tv News RT March 25, 2019 1:00pm-1:30pm EDT
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signs a presidential proclamation recognizing the golan heights seized from syria in nine hundred sixty seven as israeli damascus has already blasted the u.s. move as an act of aggression. two years of digging on one conclusion there was no collusion between donald trump and russia during the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election but that is not stopping the president's rivals from digging deeper. it was a complete and total exoneration there's so much that needs to be you know
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taken a look at this point and so it's not the end of everything. just weeks before the u.k. still trying to find a way to get a deal approved reports of a plot by m.p.'s in prime minster trees of his own party to oust. give you thanks for joining us this is r.t. international. donald trump has just signed a presidential proclamation the recognizes israeli sovereignty over the golan heights a disputed area on the border with syria. britain has. ready to. ok let's go live now to you
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now the journalist from the gaza strip if you can hear me ok you know what reaction is the to this recognition of the golan heights is being israeli. while this is considered a historical day as this announcement comes after less than a week from. twitting that he supports israel's. israel's claim on the territories of july to land heights our homeland for more than twenty twenty seven thousand syrians. syria has described this in ousmane. clear violation to the international low. prime minister sorry foreign minister also of russia has declared described that this in ousmane comes as a violation of the international law and that this is going to coal is more
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tensions and complications in the middle east in the recent time this comes amid the escalation that has started in the gaza strip after a. rocket was fired in the central israel struck a house and this goes that the prime minister netanyahu would cut his visit short to the united states and return back to israel. these journalists as you say are also the you and i apologize current. yes the u.n. yes the u.n. also had chief says that this this in ousmane will not change anything of how they consider that they should learn territory should be under the ruling of syria syrian country because this. a un this is a u.n.
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convention that is being broken it's in violating to an international law that until now the arab league. european countries the u.n. and russia and syria yet we do not see any other any parties that are supporting this in now or except for the united states and israel of course. i mean thanks to john assume the reports now live from the gaza strip. two years of digging it twenty five million dollars spent almost three thousand subpoenas sent just one conclusion donald trump's team did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election. side of course for the killer more pit is located water a lot for politicians and media to chew on what's the latest reaction. well as we saw on friday the report was filed with the u.s.
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department of justice bob muller's pro the has concluded and he filed his report it is now in the hands of the attorney general and the report which is not yet been released was a company with a letter in which bob muller made clear he did not call for any further indictments and it seems that trump is exonerated nope no point was any collusion with russia discovered it seems that what trump has said from the beginning was confirmed by this letter accompanying the report let's take a listen. as the report states the investigation did not establish that the members of the trim campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in its election interference activities it was just announced there was no collusion with russia the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard there was no collusion with the russian there was no ups truck. and none whatsoever.
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and it was a complete and total exoneration. now at this point however the democrats are determined to keep the story going they have been rallying around the montra of this is not over and they've been calling for the entire report from the bob muller probe the entire report that is now in the hands of the u.s. attorney general to be made public they want every single part of that word for it to be available to the u.s. public let's review. it so much that needs to be you know taken a look at at this point and so it's not the end of everything we're going to have to wait to see the report and the report needs to be made public a.s.a.p. he has in effect created headlines that will create a trap for all of us because we have to avoid falling into the headline mass because. now chuck schumer and nancy pelosi leaders of the democratic party in the
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u.s. congress say that the report actually raises more questions than it answers at this point they are saying not only do they want the entire port report put out made available to the public but furthermore they're saying the report doesn't exonerate donald trump for what they are calling obstruction of justice and some other possible charges that could stem from it they actually want to question the attorney general william barr as well as bob mueller himself regarding the evidence that was collected in how in determining the results of the report they want to determine and basically go over how the information was acquired so this is some of what we've heard. we will demand the release of the full report the president has not been exonerated by the special counsel yet the attorney general has decided not to go further or apparently to share those findings with the public we now call on
