tv News RT March 26, 2019 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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sad to see on. the map of the moment but the who story isn't new nixon called in henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated in latin america. an alternative economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the economy scream so wants and making the economy of venezuela screed. i have the exchange of fire between israel and gaza on monday night after hamas allows in a gyptian brokered cease fire. it comes as the u.s. officially recognizes israeli sovereignty over syria's golan heights a move that's been condemned by the un the e.u. and the arab league. despite no collusion between donald trump and russian
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media hysteria isn't dying down the news outlets are now trying to find out who's responsible for blowing the allegations out of proportion. i would like to congratulate the house for taking control of god makes the protests prevent an abject failure and this time must now find a solution. to british m.p.'s tussle for control in parliament and seize greg's problem paving the way for alternatives to her divorce plan. midday here in moscow and you're watching r.t. international from our studio with me welcome to the program. these are the army says it's hit fifteen targets in gaza after thirty rockets were fired from the
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palestinian territory on monday night the exchange comes after hamas and an egyptian brokered cease fire. there had been an exchange of fire on monday with israel taking out a number of hamas buildings in response to a rocket attack from gaza we're going to cross live to journalist martin hamill in tel aviv we have the connections ok that. what happened to the egyptian brokered cease fire on an island by hamas. well at this stage it's sort of like an informal cease fire hamas says they're not going to fire because they think there's a cease fire israel doesn't know anything about a cease fire in quotation marks that means that they're saying basically if you guys keep it quiet meaning hamas keeps a quiet israel is going to keep it quiet so for now there's an options of basically
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got everybody to look away from the battlefield take a breather take a pause and each side is watching with the other side might do or not do and since about three am local time it's been quiet now the israel prime minister has promised a new tough measures against time what should we expect. well there are so many tough measures going on right now it's a little hard to assess that. basically the only option c. has to ratchet up the pressure is to attack very sensitive hamas targets there is talk of maybe resuming a policy of targeted assassinations against hamas leaders that certainly would be escalating the the what's been going on here but you know there's a certain momentum now why it's so maybe it's a lot of tough talk a lot of posturing everybody look each other in the eye but as long as each hour
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stays quiet another hour of quiet follows we might be heading to more maybe somewhat of a relaxation of tension rather than resuming of attacks though anything is possible in this region ok from tel aviv janice martin hamill thanks very much. the exchange of fire comes as u.s. president donald trump officially recognizes israeli sovereignty over syria's golan heights an area the un regards as occupied territory artie's ego should don of joined me in studio earlier to discuss the international reaction. well the international community has been somewhat pushed under the bus by this whole decision is the most vocal and this have been of course the arab countries the whole of arab league made public a joint statement condemning the decision really standing out a condemnation by saudi arabia for instance you know washington's bestie in the gulf so it kind of tells the scale of the fallout this this trump's decision has
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had also has condemned the move russia voiced its concerns in regards to the stability of the middle east because moscow believes that such a decision by trump really undermines that and also world syria of course its its their territories that's how the international community that's how the u.n. sees the golan heights is a syrian territory the u.s. policy on golan is reflected in the relevant resolutions of the security council and that policy has not changed year opinion in line with international law does not recognize israel's sovereignty over to territories occupied by israel since june one thousand nine hundred sixty seven including the golan heights and does not consider them to be part of israel's territory i suppose we need to understand what exactly is at stake in the current absolutely absolutely the golan heights is a strip of land on the border between syria and israel back in the eighty's in the
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course of a war it was occupied by israel and that is how it is classified internationally that's how u.n. puts it it is a syrian territory or by israel. not over joe that a lot of the story. we who live in the occupied golan heights we dismiss the u.s. president's foolish recognition of the territory as israeli we want to tell him our fathers and grandfathers killed their blood on this land and you don't have
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a right to do that yesterday it was jerusalem our day and the golan heights and tomorrow it might be another syrian territory mr bertram loves israel and wants to give her something he should give what is to give not what belongs to someone else he has fifty one states he can give israel wanted with them but the golan heights and not his property they are not his to give away. these deal signed by us president donald trump violates all principles and standards of international law and here in the occupied golan heights we remember that syrian soldiers spilled their water here and that it belongs to syria now not the entirety of the golan heights is de facto under the control of israel this is a small portion of it that is still under damascus is control and i was lucky enough to visit that back last year back in twenty eight scene and really was something of a turnaround moment i think for that part of the golan heights because when i went
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there it was me a weeks after the syrian army and the russian jets liberated that area from the control of i saw there were certain pockets of islamic state there like dane for instance we have heard the opposing views obviously to chance decision from the international community what about israel though surely this is the best outcome that they could hope for indeed for israel it is the best outcome but i go out on a limb and say that they can name one person who's particularly happened that things are shaping out as they are at and that is the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. because he's facing elections in a couple of weeks and in the run up to these elections he's been embroiled in a massive nasty corruption scandal now that he's thrown effectively he's thrown a bone to all those in israel sharing the nationalist tension he not only has jerusalem recognized by the united states as the capital of israel but also you
