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tv   News  RT  March 19, 2019 4:00am-4:30am EDT

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i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical. to sit down and talk. this stuff martin international different for sure it was facebook too slow to stop the spread of video of last friday's match shooting at a judge but too swift to secretly silence accounts of political views it deems unsavory. if i put certain stories about serving a political issue i am shadow bad so. what my concern is when they continue to pan these kinds of things to ban this kind of stuff that's only going to pecial a shadow. over the swelling government announces the so-called occupation of its offices in the us after diplomats from the opposition vie for control of the consulate. and a russian trader accused of money laundering appeals for released from custody
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greece also being held there for more than nineteen months without. comment and these are you in the hunger strike. it's news to eighty today. and and still no answer. to. it. there good morning life marty networks international h.q. here in moscow is kevin zero in with me for this next half hour with our world news update very good morning for me and the rest of the team first of facebook's been criticized for allowing video to be spread of last week's mass shooting in new zealand while being quick when dealing with political content it doesn't like the country's prime minister many times demanded answers from social media platforms over live streaming of terror attack on two mosques in christchurch that left fifty worshippers dead. i would call on our social media platforms of all variety to
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demonstrate the kind of responsibility that both lead to these have been and that includes stars who perpetuate their messages in the aftermath there is a lot of work that needs to be done some terrible scenes for about seventeen minutes the gunman live streamed the massacre on facebook shortly after copies of that video appeared in other social media outlets platforms did try to block the content but not before widespread public outrage over it in the first twenty four hours that removed one point five million views of the attack globally of which over one point two million were blocked and a player would we continue to work around the clock to remove violating content using a combination of technology and people blue snow we're working vigilantly to remove any violent footage. or facebook deleted the video after a warning from police eventually authorities said that the distribution of such content is punishable by imprisonment we are legal media analyst lionel and also
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counterterrorism expert jennifer braden whether tech giants they thought could of should of acted quicker to block that video. i respectfully submit that when you show violence against human beings it's a form of pornography we have to as a society say no facebook you can do much better for kids for people who would see this not necessarily because it would inspire the next shooting which is very well good because these losers need some form of acclimation out of just human decency without bringing in the government as laws and penalties and we're hearing from officials government officials from the prime minister in new zealand talking about preventing future attacks like this and then going on to censoring when this attack happens how in the world does that prevent this attack we're spending so much time talking about we can have videos like this with as or so or think it might lead to more rather than answering questions that need to be
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asked i mean one of the main problems i'm seeing here is that we continue to put band-aids on gunshot wounds and we need to stop that we need to stop putting band-aids on we need to stop saying let's just stop everybody from there that he doesn't you know we can get rid of x. rated movies should it come down immediately yes should this be kept from the public yes take it down i want facebook and others abroad to have a second you know whatever attitude allowing your world or not they have we're talking to you now and you're telling me about t.v. do you know they're talking about arguing people will hardly blinded from these sightings will fellow lying dead but you're not talking about how will this prevent it nobody's talking about prevention the question is should be banned them say yes and what i want facebook to do is if i put certain stories about certain political issues i am shadow bad show fast and i want them to use that technology in their genius to figure out wait a minute we're having somebody right now people are being killed this is going to come down from our platform what my concern is when we continue to ban these kinds
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of things can ban this kind of stuff that's only going to perpetuate shadel ban and that's something i agree should never happen but we're giving. subjected our and authority to social media platforms to never run tent that is allowed so when are hurt us later we don't know who they're going to not like it's all subjective no matter what kind of computer algorithm at the end of the day it will be subjective now listen dr burke do me a favor if you see somebody shooting and killing people shut it down or talk about it later don't have a debate do you think that maybe we're giving one person die die die die die die the right to automatically and who's to say whether this could one day be done today people being shot dead whether this might include war coverage or rep or how many people would support mean that while as we're debating this there is some kid somewhere which we never talk about watching this seeing real time slaughter or the
