tv News RT March 25, 2019 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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here there again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and he did it on three. join me every first week on the alex simon short and i'll be speaking to the world of politics sport i'm sure i'll see you there. two years a digging and one conclusion there was no collusion between donald trump and russia during the twenty sixteen us presidential election that's not stopping the president's rivals from thinking. it was a complete and total exoneration there's so much that needs to be you know taken a look at this point and so it's not the end of everything also to become a u.s. computer hacker jailed for ten years after targeting of where
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a teenage girl was allegedly being mistreated appeals to r.t. for help his prison conditions will be made to work. i am hoping that you hear me that many many people petition their u.s. ambassador to stop the lies protect the kids and stop the. many things. and just weeks before breaks in the u.k. still trying to find a way to get a deal approved is amid reports of a plot. in prime minister to resign my own party to amherst. clothes are you watching our international this monday nights where she's come seven pm in moscow. two years of taking twenty five million dollars spent and three thousand subpoenas sent and then one conclusion donald trump's team did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen u.s.
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presidential election so let's get more details now from. bring us more he joins us now from new york welcome good evening to you caleb just run through them what happened regarding. this report and the reaction to it. well the report has been filed with the u.s. department of justice and after the two long two year long probe that cost roughly twenty five million dollars after three thousand subpoenas it appears that donald trump's statement from the beginning that there was no collusion is being basically confirmed by the report let's review what the report says and what trump has been saying from the beginning as the report states the investigation did not establish that the members of the trim campaign conspired who coordinated with the russian government in its election interference activities was just announced there was no
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could withdraw the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard there was no collusion with the russian there was no ups truck. and none whatsoever. and it was a complete and total exoneration. now the report is very clear that there was no collusion with russia that is the wording of the report it's not ambiguous at all however the democrats seem to want to keep the ball rolling at this point that we've got the democrats repeating the mantra quote it's not over this is not over and we've got calls for the full report of. his entire report to be made public no redactions nothing hidden from it they want the entire report released let's review. it so much that needs to be you know taken a look at this point and so it's not the end of everything we're going to have to
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wait to see the report in the report need to be made public a.s.a.p. he has in effect created headlines that will create a trap for all of us because we have to avoid falling into the headline masochism. now nancy pelosi and chuck schumer have said that the report still raises questions and they want to present those a questions to the attorney general at this point they are saying the report does not exonerate the president on charges such as obstruction of justice and they urged the full release of the report and they want to bring in attorney general william barr come to their conclusion demand the release of the full report the president has not been exonerated by the special counsel yet the attorney general has decided not to go further or apparently to share those findings with the public we now call on the attorney general to under that request to release the report and
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the underlying evidence and to appear before the judiciary committee to answer our questions without delay. now democrats at this point are also emphasizing that prior to being nominated as the attorney general by us present donald trump prior to that he had made statements william barr had made statements to the effect of obstruction of justice charges not applying and not being proper when relation to u.s. president trump now trump has tweeted out triumphantly in response to the release of the reports or the filing of the report and the now the letter accompanying it he is tweeted out i never thought i'd see the day where the democrats are visibly upset that the president of the united states didn't collude with the russians saying he has been exonerated and that the report filed concluding the two year long probe by bob muller shows that there was in fact no collusion as trump was saying from day one. finds kind of that was
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a kind of. work. well the full page some real tonight is two that i think there are indictments will be made a move against the have takes this three now the two years of the mill uprising. two years they spent beating and bagging on the drums of collusion looking for traitors betrayal russian agents spies and sellouts and leading this righteous crusade inquisition is the champion savior a messiah of the left robert mueller all special counsel robert muller the man who could save this democracy the moeller investigation as the best hope the white house is bracing bracing for the final report speculations are building wait for them all or report wait for the marble i think robert mueller is going to get to the bottom of it was so much hope so much optimism that the traitors would be
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rooted out all for nothing ended by a letter in a plain envelope no more indictments not one american charged with colluding with russia how that hurt if you could only feel the pundits pain now come the tias robert muller is still at this point publicly silent as he has been from the very beginning honestly flip through the different news channels see for yourself the full spectrum of emotions where some cry others rage you think he missed the boat here how can they lead trump off the hook how can that happen then of course there's the nile how can this be called a single traitor unthinkable it must be a conspiracy it feels like the seeds of a coverup are here amongst the tea is the rage and the denial is also acceptance sad acceptance the good old days of burning witches. rova by investigating
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the president and reaching conclusions he did a solid favor he's been the sunshine so thank you robert muller but you can't fool everyone there are journalists loosely speaking that know better better than you me the f.b.i. and common sense i don't need them all report to know he's a traitor i have the t.v. they are the dauntless few they believe that the traitors are out there they will be found that the hunt goes on this is the start of something apparently not the end of something this is the end of the beginning a short moeller report would mark the end of the beginning not the beginning of the end this saga after the president is legal saga doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being over as the president hopes and while the pundits weep and cry scream
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everyone else is laughing at them can you really blame them. ok well let's get the thoughts now valley girl and media analysts line all he joins us from washington d.c. good evening to ronald thanks very much for coming on this is something that americans should be happy with isn't it their president didn't rush i mean it's good news looking at some democrats they're not so happy. well that's
