c. . as far as the j.c.t. us goes is the the us side that is responsible for it on doesn't day to live and i go outside the gate c.p.u.'s they disappear has become at rap has become a trap for iran as staying in the j.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical of time time to sit down and talk. with the whole make this manufacture consent instant of public wealth. when the running closest project themselves. with the financial
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merry go round lifts only the one percent. who ignore middle of the room signals. lose money more you leave. the world. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to try to cross the slide them before three of them or can't be good i'm interested always in the waters of my college. courses. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've mastered us with over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families each day. eighty
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now we're back with dr her song i'm going to be president of the american iranian council and three time iranian presidential hopeful talking about their risk it's her and the u.s. surrounding tensions are taking so can president rouhani has recently said that u.s. had any intentions are at a maximum hostile rhetoric has indeed been mounting from both sides and pulled us out of the nuclear deal however like with north korea it could just tromps way of establishing a negotiation is process and this president has said he wanted to meet the dons leader would mr rouhani agree to it that that day with him. well this is not a the problem is mr rouhani is nobody he just can't make that decision i think it is the supremes leader. who will make that decision and fortunately mr rouhani
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and mrs that if they messed up the nuclear deal they had given the message of how many are kinds of promises and i dand of the day they could not deliver any message how many therefore has become violently against the u.s. and against any new deal because he does not believe that this people are able to deliver anything or the u.s. is willing to out to our boy wide by any new rules so therefore it is mr khamenei who is k.p. is keeping the gate closed between us and iran secretary of state might compel has previously invited iranians to look at u.s. diplomacy to north korea as an example of washington's negotiation powers however nothing really came out yes of the flash diplomacy and american pressure so our negotiations between washington and peel now is really
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a good example for tehran to watch. not really i think iran has to find its on more modern i mean first i think. mr trump. that vase when it comes to iran an opportunity turned to become a trap but i have to also say that trump administration is the first administration in the last forty years after it as a rule that has offered iran a comprehensive negotiation toward the north of mali ization of the nation a ship they really offered a comprehensive. the deal toward normalization of relationship meaning the us will get into the tin economy alp the economy and the rest of it i think iran missed a major opportunity and it has to find its own model north korea is not their
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model that it that iran should for iran is a huge country is a very important country and india as the u.s. really needs it on part of the board to create the ditch that is the ability regional peace. north korea is an isolated estate is it is not in good nobody so i think i will say iran is way too important for mr trump to consider that as north korea or any other state in those in those terms it has to see iran as iran a country of three thousand years of civilization eighty two million people a geography you ok but all of it iran is largely seen as will doing more influence in iraq than the americans especially post isis iran is
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a share power though and iraq has loss of restive sunni's rates rise again can increased iranian influence in the country trigger a new onset of six hereon violence. yes well again i don't believe the problem in the region between iran and the rest of the community out there that countries is just she has so many the shia sunni divide is one issue but it has been dead for centuries for fourteen hundred years so that the issue will is not really a strategic badda and they should not make it i cheat death by the law and the dividing line is still is this country's national interest for them when about it it comes to the national interest for example at rocky's and others side it on his analysis on side although it at rock is a shia country largely but that's the only country in the middle east that had that
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eight year war with iran a lot of shias on both sides each other over a hundred million she has on both sides killed each other so i don't think that it is just this so new shia each you is the national interest of this country is and i think all of them have to come together on that basis the fact is that today's world is not the war that one country maximize is interest against the interest of others every nation must benefit from any deal individually the biggest i think mistake that they j.c. pietà ajay scipio inmate was that it did not include. israel saudi arabia or any of it ons neighborhood so with the nuclear dale and jeopardy if they have positions of anti deal iranian conservatives and
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re-inforced inside the country could they distill it a from the west pushed it on into a more hardline political regime. well iran is going to war the vatican. and hardline politics no question about it the demand but the islam iker public's problems are only two hundred percent sanctions eighty percent of iran has problems is domestic and it has to do bit mismanagement of this economy the country's economy is going down not just because of the sanctions that many can impose it because it is being mismanaged the information has over one hundred percent unemployment over forty percent income is declining particularly for the middle classes so you don is in very serious problem and i think the country
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is moving in that their action for ethical situation toward the end of the summit a lot can happen so i think if i was here on i will make a huge domestic change it on bidness to change is dumb as it has to destruction that regime zick never can't really. get people back to his side but into right people to manage that country should not put all of its eggs on the side of the trying to help the head to get help from europe is another's on on sanctions or anything close to that so it is slamming here public and not just the late trump or all this is the problem is that they dish him itself says that a percent of its problems are domestic and they are management issues.
