tv News RT March 24, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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no collusion with russia that's the long awaited finding of the u.s. probe into whether donald trump conspired with moscow to win the twenty six thousand election the president welcomes the findings. there was no collusion with the russian there was no structure. and none whatsoever. another news organizes claim one million people marched in london demanding another referendum on briggs it's time this europe grants the u.k. a two week extension to the deadline on minister failed to get support for a new divorce plan. and elsewhere sunday marks twenty years since nato started its quote humanitarian campaign in then you can slavia many
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local scenes of military offensive in which thousands died as a regime change operation. thanks for joining us this evening here watching the weekly here on r.t. . first this hour president trump's team did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen u.s. election that is the key finding a special counsel robert miller's two year investigation the president has called it a complete exoneration. let's bring in our correspondent call to catch up on the most salient points of this story well the whited a lot of money and time and effort going into this and in the end it all boiled down to what a four page summary from the attorney general what was said yeah well absolutely neal the mainstream media has been harping on this for months they've been saying just wait for the report wait for it and a few hours ago it came out and the government is twenty five million dollars
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almost three thousand subpoenas and over five hundred search warrants deep with basically nothing to show for it the main thrust of the investigation of course was to somehow prove that trump was colluding with the russian government somehow to win the twenty six thousand election but the attorney general in this report determined there was insufficient evidence for any of that. state's investigation to. ok we were hoping to hear a sound bite trying to bring that. to our audience in a moment. let's talk about obstruction of justice because it was pretty clear that the findings of the report from robert mueller the summary by the attorney general there was no collusion no conspiracy. but when it came to obstruction of justice this was a little bit more complicated what was the finding the right absolutely actually
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throughout the investigation miller was trying to get donald trump for obstructing the investigation in some way now in the summary the special counsel itself is actually quoted in saying that it can't definitively conclude that trump was breaking the law that he committed a crime but it but they also mention that they can't absolve him of any crime now in light of that the attorney general said that basically this decision falls on him and he determined that the there was also no sufficient evidence to suggest that trump himself committed the crime of obstructing justice and although muller said that that didn't exonerate him the true trump himself said that it absolutely did. as the report states the investigation did not establish that the members of the trim campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in its election interference
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activities. there wasn't a dominant grab but we know what he said and he said it in a tweet and then he said it in an address to the media. no collusion no obstruction he said it in a nutshell the democrats don't is this going to let this go quite so we see what's reaction been yeah well so far we haven't had any specific reactions from the democratic top brass but before this summary was even published top democrats basically threatened to subpoena the report if it wasn't released in its entirety so let's listen to what they said just before i mean does that leave the whole border very sticky parts of the secret we will see if we see you know the courts work and we will reserve the right. to testify before the committee or disappear that report needs to be made public the american people have a right to the truth the watchword is transparency so it's
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two years on mounds of resources have been spent to look into these democrats claims the trumpet somehow working with the russian government and the dept the department of justice has made its final say there's barely nothing anything to show for it ok many things don't quarter with the assessment of thank you. much anticipated this report the news channels over in the u.s. they've been building up to this for months r.t. correspondent ryan guys there finds out whether all the effort all the money all the manpower was worth it. two years they spent beating and bagging on the drums of collusion looking for traitors betrayal russian agents spies and sellouts and leading this righteous crusade inquisition is the champion savior a messiah of the left robert mueller all eyes are on special counsel robert muller
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the man who could save this democracy the moeller investigation as the best hope the white house is bracing bracing for the final report speculations are building wait for them all or report wait for the marble i think robert mueller is going to get to the bottom of it was so much hope so much optimism that the truth is would be rooted out all for nothing ended by a letter in a plain envelope no more indictments not one american charged with colluding with russia how that hurt if you could only feel the pundits pain now come the tias robert muller is still at this point publicly silent as he has been from the very beginning honestly flip through the different news channels see for yourself the full spectrum of emotions where some cry others rage you think he missed the boat here how can they lead trump off the hook how can
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that happen then of course there's the nile how can this be what a single traitor unthinkable it must be a conspiracy it feels like the seeds of a coverup are here amongst the tea is the rage in the denial is also acceptance sad acceptance the good old days of burning witches are over by investigating the president and reaching conclusions he did a solid favor he's been the sunshine so thank you robert. but you can't fool everyone there are journalists loosely speaking that know better better than you me the f.b.i. and common sense they are the dauntless few the believe that the traitors are out there they will be found that the hunt goes on this is the start of