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precisely the point i was watching one on named a sockpuppet media icon crying virtually crying that her upright whoops i think i gave the head away so her president was not involved in collusion and sedation and treason and but here's here's what i find the most fascinating i'm up floor you're by profession i'm sure you know this and i'm trying to figure out what is it about no evidence are people trying to set for example somebody want to take a pregnancy test and it comes back negative attack what does that mean for keisha it means somebody is not pregnant why i don't know i mean there's a lot of things that happen by that in a geisha an oven the results are negative nothing happens no one died nobody was hurt nobody was found guilty center i normally can understand finding
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why something happened why was the president theoretically found guilty of collusion and what's even better after six hundred seventy five day the president has been president for eight hundred whatever after six hundred seventy five days there's this report that was penned by a committee of lucrative greatest legal minds around today a version of as we would say the twenty seven yankees i mean the greatest game ever the final result was well not really sure about the collude or the effect of justice so well let you handle this i must say this there was a department of justice rule which states that when you do not have someone indicted when when no true bill is issued when somebody is not chars. according to the department of justice rules you don't have any other comment other
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than the person was not indicted you don't deal with evidence that was considered that is problematic or troublesome and that's what komi did and that's what we're seeing now they're violating their own rules these two by the book titans. basis you think this report should be published then i mean do you not think that it could actually help president trump. absolutely at this point the american public has had it what more can they hear or we've i don't want to go through it since before the man was even alleged that we've heard everything about his sex life his dietary habits what possibly could they hear now that makes him say ok wait a minute hold it let me just explain also though that as far as this being done
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please do not think this is over because the federal case the federal jurisdiction the department of justice new york the state attorney general's office other people are looking at they are trying to get that scalp now for those who think that the department of justice in the federal investigators were reckless in this and this all or nothing attack. they were sedate and sober compared to state prosecutors right now there is an election next year and not one candidate not one person from the democratic national committee or the d.n.c. or the democrats have put together any kind of a platform this is their platform this is also and please make sure everybody understands this this was an attempt to explain how hillary clinton lost a rigged election how she lost it this this was contrived
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manufactured produced through this dicey aid to this magical mystical fantastic mythology involving matters i don't want to discuss on this family show all created out of thin air to turn over to justify to a court and wire taps and intrusive violations of the fourth amendment all to first of all stop a man who dared run against this deep state denizen and also to justify i repeat how hillary clinton the absolute sure when watched an election law and always gets its old you're going to have to leave them for there was a line all the legal media analyst talking to us there from washington d.c. thank you. now us compete for a cyber attack on a hospital where a teenager was being mistreated has appealed to help because it comes amid fears
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his conditions in prison will be made worse. dear artie audience i need your help because the u.s. department of justice is imprisoning me in retaliation for my human rights work and my journalism the corrupt judge gave me ten years for saving a young girl's life now the dear g. wants to put me in a communications management unit where they can restrict my journalism and stop the truth from getting out i am hoping that you hear me and that many many people will petition their u.s. ambassador to stop the lice protect the kits and stop the d.-o. g. many things g. . twenty thirty not incautious fell there hack the boston hospital that work in a bid to help the connecticut teenager jestina paletta her parents had raised over her treatment and the hack attack did help raise awareness about her case is a recap. right now i mean no my
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no money to. my family. has been totally medically abused. and stoic is really happy and it doesn't feel like it's real. to be all. right i hope a lot of people. i don't know i will. probably talk to to the wife of the haka done a fold she thinks that what happened was deliberately misrepresented. you know the
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government and the judge have tried to frame this case as a wanton disregard for human life when that isn't. she was an agony twenty four seven she lost the use of her legs like their parents were afraid she was going to die and for good reason we've seen other kids and that better five psych ward die instead of the hospital respecting the parent's wishes they started to become strange they started to become very overbearing they took custody away from the parents they had monitored calls they won't let their daughter speak about her conditions they try to get the parents to lose complete custody and get the daughter adopted children and they should be recognized for doing that and they should be called out so they can start you know healing a transformative process rather than trying to bury it. and i think that you know
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when you're doing the right thing when you're on the right side of history. you can say what she was about trying to make marty look bad but. you know just now walk today when at the time we weren't sure if she was even going to live well in january martin got his failed was found guilty of cyberattacks he was sentenced to ten years in prison and was ordered to to pay four hundred forty three thousand dollars in damages he's now being held at a detention center normally reserved for terrorists cia whistleblower john kiriakou says that martin is being treated this way because of what he revealed. i think this is been done to marty because like any other whistleblower when you blow the whistle on waste fraud abuse or illegality or threats to the public health or public safety you're rocking the boat and marty has made a lot of enemies in the justice department in the state of massachusetts people
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don't like when somebody from the outside pointed at them and says what you're doing is wrong what you're doing is breaking the law marty embarrassed a lot of people in the end when these investigations have been completed the investigations proved that what marty told us was true marty was the good guy in this in this entire experience it was the government that was wrong and so just in order to to maintain their own sense of of. the importance or their own sense of of being the boss of this whole situation they crush the whistleblower and with marty that's exactly what they've done he can't speak to the press right now from brooklyn and he certainly will not be able to speak to the press from terre haute indiana for the next ten years. my people today have been laying flowers and toys in memory of the sixty four victims of
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a shopping center fire in the russian city of quetta one year after the tragedy over half of those who died were children it is believed that the cause of the inferno was an electrical fault people who were trapped inside the building with survivors latest saying that emergency exits had been a lot here's a recap of that terrible day a warning there you may find some of the sayings upset. in a spot. on your device even. the party. you complicity in the church.
