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tv   News  RT  March 24, 2019 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the chilean economy scream so making. the whole trunk welcomes the findings of the long awaited will over of paul twitchell proved that he did not conspire with russia to win the twenty six the us election. there was no come to russia there was no up struggle. none whatsoever. one million people march in london against greg states piling the pressure on the prime minister is a withdrawal plan is already in its. on sunday marks twenty years since nato started its so-called humanitarian campaign and then yugoslavia next biggest slavia the locals to the military offensive in which thousands were killed as a regime change operation.
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a very warm welcome you're watching the week from here on our to answer national all the latest headlines out of on the stories that shaped the week the first president trump's team did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen u.s. election that's the key finding of special counsel robert lo those two year investigation the president has called it a complete exoneration early i discussed this story with artie's donald quarter. the mainstream media for one has been harping on this investigation for months they've been saying just let's just wait for the results from the miller investigation now a few hours ago it came out and the government is twenty five million dollars almost three thousand subpoenas and over five hundred search warrants deep with little to show for it if anything now the main thrust of this investigation was to
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was basically to find evidence that donald trump was colluding with the russian government to win the two thousand and sixteen presidential election but the attorney general in this summary that he released says that there was insufficient evidence at best. as the report states the investigation did not establish that the members of the trim campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in its election interference activities now the summary did still do finger pointing at russia it accuses the russians of successfully disseminating information to influence the outcome of the election it claims that russian generals hacked to the e-mails of hillary clinton and other prominent democrats to leak information to wiki leaks now of course we haven't seen any concrete of information to affirm any of this but the attorney general does go as far to say the trump committed no crime we noted that the special counsel recognized that the evidence does not establish that the president was involved in underlying crime related to russian election interference and that while not determinative the
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absence of such evidence bears upon the president's intent with respect to obstruction so what about the obstruction of justice muller spin trying to get donald trump on obstructing justice and attempting to thwart the special counsel's attempts to look into him throughout the investigation though in the summary of the attorney general says that he has the final say and determined that there wasn't sufficient information or sufficient evidence to prove that from pad committed the crime and that's because the special counsel itself said that they also could not definitively say that the president committed a crime although they said also that they didn't absolve him of it were guard list from seemed more than confident it was just announced there was no good with the right the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard there was no collusion with the russians there was no ups truck here and no one whatsoever.
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and it was a complete and total exoneration. it's a shame that our country had to go through this. son donald trump jr even less. out on twitter against on the elected bureaucrats who he said were to blame for the entire farce while the democrats are now saying that the attorney general was actually biased the entire time against the special counsel and now they're calling for the full publication of mahler's report we will demand the release of the full report the president has not been exonerated by the special counsel yet the attorney general has decided not to go further or apparently to share those findings with the public we now call on the attorney general to honor that request to release the report and the underlying evidence and to appear before the judiciary committee to answer our questions without delay. attorney general doris letter raises as many questions as answers the fact the special counsel miller
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support does not exonerate the president on a charge a serious obstruction of justice demonstrates how urgent it is that the full report and underlying documentation be made public without any further delay this report could have serious implications for our national security there is no excuse for not disclosing all the facts and keeping its details secret now on the other hand mike pence praised the summaries conclusions and said the democrats should join the republicans in moving forward after the conclusions of this investigation so were two years after the beginning of it mounds of resources were spent in investigating democrats claims that trump may have colluded with the russians and the department of justice basically says that there's almost nothing to show for it and that's where we're at anticipation about the reports have been building for months. finds out whether it was all worth it. two years they spent beating
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and bagging on the drums of collusion looking for traitors betrayal russian agents spies and sell outs and leading this righteous crusade inquisition was the champion savior a messiah of the left robert mueller all eyes are in special counsel robert muller the man who could save this democracy the moeller investigation as the best hope the white house is bracing bracing for the final report speculations are building wait for the model report wait for the marble i think robert mueller is going to get to the bottom of it was so much hope so much optimism that the truth is would be rooted out all for nothing ended by a letter in a plain envelope no more indictments not one american charged with colluding with russia how that hurt if you could only feel the pundits pain now
