tv News RT March 26, 2019 1:00am-1:30am EDT
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right over the golan heights which president ladies and gentlemen this is. true story. despite no collusion found between donald trump and russia. isn't dying down news outlets are now trying to find who's responsible for blowing the allegations out of proportion. i would like to congratulate the house for taking control of the government's approach has been an abject failure and this house must now find a solution i know that the delightful forwards and british prime pays tussle for control in parliament and seize brags that may paving the way alternatives to divorce. it's eight o'clock here in moscow watching. international from austin jan with me
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into the program. about thirty rockets were fired on monday night at israel from gaza according to israeli military officials television for spawned it by hitting fifteen targets in gaza the exchange comes after hamas and honest and egyptian brokered cease fire that been an early exchange of fire monday israeli army taking out a number of hamas buildings in gaza in response to rocket scientists from the strip israel based journalist martin howell reports on the border. the israeli air force started to bombard gaz in retaliation for that rocket that was fired into central israel that rocket crossed all the political and morning lines between israel and hamas so a very significant israeli response was expected that that response has begun with very strong airstrikes knocking down prominent government buildings but not really
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taking lives at this stage and so obviously and its allies have responded there was some mortar fire so far in southern israel towards suddenly a couple shells cross a couple shows actually landed in gaza and that was the reason for that siren but the bomb shelters have been opened up in tel aviv and in other major centers there is mobilization of forces to some degree there are tanks and infantry units moving towards the border and the air force is working and you know it's coming home so it's a serious that as u.s. president on a fish says israeli sovereignty over the gun and heights a disputed area on the border with syria the israeli prime minister praised the decision. a presidential proclamation recognizing israel's sovereign right over the golan heights. as president ladies and gentlemen this is. truly
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a story. your publication comes at a time when the golan is more important than ever for our security when you ron is trying to establish bases in syria to strike at israel. transcendence meant was greeted with dismay in several quarters the u.n. stresses that the status of the golan heights has not changed while the e.u. says it doesn't recognize israel sovereignty of the region syria lebanon turkey and russia have condemned the u.s. decision is a reminder of why the government hides are contentious. one
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over joel and a lot of be your story. we who live in the occupied golan heights we dismiss the u.s. president's foolish recognition of the territory as israeli we want to tell him our fathers and grandfathers build their blood on this land and you don't have a right to do that yesterday it was jerusalem today the golan heights and tomorrow it might be another syrian territory. these deal signed by us president donald trump violates all principles and standards of international law and here in the occupied golan heights we remember that syrian soldiers spilled their blood here and that belongs to syria. they had arguments from both sides of the golan heights debate. we are all in the in control of the golan heights for fifty two years.
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it's actually a heaven on earth unlike the rest of syria which became an israel where is. some kind of a good thing for the britons and everybody else joe also it was also not local. as there is there is only copy so what look george was our the jewish people. already for more than fleas thousand years so what do we need this mission of the world the reason that they decided to go after the golan heights now they are under the impression that syria is weak and this interim government is incapable of really kind of establishing a clear and strong and decisive foreign policy it's barely trying to battle the opposition and isis and other groups and this is the best time for charm to hand this gift of the golan heights surely of course to international law and common sense to israel the united states stands on the side of israel one hundred percent
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and conditionally and blind are trying to give netanyahu everything that he wants at this point. don't try and spell it ical reports have been fired up after a two year probe failed to establish that the us president colluded with russia and its summary of drop it really is report has been published and democrats are now demanding to see it in full much of the mainstream media are right behind. explaining. for two and a half years u.s. media has given lots of airtime to the infamous russia gate allegations an online media no less than t.v. one study showed over five hundred thirty thousand articles on trump russia collusion allegations or the moeller probe have gone online since the probe was launched in two thousand and seventeen but now according to the report from special counsel robert muller it was all for nothing no collusion took place so why did the us media run so long with something that turned out to be
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a total red herring well some voices blame trump for it they say that it's his fault the media went with the story for so long why did donald trump and why did his administration and why did everybody close to him lie about contacts they had with russia throughout the course of the campaign why did he say that he believes putin over the intelligence community why did he talk about leaving nato things that put our national security at jeopardy why doesn't he release his tax returns some say that it's just a cover up that william barr the u.s. attorney general is protecting donald trump attorney general barr who are dishing for his role with an open memorandum suggesting that it was almost impossible for any president to commit obstruction of justice and seize the head of the executive branch made a decision about that evidence in under forty eight hours given ms the bars public record of bias against the special counsel's inquiry he's not a new true observer and is not in
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a position to make objective determinations about the report now some voices are saying that two years twenty five million dollars and three thousand subpoenas just aren't enough they say that if you keep looking you can find collusion because it's there because we say so trust in his prosecutorial judgment but that doesn't mean of course that there isn't compelling and incriminating evidence that should be shared with the american people this president has a way. trying to get into people's heads and indoctrinate them he's been saying no collusion no collusion no collusion he does this all the time this is not the end of anything now you might think that the media was to blame after all they kept this story in the headlines for so long examining every unproven rumor however certain voices are saying that they did nothing wrong and should be praised for their work i think we've done the media the press has done one of the great reporting jobs in the history especially of covering
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a presidency by the most news organizations some media outlets did so well they were honored with a pulitzer prize for. relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically further the nations of the standing of russian interference in the twenty sixteen presidential election and its connections to the trump campaign the president elect's transition team and his eventual administration it was a very carefully orchestrated campaign campaign of propaganda in order to undermine the president of the united states because if president trump on the defensive it has really reversed all of his campaign promises about foreign policy he said of instead of our approach with russia he has become very antagonistic towards russia not because he wanted to be because the
