tv Watching the Hawks RT March 20, 2019 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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debated for political change haitian people are not going to take this news well but fear not my us empire loving friends haiti will not be throwing off the yoke of u.s. control any time soon because thankfully one of the best and brightest u.s. politicians and political orders of our time working day one marco rubio the republican senator on a quarter traveled to haiti on wednesday in order spend the day urging dialogue between the country's embattled president and opposition parties calling for his resignation because if there is anybody who knows how to put dialogue over rhetoric it's our little buddy marco i mean look at the bang up job is doing right now representing peace and dialogue in venezuela now let's start watching the hawks. it's. like you know that i got. the.
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world number one watching the hawks. turn joining me today to talk a little mercenaries haiti rubio and force us had them only in the caribbean and latin america is the host of by any means necessary and spotlight radio eugene for your eugene thank you so much for coming on and joining us today interesting interesting stuff thank you so much for having me i want to start when you look at this latest twist i've been we've been following you know these mercenaries are kind of showed up armed to the teeth and then disappeared were arrested disappeared don't know what happened what what is most intriguing what jumps out to you the most about this story well the thing to me that is most intriguing is how shambolic in many ways it appeared that they were i mean they didn't have any official approval they didn't even have insurance extraction plans. nothing of that nature
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yet allegedly they're working with something close to the president now of course president moise i'm sure wanted to keep some level of plausible deniability but i mean it seems as if he went far beyond plausible deniability here to just sort of asking one of his friends to try to take care of it and it turned into the situation that we've seen now so i think it also speaks very heavily to the deep decay that is happening within the government itself you know it's interesting because when i when i read the story the intercept story i couldn't decide if like the idea was was legitimate or not in the sense of you know was it really just this series of mess ups in this disorganized like you mentioned they didn't have any insurance in this so one part of my brain went ok is this like a limited hangout where it's like ok we're going to kind of say that this was just a mess in the home this but really we're kind of giving you half the truth of what was really going on with these guys or really was just this kind of disorganized thing that we do think this was just a series of mistake was do you think there was anything that like points to anything more nefarious of what these guys were doing down there are going on there
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well i think it does point to something that i do is very wary i mean that's the on the fairest of them for answering eighty billion dollars in there but yeah i mean i think really the one thing is the use of private mercenaries i mean you see that even then you have the justice minister actually called to try to get them out of jail and my immediate thought was ok well the police are holding them up the justice minister is unable to even get them out of jail initially and it seems at the very least that president has at least lost control perhaps of a significant amount of his own security forces and his ability or desire i should say to bring in all these different forces and this one was a little shambolic but say this works out so he gets control of the eighty million dollars is blackwater next or any of these major private military contractors p.m.c. as they call themselves but ultimately i think that this trend towards using mercenaries to back the power of the president to me seems to suggest even really quite frankly sort of the way he's dismissed the prime minister and done this with this money that perhaps at least he was looking towards a coup or something of that nature to stay in power. in the face of these large
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popular demonstrations which there's another large demonstration call for march twenty ninth so he knew that things were going to start to flare up again so it certainly speaks to the abrogation of democracy perhaps being something that was on the agenda for the president before we get into to our one of our favorite politicians here i'm watching the hawks marco rubio but before we get into that you know i just for the background for people that haven't been following the story like you know what is the nature of what's happening down there why are these people protesting why is are suddenly this much destabilization in haiti and people looking for a change in government yes absolutely so the proximate issue was a huge raise in the fuel prices there but what that really started to kick off was anger around the general corruption of the government for folks who don't know haiti for some time has been about is something called pecial career which was a program started by president chavez from venezuela provide cheap oil very very cheap oil from haiti many would say that after the earthquake and some of the other natural disasters hurricanes and the like this was what really allowed the country to not completely and totally collapse that they were able to use a lot of this money for some development funds but about two billion dollars of the
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money was stolen so you had a government that all of a sudden already was it you know terribly popular and comes in really sort of in many ways imposed the past couple governments but you have a government that comes in it's relatively unpopular it's deeply corrupt people know and then it tries to impose austerity and i think people ultimately were fed up and it's important i think to connect this to the fact that you know really since the late one nine hundred eighty s. the haitian popular movement has consistently risen up and tried to put in governments that are at least to some degree or good to work towards the needs of the people and consistently the united states is trying to overthrow those governments impose new governments keep in you know what is really an unbelievable sort of sweatshop style labor regime with a handful of elites on the top so i think this is not only the immediate anger around this issue but also the long term builds up anger over what is really kind of the stolen future of haitians most definitely and now we've got to get to margot's trip he's coming to haiti you know under his arm bringing dialogue and bringing peace to want to get. these two sides together maybe you know bring
