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tv   News  RT  March 25, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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creditors and doesn't leave the taxpayer deeply out of pocket. thank you. and that's a show we back to the architect of the paris climate change agreement christine if he goes until then he was judged by social media. the golan heights seized from syria nine hundred sixty seven is being israeli damascus has already blasted the u.s. move as an act of aggression. israel defense forces say that they carried out their strikes on. the military headquarters of the head of the palestinian organization after israel said hamas fired a rocket for. two years of digging in one
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conclusion there was no collusion between russia during the twenty six us presidential election but the president's arrival. it was a complete and total exoneration so much that needs to be you know taken a look at this point and so it's not everything. we could even tell you this is r.t. international. signed a presidential proclamation recognizing israeli sovereignty over the golan heights a disputed area on the border with syria. a presidential proclamation recognizing israel's sovereign right over the golan heights.
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i discussed the issue earlier with r.t. correspondent. president trump's move is of course big news and it's been discussed all over the world since the actual tweet came out but i'll tell you what golan heights is disputed territory the only two countries that are actually believe this is israeli territory is the us starting this monday and israel but for everyone else this is not the case and the view and the un have already said that for them nothing has changed view in policy on golan is reflected in the relevant resolutions of the security council and that policy has not changed by international law as i've said golan heights are syrian territory occupied by israel israel took control of the territory back in one thousand nine
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hundred sixty seven but de facto they and next did in one thousand nine hundred one under a law that was passed in that country now syria called what donald trump did a blatant act of aggression against their sovereignty and against their territorial integrity turkey russia and the arab league also condemned what donald trump did. that this was indeed a heavy step that might actually cause an earthquake in the middle east so presumably the pm netanyahu is pretty pleased what else can is a reaction be he is delighted and that is to say the least the president ladies and gentlemen this is truly those stories. liberation comes at a time of the. is more important than ever for our security will be ron is trying to establish bases in syria to structured israel. of course he was there and he
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used this opportunity once again to thank donald trump for recognizing jerusalem as the capital of israel and also moving is that we see there that's what mr prime did back in two thousand and seventeen. when the recognition of the golan heights comes as israel says that it struck the offices of key hamas buildings in gaza at the hospital these were reportedly empty at the time israel's attack came after a rocket was allegedly fired from gaza and injured seven people israel blames hamas for that local journalist martin hamill gave us his reaction to developments. if you hours ago the israeli air force started to bombard gaz in retaliation for that rocket that was fired into central israel that rocket crossed all the political and warning lines between israel and hamas so a very significant as really response was expected that that response has begun
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with very strong airstrikes knocking down prominent government buildings but not really taking lives at this stage and so obviously and its allies have responded there was some mortar fire so far in southern israel towards a couple shells cross a couple shells actually landed and that was the reason for that siren but the bomb shelters have been opened up in tel aviv and in other major centers there is mobilization of forces to some degree there are tanks and infantry units moving towards the border and the air force is working and you know it's coming home so it's a serious that escalation the question is how far will it go. two years of digging twenty five million dollars spent almost three thousand subpoenas sent but only one conclusion donald trump's team did not conspire with russia to win the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election with more on the story his anti scalable. well as we saw on
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friday the report was filed with the u.s. department of justice bob muller's pro the has concluded and he filed his report it is now in the hands of the attorney general and the report which has not yet been released was a company with a letter in which bob muller made clear he did not call for any further indictments and it seems that trump is exonerated at nope no point was any collusion with russia discovered it seems that what trump has said from the beginning was confirmed by this letter accompanying the report let's take a listen as the report states the investigation did not establish that the members of the trim companion conspired who coordinated with the russian government in its election interference activities were serious announced there was no could withdraw the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard there was no collusion with the russian there was no ups truck here. and none whatsoever. and it
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was a complete and total exoneration now at this point however the democrats are determined to keep the story going they have been rallying around the montra of this is not over and they've been calling for the entire report from the bob muller probe the entire report that is now in the hands of the u.s. attorney general to be made public there's so much that needs to be you know taken a look at at this point and so it's not the end of everything we're going to have to wait to see the report and the report needs to be made public a.s.a.p. he has in effect created headlines that will create a trap for all of us because we have to avoid falling into the headline messages shock schumer and nancy pelosi leaders of the democratic party in the u.s. congress say that the report actually raises more questions. then it answers at
