tv News RT March 25, 2019 3:00am-3:30am EDT
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economy scream so while some are making the economy of this one. comes the findings of the long awaited them on the report which concludes that he did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen us presidential election. there was no come to russia there was no structure. and none whatsoever. hospital where he had teenage girl was being mistreated appeals to. i'm hoping that you'll hear me and that many many people will petition their u.s.
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ambassador to stop the law protect the kids and stop the d.o.j. many thanks. and protests in the us outside the american israel public affairs committee conference which for the first time has been snubbed by classic presidential candidates. it's ten o'clock here in moscow and you're watching international live from our studio with me welcome to the program. two years of investigation twenty five million dollars and some three thousand subpoenas and one conclusion donald trump's team did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election the finding of the long awaited miller report a summary of which has been published by attorney general william trump has reacted by saying he's now been completely exonerated. as the report states the
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investigation did not establish that the members of the campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in its election interference sexy beauties it was just announced there was no collusion with russia the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard there was no collusion with the russian there was no ups truck here and none whatsoever. and it was a complete and total exoneration. a full page summary by the attorney general states that did not find the trouble his campaign conspired with russia also it notes that no further indictments will follow in his letter william ball also touched upon allegations of justice by the us president he says there is insufficient evidence to back up those claims adding though that didn't mean the president had been exonerated over this and that is something us democrats are
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holding on to they are now demanding the release of the complete report. we will demand the release of the full report the president has not been exonerated by the special counsel yet the attorney general has decided not to go further or apparently to share those findings with the public we now call on the attorney general to honor that request to release the report and the underlying you have it ends and to appear before the judiciary committee to answer our questions without delay attorney general doris latter raises as many questions as answers the fact the special counsel miller support does not exonerate the president on a charge a serious obstruction of justice demonstrates how urgent it is that the full report and underlying documentation be made public without any further delay. anticipation over the report had been building for months especially among democrats. that whether the summary of it that we have lived up to the hype. two years they
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spent beating and bagging on the drums of collusion looking for traitors betrayal russian agents spies and sellouts and leading this righteous crusade inquisition was the champion savior a messiah of the left robert mueller all eyes or a special counsel robert muller the man who could save this democracy the moeller investigation as the best hope the white house is bracing bracing for the final report speculations are building wait for the model report wait for the marble i think robert mueller is going to get to the bottom of that there was so much hope so much optimism that the traitors would be rooted out all for nothing ended by a letter in a plain envelope no more indictments not one american charged with colluding with russia how that hurt if you could only feel the pundits pain now how
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come the t. is robert mueller is still at this point publicly silent as he has been from the very beginning honestly flip through the different news channels see for yourself the full spectrum of emotions where some cry others rage you think he missed the boat here how can a lead trump off the hook how can it happen then of course there's denial how can this be what a single traitor unthinkable it must be a conspiracy it feels like the seeds of a coverup are here amongst the tea is the rage in the denial is also acceptance sad acceptance the good old days of. burning witches are over by investigating the president and reaching conclusions he did a solid favor he's been the sunshine so thank you robert muller but you can't
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fool everyone there are journalists. and common sense i don't need them on the report to know he's a traitor i have the t.v. they have the dauntless few they believe that the traces are out there they will be found that the hunt goes on this is the start of something apparently not the end of something this is the end of the beginning a short moeller report would mark the end of the beginning not the beginning of the end this saga after the president is legal saga doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being over as the president hopes and while the pundits weep and cry scream everyone else is laughing at them can you really blame them.
