tv Redacted Tonight RT March 23, 2019 1:30pm-2:00pm EDT
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was caused by a failure at the simone bowl of our hydroelectric plant. whereas the twenty ten canvas memo says it could be done let's see here yes the. dam. was to really prove that the u.s. could cheerleaders had something to do with this you'd have to show they had before knowledge of the plan and that and that you know no one is going to reveal that. this is the this is the point a movie where senator marco rubio goes hold my beer. so close to the am to self-proclaimed piece of little man syndrome marco rubio. on twitter eighteen minutes after the blackout began and excitedly said the main airport without power and the backup generators have failed how did he know the backup
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generators had failed at a time that the communications minister of venezuela said local authorities did not yet know if backup generators had failed. because rubio can't predict them right there anything he can do other than reached up on the top shelf. not that so did the n.b.c. report cover these aspects today they talk about the canvas memo. they're more likely to mention the bed bug village they have living in there and that president nicolas maduro blamed the blackouts on american imperialism so n.b.c. told its viewers nothing but the power went out and said it was american imperialism without context that sounds like. all right it it sounds like if you you know crashed your car into a tree. and then why is the media doing this time i am right it doesn't make any
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sense but but there is tons of evidence that the us regime change playbook is being used here plus let's not forget the us was found to be flying guns in venezuela a few weeks ago the plane was a private company but the owners had links to the cia and by the way that twenty ten canvas memo that spells out this exact plan how did that memo come out wiki leaks wiki leaks three. weeks you were revealed that proved to us and this is why wiki leaks continues to be one of the most dangerous organizations to our american empire it shows the truth to you and me right to the unwashed masses the dirty little ants that the ruling elite don't want to touch with a ten foot pole that's covered in pure hell and then there's a ten foot condom on top of that. wiki leaks shows us how the us manipulates other
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countries and crushes them did babies in incubators in those hospitals died because that blackout maybe did elderly on heart machines die maybe to a sociopath like john bolton and donald trump my pompei on marco rubio it doesn't matter it does not matter honestly don't care and the corporate democrats don't care either if there were if there were a sociopath test to be allowed to work in our government the congress and the executive branch would be like ninety seven percent empty all right there would be . much media ghost town up on that hill all right that would look like the view of women weren't allowed on the set all right it would look like comic con if you could only attend if you had not seen the original star wars here at all i just found the end of the line which is already started line if you ever see the seventies my point is there is. practically no
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courage left in mainstream journalism they stand up for what is right with the strength of a dandelion spore on a windy day that they did and that is practically that is why privately none of these talking heads or reporters of the big outlets are fighting for the freedom of julian assad or chelsea manning who is yet again a political prisoner yet again and why that same media count us regime change garbage but you already knew that and that's why you're hanging out with us instead because he was ok. a. welcome to the welcome i'm really can now let's take the news from behind we start off this week with nothing. and
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not just nothing but bold achievements and nothing the senate passed a war powers resolution to cut off american military support for the saudi led coalition's assault on yemen so that is exciting but trump will likely read all that so congress will basically have accomplished nothing which is one of their best skills all right ten thousand practice right there ten thousand hours the u.k. continues to try for breck's it or leaving the european union but last week's vote failed again they just keep finding themselves saying why can't i quit. the show to resume and the parliament of basically done nothing and fox news thrived to divert attention away from their impressively racist hose supply hiring former d.n.c. chair donna brazil as a contributor but then. brazil is
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a classic neo liberal who has defended our endless wars against black and brown countries and claimed on camera that karl rove was one of our best friends so for fox news hiring brazil changes nothing. which also happens to be what you can learn from fox news. there thank you thank you thank you they are actually the number one name in nothing. but not everyone has been sitting on their hands achieving nothing this past weekend activists were very active as big as they want to be the way they were there were global protests to stop the u.s. regime change efforts in venezuela but things are very bad of venezuela which is why we have to invade here's a quick clip what's happening down there and i must warn you it's not pretty yes thank you a yes oh wait apparently that france was
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a year where this past week and yellow has protesters marched and rioted it's clear from that video that we the united states the world's police man we will need to bring down their government but again the search is ok. with you and you can say how great we are french people we will save you from your terror and. we were out here perpetrate your koopa detax that. we will even teach you the proper way to pronounce a coupe de tat because you had it wrong that in fact secretary of state and bloated corpse looked like michael holmes. in the well just this week that he is suspending reasons of all french officials take a look at the us today persists into existing legal authority the post visa restrictions on any. i'm announcing a policy of u.s.
