tv News RT March 18, 2019 8:00am-8:31am EDT
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police say one person has been killed and several others wounded in a shooting in the city of track in the netherlands reports suggest there are at least two gunmen currently also coming up. if you truly care about your many lives support the saudi led effort to prevent yemen from turning into a puppet state of the corrupt islamic republic of iran america's secretary of state stands firm support for the saudi laid coalition's bombing campaign in yemen the spot a u.s. senate vote to end it moved. to veto. the united
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states the ploys nuclear capable strategic bombers for more games on russia's border the pentagon. first strike policy. coming from moscow twenty four hours a day this is our national my name's union o'neill hello and welcome to the program we begin with breaking news from the netherlands where one person has been reported dead several others injured in a shooting incident in the city of tracked it's been suggested police are hunting at least two gunmen who opened fire on a trial in the city at city situated around forty kilometers side of these are live pictures right now from central dutch city police. her is and police it's believed
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the property around a kilometer or so away from where the incident occurred. yeah this is the building here and let me just see it so known for now whether or not that is where the suspect or suspects of hold a terrorist motive for the attack is being in vests they gated while we're waiting for updates on the condition of the victims emergency services are continuing to work out the scene try just in the western reaches of the city center helicopters have been airlifting the injured to nearby hospitals as well reaction from the dutch prime minister who say as the government will whole crisis talks in the coming hours it's also the first time in dutch history that the nation has raised its terror threat level to five dollars the highest rate before we tracked by the way on the surrounding areas so this situation unfolds we're just looking at terror
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police i signed up property around seven hundred meters to a kilometer away from where the attack on the trial where one person at least has been killed we do not know whether there is a victim or whether there is one all of the attackers the shooters themselves i do say about been poor and we do not know whether is one shooter or more than one that was all not try at ten forty five local time we've only got on verify eyewitness accounts at this stage but this is this this is the situation this is the try you can see the emergency services just making sure the area is totally secure telling a lot of local people to stay away from the area while those people who were injured were taken to local hospitals we will of course be staying across this story right throughout the hour but as we can say one person from local dutch police confirmed dead in. this attack. we are now in fact
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joined by peter kirk i'm a former police officer in the u.k. peter i wasn't sure you just heard me saying there on for five reports a lot of local media speak as well we're not exactly sure what has occurred here there is limited information from what we've seen how do you somalis what has happened here in new trains yes and another tragic event whatever the motivation for it as you say it's very early stages of the investigation not only the media in the public still trying to piece together what's happened to be honest the police will be as wow well obviously have more of an idea of what's going on than we do but it's still in this stage in of the first few hours after an incident like this they will be desperately trying to establish exactly what's happened and get full control of the situation and then they know what they're dealing with sadly it does look like the type of incident that we've seen many times before around the world.
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where a terrorist attack has come in the form of a an active shooter. yet again. there is a link to public transport networks we've seen that repeatedly and so all the indications are at this initial stage that it's most likely a terrorist event well that remains to be confirmed your thoughts on there when i was mentioning there police raising the terror threat level in the province to the highest level is not likely to be a precautionary move particularly this weekend in what we saw in new zealand except for or me they have reason to do such a thing take into consideration what has occurred that this has to be now confirmed in the coming hours as a terror attack for something like this to happen. oh i suspect the raising of that the threat level in new tracts province is entirely related to the
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circumstances of this incident as you said at the beginning it's not clear whether one or more were involved it's never clear whether or not people involved in incidents like this have any other support or any other associates that may continue further attacks in the location or nearby and in this particular instance they are as your own aware of exactly who was involved and exactly who they've got holed up in this premises and so the fear of a further attack. in imminent attack must be higher so it's absolutely no surprise that it's been raised for the location for that that's area to the highest level and i suspect it will remain there for a relatively short period of time until they get a grip of what's happened and decide whether or not all the suspects have been detained there live pictures that we were looking at just moments ago peter looks like anti terror police surrounding a building which was a number of hundred meters away from where the incident first occurred the live
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pictures right now are in a screen we're still seeing this grouping of police seems to be anti terror officers at the corner of this apartment block still traffic going by so this area is not totally cordoned off just parts of that street if there are gunmen on the run what are police doing how are they responding to a busy monday morning soon to be afternoon. central dutch city life is going on but if there are gunmen on the way how far why do you spread this investigation what's happening now do you think peter it's a difficult situation for police. it is usually difficult you obviously have to follow whatever leads you've got and they've obviously got some lead in connection with that building. how solid that lead is is anybody's guess but ari are very much suspect they don't know exactly who is in there even if it is one of the suspects
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or someone connected with them obviously the the the net for those suspects involved in what happened in this morning as time goes on the net needs to spread wider and wider as with time they could be anywhere we saw it with the attacks in paris a few years ago where the suspects went. was sort of known to have gone out of the city to the north into the more rural areas and were believed to be heading for the belgian border and so. we saw the french police there putting in place roadblocks and searching open space and searching three buildings and whatever and eventually they came to light. in a supermarket stubbly house also checks in at the border and i very much suspect with borders not being far away from anywhere in this part of europe are suspect border. will open ports are already in case they go into vehicles and flight.