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media has forced him into that posture problems told the media that apologizing can be a great thing when you're simply wrong whether or not they'll he is advice remains to be seen a little up and artsy new york clinging to the reports summary russia while not colluding with trump did successfully influence the outcome of the twenty sixteen presidential election and elt in our program of going underground with afshin rattansi he spoke to wiki leaks editor in chief about why the probe singled out the whistle organization. well i think it's very interesting that the attorney general knowledge that this was just an it is there were. dozens of media organizations which are the entities that these were the mention but only which is measured by name. so if you look at the details of what other media organizations were doing exactly the same thing as we kill it's basically releasing the information and publishing stories with a major and they included all
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a major media organization or in the western world so why singling out we can leaks that is quite absurd but it shows the hostility towards the organization is quite obvious and we have information that actually just so within of the twenty four hours up to the election in twenty sixteen it was decided that all blame for the humiliating loss of very gentle should be placed on the russians and it was of course or obviously necessary to to put to you know we killings in the middle there where our so of course we've been. blamed for a. move cooperating where with the. russian agents in that in the interest in this equation this is basically a false claim and nothing has been presented to substantiate that. britain's biggest galleries have turned then as up and lon stonemasons from the rest of the epidemic as polly pica explained. picasso once said that art
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cleanses the soul but for large and sometimes jew b.s. corp the tried and tested method opus sponsoring art was a way of cleansing the image well not anymore though what does this the us opioid crisis which kills more than a hundred people per day over in the us have to do with london's national portrait gallery the answer the sad family their immense wealth comes from the sale of oxy contin a widely used push scription painkiller that stronger than morphine last year u.s. senate report accused the sutcliffe family's purge you pharma company of acting as cheerleaders for the opioids and contributing to the opioid crisis in america but for years now the sackler family has also been a cheerleader and sponsor of the arts in wards until protests like these
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became more common was in twenty seventeen british museums accepted a rest seven million pounds in donations from the sun khloe trust london's royal academy of arts has a back clear we're going and there's a sack close courtyard in the victoria and albert museum but the question of ethical funding is forcing an increasing number of arts institutions to reconsider portray gallery high as return on day one million pound raunch from the sound clip trust on the take gallery and the south london gallery have also itself said it won't be making any more donations that's been seen widely as a face saving measure to avoid any more rejections a number of art institutions have come under scrutiny for corporate sponsorships recently last month campaigners or the british museum in proto. as to its continued
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acceptance of funding from british petroleum the oil company alleged to have lobbied for the war in iraq sponsored an exhibition of treasures from modern day iraq in syria the tate museum ended its relationship with b.p. back in twenty six steen and last summer the netherlands van gogh museum stopped its relationship with dutch oil company shell both cases were presented as mutual decisions by the museums and oil companies but they also came after intense pressure from campaign is but when it comes to funding the arts some say there's no such thing as clean money there is this grey area of if you have a lot of due diligence in the yards and you look very carefully you'll find something a bit dodgy yeah exactly multinationals airlines social media bankers people are
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slightly squeamish about them florentine bankers made the renaissance possible for those visiting the museums or working outside them the issue of so-called art washing is a tough call if you think you know big pharmaceutical companies should be sponsoring exhibitions b.p. at the british museum and if they should why. we would find they do with us artists. they have enough to assist us you know to corporate sponsorship but definitely yes to evolving to a better model in support of the arts to change the world that they want to stay in business so it's to speak they want to continue to be viable so they can be the position where they really over very reluctantly there except corporate money because it's not available from the government this scrutiny over ethical donations couldn't come at a worse time for cash strapped british arts institutions which have had their funding slashed stand we see simply can't afford to be picky. no need to come
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to the shop right. as an officer. told him to get up off the ground the officer began to pet him down . and then place on the sounds of kind of fighting into the grown man like wrestling essentially officer hurley. through his or her own. twisted away from the officer leave the toilet out of his crib. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the weapon once missed and then when it happened on tree swung at the officers hands didn't hit him i never saw any contact between the two any kind of went back to where they were so the officers back here there try again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer pulled out his gun and he did it on three. so what we've got to do is
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identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in. spearing dramatic development the only really i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. welcome back to the program in an unprecedented move british m.p.'s have voted to seize control of parliament and gender in a bid to take over budget negotiations from theresa may this comes as a fresh blow to the embattled u.k. prime minister is facing growing calls to step down three ministers have also
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resigned in the wake of the vote adding to the long list of departures from the company. i would like to congratulate the house for taking control of the government's approach has been an abject failure and this time must now find a solution to this house is she he did for you we forwards when the government has us feel to provide leadership for tricky so you just know this is a constitutional issue i think you just rolled around the wrist to make sure the fact is in fact these are constitutional river lucia and the house is going to. where this government has failed this house must i believe will succeed. in the tussle for control of the government was ultimately defeated by m.p.'s in westminster who will now have a greater say over the next steps of bragg's it that includes a vote on alternatives to teresa mayes withdrawal agreement professor of european
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or francesco says that the prime minister has badly mishandled it. i think this is really really final or it should be the final nail in the coffin and i hate to use that term of the government's strategy it's failed argument including lots of conservatives have decided that the way the government has been dealing with this in the prime minister in particular has led nowhere but the immediate challenge that has to be confronted it's twofold one will we participate in european elections because there's no way we're going to be leaving by the twenty second of may god knows how the government's going to deal with what parliament asked us to do so their status you and then of course the second issue is what is the government who is the prime minister. us state department says the battle against terror group islamic state is far from over u.s.
