tv News RT March 22, 2019 5:00pm-5:30pm EDT
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headline news from international. says he's told the u.s. treasury not to impose communication channel between pyongyang and seoul. north korea informed us this morning that it would pull out its staff from the liaison office on instructions from a superior authority and it would through its staff so the north said it doesn't mind the south remaining in the office and that it will not be fight on further practical matters in the future our government finds the north decision regrettable and it is hoped that the north returns its staff to the liaison office for normal operations as it was agreed between the two countries. the latest setback on the korean peninsula and donald trump's apparent attempt to damage limitation comes just a month after talks between the u.s. and north korea collapsed at a summit in vietnam that was due to differences over washington sanctions regime correspondent any of the train could join the union or nail to break down the
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development. that lee is office it was only set up you know last year was and it's not widely known just prick a dime what it actually tells the creation the setting up of this office was this little baby step towards reunification towards closer ties and we know that when it comes to the things happening on the korean peninsula and the baby step is important as you said it was only set up six months ago after that historic visit south korea's president moving to pyongyang you remember when he was waving hands to all the public and the streets it was really seen as a historic breakthrough a commitment in the office was intended for these kind of face to face contacts not on the highest level but in between some sort of officials and diplomats which used to be rare but now it looks like this will have to be put on hold for a while maybe for good we don't know if baby steps but important steps all the same
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office that's what it was designed to do what i would end the any indication of the us to why north korea has pulled out its officers in north korea hasn't officially announced that this was draw what's happening so we don't really know what the reason is what we do know is that it happened right after the americans decided to punish two chinese companies for doing business with gang and diplomats in beijing have already called this kind of thing unacceptable they believe that these kind of moves should only be made after some sort of decisions by the u.n. so there you have it after the donald trump. summit in one noise this was the first action taken by washington against north korea and anyone who is dealing with it and you know all this thaw and all these friendship between donald trump and chairman kim they may end up being absolute. irrelevant when the u.s.
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sanctions alarm goes off and i'll tell you what officials in north korea have recently said that they aren't feeling that americans were making any steps to loosen their stranglehold when it comes to all this pressure on north korea the show me if the united states was not interested in improving health career u.s. relations or implementing the june twelfth joint declaration it was only trying to produce results for political achievement i will make this clear the forceful stance of the us will make the situation more dangerous i was supreme leader ship can clarify its decision soon the us president loves to brag about how great he is making all these moves towards peace on the korean peninsula but as you've said in hanoi there was no peace agreements i know there's always
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a failure was that essentially well essentially rise you say but nothing sign there and it appears that kim jong il didn't bend under all this might of donald trump's diplomatic skills and now it looks like the dollar from the ministration is at a crossroads they should decide whether they want to continue to play that role as a great peacemaker for korea or they want to go back to the role of the bad cop who keeps lobbying everyone around the world with sanctions. told me that donald trump is trying to reduce the negative impact of sanctions against north korea. we'll then i think a couple of weeks we will hear back from the north korean side as to how they would like to proceed further the ball really resides on the north korean side on how they will respond after hanoi and i think donald trump is going a little way out a little out of his way to ensure that he doesn't mess things up u.s.
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north korea talks side of a very delicate fears or this point of time north korea essentially has to get back to the u.s. side wants to go forward and dark rum doesn't want to do that in a negative direction by imposing a new whole set of sanctions and that's why he's kind of trying to ensure that at least at the leader to leader level there's good communication and a good relationship because he believes north korea is a top down society and if kim jong un can take that strategic decision which he needs to make it will unlock the door of very positive relationship and positive denuclearization related negotiations. for un human rights council has called for a halt to israeli settlement expansion in the golan heights a day after the us president pledged to recognize the disputed area as part of israel the region was seized from syria back in one thousand sixty seven after fifty two years it's time for the united states to fully recognize israel sovereignty over the golan heights which is
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a critical strategic security importance the state of israel and regional stability . the israeli prime minister welcome the move and thank donald trump and surprisingly syria has a very different view of its foreign ministry said trump decision changes nothing and the syrian people will do whatever it takes to reclaim the golden heart golan heights russia's foreign ministry also condemned the proposal saying that such a move would violate a number of un resolutions germany and france said they're opposed to any unilateral measures as well the analysts we spoke to had concerns about trump proposal and the precedent that would be set by recognizing the golan heights as part of israel. it seems that donald trump now is the spokesman for netanyahu and he is intervening in the israeli election and he would like netanyahu to win this election so i wouldn't be surprised when he meet him in the white house next week mixed with the i think you will give him a huge prison which is the mission of the israeli civility or.
