tv Watching the Hawks RT March 20, 2019 3:30am-4:01am EDT
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this of course caused back checker kesler to break out the tomato tomato car regarding what should or should not be considered a bailout and while this great debate over trillions have trillions bailouts or no trillions or non bailouts that's going to go on and on and on and on meanwhile for us you know us citizens and for us citizens of color the only numbers they see from the big banks when seeking the american dream is a big fat no let's start watching the whole us. get the. real deal it's going. to. be like you that i got. with. this.
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well the number one the watching the hawks i go for it yes the numbers don't lie according to research by reveal from the center for investigative reporting fifty years after the federal fair housing act banned racial discrimination in lending african-americans latinos continue to be routinely denied conventional mortgage loans at rates far higher than their white counterparts and joining me today to break down this breakdown of the american dream is author and speaker the walk ins from baltimore and in atlanta from the housing justice league tim friends and thank you both for coming on and discussing this issue that i think does not get enough discussion in america today. because the idea of the america has always been the american dream you get a house you own you have property something of that tim i want to start with you atlanta according to this information from or is reveals investigation and research atlanta was one of the cities highlighted in their investigation. they claim that
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black conventional home mortgage applicants were two point four times as likely to be denied as white applicants native americans two point one times latino one point six are these numbers accurate to what you're seeing in atlanta. absolutely and i mean i'd go further and just say that the impact we still live in the shadow of the housing crisis in the early two thousand and not only do african americans struggle to get a loan approvals they were hit hardest and they were hit this soon before anybody else was i mean their crisis really started two thousand and five here in atlanta and in some all black neighborhoods we saw a loss of as much as eighty six percent of the community well. that's a staggering staggering number how important is that homeownership and i guess even ownership in general when you're trying to build self-worth build wealth build a community of isn't this something that most of us want like the american dream
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you know you work really hard and you save your money and you want to buy a home and you want some equity into it and you know like a lot of times you sit around groups of people black people in general and we talk about these things and it's not strange to his story when a person say well you know my credit is good not great i have some money put up i have some job history like i should get this loan and. you just don't get it and the bank doesn't really give you a good reason but they try to send you to someone else who can and nine times out of ten it's a place that's going to get you a higher rate so you know you still might not be able to get their lives to drink at the same level as some other people and it's just it's unfortunate really. no doubt and tim a lot of this a lot i think a lot of people who aren't directly affected by this let's say you know the people who are going white people for example you know i mean but like people for certain class things like that they walk in the bank gives them what they want you know they come in and say hey here's my credit score i'm ready to go they say here's
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your loan go buy a home go try to fight for the american dream they're kind of assumption i would assume is the bay don't you know it's kind of you know once once the one nine hundred sixty eight fair housing act was passed you know it's kind of like well didn't we solve this back in the sixty's and we get rid of this racial discrimination you know. why isn't that why isn't that. nine hundred sixty eight fair housing act working why why why is that failed so miserably and kind of preventing this from happening. and well you know that scenario that you just spoke of the person able to walk and easily get alone i mean that speaks to the crisis of moral priority that we live in right now where those that have so much are prioritized over those that where there's a true there's a real need and you know i think we're living in a time when we're seeing reemergence of overt racism. and while it's
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really easy to focus on a racial slur that somebody says in a college campus or or somebody wearing blackface and what we have a hard time looking at is is where racism may potentially do the most damage and that's in our financial institutions and the way that laws are applied and what we see in communities of color is. that that. the credit score is kind of out of the rhythm for you know how banks give loans and much like it's difficult for us for i think white people to understand how the s.a.t.'s system could be culturally biased and therefore racist the way that our loan system works is well many believe by design a racist system designed to give privilege to those are the have so much while those that are truly in need don't receive anything that's
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a great point i always tell my friends that when you're talking about racism like my brain says i'm slam dunk to my face i would rather you walk down a street in blackface with a confederate flag sweatsuit on you know scream and whatever slur at the top of your lungs rather than me going to banking you know the guy says oh you go in today mr watkins have a seat would you like a cup of coffee you know i have a black friend named or own you know. as soon as he put the big red now stamp on my loan like i would rather know how you feel versus going through these systems where you've been discriminated against and you just don't even know it's interesting because you have you both of you have actually mentioned credit as a big part of this and most you know most of the lenders now today kind of hide behind that idea that like hey the rules are the same we follow the rules but if the credit isn't there what can we do you know is really the kind of reliance on credit is that the real. i don't know how to describe it is that the kind of real game that no one's talking about here but how much money. president.