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something apparently not the end of something this is the end of the beginning a short moeller report would mark the end of the beginning not the beginning of the end this saga after the president is legal saga doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being over as the president hopes and while the pundits sweep and cry. scream everyone else is laughing at them can you really blame them. ok x.p. now to political analysts charles charles good to have you on president trump's a happy man he says the reports complete exoneration for him would you agree is that the end of the story and not. well i think it closes a sad chapter in recent american history where forces. i think loyal to team obama and team clinton and to a certain extent team bush decided that it was in their interests to subject the country and the world and the relations between our two great nations to subject us
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all to. millions of hours or it in considering all the people involved and perhaps hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars of messing around distracting in fomenting in stoking tensions at a time when we would all be better off around the world had the united states and russia were been able to work productively the trumpet ministration with mr putin and his government on areas of common interest and concern we are after all two very significant nuclear powers. and whoever decided to take us down this rat hole . cannot allow cannot be allowed to escape without intense scrutiny how do you spend six hundred seventy five days on this. and conclude that there was no collusion without actually mentioning that collusion isn't a crime in the first place and then give a mealy mouth waffly analysis about whether there may have been of destruction of
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justice if the crime was that you were supposed to vest a collusion and i debate whether that was really a crime and you stay in your report you didn't find any of that how could there have been any obstruction of justice in the first place so i think the reckoning is coming and the long knives are out and the american people and people around the world see this for what it is it was a bunch of washington d.c. insiders trying to do this track from real crimes of the clinton campaign and the obama administration that people desperately wanted to cover up and now will come out uncorked. it's a it's a good summary that you've given a very interesting i just want to tie it into the media's role in this though because you know the. media and the politicians be working hand in hand on this some major channels in the us i would suggest to be really stoking the fires of speculation do they bear any blame at this point or will they give up because of a look at some. major news outlets they're still saying all this lots of questions
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need to be answered well i think the answer actually they have be via types hate talking about numbers their word experts but the answers will lie in two sorts of numbers and poll numbers for trump in poll numbers for congress and then a financial statement numbers why would you waste money advertising in a media complex that you know after spending all this time searching for m h three seventy has now spent even more time searching for russian collusion that didn't exist why would you advertise and c.n.n. the new york times or the washington post any of these outlets that have been subject in the world to all this and we have alternatives not simply r t but in new media stuff people are not taking their news fed to them the way the established media has been try to remedy down our throats and i think this is going to mark the death throes for a lot of traditional media complexes magazines newspapers etc this is a very significant event is only just playing out and we the people are all speak
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for all americans but many americans are sick and tired of this baloney i was going to use a word of money got me in trouble. and we're going to be tuning out we're going to be rejecting the main cable to channels very few people are watching the the or old network t.v. channels we're going to be rejecting the times of the post of the time magazine and newsweek and all of us will be looking for our news in different ways. something our correspondent mentioned earlier on terms critics of repeatedly discard the miller report as a way of saving american democracy now that we have the findings what does that mean for democracy in the us. yeah i mean it really is comical watching this it's almost i mean it's tough for me isn't an american to defend these people who after all are americans these are people who hold themselves out they operate in washington d.c. which i might add started out as a swamp whatever late seventeen hundreds when it was put together as our capitol
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and it is all of that but it's probably the biggest whopper in the world and these people gravitate there they talk to themselves they think the world revolves around them and once again they miss the donald trump phenomenon in two thousand and sixteen they whipped us up into a frenzy on this russian collusion obstruction plot and they still are missing the epic corruption that centralized at the clinton foundation and becoming seen now in the obama foundation they're missing that story and i think that but the american people are not missing in the american people are going to turn against this these corrupt insiders and come out in spades in this two thousand and twenty election. made it pretty clear in his brief statement on these tweets of course it was trump ask his response but he also added something that gave a little bit more spice to it he said that this was an illegal takedown that failed and hopefully somebody is going to be looking at the other side what do you anticipate we'll see next week trump be looking for some kind of retaliation perhaps i'm going to investigate. well i think what's happened is in this