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police are considering this one at one of the. well essentially they're calling this at terrorism that that that this is the main theme that they were at that they are concentrating on that we cannot say that definitively but if you look at previous incidents in the netherlands it the country has been safe compared to nearby neighboring countries it hasn't seen any terror related deaths in fifteen years i was theo van gogh. there was an attack last year a stopping of to american tourists but they didn't lose their lives to what extent do you think that relative success is down to the effect of policing in the novel. the effectiveness of policing in the security services varies from country to country. but of coasts despite. each country is different the people within that country different the immigrant populations within the within the
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population at different the attitudes of politics at different and so there is significant variation between countries so it's not entirely due to the efficiency of the police although i do know that the police in the netherlands the security services in the netherlands family efficient and effective. keeping on top of these things better than some of those peter thanks for coming on the program and sharing your knowledge with peter kirk and a former u.k. police officer live on they programmed just the surmise what we're seeing these live pictures of that building run six seven hundred meters away from where the initial. shooting was on the truck. what the police are saying is that there are several injuries one person is dead we saw at the body outside a tram we do not know whether it is a victim whether it is one of the attackers one of the shooters and we do believe that there is no more than one on the run this is very much
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a developing story from this central dutch city of tracked we'll be keeping a very close eye on developments this hour in the coming hours. ok let's move on now to more world news the united states has made its largest deployment of a tucker craft to the u.k. in more than a decade the b. fifty two strategic bombers which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons are to take part in nato drills in the country of georgia close to russia's southern border they touched down just days after the pentagon mentioned the words nuclear strike on russia. delves into the. no limits on american military power even when it comes to new that seems to be the prevailing sentiment among certain forces earlier this year two u.s. senators put forward a new law to prohibit the first strike use of nuclear weapons by the united states they made it pretty simple the entire text of the law was one sentence it is the
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policy of the united states not to use nuclear weapons first now that's also the policy of the russian president but top u.s. military brass say that it's unacceptable and i wouldn't recommend any change to simplify and. decision making calculations but also can envision several circumstances where we would not want to remove that option from the president there are some circumstances apparently where nuking somebody who hasn't already knew first it might be a good idea we decided to talk to new yorkers and see what circumstances they think it might be can you think of any situation where we would nuke somebody who had a nuke just first. then. actually i like you i don't think that's right i don't know what the circumstances would be i mean like syria i mean that makes sense to me if you spotlight with syria what was going on hopefully lands over there not here so in some circumstances nuking somebody first might be a ballot decision but what exactly constitutes aggression take it from the acting
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secretary of defense your competitors have not been complacent china's defense spending china's organized approach to steal foreign technology russia for its part continues to compete. if you're really with the united states now you made that statement while explaining why the u.s. military budget despite being higher than every other country in the world by billions of dollars was actually going up so russia is doing it and we have to keep up but let's look at what russia is actually doing total combined military budget for nato countries in the year of twenty nineteen is roughly one thousand three hundred ninety five billion euros meanwhile russia is spending thirty nine billion euros so how exactly is the usa catching up china and russia in particular the capabilities developed over the last few years to limit our ability to operate freely in space cyberspace land sea and air in the capabilities that we have identified in this year's budget are really designed to allow us to project power when we're necessary to ensure interest in the context that emerging threats for
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china and russia so at this point us military policy has two major premises number one first strikes with nuclear weapons are a ok and number two russia and china two major nuclear powers are bad and must be opposed can anyone think of a greater recipe for disaster. r.t. new york. the pentagon is not the only one talking tough so is u.s. senator and presidential hopeful in me. am i a top boss sometimes yes i am. i push people that is true. i betrayed you for bottle of water. she was known for our consumption ration pretty minor. parties were asked to perform duties they described as unique washing dishes or other.