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unicorns to we don't know but now what do you believe was marco's some of the real purpose in going down there i mean is a really just like he's that worried about this guy losing power or is there another is there a broader picture a bigger picture of work here well i think the two things are connected i think he is very concerned about president moyes losing power for a couple of reasons one the just traditional reason why the united states has back to his in haiti promoted coups in haiti and the like in sort of this very rich country and certainly the country the great moral authority and so the thread of a good example as well is trying to keep a very rich country within the broader sphere of american north american economic interest so that's one piece that i think historically the u.s. has tried to make sure you have the right kind of friendly guy but much more relevant i think to our current moment is the issue of venezuela now haitian governments even the most government had been traditionally quite friendly to venezuela of course they were getting a lot of development aid from venezuela as i mentioned but then as these protests started more started to lose popularity in order to try to shore up his rule then
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he turns his back on venezuela supports this fake president one why go and then of course is it becomes a you know it's a major major country in the caribbean in many ways large especially because of the history of haiti then it becomes a key cog in the machine of this broader attempt to isolate the material government and if this government was to fall quite frankly i think whoever would come next would almost certainly be more friendly to venezuela certainly potentially hostile to the united states and i think if it is a government or any sort that is trying to speak to those or for those or is raised up from the people who have been out on the streets it would also be potentially hostile to the united states and historic intervention of the united states so things could kind of spiral out of control here in the caribbean and in the americas and it's important to remember that caricom has been holding strong against the u.s. coup attempts even some of the countries that are not that friendly with venezuela and consistently they have been pushing back on the attempts of the lima group of the united states of the european you're. to impose
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a government on venezuela so having haiti go into the camp of countries in the caribbean and in the western hemisphere that's opposed to this effort i think it have a big diplomatic effect and i think also a big effect on the region i mean if there is a revolution or even a major popular uprising that leads to a governmental change in haiti it will inspire others around the region i think you could see it you could kind of i mean a lot of it reminds me a lot of what you saw in the fifty's and things like that with the cuban revolution pictures with that because then it's like once cuba went then everyone was very oh we're going to lose the rest of latin america. what people need to understand about the situation in haiti and in latin america in general that you feel is not getting enough coverage that should be being talked about more well i think the one thing that we really have to talk about is the rootedness of popular movements and haiti and the region and that so much of this i mean we talk so much about what's happening in venezuela and we get kind of the prehistory of venezuela where after the kerik oslo in eighty nine you have this rise of popular movements against neo liberalism happening in that country and haiti is a similar country they overthrew
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a dictatorship at the end of the eighty's they brought in a jumbotron area steve who was a mild the social democratic president and that really this is part of i think an extended history in the caribbean and in latin america of pushing back against the neo liberal i.m.f. imposed washington consensus of the seventy's in the eighty's that's where a lot of these progressive governments come from that's where these mass movement come from and consistently it's been short circuiting call this act or whatever you want to call it by the u.s. government and i think that rather than looking at it strictly as just sort of one offs or whatever it may be i think we have to start to look at the long view of what has been happening in this region and what the role of the united states has been to sort of stifle the will of popular where do you see this going do you think do you think that this new set of protests is going to truly enact change i mean it has been have the other broke of the jack out of the box i mean is this is this going to go through are they going to change government i think it's very possible i mean i think that there is a really a strong there is an era steve type figure for those to rally around or a single party like lava lost in the way there was but i know there are conversations happening. eighty people trying to come together and i think the
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feeling on the streets now seems to be one of total rejection of the current government and one that's also a total rejection really quite frankly of the u.s. role in the region and i think that given what we've seen so far given the steadfastness of what is going on i think it's going to be very difficult for president moyes to hold on and i think quite frankly this mercenary story in the eighty million dollars speaks very heavily to i think how much he's saying you know by his fingernails there eugene i got to say thank you so much for coming on but looking forward to having you on for a while but really appreciate you having me on you very much all right as we go to break watchers i don't want you to forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered today on facebook twitter and you tube and see our poll shows that are. coming up investigative journalist bias one brings us the latest on the coup taking place here in the united states against the great wall of trump. and the republicans are actually taking part in it so stay tuned to watch the whole.