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families of these people or whatever of this is violent pornography yes this is horrible that i never want to see this i never want my children to see this i don't want any person to be subject to this kind of violence in this horrible obscene material these publications but this is what i have seen governments cannot stop this these companies cannot stop this people who post something positive about donald trump are being taken off of social media because of social media heads and managers and so we want them to ban other things instead of us and that is my main thing is that they can't they will not. me time facebook's face in public discontent not only just over its handling of a content video but also for how it treats personal data is pretty you know since the scandal broke her own political consulting firm cambridge analytic it reportedly bought personal data from facebook would you then sold on to third parties used to gain political advantage during the quarter notes this morning looks at whether or no facebook's privacy policies have changed much in the last twelve months one might say facebook's had
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a productive year in its fight against fake news perhaps you've seen their war room . read the headlines. and heard the assurances we've deployed new ai tools that do a better job of identifying fake accounts that may be trying to interfere in elections or spread misinformation mark zuckerberg has gone after both sides of the political spectrum from alex jones to the russia friendly left it's also been a year since it broke that the social media giant had sold off the data of eighty million users to a political advertising firm transferred face eighty seven million facebook users the largest security breach in the company's history this is this is a challenge for foreign companies so what is facebook actually done aside from
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zuckerberg saying sorry that is not was a big mistake and that was a mistake and it was my mistake and i'm really sorry that this happened i'm sorry and i'm sorry for it spoiler alert not a lot facebook promised a forensic audit of cambridge analytic but never delivered then they said the last we heard of that was august twenty eighth and then there was the promise of a new option to clear personal information from the platform if the user wants facebook said that the changes would only take a few months back in may last year and we're still left empty handed but will facebook come out unscathed the researcher behind the cambridge analytic app is suing facebook for defamation alex did not lie alex was not to for all its alex did not deceive them this was not a scam facebook knew exactly will this app was doing was should have known facebook desperately needed to scapegoat and alex was the scapegoat at the same time a british newspaper is reporting that some facebook shareholders may have been
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complicit in the data harvesting and the buck doesn't stop there either the federal government is now investigating how zuckerberg treats client privacy you have to see dick's very seriously recent bruce ruby which raises substantial concerns to both the brothers she broke to sophie's book it's been a year since the biggest. privacy scandal and social media but at least facebook's got the round of censoring alternative media donald quarter r.t. . according greece is due to reconsider the case of russian bitcoin entrepreneur alexander vinick he spent nineteen months in custody this far exceeding the maximum than for detention without charge if it was arrested in greece in twenty seventeen after the us accused him of laundry four billion dollars for a bit coin trading platform since the washington paris and moscow of all demanded his extradition next our senior correspondent with more of the story. this is alexander vinick two years ago free and healthy
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a pioneer in tech father and a husband this is beneath now literally a shadow of his former self for twenty months he has withered in greek jails without charge than your boredom of yes i mean pale. my soul harassed but i don't have many leverage some insight from kindness i can shout at them a kind of curse of them and greek everything that doesn't kill us makes us stronger in talking about myself and all of their. you know it's hard to believe but you're looking at the thirty nine year old man wrinkled aged drained by his predicament the entire family has suffered. then and we did our lives will never be the same the moment he was taken everything changed things will
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never be as they were but now we live differently only to hope that our family will be together again that our family will see its father its mother the children will be happy i hope. and hope is all there is for her sasha may not have long left the day agreed court decided to extradite her husband to the u.s. she reportedly collapsed and was diagnosed with brain cancer triple tumors she's being treated in germany chances are very very slim but she struggles on hoping to see her husband her kids one more time they all struggle on. how many days are you on the hunger strike. page here eighty today. and and still no answer. last two times i've been.