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negative for forward so now you see that some of your. one hundred hour when you're out there on the world stage and dealing with people like that every day you watch others. this could be another eventful week for braggs it with the u.k. parliament expected to vote for a third tell human trees a maze therefore still the british prime minister has been trying to rally support from her conservative party on cue coalition partners warning that a rejection could stall bragg's it indefinitely if parliament can find a way to back to bragg's it deal before european council the u.k.
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will leave this spring without having to take part in the european elections and we can get on with building our future relationship we if it cannot will not leave you for many months if ever. well if you just go back to last week british m.p.'s rejected trees and proposals in a series of votes they also voted against the new deal breaks it normally but it did go through over parliament bach plans to extend the u.k.'s withdrawal period from the european union will a push back on trees in may no i mean she's left with a smaller pool of options to see her plan through if m.p.'s rejected she's expected to ask brussels for a long deadline extension potentially lasting years depending on the reaction back home dock could trigger a general election or a second referendum on leaving the but if. m.p.'s passed me as deal she'll ask brussels for
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a short extension until june the thirtieth if that's not granted or no deal agreed the u.k. could simply leave the block out all his political commentator john white and hard this week it could go down. very unlikely that she will manage to get her was droll deal passed in parliament. time about asking because the majority that voted against this in the commons. last time she tried the second time there was one hundred forty nine so she has to convince one hundred forty nine. voted against it just just one little bit to change their minds within a week to some leave clearly determined to be the prime minister who goes delivering the exit but she's only delivering more to more chaos and division in the country usually when a prime minister loses parliament a parliamentary issue because it means she's lost or he has lost the authority of the house of commons and the third kind of prime minister late but she's managed to hang on because we had it and we are in extraordinary times ok i'm back with more
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hello again the u.s. secretary of state sells the offended washington sparking of the saudi led coalition's bombing campaign in yemen that follows a say lead vocal last week to withdraw support my pump a o. ses its continuation is the way to quote ensure a just peace and to alleviate suffering in the war torn country. the senators who
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voted say they want to end the bombing in yemen and support human rights. but were really to think about whose human rights. if you truly care about your many lives you'd support the saudi led effort to prevent yemen from turning into a puppet state of the corrupt british islamic republic of iran the way to alleviate the many people's suffering isn't to prolong the conflict by handicapping our partners in the fight but by giving the saudi led coalition the support needed to defeat arabian back rebels and ensure just peace well donald trump's arms deals with saudi arabia are expected to total around three hundred fifty billion dollars over a decade and apart from arms supplies and military equipment washington provides riyadh with logistics and intelligence our senior correspondent the of next deeper into the u.s. secretary of state's comments. the united states makes no secret of what it stands for freedom justice democracy and saudi arabia the white
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house stands firm on that even if the senate is having second thoughts voting to end u.s. support for riyadh's endless war in yemen saudi arabia's bloody war in yemen world's worst humanitarian disaster the horrific wall in yemen saudi led quagmire we are helping saudi arabia drop bombs on churches and weddings we all want this conflict to end if you truly care about your many lives you'd support the saudi led effort to prevent yemen from turning into a puppet state of the corrupt british islamic republic of iran as opposed to becoming a puppet of the free and fair saudi arabia but what do we know the saudis have waged a four year war against who the rebels who they call terrorists that has turned yemen into a humanitarian catastrophe worse even than syria four and five yemeni
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civilians twenty four out of twenty eight million need aid to survive three in five or twenty million either on the brink or already starving that is the pump aoe has a solution the united states has given more than two billion dollars to help the many people since the start of the conflict. and saudi arabia has given over five hundred million dollars in two thousand and eighteen alone and as pledged an additional five hundred million dollars this year we sowed to about two dollars per hungry civilian month from washington but as for the cameras you know where the real money is guns oh yes guns very very you know five hundred thirty three million dollars five hundred twenty five million dollars the spinach for you. peanuts he says twelve point five billion