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according to the report summary russia while not colluding with trumpeted successfully influenced the outcome of the twenty sixteen presidential election we asked our guests for their views on the investigation and what it means for both trump and the democrats. it was a bunch of washington d.c. insiders trying to to distract from real crimes of the clinton campaign and the obama administration that people desperately wanted to cover up and now will come out uncorked but the american people are not misled the american people are going to turn against this these corrupt insiders and come out in spades in this two thousand and twenty election the whole russia gate narrative and all the different variations of it or sort of crumbling right now this is basically the deja vu
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moment of. the journalistic class. sort of perpetuate the same failure during the two thousand and sixteen elections boil down a lot of the real polling numbers misreported inflated exaggerated so they've been framed the president they framed his staff cabinet appointees associates and even his supporters of being russian agents this is the biggest political hoax in the history of the united states two and a half years of a complete fabricated political hoax i think the american people have not cared about the russian gay issue ever the polls show that this is been an issue that the media is care about that the democrats have cared about the democrats need to focus on bread and butter issues health care education homelessness infrastructure but they've decided time and again is some of the secondary issues. and if they
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continue to do so they do so with their air alter. who was jailed after attacking a psychiatric hospital where a teenager was given an appropriate medical treatment has appealed to all to help if it is he'll be placed under a tough security regime. dear artie audience i need your help because the u.s. department of justice is imprisoning me in retaliation for my human rights work and my journalism the corrupt judge gave me ten years for saving a young girl's life now the d.o.j. wants to put me in a communications management unit where they can restrict my journalism and stop the truth from getting out i'm hoping that you'll hear me and that many many people will petition their u.s. ambassador to stop the lies protect the kids and stop the d.o.j. many thanks g. twenty thirteen got as the boston hospital network to help the connecticut just in appalachia but she had been taken into state custody in
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massachusetts after a dispute over her diagnosis of as between her parents and the hospital here's a quick recap of the whole story. right now please let me go on line now i need it for you my family. she's been totally medically abused. i'm the only. common sense prevailed. and the story of how this really happened to me doesn't feel like it's it's real ok
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so good to me how. are you made a statement to his prosecutor he asked if they were ashamed of themselves and he asked them to look back and take a look at what they were defended by not investigating and prosecuting. and instead even though we have to have. our. faces section miscarriage of justice. i would hope a lot of people know it was hard so i don't why well so. in january twenty nine thousand martin got us felt was found guilty of cyber attacks he was sentenced to ten years in prison moreover he was ordered to pay four hundred
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forty three thousand dollars in damages he was jailed at the start of this year though he had been in custody since february twenty sixth in march and is now being . the to a detention center normally reserved for terrorists where his contract with the outer world fully monitored he claims that his right to perform his art to vertues journalistic activities are under threat his wife donna says the conditions he's held in violate his basic human rights. marty has been transferred to solid to the special housing unit which is commonly called the hole and he's been there since february fifteenth. right now we're looking at. the government has made it clear that they're going to send marty to a communications management unit which is something which is a unit that plays extra special attention to. the communications of inmates
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it's reserved for people who are terrorists and politically inconvenient we believe he's being sent there because marty's been a journalist and publishing from behind bars disclosing. all kinds of shenanigans from the d.o.j. and the federal bureau of prisons is not a terrorist he's has does not pose any threat to the institution so. they reserve this for places for people who they find politically inconvenient don't know if he's alone now or. with some or with somebody else but small confinement is analogous in you know in pressure and stress to solitary confinement and is also recognized by the u.n. rapid tour. on torture for similar you know hardship cia whistle blower john kiriakou says the reason martin is being treated the way he
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is is because of what he revealed. i think this has been done to marty because like any other whistleblower when you blow the whistle on waste fraud abuse or illegality or threats to the public health or public safety you're rocking the boat and marty has made a lot of enemies in the justice department in the state of massachusetts people don't like when somebody from the outside pointed at them and says what you're doing is wrong what you're doing is breaking the law marty and barest a lot of people and in the end when these investigations have been completed the investigations prove that what marty told us was true marty was the good guy in this in this entire experience it was the government that was wrong and so just in order to to maintain their own sense of of. the importance or their own sense of of being the boss of this whole situation they crush the whistleblower and with marty
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that's exactly what they've done he can't speak to the press right now from brooklyn and he certainly will not be able to speak to the press from terre haute indiana for the next ten years. more of the latest news on stories right after this short break. when you factor to public wealth. when the ruling closest project. of the final. week nor middle of the room. to lose.