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visa restrictions on those individuals directly responsible for any i.c.c. investigation of u.s. personnel. i'm sorry he suspended veces of any i.c.c. officials the international criminal court which prosecutes things like genocide crimes against humanity and war crimes well you can see why the trump administration had to stop them they were prosecuting all of our favorite hobbies all right. of course we hate that. do you think bob ross like someone who was prosecuting the use of oil paints now. you know if the us seized all war crimes what we do all day all right at my club i would have to go back to his old job professionally testing the tensile strength of ben's collared shirts. that's. a fun job. but don't worry even if american rulers were arrested for war crimes it seems they
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could continue to run their empire from behind bars at least that's what's far more bro martin gradually seems to be doing what is squarely wasn't able to continue to run his business who would jack up the prices of lifesaving meds no one alright no one there would be no one and we can all agree affordable pharmaceuticals is completely on america. what do we know better than canada now the book or you know it will be walking around caring about climate change and and acknowledging each other's existence if you are will be horrible in fact it may already be too late tens of thousands of americans were part of an estimated one point four million students and youth who walked out of school as part of friday's worldwide demonstrations against climate change ok thank you thank you thank you but more than two thousand cities in. at least
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a hundred twenty countries on every continent including antarctica may she rest in peace the children are leading the way on this front because they're neither all right if you know you. always always won something in this case it happens to be a future when. you get over yourself millennialists look kids we have to take slow plodding incremental steps to dealing with climate change in such a way that we blow past the point of no return broke or anything significant has been an extinction wash over you literally. but don't worry the point of no return is only one hundred twenty nine months away according to the intergovernmental panel on climate change so you want to wait longer so that. of course maybe technology can save us except we're using the nation's best minds to do more important things like come up with ways to surveil the entire american
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population for example san diego is been turned into a massive chinese style public surveillance network that's right thousands of covert facial recognition streetlamps or identifying everyone in san diego but don't worry it's being sold as an awesome new technology look. for a fine that's what. that was. the only reason that video clip seems like it doesn't seem like a terrible idea because you put nice music behind it. it would be different if there were different music look. like. what they are. done the next step is to show a spokesman who might be
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a cyborg but it's unclear cindy who is proving that you can use street to deliver digital infrastructure across ten years this is our city i thought you knew ok billy corgan there somehow. i'm somehow has the ability to smile slightly while he talks the whole time which no normal human being does realize they have a traumatic brain injury. and i don't know about you but to me nothing says friendly technology for your city like a darth vader head on every street. being sold to us by the a rigid old terrifying robo cop. and robo cop. so every street lamp will be able to watch everyone to hear everything and then one day decide whether you should be allowed to do anything that you're doing and who
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will decide what's allowed to the people at the top like these guys all right the guys who are afraid of the genocide court proceedings because they have a genocide or two in their past. who was counting we have to go quick break but you get exclusive content and more by texting the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine it's free and quick well the right. way. to get a little bit later. on the set. list . is of. there's
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a bush. in it and so you got to give them a second. reason and that was that you who committed the passage. or isn't and never was never punished and. i think contests are best suited not to. lose their because there is this film of anything to. say. to same the position of serbia in the context. of the international mall are more more on the serbian side i think not on noticing. but also just find that we've gotten peace i'm alone
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in the community of all borders. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development the only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. the tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been faithfully implemented for inside venezuela things move different we're going to announce sanctions against the truest of venezuela so sudan. famous for. the moment is.
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that. bad to see on. the mat the moment. the whose story it isn't new makes him cold in henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america. and old terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make the chilean economy. welcome back gas i'm going to spend two weeks filling out your brackets there's a different march madness happening in congress senator mcconnell mitch mcconnell.
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mcconnell said he has enough senate votes to import thirty hours to two two hours this allows him to cram in as many of trump's right wing judges as possible but what's even more maddening is how much help he's already received from the other side of the aisle for meeting the democrats for more on this we go to our senior court appointed reporter now i'm a good. friend what are you doing i'm sorry look you just reminded me i got to fill out my federal court confirmation tournament brackets sorry. let's see that circuit court district court supreme court. tangere rukh or. people's court ok because i'm on the left was a t.v. show and i can grab some finding something i'd actually be less likely to
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participate in than the actual basketball march market will be trying to do better than last year's bracket where i pick democratic senator amy klobuchar are to vote no on conservative minnesota supreme court justice david strong going to the u.s. court of appeals for the eighth circuit but then i lost what she confirmed to me anyway. and i was pretty sure i got that pick right given strong said in the speech to the right wing federalist society i really grew up with a steady diet of justice antonin scalia and i'm better for it. anyone honest. probably breaks out in hives whenever whenever a black kid gets a full ride to harvard. and that's a bone headed move for clover running for president you once you'd be surprised just how many senate dems greenlit trump's judicial picks in fact the advocacy group the man justice released a report card they're great at their track record on rejecting traps bad choices and result was a third of senate democrats received either a d.