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totally cynically breaking all the international rules and international law i mean there isn't the whole one in the world i guess who has any doubts about the legal status of the golan herds the golan heights is an occupied territory no doubts about this and here comes an american president and say no matter what the international law says no made towards the woods we recognize it is an israeli city because israel holds it for so many years so why not. if we follow this. really raises a lot of questions about a lot of other occupations all over the world. in reaction to last friday's christ church mosque shootings the first terror attack in new zealand in over three decades the country's largest bookstore chain is revising what's on its shelves
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placing a ban on one of its bestsellers it's called twelve rules of life and it's sold over three million copies worldwide it covers a wide range of topics too from discipline and responsibility but also the psychology of mass shooters the store defended its decision saying that it didn't want what it called extremely disturbing material circulating in the wake of last friday's attack now it may also be connected to this photo showing off jordan peterson wearing a t. shirt with the i'm a proud islamophobia printed across this however it seems that some other controversial books do not fall under the same criteria for such. is concerned mind kampf is to the table on the shop's website and that would cause change isn't alone in putting a ban on jordan peterson's work cambridge university in the u.k. has revoked its offer of a visiting fellowship to the office as a result of a student backlash saying there's no place for people who don't uphold its principles and saturday's going underground jordan peterson calls the decision
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unprofessional and cowardly well i think it says more about the nature of the universities in general than about free speech in general i mean i don't feel that my disinvited taishan has compromised my free speech ability because i have so many platforms on which i can discuss my ideas but i think that it was handled in an unbelievably unprofessional shoddy and cowardly way i mean i was never even notified formally that this invitation occurred i found out about it through the grapevine and i have no will still have no real explanation for why it happened. only able to surmise the reasons i think that our guy was in cambridge in november and i did a very popular talk there and there was lots of student interest and interest out the faculty of divinity as well and i was really looking forward to working with the experts there on biblical issues and i thought it would have been
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a very good collaboration for everyone given the popularity of the biblical lecture series i did a year ago and i think it's i think it's sad. the european union's rejected to resume its request for a three month delay to the use offering a short a postponement and only on the condition that the british parliament approves the unpopular with drool deal that was painstakingly negotiated by the british prime minister brussels on friday the european council president sounded upbeat about the extension. really though this development the fate of bridget. and social our british friends. as they you are for the worst. told for the best. as you love. told the day so i asked after a seemingly endless night of debate discussion and chopping and changing plans that you council did finally come up with that official proposal for to reason my condo
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with quite strict terms and conditions and extension of article fifty until the twenty second of may conditional upon her passing a plan through parliament a further extension until the twelfth of april conditional upon the u.k. coming up with some sort of roadmap of plan as to what exactly to do and the possibility of yet another further as yet indefinite extension conditional upon the u.k. participating in european parliamentary elections that is something to resume a has said is a red line for her and would of course be rather pointless given the u.k. has decided to leave the european union in the press conference this morning donald tusk was quite clever with his wording he stated that anything is possible that they're hoping for the best and hope dies last we know what that means of course would this proposal leave council has moved the powered arms of this debate right away from the prospect of a no deal hard bricks at further towards the possibility of
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a deal further extensions or even the possibility of revoking article fifty and the u.k. staying in the european union as donald tusk said to one journalist in that conference he's more pro british than the journalist is nevertheless though the long hours of those debates seemingly did take that's all a little bit on that press conference last night. do it be able to also agree stern extension until the. twentieth of april. for folks who.