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the money the last of the is dead right so the money velocity what measure of money is being loaned out from bank to bank to bank bank bank which is a measure of economic health is dead and if the money printing continues to increase some sort of asking the question why is the money not getting into the economy they're printing more of it. welcome back to the program dozens of pro palestinian demonstrators marched outside the annual american israel public affairs committee conference in washington d.c.
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on sunday. the rally began at the white house and then it in front of the washington convention center the venue of the conference approach. just as well waving palestinian flags and signs denouncing the israeli government they express criticism. of the us foreign policy in the middle east and it's not being a supporter of israel. meanwhile leading twenty twenty democratic presidential candidates chose to avoid taking part in the conference this comes amid a decrease in democrat support for israel according to gallup a president trump has already called this trend a disgrace. the democrats are very much to be as you know there's no question about. this for a study but i don't know what's happened to them but they are totally israel frankly i think there is. for years u.s.
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support for israel was pretty much assumed politicians be they liberals or conservatives always piled into the apac conference to make clear which side they were on true friends of israel america's commitment to israel and we consider the israeli people our close friends the partnership between the united states and israel in two thousand and five apacs foreign policy director boasted about how influential his outfit really was you see this napkin in twenty four hours we could have the signatures if seventy senators old this napkin but this year it seems to become a point of contention for some democratic party candidates for president in two thousand and twenty major ones have decided not to attend the annual apac pro israeli rally in washington d.c. now bernie sanders was notably absent during the twenty six eighteen election cycle and this year bernie sanders team has been vocal in stating their reason for avoiding the gathering but only son is concerned about the platform aipac is
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providing for leaders who have expressed bigotry and oppose a two state solution now anyone with a t.v. set in america knows about iran omar and the accusation that she's a. anti semite these accusations flow from her statements about the influence of the israeli lobby on american politicians many people say she crossed the line and the separatism is unacceptable in any form for anyone but to see it come from one of america's leaders is just a point the bottom line is this that. what is what. congress congresswoman omar said i thought was wrong and hurtful meanwhile trump and the republicans seem to be doubling down on their pro israeli stances trump recently recognized jerusalem as israel's capital and built the first u.s. military base in the country recently he recognized israel's claim over the golan heights now mike peo the u.s.
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secretary of state recently gave an interview to christian television and compared donald trump to a figure from the bible he suggested that trump may have been selected by god in order to come to israel's aid could be the president trump right now it's been sort of raised for such a time as this just like we know story to help save the jewish people from an iranian menace as a christian i certainly believe that's possible for a long time israel was a sacred cow in america criticism of israel was reserved for forces labelled to be extremist whether on the far left or the far right but in twenty twenty america seems to be in a new era a little up and r.t. new york. us a lot of talented as a beacon in the fight against hate speech is at the center of the racism and sexism scandal this president is stepping down saying that what's wrong happened on his watch is his responsibility. reports. the judge
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jury and exit q should know when it comes to what you or me post online amazon google facebook all of the major web monopolies use the southern poverty law center as they go to mend. to tell apart hate speech from ok speech the s.p.l. season nonstop operations are facilitated by half a billion dollars and relentless support from the mainstream media apparatus southern poverty law center according to the southern poverty law center the southern poverty law center reports on the southern poverty law center which tracks hate groups designated a hate group by the southern poverty law center and a plot twist the beacon in the fight against discrimination may have strayed from the narrow path of righteousness a long time ago if it was ever on it in the first place s.p.l. sees co-founder morris dees was recently fired amid rumors he allowed his nonprofit or get to plunge into exactly what it swore to eradicate. the s.p.l.