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on the verge of death alexandra vinick was hospitalized according to the greek constitution he should have been released after eighteen months his lawyer says barring a court decision to prolong his arrest there was no court decision only accusations vinick scrivens says his lawyer was being too successful in two thousand and seventeen alexander vinick consulted one of the biggest bitcoin trading platforms in the world called bt she lose days with a wild west in crypto current he pioneered in the field before regulation arrived if it seems like it was various business men began using the exchange sidestepping taxation in old countries. was that legal or illegal but that when you can look at money and it was legal at the time of his arrest as there was no government regulation of cryptocurrency use it was
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absolutely legal and it continues to be identical exchanges exist in huge numbers and no arrests are made over them. but it may be more simple he was russian and he consulted a huge financial business that the us did not control just what justice is there to speak of when according to greek law international law he should have been released but what we all understand is that this is a political case for now when equal continue to serve a sentence he was never given and he will continue to watch his family being torn apart levels and here being treated once he's there. starving the children are just there waiting and they don't know what will happen which of us will come back me over their father it's hardest for them our little children. two boys
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aged five and seven thankfully orphaned may never see their mother or their father yet they will struggle on the nick doesn't give up there is no hate in him. only faith and hope. well as a footnote historic can tell in this channel's requested comment from the greek authorities about it if they get back to us we'll let you know what they say. that is where the governments denounce what it's called the seizure of its diplomatic buildings in the united states after opposition representatives started to take control of them caracas has called it an illegal and forceful occupation after washington recognized self declared interim president klein why dove in venezuela broke off diplomatic relations with the us move through its stuff the latest on
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this big story down cohen for you. this quiet street is the latest battleground for venezuela a country thousands of miles away and opposition leader one why does representatives are planning to seize control of this building the military attache carlos vecchio is one why don't so-called ambassador to the united states before entering the military attaché is building he took control of another nearby building owned by the venezuelan government he was able to do so simply by calling a locksmith and perhaps more importantly receiving the blessing of the u.s. state department they destroying everything so that's what they have done here that basically they destroyed this house and again this is a nasa does belong to the venezuelan sunday. instead of preserving preserving the assets just just i mean you saw what they did and so imagine the they do these here in the us you can imagine what they are doing in venezuela. outside the military
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attaché is building vecchio raise the venezuelan flag pounding out code behind protesters chanting hands off venezuela inside the building vecchio replaced a portrait of elected president nicolas maduro with one of. it's not the first time the us has recognized alternative figures in place of an existing government in two thousand and eleven washington did the same in syria and seven years later bashar al assad is still in power i don't have any doubt that their benefits are ready for a change the change will call. he hasn't come because we have but they don't think that is what we have on the table that he's willing to kill the people he's got into privilege but that would be the end meanwhile vecchio is setting his sights on the venezuelan embassy and may seize that building as early as wednesday in washington dan cohen. my kalu former pentagon security policy analyst told us the actions by the venezuelan opposition things go well beyond diplomatic norms. we're
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seeing here is a is a diplomatic posturing a diplomatic dance if you will that and in which the united states is carrying on in a way that is not. normally allowed. in with diplomatic norms in international law it sets a precedent anything like this could send a potential precedent especially if the united states did it then everybody else can point to say look the united states did it it must be ok now you know it's only it only. international law is only as strong as the countries that abide by it and if you've got fifty other countries that are recognizing. over or over more duro that isn't enough. a de facto recognition and also another level of diplomatic approach that heretofore has not been done on this channel when
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we come back after the break the brics it once again the speaker of the house a collins blocks the third vote now in threes of may's plan to leave the. join me every thursday on the alex salmond shill and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see if. i can say that i own for example all the brooklyn bridge and i and i sell a bond against the brooklyn bridge so i sell
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a billion dollar multibillion dollar bond against the brooklyn bridge while they actually somebody's going to come and say ok well deliver them the brooklyn bridge and i say why can't i have a deed just like in the two thousand a subprime crisis there were no deeds for the houses that goldman sachs says collateralized brokers obligations and then sold into the financial markets and the wholesale derivatives market where they didn't have the deed they were just making stuff up pulling rabbits out of their hat selling that as a yielding security to pension funds but there's nothing but. good morning so britain's prime minister is facing a new setback to a break in the speaker of the house of commons and i says there could be no meaningful third vote unless significant changes are made or this was just less than two weeks to go now before the u.k. supposed to leave the european union part of a team in the u.k. reports. if you got an f. for your homework which you take it back to the teacher and try to get him or her
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to change the grade simply because it was coming up to exam time and you really needed to pass most people wouldn't be good brags it would draw all deal it's been rejected by politics the week that the government was planning to bring the unchanged deal back for politicians to vote on for a third time this week the only difference of course would be that the risk of a no deal bragg's it or to britain's departure date from the you said that might have made m.p.'s change their mind and sort of choose to resign may's deal as the least of all the evils available take a listen to what's happened in parliament in order for the uk to be turned around and for the motion to pass it would require a significant change what we've seen meaningful both one two three four five hours in for night time would be their way of getting this book deal through the house
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went to leave the european union in eleven days and there is no situational curve ball into to resume a's court the it has been strongly rumored. though i have not received confirmation of this that third and even possibly for meaningful vote. will be attempted what the government can more legitimately do is to resubmit to the house the same even proposition or substantially the same proposition as last of last week which was rejected by one hundred forty nine. so that he is told pierre in the idea of a nother meaningful vote on bragg's it unless the reason may change is what she's putting in front of m.p.'s to vote on now he's based it on a legal precedent called. a the reason i'm telling you about it is you might be
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airing this phrase skin may a lot this week essentially it is a parliamentary mechanism a terribly old one it's been used as far back as the seventeenth century to stop parliament or rather to stop governments bullying legislation through parliament a lot of politicians think that that is precisely what to resume a is trying to do here but what does all this mean for the brags that well if it was possible this is made her job even harder than it was already and she's set to attend the council summit in thursday but now she needs to come back from that with a substantially improved deal when the e.u. has said repeatedly that there is absolutely no way that they're going to reopen these negotiations or give the u.k. any more concessions. on the continent some people would say you could have more light hearted view of the chaos in westminster the french minister for europe for
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instance is needed because of his a bit of quote asking to be let out but then refusing to leave. he wakes me up every morning meowing to death because he wants to go out and then when i open the door he puts undecided and then glares at me when i put him out.