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that are just that ok but only way to do it is to restructure iran is also accused of being absolved in yemen while the saudis are going for a full on intervention will iran ever get involved directly on the side of the his base. so the problem is this. young man is an app country and it isn't data board syria is an arab country is in data board is it out of countries in the out of board iran is needed an app nor it belongs to an out of board so when saudis intervene in the man or zip it syria and elsewhere it is legitimate so-called but when iran does it is illegitimate because in the un has moved beyond its territory is unfortunate this is double standard of course but it is also understandable because it is and i have ward say what the hell bit it
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on to it to intervene in doubt of board quoting court although we don't really have another board there are so much problems with and that apps themselves but nonetheless it and i believe should it stay away from that aboard it should go back to its own borders ok i'm create a whole new that asia ship the senate just passed a resolution that calls for ending your support to the south to complain in yemen and it is expected to make it through the house and be vetoed by trump is this a sign of what's to come if democrats win in two thousand and twenty can sound is afford to continue with their rivalry with iran if they fall out of washington's favor well first. the young man and the saudis intervention in yemen started under president obama they did not to start with mr trump that's a mistake in fact in fact you know no president. of the
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united states sort as much we're ten to the middle east then mr obama mr obama has a record of selling military machine eighty to middle eastern countries including saudi arabia ok but david a very it was very quiet and nice the question that after all that is no not much of a big difference when it comes to republicans or democrats when it comes to foreign policy did it come together the other day have certain. policy. differences but at the end of the day they really come together in fact in fact i believe and if it is true mr trump is not that regime change or if it is not an interventionist it has always said that i don't want to get into it if one had to get out of syria i can promise you that he did it without how dare
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a person intervene in syria militarily it will never have given up when i sat. but dropped a ball i think there's a lot of misunderstanding what the op is doing or would be. a medic i don't know is only i'm fortunate that miss information is going very well the only it is in that's the case is because mr trump was a big. thank you so much for this interview we were talking to dr who shanghai made ahmadis three time iranian presidential hopeful and president of the american iranian council discussing the tense relations between the two nations in the context of a wider middle east that's it for this edition of sophie and call see you next time . thank you very much for having me.
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during the great depression old enough to remember there was most of my family were unemployed. there wasn't it was bit much worse objectively isn't today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hope. there isn't today today's america where shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo do no engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles according to. one set of rules for the rich opposite. that's what happens when you put her into the. narrows of will switch is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of
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always drugs school again you always have problems but you are going to focus a lot is the most ubiquitous going out there most police departments use it almost over stores in the school tell to take a get their hands on some twenty corral and. rip chinese kids about racism about police brutality taking pride in who they are these kids are a part of history.
7:00 am
if you truly care about your many lives you'd support the saudi led effort to prevent yemen from turning into a puppet state of the corrupt british islamic republic of iran america's secretary of state stands for home support for the saudi lady coalition's bombing tellme pain in yemen now it's this us senate vote to end it a move that donald trump has threatened to veto. also coming up in the program this hour will it be third time lucky for to resume a british prime minister is expected to put her brakes and plan to the vote once again this week she pleads for support for her much maligned.
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