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special representative for syria engagement james jeffrey says american troops will continue military operations in syria that's despite president donald trump saying a few days ago that i saw it had been fully destroyed. this is. not the end of the fight against isis that will go on but it will be a different kind of fight isis still lives on in various cells and in the minds of many of the people in the years that we've liberated our forces will stay on in very limited numbers. in the northeast on time to continue our clearing operations and stability operations against isis for a period of time not to be determined at this point a statement comes only days after a u.s. backed syrian forces claim that honestly had been defeated they just seized the village by those said to be the last i saw pockets of resistance in syria. trying to claim that i saw were defeated followed news of the victory out by the us
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president had actually already declared it on a number of occasions prior to that. we have a lot of. great announcements having to do in syria and our success with the eradication of the caliphate and that will be announced over the next twenty four hours. and by the way as improbably today or tomorrow we will actually have one hundred percent of the caliphate in syria one hundred. us will soon control one hundred percent devices territory syria is another short period of time like ours you'll be hitting hours and days you'll be hearing about the caliphate it will that's what i present defeated just to go over to period was
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ninety percent and ninety two percent of the caliphate in syria now it's one hundred percent and we just took over. it's always going to be premature to declare the complete defeat of isis as long as the u.s. remains inside syria and inside iraq i think we can expect. another series of delays because isis provides a pretext for the united states to stay in in the eastern third of syria which it occupies today and which just happens to contain the oil and gas industry of syria it will continue to use isis as an excuse for or as a pretext to conduct. to occupy parts of the country to conduct military operations
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and so on. and will they be capable of you know eliminating the rest of my cell not until. so knighted states gets out and syria is in charge of the entire it's an entire territory. italian rightwing party like the north has bolstered its support to offer important regional election when they can or tripled its votes in one year in the traditionally left wing stronghold of the us in the carter the party won forty two percent of the vote ending twenty four years of domination by the left salvini campaigned heavily invest in the cart ahead of sunday's vote their leader and italian prime minister and matteo salvini expressed his thanks to voters via a facebook post. this represents a difficult situation for the coalition five star movement two and drawing up
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support for the new parliamentary group formed together the other european reformist party's deputy pm to model is optimistic about the potential of the trials here a coalition saying the great job has its inspiration from creating a new europe we spoke to the president of the greek party one of the members of the new founded alliance. that's look at the common ground we share with the other members of this coalition the european group we're going to create i think is the desire to change the european union for the better germany along with the other rich nations try to create protectorates to the rest of the nation. the party focuses on the most basic human needs we are a european and pro european policy but we have the president of the european union european is a midlands is the opposition to the current you with its corrupt disregard for national interests. this needs to be back in around thirty minutes time with.
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stay with us from worlds apart which is next here on the international. money velocity is dead right so the money velocity what measure of money is being along down from bank to bank to bank bank which is a measure of economic health is dead and that the money printing continues to increase some sort of asking the question why is the money not getting into the economy they're printing more of it. it is the.
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of welcome to well to part of the an event full of wrapping up of the molar investigation may have cleared the american president of treason and collusion allegations but certainly not of his critics determination to get rid of him as an american system still capable of anything by settling the ideological scores to discuss that i'm now joined by its hog. a best selling author and management consultant says it's a great pleasure talking to a diverse and thank you very much for your time. now as i was watching the coverage of the reports what struck me is that some people on the american left seem to be.
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just as traumatized by trying not being fallen to be an american every agent as they were traumatized by him being elected did it come as a shocker to you that he after all he's not a puppet. i don't think that people really believe that he was that us. look at the cover each. listen politics is doing. the dirty business so they throw dirt at him but. russian spy president of the united states it is so far fetched that they don't think that they're real population because. i think that the miller. report. is a very good sign of the strength of the american system because in spite of all the pressures for him to make. the routine as much as possible
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he gave a real honest report i thought it was also a very interesting window into the american psyche. because i mean to as russians the idea that we could somehow not just influence but put in an american president into the white house it was absolutely unimaginable is the united states really still emotionally volatile as it as it comes across on the cable channels i don't know whether this is a special for america in any quote unquote free country as. emotionally volatile look at this right now i mean it.
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