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see is committed to ensuring that the conduct of our staff reflects the mission of the organization and the values we hope to instill in the world when one of our own fails to meet those standards no matter his or her role in the organization we take it seriously and must take appropriate action and ask of this former employee the s.p.l. see is already gone bad from top to bottom before ring of these is flushed up will be uncomfortable questions again will we complicit in our paychecks and staying silent in ripping off the have been organized that never lived up to the values it espoused in fact in the past lots of public speakers question the methodology of the center's activism for example this is how the veiling one of the most heinous terrorist attacks in the u.s. to donald trump racist anti semite killed eleven people in a pittsburgh synagogue because he was enraged by talk of
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a so-called invading migrant caravan. the very language that tragic news regardless of whether or not you agree with this sort of reasoning for the sake of the argument let's see the s.p.l. two years right a lunatic in waiting could mess translate a hyperbola into a call to action in two thousand and twelve a mass shooting was narrowly avoided when a guard took a bullet but still managed to apprehend the suspect who was about to gunned down a family research center meeting is how he explained it what he did so this still is the story. so. this. yeah the s.p.l. see were guilty over exactly what they're accusing trump of now but years before he became president the s.p.l. c. has regularly been sued over their accusations too in one of the biggest trials
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eventually agreed to pay more than three million dollars in compensate. their victim and apologized for putting him on what he called the hitlist computer email and website is hardly the adequate amount of scrutiny for what could tarnish a person's reputation or destroy lives what it is perfect for though is to bully people into doling out more of that sweet sweet dollar to keep themselves off the big book of shame. the news is i'll be back in around thirty minutes time with updates but there's much more to come here on out international next it's going underground. but the numbers. they matter to us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to
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be ultra rich eight percent of the world market thirty percent some with one hundred five hundred three per second per second and this one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a are you industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember one one is you know for the mid one and only boom but. also. to get a. serbian. sounds or maybe you. wish to go away from the officer. obviously did. they kind of lunge for the web
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in one's midst and then when it happened on tree swung as i didn't i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here there again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer his gun and he did it on three. now matter of time here we're going underground as chinese communist leader xi jinping visits france hours after the nineteenth consecutive jewel asian uprising
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coming up in the shape of our nature nation economic war zone countries from venezuela to iran to syria illegal under international law we ask the united nations special rapporteur on sanctions. does a raid and will the war ever and as the yemeni conflict enters its fifth year we ask u.k. angio reprieve. a man arrested in britain under the terrorism act for his political views about the true cost of u.k. backbones plus the great n.h.s. heist twenty one days before g.p.'s signed a contract that could change the n.h.s. forever we speak to dr bob gill about the neo liberal politicians and the private companies that are robbing the taxpayer dollars are more coming up in today's going on to grab a fast while bricks it paralyzes the u.k. britain like the e.u. continues to engage in economic warfare with countries all around the world called sanctions in mainstream media they actually illegal can the bank of england really just withhold venezuelan gold in the u.s. sanction iranian banks joining me now via skype from geneva is the man who should
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know about cedras just larry is at the u.n. robert are welcome to going underground we better begin with what the job title is special robert turner on the negative impact of the unilateral coercive measures it's clearly about life and death but what's in that title. which court says that it looks it took the entrance you heard right said right oh you're the actual sanctions that there's no sanctions which show considered to be illegitimate. mashed all those sanctions which are not the result of that. serious decisions at the security council every other day on the media we hear of a britain or a nato nations say or the you putting sanctions on another country you're saying the only digital of way of sanctioning another country is with a un security council resolution that is correct but one must realize that this is . an important issue which is underestimated by public opinion because today i
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could say that at least two quarters of humanity a quarter of the people of the world live in countries which are targeted by sanctions so it should be major problem as an impact on the joy of shubra rights by simply how different millions of people and yet there is no un accountability for these liberte should these sanctions military and let's go to some of the cases as you say a quarter of humanity the united states is clearly violated the nuclear agreement with iran for instance britain and the european union are against the u.s. violation but then does that mean that the u.s. sanctions against iran are also in contravention of of the international law. doubly so because as i said for the reason they mentioned that was already
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a culture bed should not of the ok to rational go in addition to that there is a good rebuttal out there it was take a that. it be ok and they call it which says that they agree but that if iran. stops develop a good nuclear weapons that all sanctioned by west country it will be live now also act on countries are doing that but that you want to cite it to withdraw from the problem jerry is that they have means statements by the by did your right to state to the effect that those sanctions will be that. constraining what did the world so that be that the people of europe are going to be so.
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