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come the tias robert muller is still at this point publicly silent as he has been from the very beginning honestly flip through the different news channels see for yourself the full spectrum of emotions where some cry others rage you think he missed the boat here how can they lead trump off the hook how can that happen then of course there's the nile how can this be what a single traitor unthinkable it must be a conspiracy it feels like the seeds of a coverup are here amongst the tea is the rage in the denial is also acceptance sad acceptance the good old days of burning witches are over by investigating the president and reaching conclusions he did a solid favor he's been the sunshine so thank you robert. but you can't
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fool everyone there are journalists loosely speaking that know better better than you me the f.b.i. and common sense i don't need them all report to know he's a traitor i have the t.v. they are the dauntless few the believe that the traitors are out there they will be found that the hunt goes on this is the start of something apparently not the end of something this is the end of the beginning a short moeller report would mark the end of the beginning not the beginning of the end this saga for the president is legal saga it doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being over as the president hopes and while the pundits weep and cry. scream everyone else is laughing at them can you really blame them. now bring in t.v. host and political commentator steve malzberg welcome to the program great to have you with us have troubles personal attorney rudy giuliani has given question
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aggressive statements saying there needs to be an investigation into why the mother probe was conducted including who started it and who paid for it what are your thoughts on where this could lead. oh absolutely and thanks having me not only rudy giuliani the president himself in that short sound clip that you played if you went on for peace he spoke for fifty six seconds and he said that this was an attempted takedown that failed he said it was illegally started and he said he could only hope that somebody in vesta gates how this all began because it did begin illegally this whole thing began with that got ca that dossier paid for by hill three clinton and taken to the fights a court in the united states and presented as evidence even though nothing in it or very few things in it was true and that they presented it to judges evidence which enabled them to spy on people and follow people and gather what they called
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evidence the whole thing was start out on a false premise it was all an attempt to get first a donald trump and prevent him from being elected and then to get the elected president of the united states out of office and they're not going to give up and i got to tell you they are as mad and crazy i love that report you just did they are added there mum i miss the media the politicians on the left the democrats just like them who are on the night that god will be hillary clinton it's the same reaction. that trump himself has called the mother investigation on illegal to take down the failed in his son don't know dounia once collusion truth is what he calls collusion truth has to be held to account do you think trump is right in saying the privacy legal was illegal. yeah and here's the thing you know barr the attorney general has it within his power to investigate all this we have
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learned so much about and again this i don't believe that the whole f.b.i. is corrupt but the agents that some of them that worked on this case there's the text of the e-mails lisa page and peter struck who were having an affair and we have subsequently seen their e-mails and their text they were talking about an insurance policy to make sure trump didn't get elected and that if he did get elected had to take them down and they talked about all kinds of things that were very very troubling and should bother every single american and it wasn't just these two f.b.i. agents it was that then acting director of the f.b.i. we find out that the justice department under obama told the f.b.i. not to charge hillary for her e-mails i mean terrible terrible stuff corrupt stuff and i pray that that attorney general barr launches a full investigation into this and by the way donald trump can say mr attorney
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general do it and if he says no he can fire him so i hope one way or another we get that investigation. democrat leaders nancy pelosi and chuck schumer said there was a report summary raises as many questions as it on says so with neither side ready to back down it seems is it likely to drag on into next year in the next election. well it'll drag on because the democrats who control the house are going to investigate investigate investigate and you know what they're going to do they get it turned the american public off because the american public is smart enough to know all they cared about palosi schumer and all the democrats we have to protect mother mother is a great man trump is going to fire him we need a place to protect the trump never fired him some never wanted to fire him now the report comes out and guess what well we have to look at it ourselves we have to see all the evidence he saw we don't really trust him because they didn't get what they
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wanted in the american public is going to get so sick of this and trump's going to go around the country saying i'm a i'm vindicated and the american public's going to believe that and the democrats are going to push too far it's going to backfire on them but what are your thoughts on the obstruction of justice a shade trump says the report is enough that charge but the report summary doesn't specifically say that so is he right. well but what bart and again we haven't seen the report as you correctly alluded to it's the summary the letter from the attorney general after he saw it and the assistant attorney general rosa can see and they saw the report you're right it's weird because it says he was there was no evidence to indicate that age and obstruction of justice cried was committed but on the other hand he didn't vindicate him either so to me that's kind of like you know he went into the bank he didn't rob it so he didn't commit a crime but maybe he thought about it maybe he had intent maybe he looked at the