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you know world of big. lot and conspiracies it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that midstream refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. money velocity is dead right so the money velocity what measure of how money is being long down from bank to bank to banks banks bank which is a measure of economic health is dead and if the money printing continues to
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increase sunset i'm asking the question why is the money not getting into the economy they're printing more of that. though again i was just weeks to go until the twelfth deadline parliament is again debating the divorce at this moment in westminster with still not agreed on the person in charge of making the deal prime minster trees and nice also facing growing reports to have a plot by senior members of her own party to remove from office so let's get some more details from. the children he joins us from the london office good afternoon nastia i'm just going through them what has happened today. well andrew on this
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monday as well. the rest of this week are very very tumultuous days in westminster as the government here tries to figure out what is going to happen with bracks at this was of course intended originally it seems to be a week of final preparations as britain heads for the door on march twenty ninth however that is clearly no longer the case yet a certainty continues to be thin on the ground as the british prime minister is indeed back at the house of commons as we speak she is discussing the latest developments on attempts to figure out bracks it was m.p.'s in her statement earlier today two recent made has said that there are in fact new sufficiently holes for a third vote to be held on her withdrawal deal she said the house will and should work together to try to find a majority of vote to move forward with but according to the prime minister these
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indicative of votes that has been discussed here and are being discussed here are have in the past according to her been contradictory of outcomes or helles no outcomes at all and could indeed be end up being non-negotiable with the european union let's take a listen to more of what she recently had to say. unless this house agrees to it no deal with all chaplin no bricks it must happen just slow bricks it which extends article fifty beyond the twenty second of may force is the british people to take part in european elections and give control of any of our borders balls money or trade is not a pricks it will bring the british people together. and of course we saw opposition party leader jeremy corbyn take the stage at the house of commons as well he has described what's happening as a national embarrassment the way the government has acted full of broken promises
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he's asked again for theresa may to accept that her deal is dead something that she still is not ready to do and he according to jeremy corbyn it's time for parliament to take back control. we will support measures for a public vote to stop a no deal or chaotic tory deal the government has had over two years to find a solution and has failed it's time mr speaker we put an end to this time for parliament to work together and agree on a plan b. well whether or not parliament will be able to agree on a plan b. especially within the confined blinds that it's been finds itself in is a big big question and those are developments we will be watching closely as this is indeed a very sorry snake political reality that britain is now facing still lots of options as was just said still no deal brax it is a possibility potentially to resubmitting waving goodbye to her pm your ship
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premiership or something that's been widely rumored here in westminster from the possibilities of her being ousted to herself potentially resigning including in exchange for support for her deal all of those rumors circulating in the press and sort of political insiders here in westminster in the last days and hours so certainly a lot to watch out for but in terms of what is happening in the shortest term is these potential votes to be decided on in parliament about whether or not they can still find some kind of common majority to use to keep walking forward with. a long way to go ok thanks now see that was in situ for us in london thank you. for we go this hour some news just in because donald trump has just signed a presidential proclamation recognizing israeli sovereignty over the golan heights
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a disputed area on the border with syria this step comes amid airstrikes on the gaza strip boys trail which says that it is targeting palestinian organization hamas but it comes as israel's prime minister is on an official visit to the u.s. just moments ago binman netanyahu said the assault is in response to an attack from gaza territory and that his country has the right to defend itself a rocket allegedly hit a home in israel early in the morning israeli media say that destroyed and seven people were. the top of the next with the headlines too but that's how things are looking so far today.
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officer. told him to get up off the ground serve began to pay down the. democrats on the sounds of kind of fighting him i mean grown man like wrestling essentially. through his. wish to do away from the officers. of his group. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the web in one's midst and then when it happened on trace one as i just didn't hit him i never saw any contact with. any kind of went back to where they were so the
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