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dollars in that the u.s. is selling saudi arabia is peanuts what does that make the aid then but mr pompei zero is adamant if a little bit rabid in his support for saudi arabia and gun sales if we truly care about saudi lives you want to stop or run back through these from launching missiles into riyadh amazing how you can twist and turn reality on its head rather than protecting you many civilians from saudi arabia he's protecting saudi arabia from starving many civilians brilliant speaking of protecting saudi lives there is a tiste one life that washington didn't seem so concerned about mr hersh shoji was the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing planned and perpetrated by officials of the state of saudi arabia riyadh has brushed off ickes ations that the rule family had
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anything to do with it saying it was rude to operation and that seems washington was all too happy to support this explanation you know we've. been. really really dollars profit out of oil companies. the banks the military corporations the trump government and usually notice the term ministrations in washington democrat and republican certainly interest though big banks and corporations and so many net relationship and all that it means for profit power empire just the part that is the priority not the lives of people young men or the people of saudi arabia or people of venezuela or for that matter people. let's turn attention on the program to germany where
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police in munich have suspended five officers for sharing new nazi content over a dozen officers are under investigation for spreading anti semitic that he was images of swastikas it was found by chance on an officer's phone during a separate sexual offense investigation a senior rabbi in germany we spoke to says anti semitism any at all in the police force shouldn't be tolerated. the police are the force of most of the law and order so of course in the police here are. negative views and as the minute you use something that cannot be accepted we want people not to be where we want to go about trust in society people have to know lord for us is there are actually how other people are not the other way around and if there's anybody least force of course germany and asked them if you is an intolerance used to be immediately removed. ok let's return to our breaking news from the netherlands where one
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person has been reported killed and several others injured in a shooting incident in the city of new tricked it's been suggested police are hunting at least two gunman who opened fire on a truck in the city which is around forty kilometer so the phone saddam these are live pictures from the central dutch city some reports coming in the police are looking at several locations across we have been getting live pictures of one particular area one particular block of flats where we have assume that the attacker or attackers had fled to the scenes this investigation this man hunt has now spread to other locations a lot of unknowns here in the police are saying that one motivates terrorism we cannot say for sure if that is the case we don't know whether or not that the shooter or shooters did so tramore from our side we did see
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a body seemed to be a dead body covered with a sheet side the trauma shortly after the instant occurred these are pictures from just a short while ago emergency services making sure that no one can get near this area in the western part of the city but just to clarify one person at least. dead in new tracked there are multiple injuries there were helicopters in the sky few moments ago taking the injured to local hospitals we will of course speaking a very close eye on developments and the all updates verified ones we will bring it to you we'll just leave you with these live pictures right now live from moscow this is our international i'll see you in thirty minutes.
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during the great depression which are old enough to remember there was most of my family were employed. there wasn't it was bed you know much worse subjectively day but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america where shape by the ton principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo doubt engineer elections manufacture consent and other principle holds according to know on. one set of rules for the rich opposites. that's what happens when you put her into the. narrows sector of will switch is dedicated to increasing power virtue of just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of
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america. i think the number. they've matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime happens to. eighty five percent of. global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent of the world market goes thirty percent some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and that one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know bored to miss the one and only boom but.
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