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next door some from. the eighteenth consecutive weekend of protests in france it seems the government has had enough the chief of police in paris has been sacked after violent demonstrations there last weekend saturday and present. in the center the french capital is now out of. protesters. and is innocent if it's at the meet made this afternoon by the prime minister or public order response to the reality me face of hooligans and not a protest by free citizens because we are giving ourselves the authority to apply fire and insert the next saturday the seans elisei as well as other places that have been hit by the crisis will be closed to public gatherings the demonstrations so far as being set luxury shops clashes with police again for political commentators want told us he thinks this is not going to get to the root to the
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problem. the problem is that we have had faulty social. cutting social services. and so people are fed up with. mccoy's not responsible to hold them in never mentioned anything about older people really need less. the only concern about the reality is. he's in for his people even more so it's easy to sponsor and also going to the ski when he knows that his is going to be in trouble everybody is announcing that space is the question also why didn't the police prevent that because it was in the newspaper everybody knew that the writer just quick plug for. t.v. you want to stay in touch with everything you were talking about if you download
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from our site then headlines as they happen because straight to mobile devices there are exactly twenty. six minutes past eleven in the morning of watching i'm kevin thank you for watching the international. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were poor people and there wasn't it was bad you know much worse objective listen today but there was an expectation the things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america where shape by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solidarity engineer elections manufacture consent and other principles
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according to no on. one set of rules for the rich officer several. that's what happens when you put her into the. will which is dedicated to encouraging power virtue of just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. as an officer of the code to get up off the ground there yasser begin to pay him down. and then freeze on the sounds of an mit grown man like wrestling essentially the officer who. threw his baton. rouge will twist it away from the officer of the toys out of his crib. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the web in one's midst and then what happened on three swung at the observations didn't hit
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him i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were so the answer is back here there try again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled his gun and he did it on three. this is the kaiser report that's right pamela anderson is a fan she just dam to me on twitter this morning said she'd love to be a reporter talking about saving the whales and some other cool stuff so you know it's just a matter of time now to be fantastic yes that will be fine i think we have to go to malibu for that the beach we're going to be in malibu very soon couple next couple
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weeks you know one thing about max keiser that many people don't know is that you started i guess very very early teenager early twenty's working at a magic shop and you work for an illusionist and illusions are in our headlines today so i think you as an expert on allusions there who did you work for the max mill you know i worked in a magic factory that made magic tricks for mexico ya know la. is the famous south american magician this was back in the seventy's late seventy's there are times where like the deuce near the deuce that's right near times square actually on forty second street not far from bryant park they had his factory and i made that we made mouth coils very famous by maxwell and a lot of other kind of cheap plastic magic tricks until one day i showed up to work and he had disappeared cheap plastic magic tricks is actually a good headline for this episode because the first headline is
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a tweet the pool of negative yielding debt has risen to a new post twenty seventeen high of nine point two trillion dollars mind boggling at a time when the global economy is supposedly still recovering this is the market value of bloomberg barclays global aggregate negative debt index as you see negative yielding debt is rising rising rising which suggests that in the real world outside of all the magic that the central banks are.


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