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or an effort not to mention the eleven set of dems who received the cvs but trust me with the right penmanship it's a lot easier to change and into would be. for at least west virginia senator joe manchin who got an african just switched parties since he greenlit new gorsuch and brett kavanaugh for the supreme court and voted yes ninety percent of the time to advance trumps district court nominees but these are judges who will i mean they'll be deciding on everything from l.g. to abortion rights to voting rights. it's criminal that that many democrats voted for don't know what's criminal is this report card wasn't around last year when i was filling these out. but demand justice no this has long term implications for equality and my gambling habit. they went up to humiliation by watching a digital ad buy in the home states of lawmakers who received failing grades you
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can hide a physical copy of a report card but you can't hide from the internet or the internet remembers for ever even sen mazie hirono who actually got an a from demand justice learned that when she went viral for this comment about trump during the government shutdown any effort on his part to blame the democrats will be such that as i said before i work hard to be able to stand. personally i would have given her an a plus if she dropped the f. bomb but it was a lot of these dems or c. words. the whole judges who can stick their records up there be hopes that. it was. actually always true money was used to manipulate colleges you know you don't hear much about saudi arabia's manipulation of u.s. colleges do you for more on this we sent redacted correspondent naomi caravan to
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somewhere i'm not sure where i can remember but she filed this report. one time to the core of the latest university scandals as a prospective student you must familiarize yourself with all the corruption and fraud that you can choose to pursue and be arrested or later i'm sure you've heard about the rich kids who were smuggled into elite colleges through bribes basis got suspicious when maury loughlin tried to send the families maltese to detective school. smoke was one of the most to lose yes to students in forensic biology. but there's another scandal brewing back up less attention saudi arabia the u.a.e. qatar kuwait bahrain oman have provided to the region dollars to u.s. universities from twenty twelve to twenty people started asking questions when an iranian prince sent the family's journey to get help but he failed all of this
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exams genies are no. just ask will smith. now he's and several thousand wishes georgetown carnegie mellon and northwestern establish branch campuses and carter n.y.u. and michigan state have branches in the u.a.e. and so many others these princes are not warmongering oil barons who hate human rights and laugh at the mention of workers' rights how could they be when abu dhabi has an n.y.u. campus. where you can visit an almost gallery that promotes so much free thinking that this. could be called our. the mother of washington post columnist jamal khashoggi made many academics in the u.s. question the six hundred million dollars us institutions of higher learning received from various saudi companies individuals and the government itself between two thousand and eleven and two thousand and seventeen george washington university
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reported receiving over twelve million dollars and twenty seven thousand alone so suggestion the school could change their unpopular mascot from the offensive colonial to the saudi king with a chainsaw. just change the name of the school george washington to bin soundman school for the deadly cullen every arts student say universities are meant to uphold certain values and objectivity and funding from countries especially those notorious for violating human rights tarnish the reputation of these centers critics like these are not welcome to come and speak at ceremonies like the world tolerance. the have tolerance library and that is an art exhibition and tolerance gala dinner here are some attendees taking a tolerance now during
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a talk on gender equality as the world tolerance summit took place several political dissidents were in jail for intolerance towards the you where you government including matthew hedges a ph d. student from the u.k. who was arrested for allegedly spying and spent seven months in the u.a.e. tolerance jail house it's a shame he went home after his life sentence was pardoned by the president and he had some miss the u.a.e. gender equality awards which were only won by men. this guy was just as surprised that he won as you are. as countries like the u.a.e. become more assertive in the region perpetrating a humanitarian crisis in yemen and jailing arab dissidents to the u.s. and the u.k. it's one of our business when you jail and u.k. or a u.s. citizen we have to pay attention and that's so hard with all the money they give
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our universities. now come with me as i discuss how colleges disclose these donations i only have seven hundred fifty seven more scandals to cover. recruiting them. this is naomi carol ronnie redacted. there are your headlines from the future two weeks from now the bureau of labor statistics will announce. half of increase in u.s. employment due to people hired to help president fight lawsuits investigations. into the economy and three days from now you'll read. made o'rourke on bill's presidential campaign slogan experience you can count on one hand i know that's our job lot.
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but i didn't know it until now. during the great depression which i'm old enough to remember there was most of my family were employed. there wasn't it was bed you know much worse objectively that day but there was an expectation that things were going to get better. there was a real sense of hope. there isn't today today's america was shaped by the turn principles of concentration of wealth and power. reduced democracy at tax. engineer elections manufacture consent and other prince holds according to no i'm colmes one set of rules for the rich opposite set.
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that's what happens when you put her into the. narrow sector of will which will is dedicated to increasing power for chills just as you'd expect one of the most influential intellectuals of our time speaks about the modern civilization of america. so you can on the phone one smoke i don't like going to the mini mart the moment
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i'm on the limb for appointments you know members of the world so because he doesn't get a. lot of muslims. just that they get no sleep. she really is or was he making the. most out of this room. jungle bar from the sun on my book you go to the british course there's enough of them broke up. i mean you got. to. take it. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to confront let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic development the only really i'm going to
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resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical if. you sit down and talk. now over the. plan. a lot over the phone my. love love love love. well that a thousand yellow first protesters have taken to the streets of france in the latest weekend of the three year sparked anger after claiming it reserves the right
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to open fire if rioters endangered lives our correspondent is in paris the french government closed several iconic landmarks for protests but it seems at this saturday the demonstrators have found an other well known location. kurdish forces in syria declare victory over islamic state after capturing a foothold a week after donald trump claimed the terrorist group had been defeated. and hundreds of thousands of descended on central london calling for people's photos.
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