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this point they are saying not only do they want the entire port report put out made available to the public but furthermore they're saying the report doesn't exonerate donald trump for what they're calling up struction of justice and we will demand the release of the full report the president has not been exonerated by the special counsel yet the attorney general has decided not to go further or apparently to share those findings with the public we now call on the attorney general to honor that request to release the report and the underlying evidence and to appear before the judiciary committee to answer our questions without delay so after roughly twenty five million dollars was spent three thousand subpoenas went out we now have the conclusion of the bob miller probe that there was in fact no collusion with russia and u.s. president donald trump they did not collude during the two thousand and sixteen presidential elections with a full page summary also nice the no further indictments will be my auntie's as the f. takes this three to use of the mill approach. two years they spent beating
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and bagging on the drums of collusion looking for traitors betrayal russian agents spies and sellouts and leading this righteous crusade inquisition is the champion savior a messiah of the left robert mueller all eyes are in special counsel robert muller the man who could save this democracy in the mohler investigation as the best hope for the white house is bracing bracing for the final report speculations are building wait for them all or report wait for the marble i think robert mueller is going to get to the bottom of it was so much hope so much optimism that the truth is would be rooted out all for nothing ended by a letter in a plane envelope no more indictments not one american charged with colluding with
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russia how that hurt if you could only feel the pundits pain now come the tias robert muller is still at this point publicly silent as he has been from the very beginning honestly flip through the different news channels see for yourself the full spectrum of emotions where some cry others rage you think he missed the boat here how can they lead trump off the hook how can that happen then of course there's the nile how can this be what a single traitor unthinkable it must be a conspiracy it feels like the seeds of a coverup are here amongst the tea is the rage in the denial is also acceptance sad acceptance the good old days of burning witches are over by investigating the president and reaching conclusions he did a solid favor he's been the sunshine so thank you robert. but you can't
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fool everyone there are journalists loosely speaking that know better better than you. the f.b.i. and common sense i don't need them on the report to know he's a traitor i have the t.v. they are the dauntless few they believe that the traitors are out there they will be found that the hunt goes on this is the start of something apparently not the end of something this is the end of the beginning a short moeller report would mark the end of the beginning not the beginning of the end this saga after the president is legal saga doesn't appear to be anywhere close to being over as the president hopes and while the pundits weep and cry scream everyone else is laughing at them can you really blame them.
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the report those states that there has been cyber activity from the kremlin to influence the elections russia's foreign ministry issued a statement following the release of the key findings in the report noting moscow has long been expressing a desire to discuss any concerns over alleged election meddling the ministry also added that the russia collusion theme is just part of fake mudslinging between u.s. political rivals. let's get some analysis on the story now from republican senator for virginia that's richard black good to speak to you richard now we've got to the
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mayor yeah well if for many republicans i would i would suspect but not everybody is happy despite that we've looked at accusations with secret source's unnamed sources of information from us media and in members of the intelligence community now for two years and it's all added up to zero findings been a response from some prominent journalists including glenn greenwald let's just hear first what he had to say. ok unfortunately we don't have that sound bite but basically greenwald amongst the as a said that the needs to be some accountability from these people media and intelligence offices who were making these accusations do you think anything should happen will anything happen. if you look at it when you began with this studio dossier which was funded by the hillary clinton campaign it was then transmitted
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to. the federal bureau of investigation to director komi. sen john mccain john mccain also had one of his staffers provided to buzz feed so that it would provide a source for the new york times the washington post all of these other newspapers to say well the buzz feed says that these things happened so it was a very carefully orchestrated campaign campaign of propaganda in order to undermine the president of the united states now it's important to notice the reasons for it you look at the first place to person that they took down they took down michael flynn the national security advisor michael flynn had intended to carry out president pumps prompts. foreign policy objectives which
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were to improve relations with russia to downgrade relations with nato. get out of syria to get out of back afghanistan and by removing michael flynn as the very first victim of this whole hodes they were able to dramatically way sidetrack trumps foreign policy initiatives and i think that was one of the principal objectives of its entire focus should the full miller report. what do you think about this is a principle. you know there may be some legal issues involved about not just this case but the fact that generally speaking we do not release. reports about our criminal investigations where there is no determination to