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to begin mergers light. comes on class community young people are deciding if they want to not like their parents not like the liberals. always struggle. you always have problems but. it's the most ubiquitous their most police departments use it almost overstayers in the school tell to take to get their hands on some twenty. through it teach these kids about racism about police brutality taking crime. and there are these kids are
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a part of history. because i love and the wealthy in america decided we're up playing anymore we're going to just grab as much as we can of the cash out there in the system and put it you know offshore and that's why there's not twenty two trillion offshore and so there you battle of credit in the system shrunk the central bank instead of punishing the banks just flooded the system with more of the fia money and then those who are the paranoid have yachts versus the have nots decided you know we're going to put that more offshore so they just keep trying to and shipping it off shore and it's completely bypassing the economy and so the economy is getting more starved for credit and the people are getting more restless. with this manufactured and sentenced to the public will. when the
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ruling closest to protect them so. when the final clearing your own lives and neither will most of the. middle the routes to. the real news is really. going on the phone lines most by you know make an incredible million mark the mark up on the supreme court appointments you know memos are going to focus a. lot of books on. i just think that. she
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was even. grammar just in. general but. some know my stood up british course that's enough. i mean. things are meant. to. be. since the early days of the great wall of trump when it was just a glimmer in the brand name and cheap so i while on the twenty sixteen campaign trail he promised us many times over that this war would be paid for by the mexican
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government well as we know that wasn't going to happen in fact that was never going to happen but you know who is going to pay for the great wall of trouble whatever that turns out to be. the u.s. taxpayers and just where will they be taking this tax money out of our two americas matushka suite has the story. the president is looking into budgeting a southern barrier and to do this properly the white house has been in talks with the pentagon to see which military construction projects could take a back seat right now there are some four hundred military projects scheduled the pentagon released a twenty one page document including twelve point eight billion and plans that could be used under the president's declared emergency more than one billion of it is in california alone the lump sum is nearly four times the three point seven billion the president would need for military construction to complete a southern barrier but this is the new concept nearly seven hundred miles of wall was built under presidents george w. bush and obama after a thirty five day government shutdown over while finding the president declared
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a national emergency last month. a resolution against president trumps emergency declaration which gave way to his every force veto it is a tremendous national emergency and there's a tremendous crisis less my boy than seventy six thousand illegal migrants arrived at our border we're on track for a million illegal aliens to rush our borders people hate the word invasion but that's what it is but senate democrats continue to push back on president's proposal on border security i think the only way we'll get a budget is the way we got one the last two years if the president stays out of it i think if you talk to my republican colleagues and they told you what they're telling us they'd say the same thing apparently not all republicans nor the majority leader but on the issue. i think everybody in that conference is in favor of the president's position on border security now lawmakers are complaining they don't know which military projects are on the cutting block but they have been
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assured no military housing barracks or dormitories would be affected the house is scheduled to vote on the president's veto on march twenty sixth but neither chamber will likely be able to override the president's emergency declaration in los angeles and sweet r.t. . and in the world of washington d.c. politics well pushback in the democratic controlled house of representatives trumps speculation was a declaration was expected it was the republican controlled u.s. senate passing of a bill to block trumps state of emergency funding grab as unconstitutional but surprised most political walks here in d.c. joining me now to discuss why twelve republican senators broke ranks and voted against their president's wishes is investigative journalist swan ben thanks for coming on today and getting into this with me i think right off the bat the biggest question of the bay is why did these twelve senators break with their party in the president and look some of these folks who did this aren't exactly newbies to the party they're not freshman senators coming in causing a causing
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a ruckus. right all of the couple things first of all the republicans who broke rank and there were twelve of them as you mentioned kind of i think the biggest name that most people would know out of that group with the senator rand paul kind of leading the charge on that but we saw others lisa murkowski susan collins gillett's there were a number of senators who did and i think what really stood out once the fact that the senator had enough swaying it because the number of them that switched to actually take the republican controlled senate and moving into the category where they were able to ask this resolution that it's a gentle rebuke the drug administration tries to block that order while funding but what it really comes down to is the fact that these republicans and some democrats not all let's be honest some democrats are voting against this just because they don't like trouble but for those who saw the constitutional issue here then yes intially saw that the constitution does not permit the president the authority to