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teller funny but if there's no evidence there at which it does say that he committed a crime but it doesn't vindicate him well he didn't commit the crime so maybe he thought about it maybe he you know i don't know what he didn't do it that's it does say there's no evidence to say that he did commit the crime but he's not vindicate it so you have to interpret it like i have to interpret it but to me it is the bank robber went into the bank decided not to do it so he goes on with his life i was her opinion about the media's role in the old days because so much time has been spent on this story and so many allegations which have turned out to be untrue now do you think the media themselves have questions to answer. i think everybody and anybody who has watched this media self-destruct you know i often wonder and i often in this question on the air do these people really believe what
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they're saying do they really mean what they're saying when they say donald trump's a nazi he's the he's a white supremacy is an anti-semite he hates jews he hates blacks who hates mexicans he's a he's a security threat do they mean that or are they just try into rev up the public against him either way it's they should be ashamed of themselves but if they really mean what they have been saying there first no hope for them there is no journalism in this country anymore the host of c.n.n. like course cuomo and don lemon still make a point to call themselves journal puss that is insane i'm not a journalist i'm a talk show host i'll admit it they're nothing but two bit left wing bias talk show host yet they call themselves which journalists on c.n.n. the media is in chaos and disarray and i don't see how every poll shows they're at the bottom of the trusting list when it comes to the american public and i don't see how they recover. t.v. host on political commentator steve malzberg thank you for sharing your thoughts
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with us we appreciate it pleasure. to a million people marched across london on saturday calling for a second break that referendum along with the public members of parliament also attended the protests the money comes off the e.u. leaders agreed to give the u.k. a short extension to the withdrawal deadline with parliament having twice rejected the prime minister's dale. that stuff just so fast got us nowhere stop the nothing stop an international laughingstock i was actually soliciting what makes you say i feel really passionately that we've been really really let down our friends here in the room we need state that i believe the majority nowadays. of the new people put this up for this great didn't even have a plan and never had a plan it's a shame that we're in this mess but. i don't think there's anyone in the labor party at the top of the labor party who's really taken control of. most of the
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forensic files while the prime minister has now been given a short extension of two weeks if she fails to get her deal through but that will be moved to may the twenty second if she does however the pm has warned she will put off the vote and so she can be guaranteed enough support in westminster must try and break states into thorough disarray. they would be able to agree still an extension until the. twentieth of april.
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and the yes. on to the very. according to our poll. and there's still empty you learnt it means the ticket a lot of space. it was certainly long nights of discussion the decision making and chopping and changing plans multiple times at the e.u. council summit and finally a decision that was reached officially and that was an extension of article fifty until the twenty second of may conditional of course of to resume a passing up plan through the house of commons should that fail as the e.u. council has provided for a further extension of the twelfth of april for the u.k. to come forward and come up with a plan and a process of what exactly to
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a process of what exactly to do next that also the sort of course if they do intend to participate in the european parliamentary elections something which a would be rather pointless given their leaving the european union and be something that's the reason why he has said that would be almost a red line for something that she would not consider now to say that this decision was an easy one or a unanimous one at least from the very start would be misleading there were quite different positions on the e.u. council countries such as belgium and france president micron for one playing hardball stating that a no deal breaks it was there on the table others such as engler merkel playing a more conciliatory tone calling for more understanding of the u.k. we discussed the issue with political consultant klinsmann morality these days every step in the breaks that process is making the situation more complicated. when briggs it was first announced as an idea as a concept and there was no meat on the bone as to what the concept of what the
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process actually would mean and we start off in a place with such uncertainty is no surprise us to the situation room now so unless the identity of briggs it is made clear to be disruptions and stalling methods will only continue i think the sentiment right now in parliament is that. it's almost an impossibility of this deal going through and if it does go through it will go through under very pressured measures which means peace in parliament won't vote with what they believe is to be the best way for forward but will do it because the time pressures are so tight which almost holds parliament to run and saying this is the only deal we have and you better put it through because your certainties are too big and too widespread to even imagine. sunday marks twenty years since nato started its bombing campaign against the former yugoslavia when
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nato claimed it was a humanitarian operation to help the country separatists locals saw as a regime change campaign in which thousands were killed nato became involved in yugoslavia in march nine hundred ninety nine after sectarian tensions between serbians and most of an albanian turned violent the alliance backs the latter without any un mandate nato bombed yugoslavia for almost three months straight leaving many parts of serbia devastated. the sunday people took to the streets of belgrade to the former yugoslavia and capital they condemned the nato bombing that ended his rule over a territory that many have gathered still view is the nation's historic heartland r.t. america correspondent alex the hell of it chaz more on the anniversary of the conflicts . this was serbia twenty years ago.