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to go forward with them because a lot of times there are there are awkward things that come forward i don't have a problem with releasing it president doesn't seem to have a problem and we may need to release it just to just of course the whole thing to rest completely true. between what was said in the report by the attorney general donald trump the wasn't enough evidence to see charging with of section of justice and yet there was this reluctance to say ok he's completely squeaky clean but is that not how the law works if there isn't sufficient evidence to charge him. convict you of anything then you're innocent or i'm i'm misinterpreting. you know from the very beginning this thing looked like a complete. the steel dossier was instigated by m.r.i. six which is british intelligence they'd channeled it to senator mccain who
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took it to the f.b.i. and then had one of his people send it to buzz feed so that it could then be referenced by the new york times and all into the possibility that there was an effort treason to overthrow of all the different government of the united states now one other thing i'd like to tell you is that because it puts president trump on the defensive it has really reversed all of his campaign promises about foreign policy with russia he has become very antagonistic towards russia not because he wanted to be but because the media has forced him into that posture and they have forced us into a very dangerous position with russia which we never was a threat to the united states not the faintest threat to the united states and yet
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we have created this aura of you know the russians are coming the russians are coming and so they have just stored it and we're united states public policy throughout the middle east he wanted to get rid of our antagonism toward syria he wanted to pull out about ghana stand and you look at it he announced he was going to get out of syria what did they do john bolton who is the alternate neo-con flow to the middle east and countermanded their commanders orders if i had been to present a united states i have said get their guys stuff out of the white house and put it on the lawn. and let it sit in the rain until he can come and pick it up because he has gone. so we have all of these deep state people who are committed to war and they have been enabled they've been empowered by the
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fact that we've had this mall or investigation going on it's put the president under a cloud it is the conclusion is definitely going to lift the cloud and even though the democrats are expecting to continue an investigative and that i think the american people are tired of it and now that they have had the wrist resolution that says you didn't do anything i think they're going to say you know what we've got a government to rise we've got issues important issues to look at let's get back to them let's quit all of this garbage and i think it's going to hurt the democrats i think it shows that they have been lying consistent trog. richard appreciate it tom good to speak to my guest is rip. ok some news just in three russian servicemen delivering humanitarian aid have been killed in
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a terrorist on bush in syria let's get an update now from auntie's daniel holkins who has more mason on the suspect is the latest if you could die now. well this announcement has come today from the russian ministry of defense the incident in question there actually took place back at the end of february in the eastern syrian province of the resort where fighting against islamic state militants as well as other terrorist groups has been very active indeed for the past few weeks and months this operation though was a delivery of humanitarian aid by russian troops to one of the towns in that province that was on the way back from the livery to the base when they were ambushed by a group of militants in their vehicle and declared missing in action as a result of the subsequent firefight now since then the russian ministry were understand has undertaken round the clock efforts to locate those service men and two of their fate they did this with conjunction with allies from the syrian
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defense forces as well as other channels as well and it was as a result of these efforts that the group involved in this attack was identified as a special operations forces special forces operation was launched by the russian army in conjunction with the russian air force thirty militants from that terrorist group were eliminated as a result sadly it was confirmed though that those three troops work killed in action as a result of that their bodies have now been returned to russia and returned to their families so he's the only hawkins reporting thank you. we just weeks to go until the april twelfth briggs's deadline the u.k. parliament again debating the divorce at this moment in westminster terms still not agreed that the person in charge of making a deal treason may even facing growing reports of a plot by senior members of our own party to try to remove the from office. this
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was meant to be the week when final preparations for bracks that are being made when britain is sort of getting ready to sail out of the european union qamar march twenty ninth and while the easy is to be finalizing their arrangements for a new deal scenario here in westminster certainty continues to be very thin on the ground and now we do have the british prime minister making another appearance at the house of commons trying to walk through and talk through the latest with bracks it. seems nobody continues to know what it is going to mean as the congress new deadline or another potential new deadline we do know that the british prime minister has made a statement where she underscored that she understands that her deal right now does not have the support needed to have another vote take place at the house of commons however according to her that is still the best way to move forward there is still