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not going to give like to mean two billion two billion dollars in loans based off his name. and i think sometimes you've got to put this in perspective. we bailed out the banks to the tune of whether you listen to the numbers that sanders says or not it was seven hundred billion dollars. on top of three hundred trillion dollars in federal reserve loans at prices that were way below the interest rate market of that time that is enough money just just the seven hundred billion dollars that's enough money to buy every american a home eleven million people lost their homes and they never got it back we've transitioned into a renter nation and the same folks that caused that crisis then started private equity groups like like blackstone and they bought up all this housing stock and
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they're renting to many of those same people that lost homes so this illegal behavior had absolutely no consequence yet we're where we're not giving loans to the very people who lost in the victims of this ponzi scheme and so i really believe that we are in and i think the numbers support this we are not in a crisis of economic resources right now we're in a crisis of moral priority and if we continue to go down this path we're going to we're going it's going to be peasants and kings and less we can figure out a way to prioritize those that are truly in need instead of writing welfare checks to billionaires to build luxury we're going to be in a lot of trouble tomorrow i could the group the more the good you get the mail right there on the head with just this kind of where we are out there we are in a moral deficit right now because we have the resources we have that we're not following through on that what does that tell you guys when we sit back and you can see the writing on the wall you can see the inherent not only the racism in the
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institution but like you said the illegality of what wall street the banks have done to this country what does that say about their control over our u.s. government our law enforcement our media that nobody talks about this and nobody is going after them they you know they get chintzy with bernie over whether was a half a trillion or a full trillion or multiple trillions what does that tell you guys it's funny how billionaires get reparations all the time but when you talk to you know a presidential candidate about if you. oh i've got to get a committee over gotta look into it all we've got to figure it out and all of this stuff is historic just like you guys know with the g.i. bill the g.i. bill created the white middle class and created home owners of people who maybe wouldn't be able to own homes if they didn't fight in the war those same black people with their g.i. bill didn't get a chance to buy a home because the bank said no because this can't go on but they got a first class trip to the project not opportunity to build a generation of wealth the kind of many people enjoying today the same thing it's a story jim what did you see out of the. i sometimes imagine you know we can't go
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back in time but imagine just for a moment we just went back a few years to the mid two thousand and instead of bailing out the banks we've bailed out eleven million homeowners. and we paid for that we paid for their debt and then you know or imagine instead of spending. a trillion a billion dollars to build luxury to subsidize a billionaire to build luxury we spent a billion dollars to subsidize the creation of a bunch of new affordable housing and we paid people in the community to build it this kind of trickle up economics. you know it's something that i think reverses that crisis of moral priority how can we reverse this because if we follow this to conclusion we're going to have to have shanty towns outside every urban area to to bus in our low wage workers every day because it's simply the cost of living and where it is it is something that we can no longer tolerate in atlanta
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and other urban areas so we've got to try something and it's interesting that they go after sanders and cry socialist when the means to bail themselves out was some kind of perverted reverse socialism itself i could agree with you more and both of the points you guys made today and i think you know it always bothered me because for some reason i remember my my old economics class from school was that if you if you put money into the community the community spends money of the economy the booms and you can just have it all funneling up to the top i want to thank you both for coming on the band having a great discussion about this very pressing issue. and the watkins thank you so much for coming on today. as we go to break watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter. dot com coming off the political fight for the future venezuela can. to the streets of new york
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city and washington d.c. thankfully our tour burgers damn cold has the story and will have a past that discussion after stay tuned to watch for the hoax. most of us are and believe we live in a society based on merit and equal justice the varsity blues college admissions scandal inform us that both aren't true the rich and privileged can buy access for their kids at the expense of families who are hard working and don't is the idea of marriage dead. after nine eleven the wealthy in america decided we're up playing anymore we're going to just grab as much as we can of the cash out there in the system and put it off shore and that's why there's not
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twenty two trillion offshore and so there you battle of credit in the system strong the central bank instead of punishing the banks has flooded the system with more of the fia money and then those who are the paranoid have yachts versus the have nots decided you know we're going to put that more offshore so they just keep trying to and shipping it off shore and it's completely bypassing the economy and so the economy is getting more starved for credit and the people are getting more restless . i don't know oh oh oh oh dear it's crazy oh. we've been a real good shots few begin mergers. sometimes community young people deciding if they want to not like their parents not like the liberals. always drugs.