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the attorney general to honor that request to release the report and the underlying evidence and to appear before the judiciary committee to answer our question. without delay now c.n.n. made a point of highlighting the fact that william barr at one point was the author of a memo that said that donald trump could not be charged with obstruction of justice however it's important to point out that that memo was published prior months prior to donald trump naming him as the u.s. attorney general and at this point we've got donald trump getting up on twitter triumphantly tweeting out i never thought i would see the day where the democrats are visibly upset that the president of the united states didn't collude with russia so after roughly twenty five million dollars was spent three thousand subpoenas went out we now have the conclusion of the bob miller probe that there was in fact no collusion with russia and u.s. president donald trump they did not collude during the twenty sixteen presidential
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elections i think scaleable corresponds to new york caleb maupin. well the full page summary also notes no further indictments will be made but i guess they have takes us through to use of the robert miller probe. two year is they spend beating and bagging on the drums of collusion looking for truth is betrayal russian agents spies and settle outs and leading this righteous crusade inquisition as the champion savior a messiah of the left robot up all eyes or a special counsel robert muller the man who could save this democracy the moeller investigation as the best hope the white house is bracing bracing for the final report speculations are building wait for the model report wait for the moment when i think robert mueller is going to get to the bottom of it was so much hope so much optimism that the truth is would be rooted out all for nothing and did
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buy a letter in a plain envelope. no more indictments not one american charged with colluding with russia how that hurt if you could only feel the pundits pain now how come the t. is robert mueller is still at this point publicly silent as he has been from the very beginning honestly flip through the different news channels see for yourself the full spectrum of emotions where some cry others rage you think he missed the boat here how can they lead trump off the hook how can that happen then of course there's the nile how can this be called a single traitor unthinkable it must be a conspiracy it feels like the seeds of a coverup are here amongst the tea is the rage and the denial is also acceptance
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sad acceptance the good old days of burning witches are over by investigating the president and reaching conclusions he did a solid favor he's been the sunshine so thank you robert muller but you can't fool everyone there are journalists loosely speaking that know better better than you me the f.b.i. and common sense i don't need them over report to know he's a traitor i have the t.v. they have the dauntless few they believe that the traitors are out there they will be found that the hunt goes on this is the start of something apparently not the end of something this is the end of the beginning a short moeller report would mark the end of the beginning not the beginning of the end this saga after the president is legal saga doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being over as the president hopes and while the pundits weep and cry scream
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everyone else is laughing at them can you really blame them. the report those states that there has been cyber activity from the kremlin to influence the elections russia's foreign ministry should a statement following the release of the key findings of the report noting moscow has long been expressing the desire to discuss any concerns over alleged election meddling the ministry added that the russia collusion thing is just part of fake
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mudslinging between u.s. political rivals let's bring in author and russia analyst martin joins me on the line good evening martin we've had a round shouldn't from all all parties including investigative journalists have been calling for action to be taken against the u.s. media and members of the intelligence community because the claim is that they've been muddying the waters talking about collusion as if it was a reality without evidence now for at least two years let's just have a listen to one comment that was made. there should be major accountability in the us media and in the intelligence community they united with to drown us political discourse for two years straight in only hinged conspiratorial trash distracting from real issues i was glenn greenwald calling what we've heard over the last couple of years conspiratorial trash will there be any accountability do you think . i think now that the republicans will be very very happy with this and if you look at the last two years what has had this the mudslinging in the so on for the
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last two years fake news and so on and for an outsider it's extremely difficult to work out what actually is happening because one minute one thing is said and the next movie it's contradicted and so on then you've got the liberal press. left of center the liberal press who are out for trump and anything negative about trump goes into the press and television they love it and then you go to the right and they say the opposite so therefore you've got you've got the media now in the americas you divide it between two there's no consensual journalism there's no journalism which is really that sit down and look at both sides of the question and arrive but either conclusion in fact you take one side you take the other side that's why even if you watched american television is exactly the same you only get one side from one and then you get the other side and the other time and there's nothing in the middle. the democrats still smell blood i suspect they've not given
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up it's clear they're calling for the full miller report to be published do you think that. will give the impression that there's material in the report which is damaging to trump but robert miller decided it could not stand up in court therefore he's put it in the report but he's not making any accusations because he knows he can't take it any further than if you like miller is taking the easy way out he's a very cautious man and if you if you i'm sure of the last two years he's been saying to himself what have i got a bunch of into how to extricate myself from this and he's done it by saying right the president did not engage in collusion with russia over the kremlin and so on and that's a gluten i arrived at but he's not giving the press whatever it is how many pages of the rest of the report which presumably contains statements which