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know as the golan heights. we had arguments from both sides of the golan heights the pact. we are all we've been in control of the golan heights for fifty two years the golan heights is actually a heaven on earth unlike the rest of syria which became and where is the. some kind of a good thing for the britons and everybody else joe also there is also no tokenize there is there is only copy so what looked to also there was our the jewish people . already for more than flee thousand years so what do we need there cognition of the world the reason that they decided to go after the golan heights now they are under the impression that syria is weakened the central government is incapable of really kind of establishing a clear and strong and decisive foreign policy it's barely trying to battle the opposition and isis and other groups and this is the best time for charmed to have
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this gift of the heights in contrary to international law and common sense to israel the united states stands on the side of israel one hundred percent unconditionally and blind they are trying to give netanyahu everything that he wants at this point. yes president donald trump has hinted there will be payback for those who spread allegations of collusion with russia allocation where they have done some very very evil things very bad things i would say treasonous things against our country those people. will certainly be looked. and i have been looking at them for a long time and i'm saying why haven't they been looked at they lied to congress many of them you know who they are we can never ever let this happen to another president to give. me a summary of right but one is report into collusion has been published democrats on parts of the media now demanding to see the whole thing in the hope of still
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pending the president kelly more can has more. for two and a half years u.s. media has given lots of airtime to the infamous russia gate allegations an online media no less than t.v. one study showed over five hundred thirty thousand articles on trunk russia collusion allegations or the mole or probe have gone online since the probe was launched in two thousand and seventeen but now according to the report from special counsel robert muller it was all for nothing no collusion took place so why did the us media run so long with something that turned out to be a total red herring well some voices blame trump for it they say that it's his fault the media went with the story for so long why did donald trump and why did his administration and why did everybody close to him lie about contacts they had with russia throughout the course of the campaign why did he say that he believes
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the national security at jeopardy why doesn't he release his tax returns some say that it's just a cover up that william barr the u.s. attorney general is protecting donald trump the attorney general barr who addition for his role with an open memorandum suggesting that it was almost impossible for any president to commit obstruction of justice and seize the head of the executive branch made a decision about that evidence in under forty eight hours given ms the bars public record of bias against a special counsel's inquiry he's not a new true observer and is not in a position to make objective determinations about the report now some voices are saying that two years twenty five million dollars and three thousand subpoenas just aren't enough they say that if you keep looking you can find collusion because it's there because we say so trust in his prosecutorial judgment but that doesn't mean of course that there isn't compelling and incriminating evidence that should be shared with the american people this president has
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a way of trying to get into people's heads and indoctrinate them he's been saying no clue. no collusion no collusion he does this all the time this is not the end of anything now you might think that the media was to blame after all they kept this story in the headlines for so long examining every unproven rumor however certain voices are saying that they did nothing wrong and should be praised for their work i think we've done the media the press has done one of the great reporting jobs in the history especially of covering a presidency by the most news organizations some media outlets did so well they were honored with a pulitzer prize for. a reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically further the nation's understanding of russian interference in the twenty sixteen presidential election and its connections to the trump campaign the president elect's transition team and his eventual administration from once told
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the media that apologizing can be a great thing when you're simply wrong whether or not they'll heed his advice remains to be seen nobody wants to hear this but the news that special prosecutor robert miller is headed home without issuing new challenges is a display for the reputation of the american news media nothing trump is accused of from now on by the press would be believed by huge chunks of the population that was watching one named a sockpuppet media icon crying virtually crying that her propes i think i gave the history that her president was not involved in collusion and sedation in treason and when here here's what i find the most fascinating i'm a lawyer by profession and you know this and i'm trying to figure out x. what is it no evidence are people trying to decide i normally can understand
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fine you know why something happened why was the press. that theoretically found guilty of collusion and what's even better there's this report that was penn via a committee of the greatest legal minds around today the final result was well we're not really sure about the kowloon or the obstruction of justice so what you handled it according to the department of justice rules you don't have any other comment other than the person was not indicted you don't deal with evidence that was considered that is problematic or troublesome that's what komi did and that's what we're seeing now they're violating their own rules these two by the book titans according to the report summary russia while not colluding with did successfully influence the outcome of the twenty sixteen presidential election it
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also names we keep leaks as a russian agent the results of miller's investigation will be discussed in our program going underground with afshin rattansi he spoke to wiki leaks editor in chief about why the probe singlet on the whistleblower organization. well i think it's very interesting that the attorney general knowledge that this was just an it is there were. dozens of media organizations which are the end of his that is mara that i mentioned but only which he says mentioned by name so if you look at the details of what other media organizations were doing exactly the same thing as we can explain sickly releasing the information of publishing stories with a measure and they included all a major media organization or in the western world so why singling out we can leaks that is quite absurd but it shows the hostility towards the organization is quite obvious and we had information that actually was so within the twenty four hours up to the election in twenty sixteen it was decided that all i'm playing poorly
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humiliating loss of for hillary clinton should be placed on the russians and it was of course or obviously necessary to to put you know we killers in the middle of their whereas of course we've been. claims for. cooperating with. russian agents in. every situation is basically. to. stay with us here on out international for the latest on the u.k.'s brand said drama in just a minute. what
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politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president i'm sure. somehow i want to. let you go right to the press it's like i'm up for free in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters at my house. thanks. thanks. thanks thanks.