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spin money that has not been allotted to him or her and the problem is it is not a national emergency so these republican senators did not vote against this because they said trump doesn't have the right to declare a national emergency he absolutely does have the legal authority to do so but he doesn't have the authority. is declaring a national emergency and then to allocate funds that have been allocated for something else to that national emergency congress asked to do that under the constitution and that's not what's happening it's interesting i'm curious to see this kind of republican defection in the house vote as well as some in the house is controlled by democrats and that you know we're going to knew this was coming from the outside but did we see republicans on that side as well also kind of move because of this constitutional because of the unconstitutionality of what trumps doing. so what's really interesting about this is in the senate obviously the republicans of the house is controlled by democrats almost the exact same number of republicans defected even though the percentages are different the same number so
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twelve in the senate defected thirteen republicans in the house actually affected in some of those names you know just that i'm on michigan and it's nasty of kentucky in these are it's the liberty caucus republicans in the house again they did the same thing look there are people who are very angry about that to see what it means about it right now where there are so many of these republicans are traitors not traitors they're actually patriots that they're standing up for the rule of law instead of the cult of personality and not saying anything it's wrong when this president does it and you're choosing different party but it's ok when our president does it because the there in our party for too long that it's been the way washington is operated and it's it's a sports rather than about morals not about right and wrong it's about which team you're on and in my team doing it when it's ok but if your team's doing it it's wrong and so would what these men and women have done i think is pretty courageous and that they said look for chicken long congress is silent on the issue of the way
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that national emergencies are used the good news out of all of this is that even though trump has been told that's already in there to use the first presidential veto to veto this resolution the good news is is there are now a host of new bills being created. i think will get passed that will now win in the authority of the any of the national emergencies act that will no longer allow president to simply declare them and keep them open i mean i wrote it in mind right now there are thirty one states of emergency in effect in the country so i'm going back to the ninety seven minutes never been written that they just they just remain in effect even after a president leaves office and some of these bills are going to end that's incredible now actually those was going to ask your next as you mentioned kind of the history of this you know these kind of. whether they are state of emergency does or the earth someone called these kind of presidential power grabs like look i have this pet thing i want to do you know and maneuvering that's not limited to just president donald trump like but what are some of the other examples going back
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that we've seen this used over and over again for i mean i understand it ok hurricanes things like that but are there any examples words like a trump example where he's using it to pass a past policy rather than actual merge and see. well some of them have been i mean one that a lot of folks would remember and this was done to president obama with ebola remember we had a sequel of there a few years ago where incidentally we the president declared it was a national emergency going to poland was coming into the country even though i don't think it's a person in the country ever even contract i think with people who were coming from overseas to work and so the national emergency is declared and then what do you do what's different about what trungpa is doing compared to what's up with other presidents have done is it once the national emergency was declared a bill let's take it to congress saying you know i think at the time when one or two billion dollars that they need to get to the c.d.c. to help people or congress go had to pass that whether you agree with it or not
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they still have the money had to be allocated or trauma's down as you say can be extraordinary step of saying i'm going to now find the money in all these different other venues and i'm going to kind of reroute it into the border wall that i want because the state of emergency and what the authority of the president is it's not it's not included in the authority of the president i should say is the ability to designate funding congress has to do that and it's a what really was the constitutional issue this is about it has congress for so long to serve its authority and abdicated its authority in terms of the power of the purse and what point do they take it back there's a lot of republicans who would say it's very unfair that right now under this president it's going to be take it back but it has to be taken back at some point i mean whether it's republican or democrat it should have already happened i couldn't agree with you more and should we i mean is there something should we be getting our hopes up i mean will we see or we've seeing the beginnings of like