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you always have problems but. folks it's the most ubiquitous gun out there most police departments use it almost over stores in the school. sometimes. we were teaching these kids about racism about police brutality taking pride in how they are these kids are a part of all history. starting to appear ark watchers that the political fight for the soul of venezuela has now come to the streets of the united states of america yes after weeks and weeks of having their political egos stroked by both the trumpet ministration and the qadri of washington's finest regime change hawks won wide though the man gunning for
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nicolas maduro presidency in venezuela through his representatives decided to up and take over three venezuelan government buildings in new york city including a consulate office with their eyes now on the ultimate prize of the venezuelan embassy here in washington d c r t's dan cohen has the story. this quiet street is the latest battleground for venezuela a country thousands of miles away and opposition leader does representatives are planning to seize control of this building the military attache carlos a big one why don't so-called ambassador to the united states before entering the military attaché is building he took control of another nearby building owned by the venezuelan government he was able to do so simply by calling a locksmith and perhaps more important or saving the blessing of the u.s. state department and they destroying everything so that's what they have done here . basically they destroyed this house and again this is
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a nasa does belong to the venezuelan sun they instead of preserving preserving the assets. just i mean you saw what they did and so imagine the if they do these here in the u.s. you can imagine what they are doing in venezuela. outside the military attaché is building victor you raise the venezuelan flag and sing the national anthem drowning out code blue protesters chanting hands off venezuela inside the building vecchio replaced a portrait of elected president nicolas maduro with one of. it's not the first time the u.s. has recognized alternative figures in place of an existing government in two thousand and eleven washington did the same in syria and seven years later but is still in power i asked vecchio why did this time it would be different i don't have any doubt that their benefits are ready for a change the change will call the company has been called because we have put the.
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thing that is whether we have that he's willing to kill the people he's going to keep privilege but that would be the one boy who is being investigated in venezuela for allegedly sabotaging the country's electrical system asked what would happen if he were arrested vecchio said it would be a step in the right direction i would say that would have been packed in the changing this way and that with a city or a change he did this is to do with meanwhile setting his sights on the venezuelan embassy in macy's that building as early as wednesday in washington dan cohen. joining us now to discuss this latest news on the fiber of venezuela's political future is the producer of loudon crew radio walter small arc want to thank you for coming on the baby fascinating these new changes that are happening and how fast it's happening. is this unprecedented in a power struggle like this where the u.s. is kind of back to one side and now that sides like. taking over consulates and
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potentially taking over embassies here in the united states we've seen anything like this before well it's extremely breezin but i don't think it's quite unprecedented because we saw for instance in syria and libya similar sort of quote unquote transitional government set up right which were not elected by the people of those countries not elected by the people of syria not elected by the people of libya but sort of self-proclaimed greatest you know groupings of people who you know have long standing relationships with washington with the cia with the u.s. government basically being assembled as part of this regime change strategy to give sort of the new year of legitimacy to the puppet and i would certainly call why to a puppet that they want to install as the president of this extremely rich country and that's the interesting thing about this because it's like i think a lot of people when you look at the story is kind of like ok you know we're not aware of what's going on on the ground in venezuela on a day to day basis we don't see the news we don't read the newspaper because we're all you know we're not there you know is why don't someone who came up the political kind of ranks in venezuela helped by the u.s.
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over the years i mean do we know that or is it just kind of someone that we latched on to and so ok this is going to be our guy that we're going to support yeah he absolutely does have a long standing relationship with the united states i think he came up the political ladder in venezuela i think might be a bit of a stretch because he's he's so he's so i don't know i mean he's not you know high ranking leader i mean when he was first announced you know i think there's an opinion poll that came out that something like eighty percent of people in venezuela had never heard of him before and you know oh this guy's our president now i mean it's completely absurd but he has come up through basically the u.s. quote unquote soft power system where you know young elite people are it shows in you know many of them are students in the united states why deal studied in the united states and they're basically you know taken under the wing of the u.s. government they're given training you know quote unquote civil society training and you know basically the tools that they need to organize what sometimes referred to as color revolutions being. that you know there are mass protests organized maybe
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latching on to some preexisting grievances maybe not but basically and the rule of a government of the united states for whatever reason has the cited you know should no longer rule that country interesting next on the list is you know you heard them say look we're going to try to get the venezuelan embassy out over these embassies and consulates have been closed they're going from janny where they believe they're all close but about this basically sort of the how vital is control over an embassy to the political future of venezuela i mean is it would be some kind of blow to them of the road ministration if you know why those people get in there and say we're here at the embassy or the government no well i think the reason that the embassies are being targeted is that they're symbols of legitimacy right they need to project wedo is being you know the legitimate president of the country you know able to exercise effective control over different levers of government especially diplomacy so i do think it's quite significant in that that's also important to note that it's illegal what is being done because there is you know world diplomacy