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country we short version we have braced this idea of globalism in one nine hundred eighty nine to one thousand nine hundred two what we were really embracing in america at the elitists was the idea of an unregulated system a go global on rail regulated system that flourished first under-aged w. bush then under clinton then under view then under obama and trump saw through that and there's a lot of rot in the justice department the state department the iras and it's going to take time to clean that rot out but i hope investigations are already well advanced into the frauds the charity frauds the ngo frauds that are massive we're hearing about that i think are the ways in which globalist elites pay off politicians and get paid off themselves that whole game needs to be explored in great depth that's something i've been focused on and i can report that around the world and inside this country governments are getting have been getting to work at
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this now that the most things behind us let's hope they really do go and look at what was going on with obama and clinton and komi and moeller and clapper and all that and it needs to be done by the regular justice department by career nonpartisan people. it seems quite amazing that you could have an investigation that goes on for continue years based on it seems unfounded allegations twenty five million dollars of taxpayers' money was spent forty f.b.i. agents especially nineteen lawyers employed by. no evidence certainly no evidence enough to be sufficient for any kind of criminal charges to be invoked was it money well spent. absolutely not it's outrageous i mean you think about the double standard here you know they're moeller sent people breaking down man a ford store breaking down roger stone store meanwhile before that komi you know ignored he called me and the obama justice department ignored obvious evidence of
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massive fraud of the clinton foundation in the same window and look how they gave hillary clinton and her people a pass look at how they've been torturing the trump people from the very beginning there needs to be an equal system of justice you search for crimes you look for evidence you go through a reasonable process you're innocent till proven guilty in this country in theory we need to show the world that america is back in business that we respect the constitution there's a lot of work that donald trump and his people have to do and i think this this process the democrats thought they were going to win with this this is about as effective as hillary clinton running a presidential campaign but decided she didn't have to campaign in the key states where she lost i mean the same people who brought trump to victory in two thousand and sixteen may have sealed that reelection victory today actually giles could speak to appreciate your time here on r.t. political analyst charles will tell us my guest my things.
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this move on to other news stories for you now two million people marched across london on saturday calling for a second bragg's referendum along with the public members of parliament also attended the protest the rally comes after really does agreed to give the u.k. short extension to the withdrawal deadline with parliament having twice rejected the prime minister's deal. that stuff just so fast come to us now where it's got the nothing stop the international laughing stock i would actually say listen to what michael said i feel really passionate that we've been really really let down our friends are in the room we need state that i believe the majority nowadays is. the new people to put a stop to this practice didn't even have a plan and never had a plan it's a shame that we're in this mess but. i don't think there's anyone in the labor party at the top of the labor party who's really taking control of. the of the brits if i as well. the prime minister is now being given
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a short extension two weeks if she fails to get the deal through but that will be moved to may twenty second if she does however in a twist the pm has warned that she will put off the votes until she can be guaranteed enough support in westminster that throws bragg's it into further disarray. they would be able to answer at least an extension until the. center for a true. boot. and the yes. on to the very.
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cold. in the hole is still empty in the end it means to get a lot of space. it was certainly a long nights of discussion the decision making and chopping and changing plans multiple times at the e.u. council summit and finally a decision that was reached officially and that was an extension of article fifty until the twenty second of may conditional of course of to resume a passing up plan through the house of commons should that fail as the e.u. council has provided for a further extension of the twelfth of april for the u.k. to come forward and come up with a plan and a process of what exactly to do next that also the sort of course if they do intend to participate in the european parliamentary elections something which
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a would be rather pointless given their leaving the european union and be something that's the reason why he has said that would be almost the red line for something that she would not consider now to say that this decision was an easy one or a unanimous one at least from the very start would be misleading and they were quite different positions on the e.u. council countries such as belgium and france president mark one for one playing hardball stating that a no deal bricks it was there on the table others such as angular merkel playing a more conciliatory tone calling for more understanding of the you kate. we discussed the issue with political consultant member r.t. he says at every step of the break that process is making the situation even more complicated when briggs it was first announced as an idea as a concept and there was no meat on the board as to what the concept of what the process actually would mean and we start off in a place with such uncertainty there's no surprise us to the situation room now so
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are less the identity of briggs it is made clear be disruptions and stalling methods will only continue i think the sentiment right now in parliament is that. it's almost an impossibility of this deal going through and if it does go through it will go through under very pressured measures which means peace in parliament won't vote with what they believe is to be the best way for forward but will do it because the time pressures are so tight which almost holds parliament to run them saying this is the only deal we have and you better put it through because you're certainties are too big and too widespread to even imagine. is a quick recap of our breaking news story the president trumps team did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen u.s. election that is the key finding of special counsel robert miller's two year investigation president trump welcomed the report saying quote this was an illegal