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on march twenty fourth one thousand nine hundred nine ruthless nato campaign against the small balkan nation began i was there at the time so i'm going to take you through a bit of a personal journey at that time i was living here serbia's third largest city northeast side which seemed to be a million miles away from the battles in kosovo that very evening i was chilling out on the couch watching t.v. with my dog when suddenly the earth started shaking and the sky turned a bright red warning the air strikes had begun for the first explosion a ran down the stairs trying to get out of the house not knowing where the next phone was going to hit. the second i stopped at the store. looked up in the sky and there was a cruise missile flying over the house over there seconds later another explosion. that tomahawk missile hit a target in the hills above nobody saw it was one of fifty five u.s.
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cruise missiles used against yugoslavia that night after by hundreds of fixed wing bombing operations well nato feel to destroy most military targets it was effective when it came to killing civilians this is the city of nice in southern serbia it's the location of one the most serious bombings of the nato campaign event happened may seventh nine hundred ninety nine cluster bombs dropped fifteen people dead in the middle of the day one of those bombs killed a twenty seven year old woman who was seven months pregnant earth. did you see that it happened on the girdle it's a bridge on april twelfth one thousand nine hundred nine nato planes targeted a civilian passenger trade not once but twice at least. nine people died in the incident some say the number could be as high as sixty today the bridge where the attack occurred has been rebuilt walking around the site which has become a monument to the dead you can't help but reflect on the horrors that happened here
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. there is no claimed his actions were motivated by quote numerous human rights violations in kosovo the alliance also says it says strike campaign achieved its goal which was to halt any military activity under oppression in the region well we spoke to dr william novick he was working in yugoslavia with a team of u.s. doctors and nurses in march nine hundred ninety nine about his experience on the day the bombing started. every single story going or not long after sundown and the bombs started dropping within a few minutes after that we were at a very critical juncture elaborating on the schild and i looked up from the child's chest and said listen you know. my country for whatever reason is bombing your country tonight
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a number of your countrymen are going to die but this child that is on the table that is ten days old is not going to die tonight we're going to take this child safely downstairs and then all of you can go home to your families. i want to tell you that. that was one of the most horrific nights. that i've experienced. in the children's intensive care unit is on the top floor and it's about getting that goes about seventy percent of the way around the building of i went outside with my coffee and i saw a number of fighter bombers as well. our minds now of our top news story this hour president trump has welcomed the findings of a long awaited report on alleged collusion during the twenty sixteen election the two year pro by special counsel robin liss found that the trump team didn't know it's conspired with russia and the attorney general has said there is no to enough
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evidence of obstruction of justice to launch a prosecution trampas called it a complete exoneration. what are you are you up to date on the latest headlines we're back in just over thirty minutes with the latest. breaks and countdown. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. you know world of big partisan movies lot fees and conspiracy it's time to wake up
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to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the path and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely for watching the hawks. i think contests are best did not happen the last night was there the cost something because there is a still a need to. say. the same position upset or be at the context. of the international law we are more and more on the serbian side i think not on noticing russian but forty four but also just find the lack there
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which got in these i won't move an inability on borders. there is one organized force which traditionally money flows but with all its flaws it's been a. forefront of the. efforts to improve the lives of the general population that's organized labor it's also a barrier to corporate tyranny so it's the one barrier to this vicious cycle going on which does lead to corporate tyranny.
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early earth a major reason for the concentrated honest fanatic attack on unions are organized labor is they are a democratizing force. to provide a barrier that defends workers' rights but also popular rights generally. and that it interferes with the prerogatives and heard of those who own and manage in society. i should say said and a union sentiment in the united states among the leads is so strong that the fundamental couper of labor rights the basic principle in the international labor organization is the rate of free association which would mean the right to form
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unions u.s. has never ratified. but i think the us may be alone among major sides in their respect. it's considered so far out of the spectrum of american politics it literally has never been considered. her number that the us has a law on her of our own labor history his. society. had been very strong about the one nine hundred twenty. period not unlike today it was virtually crushed. having a laugh or a just listed a great value on anything and had a. bad thing andrea nagy brad. literally.


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