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is largely governed according to something called the vienna convention and so article twenty two of the vienna convention states that the property you know that the missions like the physical consulates and things like that are inviolable you know the host government cannot touch them and article forty five of that convention also states that even in the event of a rupture of diplomatic relations like what happened with you know the united states and venezuela that doesn't know if i anything like this so the united states is absolutely not allowed to do these things but it's a way of them sort of throwing their weight around trying to project white oh it's something that he's not which is you know the legitimate leader of the venezuelan people and there's absolutely nothing that one white oh did i mean he was not the leader of an opposition party was not the deputy leader of an opposition party he was maybe the third ring leader arguably of the most far right party in the opposition coalition is called popular will i think stream right wing party involved in all sorts of street violence these series of riots that took place in two thousand and fourteen. and two thousand and seventeen they're very intimately
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connected with so that's who he is and that's why those embassies are being targeted you know many folks living in the united states and of the garonne the world you know kind of looking at this political struggle going on in venezuela you know why look you know you kind of strip away it all really comes down to you know why don't appear at least to be this is the real pro-capitalist kind of want to go back and move the country back towards capitalism and that kind of version of capitalism and then you have the duros much more the socialist the legacy of you know who chavez. why you know when people look at that and they see this battle there and they say look apart from the truth you know apart from neighboring countries and the people of venezuela why should we be paying attention this isn't this up to the people of venezuela is their future they should be deciding why why are the u.s. getting involved why are we talking about this at the end of the day yeah well i mean it should be up to the people of venezuela but unfortunately in the in the world order that exists you know the united states tries to exercise its gemini not
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just within its own borders but but everywhere right in the people who carry out all sorts of horrible injustices you know you're talking about housing on the last i mean you know the people who preside over all that terrible inequality all those terrible injustices that exist here in the united states when you commit those very same injustices all around the world you know venezuela is especially important to them because it has the world's largest reserves of oil but you know ted to answer your question i mean why should people care well i think in the most severe scenario which we certainly can't rule out there could be a war i mean there's already an economic war but a military you know indeed from an issue during the war and and it's not going to be you know the children or grandchildren of mike pence or elliott abrams or donald trump who go and fight in those wars right it's going to be ordinary people working class people who are sent to kill and die and suffer horrible injuries i mean that's who's going to be doing the fighting for the profits of the wall street banks and big oil companies what do you see is that what do you what do you see very quickly what do you see of the next up what's going to happen next in this kind of ongoing struggle well i think the united states. it's going to intensify
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the economic war intensify the sanctions that caused terrible suffering among ordinary venezuelans i think that that's basically what trump was hinting at today when he met with the extreme right wing you know you could even say fascist president of brazil. so i think that that will continue apace but there's also a growing movement of resistance in the united states you know just last saturday we saw thousands of people gather in washington d.c. to protest the regime change push and i think that as the aggression of the u.s. government escalates against the people of venezuela against the revolution in venezuela i think that that opposition here in the united states will grow as well interesting well walter small are going to thank you so much for coming on today a pleasure having you on the minimum this discussion with you thank you thank you. while many of those grew up here and some variation on the story of jonah in the whale for kids growing up to be our buddy jonah would probably have ended up drowning and not being saved by the whale and no it's not because whales have gotten meaner it's because jonas friends have gotten too careless with their
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plastics and there is no room left in the whale's belly for jonah in a startling discovery a young beaked whale washed up dead on a beach in the philippines with roughly eighty eight pounds forty kilograms of plastic in its belly and this poor whale was not alone my friends last november a dead sperm whale washed up in indonesia carrying one hundred plastic cups for plastic bottles twenty five plastic bags and even a couple of flip flops inside its stomach my friends this story should make your stomach churn now imagine how to whale felt. whales i can't believe i'm saying this whales are not recycle bins neither is the ocean please let's clean up after ourselves and try to do a little bit to make this world a better and cleaner place are that is our show for today remember everyone in this
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world we are not told that we are loved and up so i tell you all i love you i am tyrrel been turfed keep on watching those hawks out there and have a great day and night everybody thank you. on. a shout out to get out last alter that i. was honestly had left and i thought that this was a little one. doesn't usher. the littlest. victims out there just a second how your names have extras in it and how much that you don't get me to
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pass it comes out there was nothing and never was enough to post any. dream agreed to pretty much an old mr remember there was and most of my family were unemployed working class there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objectives leeson today but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. of there was a real. the sense of hopefulness there isn't today today's america where shape my the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy attack solo duo engineer elections manufacture consent
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and other principles according to no i'm trying to get one set of rules for the rich opposite. to that's what happens when you put her into the shoes. of wilf which rule is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. oh oh oh. oh. we've been a real good shot if you begin murders life. becomes our last community young people are deciding if they want to not like their parents not like them liberals. always
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struggle school again you always have problems but you're not going to focus a lot it's the most ubiquitous going on out there most police departments use it almost overstayers in the school that they could get their hands on some twenty four hours. we were teaching these kids about racism about police brutality taking cried of them they are these kids are a part of all history. very clear if. i.
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was. brazil's president faces a political scandal after reports of. germany's accountable for the deadly drone strikes in yemen directed in control from the u.s. based on german soil in a court case one by the families of. scientists among us democrats dismissing the party claims as only twelve years left to save the earth. good morning thanks for taking the time and shooting this morning it's eleven am here in moscow.
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