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takedown that failed it's a complete exoneration no collusion no obstruction report was filed with the justice department on friday a four page summary was released by the attorney general in the last few hours it also says that there's not enough evidence of obstruction of justice to push for prosecution we bring you reaction and analysis to this developing story in the coming hours. today marks twenty years since nato began its bombing campaign against the then yugoslavia what nato claimed was a humanitarian operation to help the country separatists local saw as a regime change campaign in which thousands were killed and became involved in yugoslavia in march of one thousand nine hundred ninety nine hours after sectarian tensions between serbians and possible albanians became violent the alliance bank
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the latter without any un mandate nato bombed yugoslavia for almost three months straight leaving many parts of serbia devastated. on the sunday people took to the streets of belgrade the former yugoslavia capital they condemned the nato bombing that ended serbia's rule over a territory that many who gathered still view as their nation's historic heartland on the america correspondent alex mccullough which has more on the anniversary of the conflict. this was serbia twenty years ago. on march twenty fourth one thousand nine hundred nine ruthless nato campaign against the small balkan nation began i was there at the time so i'm going to take you through a bit of a personal journey at the time i was living here serbia's third largest city northeast side which seemed to be
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a million miles away from the battles in kosovo that very evening i was chilling out on the couch watching t.v. with my dog when suddenly the earth started shaking and the sky turned bright red without warning airstrikes and i'd been going through the first explosion a ran down the stairs trying to get out of the house not knowing where the next floor was going to hit. and second i stopped at the store. looked up in the sky and there was a cruise missile flying over the house over there seconds later another explosion. that tomahawk missile hit a target in the hills above nobody saw it was one of fifty five u.s. cruise missiles used against yugoslavia that night fall charlie after by hundreds of fixed wing bombing operations well nato feel to destroy most military targets it was effective when it came to killing civilians this is the city of nice in southern serbia it's the location of where the most serious bombings of the nato campaign event happened may seventh nine hundred ninety nine cluster bombs dropped
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fifteen people dead in the middle of the day one of those bombs killed a twenty seven year old woman who was seven months pregnant earth. did you see that it happened on the girdle it's a bridge on april twelfth one thousand nine hundred nine nato planes targeted a civilian passenger trade not once but twice at least. nine people died in the incident some say the number could be as high as sixty to do the bridge where the attack occurred has been rebuilt walking around the site which has become a monument to the dead you can't help but reflect on the horror that happened here . now to claim that its actions were motivated by quotes numerous human rights violations in kosovo the alliance also says its airstrike campaign achieved its
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goal which was to halt and the military activity and repression in the region. we spoke to dr william novick who was working in yugoslavia with a team of u.s. doctors and nurses in march of one nine hundred ninety nine about his experience on the day the bombing started. every signal started going off not long after sundown and the bombs started dropping within a few minutes after that we were at a very critical juncture when operating on the schild and i had looked up from the child's chest and said listen you know. my country for whatever reason is bombing your country tonight a number of your countrymen are going to die but this child that is on the table that is ten days old is not going to die tonight we're going to take this safely downstairs and then all of you can go home to your families. i want to tell you that. that was one of the most horrific nights. that i've
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experienced. in the children's intensive care unit is on the top floor and there's a balcony that goes about seventy percent of the way around the building and i went outside with my coffee and i saw a number of fighter bombers as well. and i found a reminder of our breaking news story the south president has welcomed the findings of a long awaited report on the alleged collusion during the twenty sixteen election the two year probe by special counsel robert miller from the trauma team did not conspire with russia and that there is not enough evidence of obstruction of justice to launch a prosecution on the trump has called the findings a complete exoneration and average of right up to date i'm going to take a bite full they seem to my colleague mccarron bring you the latest at the top of the.
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brakes and count down. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to press. you to do right to cross the saliva before three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters in my house. first city hall. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've mattered the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime happens each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six
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percent employment market rose thirty percent somewhat four hundred five hundred three first circuit first second and fifth when he rose to twenty thousand dollars . china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember one one business showed you know board the mid one and only boom box. just. to. keep up with. all of. this is that you know if there's
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a good there's an evil. all power to the people on the hook all power to the people i believe all parlow who are good people i'll be a little later today when you step out subtly stowers you must realize that you are fighting a war oh war against four hundred years of racism of all pressure. you all on the frontline who've heard anything of praise you aren't easy to.
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