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a real challenge to what you're talking about you know a real challenge to unchecked executive power and that mentality that's taken hold and not just the republican party but the democrats under obama or is this kind of a one time one issue stands. i mean is this going to be is this taken root. i think it's a really good question but i would say that i'm still grateful for president trump for a couple of reasons one of those reasons is because it's personality it's so large i mean it's nice. that they are actually him forgive me greatly other presidents. for it because it's such a strong. reaction. obvious like will and the day when you. couldn't is that our are one that's good if interims face you know or have it on the republican or they can just allow president obama and they'll actually pass along. our trumpets out about the next
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president the next two presidents i for the president we that restraint on our so that that's what i'm hopeful for i think we have to really pay attention to though is that unfortunately because of the fact that so much of this in the media is tight trunk earth ality not to the power of the president that's going to trump is out of office democrats won't want to do it any more republican anymore because now they're teammates if you will their team is now in charge and so and back to the way they were like unchecked power in the executive branch they just don't like it when trump is. you know it's interesting too because when i look at when i look at this and i look at the you know there's many different things that went into this on chuck power and there's many different you know from from from go to look you know from the george bush era of the obama era all that the other thing that i think also plays a role in this and that one the reasons trump thinks he can get away with this without understanding the constitution of doing this is because when you come from
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the c.e.o. background when you come from that business background that they all kind of sell we need more businessmen in in washington you just get the ability to say i can take money from here and here and here you can do. not in a private business but you can't do it you can't do it in a government because government is not a private business i got to say but thank you so much for breaking this down for us today and it's always a pleasure having you on the show and a fascinating topic to see what happens i really hope that moving forward we're going to see this become something that's a staple new hope these republicans continue to stand up it's always nice to see thank you so much. you know it might be time to rethink your morning coffee or tea hock watchers i look before you strike me dead my chair at least at least take a listen to what researchers out of the to run university of medical sciences in iran scott they've discovered that drinking extremely hot water consistently like
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the kind you use to make that fresh cup of coffee or tea well my friends that can increase your risk for throat cancer according to their findings from a study of over five hundred thousand people those who drank their tea at sixty degrees celsius or higher were almost twice as likely to bella to develop cancer in the throat experts my friends experts are now encouraging coffee and tea drinkers to add a little milk to bring down that temp and bring down those cancer chances. no word yet of course of these experts that are telling you to add a little milk to your coffee may or may not work for the national dairy association no word on that yet but hey you know we bring down the temp a little bit before as well that our that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told the. tell you all i love tyrrel been for keep on watching all those hawks out there and have a great day and night everybody.
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it was. a shot i took it up on a soldier that a. possible solution if he had left it on as. those of us or. the bushes. in it and it doesn't say i was there a second how names have a reason and how much that the who committed the passage says they were or isn't and never was enough to post the next.
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time eleven the wealthy in america decided we're up playing anymore we're going to just grab as much as we can of the cash out there in the system and put it you know offshore and that's why there's not twenty two trillion offshore and so there is a battle of credit in the system shrunk the structural back instead of punishing the banks just flooded the system with more of the fia money and then those who are the paranoid have yachts versus the have nots decided you know we're going to put that more offshore so they just keep trying to and ship it off shore and it's completely bypassing the economy and so the economy is getting more starved for credit and the people are getting more restless. officer. told to get up off the ground to serve began to. hurt them freeze on the sounds of an mit grown man mislead essentially. early.
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in the. wish to do away from the officers. of his group. the i'm sorry did they come to lunch for the web in one smiths and they were. i haven't done tree swung as i didn't hit him i never saw any contact with. any kind went back to where they were so the masters back here there again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer saw his gun and even on three. person made blames the parliament for braggs a chaos as the e.u. exit deadline looms the opposition accuses her of pushing the country to the brink of disaster. and peace of being unable to agree as a result we will now.
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