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are damaging to the president and that's what the democrats will be after because the democrats will not accept the trump won the election fairly and they're sure that he colluded with them and they were cheated and so on therefore they will fight tooth and nail because the not everyone now is in the next presidential election looking forward to twenty twenty they're looking forward to the new election and therefore the democrats are now on the back foot because they've lost the opportunity to try to impeach the president because the department of justice has advised them not to impeach a sitting president because that would disturb the constitutional balance of america that would make the conflict even worse and it is rather like the house of commons where you have irreconcilable sides and they're not talking to one another and that's the that's what the american politics is a president with the democrats are enraged and of course. and they will take any opportunity they can to mode sling mud or trump and of course he will uses as
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a stick to beat the democrats and also he will use a stick of socialism that they are moving to the left and therefore he will see this justification. strengthen his position and also the left wing the move to the left wing of the democrats he would use these two factors to strengthen his presidential bid martin appreciate your time my guest this evening martin mccauley author and russia analyst thank you. and to the news now u.s. computer hacker jailed after a cyber attack on our fears his condition in prison will be made worse. dear r.t. audience i need your help because the u.s. department of justice is imprisoning me in retaliation for my human rights work and my journalism the corrupt judge gave me ten years for saving a young girl's life now the dui g.
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wants to put me in a communications management unit where they can restrict my journalism and stop the truth from getting out i am hoping that you hear me and that many many people will petition their u.s. ambassador to stop the lice protect the kids and stop the d.-o. g. many thinks. this is the letter martin got spilled wrote to r.t. sitting in prison in danger of being silenced in solitary confinement the activist is pleading with the world to hear his story it's a tragedy that began back in two thousand and thirteen when a fourteen year old girl just. was checked in to boston children's hospital staff were moved just enough from her parents and claimed that they were interfering in her treatment although numerous other doctors said the girl had a genetic disease she was put in a mental ward and denied medication even more gruesome was the physical torment she endured it was so horrible that just dana was confined to a wheelchair and eventually she smuggled out
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a plea for help right now leave let me know right now i needed. my family and her plea didn't fall on deaf ears after hearing just tina's heart wrenching story activist marty gutfeld took action hacking into the hospital's computers gutfeld exposed the hospital's abuses and just stina returned to her family and the start of this really doesn't feel like it's real. to me you know but gutfeld actions came at a price in january he was sentenced to ten years in a federal prison normally reserved for terrorists he was also issued a fine of over four hundred forty thousand dollars. and on top of that the legal system assigned a notoriously harsh judge with little mercy for her activists god's fields wife told us the government got case as a wanton disregard for human life when that's
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a huge misrepresentation of what happened was deny her pain medication she was in. she was in agony twenty four seven she lost the use of her legs like that her parents were afraid she was going to die and for good reason we've seen other kids and that better five psych ward die instead of the hospital respecting the parent's wishes they started to become strange they started to become very overbearing they took custody away from the parents they had monitored calls they won't let their daughter speak about her conditions they tried to get the parents to lose complete custody and get the daughter adopted what we have here is boston children's hospital. using institutional abuse on children and they should be recognized for doing that and they should be called out so they can start you know healing a transformative process rather than trying to bury it. and i think that you know when you're doing the right thing when you're on the right side of history. you can
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say what you want about trying to make marty look bad but. you know just stina can now walk today when at the time we weren't sure if she was even going to live. even from prison gotz felt has continued investigating abuses in the u.s. justice department but it's feared he may soon be silenced as the prison is looking to lock him up in solitary confinement that would mean no more letters no more exposure no more freedom and although the prosecution claimed in court that the hacktivist put lives in danger some are pointing to more clandestine reasons for his confinement i think this is been done to marty because like any other whistleblower when you blow the whistle on waste fraud abuse or illegality or threats to the public health or public safety you're rocking the boat and marty has made a lot of enemies in the justice department in the state of massachusetts people don't