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live in the yes. on to the very. i. think two to our poll. and there's still empty you know and it means that that a lot of space. i believe you officials patience isn't endless though you said that kicking the can down the road isn't an option because the road in perspective is a short one and this was something echoed by german chancellor angela merkel that. we have for the time being prevented and no deal brax it on the twenty ninth of march but these a very short periods of time so britain have to make clear what path that wishes to pursue you so it's official you can master to the e.u. said tim baro has written to the council accepting their proposal and now it's all eyes away from brussels back to westminster words the reason may will try to pass how planned and nobody really knows what's going to happen in parliament next week
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what we can say for sure is that it's shaping up to be one of the most crucial weeks in the house of commons in decades if not in generations can the reason may get third time lucky and get her deal passed through the house of commons or this time next week will we once again be in some sort of political limbo stay tuned to find out well earlier i got a force of andre walker who's a u.k. based columnist for the new york observer he says the reason may has almost no chance of getting her breaks a deal through parliament. there is no realistic prospect of. withdrawal deal passing i think everybody knows that if you look at what happened yesterday in brussels there was a very short discussion about extending article fifty to allow the law to last to go through to pass a withdrawal agreement that was pretty easy the longer and harder bit for the european council members was to think about what happens if indeed when how withdrawal agreements is defeated next week i think the big difficulty for this
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actually is not so much on the withdrawal agreements the problem is that parliament cult decides what it wants it's not going to support a no deal bragg's you know a genuine legitimate preg said we leave in the w.t. overrules doesn't want that it can't possibly value though it would dearly love to and so then it's a good group of graybeards where the where the i think the public politicians get together is they will try and find out how much of the you can we keep the public aid and still get away with it at the moment i don't know exactly how much sideways i'm hoping it zero but how you just got to watch this space. students at king's college london claim they were barred from attending classes because of their pro palestine activism they were told it was because of security reasons during a visit by the queen only boy who spoke to one of the students involved. i went into uni like you know for my eleven am that shows like ten from the emotional time it was i walked in and i got my id card i tapped on the barrier and it wouldn't it
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wouldn't work the barrier wouldn't open i talked about three times and by the third time i kind of side to myself i knew that this was intentional marines a student at king's college london but for one day this week she wasn't she was barred while king's was hosting the queen. around the time of this grand entrance on the all the signs of the building the second year religion and politics student was having this conversation with security guards in the armored car that's been programmed sort of course. for your request. for to leave profiled me. they're not perfect and you see what they did she wasn't the only one experiencing this issue. it was here that marine tried to get into her university for
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a second time but she says she was told by security guards here that she was one of several students who had been barred from her own university for the duration of the queen's visit now marina and her friends say that they've been politically profiled for their history of peaceful demonstrations over issues such as palestine demos like this wasn't in this group long term was are you going to go out to the north people think it's not ok it does to me maureen doesn't have a criminal record she claims she was just singled out by her university for being a politically minded muslim woman i must be paying student i pay nine thousand pounds right and i'm i'm not allowed to go to my lecture because i'm a carrier. security got to the. outrageous since the incident the students have staged more protests highlighting what happened to them and demanding on it says.
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i. king's college london is one of the u.k.'s oldest universities that occupies several buildings in central london and the queen and the duchess of cambridge were here opening this new building bush house now ought to put their students allegations to the university and the response we got was simply that there was an event here that required the highest level of security we had an event on tuesday which demanded the highest level of security and we had to minimize movement three buildings for security reasons at a time some of our buildings were not successful the metropolitan police told r.t. that they don't comment on security issues but marine says that talking about political issues shouldn't make her a security. bombshell investigation has claimed that u.s.
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based mercenaries helped haiti's president consolidate power eight self described security workers including a local drive allegedly employed by america and arrested back in february but then released without charge it's amid tense rivalries in the haitian government and protracted anti-government protests in the country. just wanted mr madoff to give it up these men or most scenarios he says if he were here to attack part of the executive branch of the government.