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not sufficient support in the house to bring back a deal for a thirty four vote unless this house agrees to it no deal with not happen no brics it must not happen and just slow breaks it which extends article fifty beyond the twenty second of may full says the british people to take part in european elections and give control of any of our two together i know this is the deal is put forward as a compromise this is how it's come back it we could be out of the european union in less than two months would be no further extensions no threat to brics it no risk of a no do you well to receive me traditionally now faced a barrage of questions and criticisms including from opposition party leader jeremy corbyn who demanded that she accept that her deal is dead as he put it who also called what's going on a national embarrassment and discussed talked about the broken promises that the government had made an accord. corbin it's time for the parliamentary now to take
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back control we will support measures for a public vote to stop a no deal or chaotic tory deal the government has had over two years to find a solution and has failed it's time mr speaker we put an end to this and move on from the chaos and savior and begin to clean up the mess it's time for parliament to work together and agree on a plan b. well whether or not any such plan b. can be found is of course the massive question hanging over everybody's head here lots and lots of speculation about what's going to happen next and lots and lots of possibilities still remaining on the table where all of this goes we shall observe . this return to our top story from this hour president trump has formally recognized israeli sovereignty over the golan heights a disputed on the border with syria it comes as israel says it has struck the
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offices of key must buildings in gaza on monday a spring in a car wash who is a british palestinian academic and writer good evening to you what do you make of this u.s. recognition of the golan heights being israeli. well first of all it's not disputed territory it's eagerly occupied territory as is east jerusalem as is the west bank as is gaza so we need to get the facts right because what israel plays on is changing the status of the international law it's throwing it. against the wall as is the president of the united states of america you know a world superpower should be according international law but instead they make a president things he can sit at his desk and sign and or that. if he recognizes these jerusalem as or jerusalem as israel's capital or if he recognizes the corner as israel's and xterra tree then that's it actually it isn't because the
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international community has already rejected both his claims as were the people of palestine in the palestinian occupied areas as well and what the syrians who are on the golan who who are living under israeli illegal occupation but also the syrian people this is not for donald trump this land to give to anyone you say that the consequence is that you know the u.s. says it recognizes this is israeli territory international community condemns with verbal a will it end there is this just political theater is it a game of rhetoric or something actually be done. well i needed to have the national community it then tax community must now act responsibly as you're quite right one of the problems is everybody in their community here. recognizes these areas as illegally occupied and they recognize the israeli settlements both in the
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horn and in the west bank in east jerusalem as illegal but they just community then leads into that while at the same time multiplying trade with israel and so on so it's not i'm afraid it's pressure from people on their governments here in the u.k. our pressure on the government of the u.k. to say no you must support at the national level because we either have international law or the law of the jungle and i think for every one sick we must or an aspirant national have to be upheld and where our government's current that we must. part of the pressure on them just say no it isn't our interests are international ought to be upheld otherwise a part of the u.k. might be occupied by someone else and then they will cry wolf and say ah well that actually was as this is british land is exactly the same with the syrian golan as it is with the occupied palestinian territories and international law is important
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for us all to up or otherwise it will be the law of the jungle and rogue states everywhere will think they can take someone else's land through violence keep it for a few years and if their allies of the united states in others this president will recognize the illegality then they think they can keep it that mustn't happen but staying with the idea of consequences do you think that this recognition will have any impact upon security in the region. not at all i mean it will make the place less secure because of course the people of syria will who say they got highs are part of their country are entitled now just say that we don't recognize this decision by the s.s. of america and in time with time we will take our land back and have every right to do that because it is syria and learnt what we know though if somebody brought
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a resolution to the united nations security council which should be a meeting urgent group which should be condemning what trump has done that in and if you like the normal circumstances of victory dictated that you go anything that is raised against them and you've been done and in relation to israel's illegal actions itself they would say that we use the veto to protect israel even as it does now border down does it again. in using american workers f. sixteen planes and so on if somebody took a night out as it is that i think their security council then the americans will use a veto their international community is tools for dealing with rogue states as israel is one have being paralyzed by the united states they even have that american city john bolton who is that you for that if they brought any cases against the united
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states or israel and he specifically mentioned these two countries that they would face the consequences this is are extremely dangerous for stability everywhere not just in the middle east but across the world and in terms of the latest out there that is the israel defense forces of.


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