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like when somebody from the outside pointed at them and says what you're doing is wrong what you're doing is breaking the law marty embarrassed a lot of people in the end when these investigations have been completed investigations proved that what marty told us was true marty was the good guy in this in this entire experience it was the government that was wrong and so just in order to to maintain their own sense of of. the importance or their own sense of of being the boss of this will situation they crush the whistleblower and with marty that's exactly what they've done he can't speak to the press right now from brooklyn and he certainly will not be able to speak to the press from terre haute indiana for the next ten years. with just weeks to go until the twenty fifth of april briggs's deadline parliament is again debating the divorce at
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this very moment in westminster with the term still not agreed on the person in charge of making the deal promised a threesome a facing growing reports of a plot by senior members of her own party to remove her from office. let's go live to marty's correspondent following the debacle events developments maybe whatever you want to call it it's all happening in london bring is the latest details. well let me know if you remember this was meant to be the week when final preparations for bracks that are being made when britain is sort of getting ready to sail out of the european union come on march twenty ninth and while the e.u. seems to be finalizing their arrangements for a new deal scenario or all of the possible scenarios here in westminster certainty continues to be very thin on the ground and now we do have the british prime minister making another appearance at the house of commons trying to walk through
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and talk through the leaders too with bracks it. seems nobody continues to know what it is going to mean and what it has to look like converse new deadline or another potential new deadline we do know that the british prime minister has made a statement where she underscored that she understands that her deal right now does not have the support needed to have another vote take place at the house of commons however according to her that is still the best way to move forward. there is still not sufficient support in the house to bring back a deal for thirty two full vote unless this house agrees to it no deal would not happen no breaks it must not happen and just slow breaks it which extends article fifty beyond the twenty second of may forces the british people to take part in european elections and gives up control of any of our borders balls money or trade
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is not a pricks it will bring the british people together. well to receive me traditionally now faced a barrage of questions and criticisms including from opposition party leader. jeremy corbyn who demanded that she accept that her deal is dead as he put it who also called what's going on a national embarrassment and disgust talked about the broken promises that the government had made and according to corbin it's time for the parliament now to take back control. we will support measures for a public vote to stop a no deal or chaotic tory deal the government has had over two years to find a solution and has failed it's time mr speaker we put an end to this and move on from the chaos and savior and begin to clean up the mess it's time for parliament to work together and agree on a plan b. well whether or not any such plan b.
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can be found is of course the massive question hanging over everybody's head here because where what we're seeing now is a seismic political reality which with no clarity in terms of where it's going to head because still people talk about new deal drugs being a possibility the possibility of to rescind me weaving goodbye to her premiership and who knows what will happen after that if that happens the possibility of trying to jam through parliament this louvered withdrawal agreement that she's been trying to get through twice already possibly now for a third time to see if that happens or not so all of these options continue to be on the table as the clock is ticking of course as you remember over the weekend it was reported that about a million people came out in support of the second referendum to march through the streets of london there have been rumors and sort of gossiping in the press about potential ousting of to resubmit
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a or potentially maybe even her having to resign in exchange for support for her deal so lots and lots of speculation about what's going to happen next and lots and lots of possibilities still remaining on the table where all of this goes we show observers get all options on the table koran and absolutely none of them being tell you couldn't seem to watch on with great interest to see a chicken alive from london. one option which is to go to sleep for about half an hour be back with updates on our top story see them. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics or business i'm sure business i'll see you there.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they've mastered the u.s. with over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be old rich eight point six percent old market those thirty percent some with one hundred to five hundred three per second per second and fifth when he rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business shows you know ford commit one and only boom but. the.
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focus is going on the phone line of smoke i don't like an impediment made in the muslim on muslim couple in bloomfield demos done once i got some stuff to get a. lot of thought up was the comment that they had i think. she was you make a. bundle most books go to the british course that went up at the end of. the garden. to. pick up. so who is christopher manny. well i grew up in several small towns throughout the
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midwest aim from a good christian family and joined the national guard and then eventually college and into law enforcement. i did thirteen and a half years work in the street here everybody who was in my peak knew that they could trust including the street people. you know a lot of people don't realize but i was a single parent raising two kids carlos diaz i says it's racist guy i mean we're reaching to mexico and my kids are of a different race today we are going to go through the autopsy report exaggerated.
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