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you see those reports due to privacy considerations we're unable to comment further they were apparently going to transfer eighty million dollars out of the petrel caribbean account in haiti in the bank to another account which would be under the control of president joe from elmo we see the petro caribbean account required authorization if you will from modi's his then prime minister. and the bank president. dubois so this was apparently their mission they entered haiti many of them without stamping their passport without going through immigration without going through customs they had come in
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with weapons which is a violation not just of u.s. law but haitian law pressure from the u.s. embassy had them released in a completely illegal manner are you able now that the piece is released had to disclose your source and if not why not. spend a week in haiti speaking to. he should police officials justice department officials people. with any connection who have any knowledge at all of this operation secure disclose or source the requested immunity. so we have to protect our source. came i just broke the story for the online news outlet the into set one of the mercenaries retired navy seal disputes that version of events chris also and says they were hired to the scores of american businessmen to sign an investment contract and were arrested the day before the planned meeting and allowed deleted instagram post he also claimed they were uses quote pawns in
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a public fight between the haitian president and prime minister the pm was dismissed on monday and while u.s. senator marco rubio was in the country on thursday to discuss how a new government will be formed that haiti's new prime minister was appointed the same day reporter came i was again says u.s. attempts to influence haitian politics will spark further unrest in the country they added a certain irritant or certain combustibility to this situation. they really arrived on the last day of the latest spasm of. demonstrations the prime minister in fact when he was voted out by the deputies was in front of the senate. answering for what happened with these mercenaries so i think yes the whole mercenary
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story has played a role one from the questions everybody had about it and now that our story has come out and basically. torn off the word or pulled back the curtain story. this is going to create even more and more consternation. on the part of the haitian people. a quick reminder on the political situation in haiti opposition protesters remain angry over skyrocketing inflation and alleged government corruption they blame that on the current president who was sworn in two years ago on a pledge to create more jobs and improve living conditions. a new in this hour we learned in the past half an hour or so that u.s. special counsel robert mueller has submitted his long awaited report on alleged russian involvement in the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election the confidential document is now being viewed by the attorney general or let's go live to our tease caleb maupin in new york hi caleb so two
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years in the making barely three dozen indictments later tell us about the investigation and what it could mean for the president. well robert muller was appointed two years ago for the purpose of investigating the allegation that trump had colluded with russia during the twenty sixteen elections he was appointed as a special counsel to handle this for the u.s. department of justice now he did a whole lot of investigating there were congressional committees and such and now we understand that his final report has been filed with the u.s. attorney general and the u.s. department of justice now that report is not available to the public at the moment and how much of it is released to the public will be up to the attorney general the attorney general at this point is william p. bar william p. barr who has been appointed by us present donald trump will now be able to make the decision about how much of this report is released to the public now it's been
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a long investigation there have been a number of indictments of individuals however none of those indictments have at anything to do with russia there were individuals indicted for lying to the f.b.i. there were other charges but as of yet nothing related to russia has been coming out of this investigation no charges related to russia have been filed and no evidence of any collusion has surfaced now the investigation has continued and we do have the final report at this point being handed over to the attorney general so folks will be waiting to see what decision the attorney general makes but it appears that the bob mueller investigation after two years has finally come to its conclusion and we're waiting to see what happens next you know when it's in the public domain is anyone's guess but for now and i'm open in new york thanks for that. chancellor angela merkel has warned that germany could be isolating itself when it comes to joint european defense projects the german leader says berlin is in danger of becoming an unreliable partner after abound weapons sales to
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saudi arabia. joint european projects require reliability between partners otherwise he would be viewed either as morally arrogant or as incapable of compromise and self-imposed ban on selling arms to riyadh was introduced in october last year and affected britain and france which both need german parts to develop their weapons germany's decision to hold sales was in response to the death of a saudi dissident journalist jamal khashoggi allegedly killed by saudi arabia and the burkle is urging a compromise be found but she's facing pressure from her coalition partners and stricter regulations. we heard from a member of the left party in germany who believes chancellor merkel is trying to keep up traditions. i'm going to marcus ponty it's a matter of historical record that it's in the back of. us who have paid for election pain so that is the interest that she is representing as chancellor if you look at conflicts in mexico where patel's are using german small weapons
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especially and if you look at the sonic state in the area and. iraq and syria using german small weapons germany lost ostrich than those of france and england and she wants to weaken those lost she wants to weaken the regulation so that german companies can export arms all over the world even where this active conflict zones john population is overwhelmingly ni-cads those exports but that doesn't seem to be a matter of finding the market. news for now your next update follows crosstalk.
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breaks and. i mess ties or for my guide to financial survival this is the hedge fund it's a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these has flaws are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to the. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get in for a while because we're for. the out. so you can on the phone lines smoke i will make a model made in the muslim on muslim for appointments november done well so it doesn't have to get a. lot
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of muslim it all but i just i think that that's going to. be she remembers or was you make fun of. her more if you are your friend. john barr from the sun no my book you go to the british course that's enough of them stuff. i mean the guy did that and of course i don't want any of the. pics. to take.
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