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to the program in an unprecedented move british m.p.'s have voted to seize control of parliaments in. genda in a bid to take over breaks it negotiations from theresa may this comes as a fresh blow to the embattled u.k. prime minister who's facing growing calls to step down three ministers have also resigned in the wake of the vote adding to the long list of departures from the cabinet i would like to congratulate the house for taking control of the government's approach has been an abject failure and this house must now find a solution this is she he did for you we forwards when the government has asked people to provide leadership there were folks who said just now this is a constitution very should i think you just roll over on the wrist and make sure the fact is in fact these are constitutional revolution and the house. where
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this government has failed this house must and i believe will succeed. in the tussle for control of the government was ultimately defeated by m.p.'s in westminster who will now have a greater say over the next steps and breaks it that includes a vote on alternatives to teresa mayes withdrawal agreement professor of european law francesco reserve says that the prime minister has badly mishandled bags it. i think this is really the final or it should be the final nail in the coffin and i hate to use that term of the government's strategy it's failed parliament including lots of conservatives have decided that the way the government has been dealing with this in the prime minister in particular has led nowhere but the immediate challenge that has to be confronted well it's twofold one will we
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participate in european elections because there's no way we're going to be leaving by the twenty second of may god knows how the government's going to deal with what parliament asked us to do so there is that is you and then of course the second issue is what who is the government or is the prime minister. some of britain's biggest art galleries have refused large donations from the us trust of the concerns regarding how the money was made it's all connected to america's current opioid epidemic as artie's polyploid explained. picasso once said that art cleanses the soul but for large and sometimes jew b.s. corp the tried and tested method op sponsoring art was a way of cleansing image well not anymore though what does this the us opioid crisis which kills more than a hundred people per day over in the us have to do with london's national portrait
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gallery they don't serve the sackler family their immense wealth comes from the sale of oxy contin a widely used push scription painkiller that stronger than morphine last year u.s. senate report accused the sutcliffe family's purge use pharma company of acting as cheerleaders for the opioids and contributing to the opioid crisis in america but for years now the sackler family has also been a cheerleader and sponsor of the arts was until protests like these became more common. was in twenty seventeen british museums accepted a rest seven million pounds in donations from the sun clo trust london's royal academy of arts has a back clear wing and there's a sack close courtyard in the victoria and albert museum but the question of
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ethical funding is forcing an increasing number of arts institutions to reconsider where they get their money from it's now emerged that london's national portrait gallery has returned on day one million pound drawn from the sound clip trust on the tate gallery and the south london gallery have also said there will be taking any more time money and then best sign the trust itself said it won't be making any more donations that's being seen widely as a face saving measure to avoid any more rejections. a number of art institutions have come under scrutiny for corporate sponsorships recently last month's campaign is occupied the british museum in protest at its continued acceptance of funding from british petroleum the oil company alleged to have lobbied for the war in iraq sponsored an exhibition of treasures from modern day iraq in syria the tate museum
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ended its relationship with b.p. back in twenty six steam and last summer the netherlands van gogh museum stopped its relationship with dutch oil company shall both cases were presented as mutual decisions by the museums and oil companies but they also came after intense pressure from campaign is but when it comes to funding the arts some say there's no such thing as clean money there is this gray area of if you have a lot of due diligence in the yards and you look very carefully you'll find something a bit dodgy yeah exactly multinationals airlines social media bankers people are slightly squeamish about them florentine bankers made the renaissance possible for those visiting the museums or working outside them the issue of so-called art washing is a tough call this scrutiny over ethical donations couldn't come at
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a worse time for cash strapped british arts institutions which have had their funding slashed in recent years but there are those that say that in order for the arts to prosper galleries simply can't afford to be picky. about the news this hour be back in around thirty minutes time with more updates to stay with us for a documentary called the blood is at the doorstep which is up next year a lot international.
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so you can on the phone lines smoke fight will make a name for them in the muslim on muslim couple i'm going to know them better than a lot of folks and stuff to get a. lot of fun but i just i think that. she was you make a. choice you i just. don't bombard from the sun on my last book you go to the british course that's enough of them stuff. i mean you got . to. take.
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the reffing up of the mother investigation may have cleared the american president of treason and collusion but it has not got rid of critics determination to get rid of him is the american system capable of anything but settling ideological scores. with no make this manufacture consent to stick to the public well. when they're running pluses and protect themselves. when the final merry go round it. certainly the one percent. going the whole middle of the room six. doing the rounds million morrill new. poll. i've been
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saying the numbers mean something they've matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime happens each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent of the mobile market boast thirty percent some with four hundred five hundred three first second per second and fifth when rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know bored to miss the one and only boom box. there. are.
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a middle child. i'm sorry it was the day. this is some day he was doing to just you know make sure he can money in his pocket. illicit i we had to look out for anything but nothing happened to to the baby. i just hope that people can understand that i was a person who didn't deserve to die who didn't deserve to be shot fourteen times.
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