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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  March 27, 2019 1:30pm-1:59pm EDT

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the website or the news website will probably customers etc so the effect is going to be in the multi. directions. just warm quick question if i may just finish finish up with you know people in the public consider the internet kind of there's one of the few kind of freedom aims that we still have in life and it seems like most people are pretty angry what's the feedback you been getting to people really are going to protest strongly against this. i think there is a there is a two campaigns at the moment the campaigns are advocating for this to stop because it will. you know restrict the freedom on the internet very much and you have the other campaign from the other point if you were where a lot of publishers or musicians or artist things there they are really not bait
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for their materials. so these are two campaigns at the moment but you can sense there is a lot of. anger there's a lot of concerns from people socially gamers you tube people who share new. you know make viral videos for example this will affect them heavily so there is a lot of. concerns let's say going on against this new director of. max i appreciate you taking the time to come on and speak to as many thanks my guest is a lecturer in computing at the university of central lancashire. a.b.c. news hour at a time with updates and often at. readings
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and. there's no business like the war business like no business i know watchers sitting at the top of the business of wars without a doubt the united states of america somehow or short history has twisted our nation's core principles of independence and liberty into a very bizarre corporate creature running scared on capitalism gone wild with an undying thirst for a very bloody pax americana all around the globe. and nothing exemplifies that more than the american america's business of war and nothing sums up that business better than this latest tidbit out of the trumpet ministration defense one is now reporting that in the in its latest draft budget the troubled ministration has proposed or rather revived an old loan program concept that according to a state department official was that according to the budget over we will make u.s. defense equipment a more competitive and more affordable option for partner countries. eight
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billion dollars flexible loans and just so we are clear that's that's eight billion and us tax dollars tax dollars that would be used under this program to give foreign countries like say saudi arabia jordan or israel our money to buy our own weapons at a flexible interest rate decided by our good friends at the state department the same state department folks who are behind such it says the liberation of libya you know the accident gratian of isis and these civil war in ukraine. colby goodman an expert at the forum on arms trade told the fence one my general concern is this could lead to more loan deep vaults and taxpayers would end up footing the bill but hey why worry about those things after all others are nothing more than walking a.t.m. cannonfodder. welcome to the united states big bank of arms deals let's start watching the hawks.
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like you that i got. with. the. welcomer on the. watching the harks i am tired and on top of wallace wow eight billion dollars is what they're trying to offer up these folks and potential loans and all of this with what you know flexible interest rates and all but one exciting stuff nobody has ever there's no business that's ever been hurt by the idea of giving low priced loans to people who may or may not be able to. actually that oh well. all of this is kind of coming in the military's
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united states military is going to push. as they're so fond of saying away from there now pivoting away from designing all their bases and ideas around terrorism. pushing military targeting countries that are purchasing military material from russia and china because it's coming from the moving from fighting terrorism to countering major superpowers and what the pentagon is calling near peer adversaries near fear fear fear fear of their own those their periods. and that's why we need to get these people to not buy weapons from russia or china but from. their adversaries but we should be selling them stuff not anybody else really make. such an incredibly smart and there's sort of a long history of the u.s. government trying to do these things for oh we'll give you a great deal. missiles and we'll finance it.
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never really worked they did it back in the eighty's a bunch of stuff you know kind of loan programs failed. due to missed payments or there was another effort to create a similar program under bill clinton but that fell apart because congress pushed the loan terms on civilian terms and of course governments don't want to have to pay. like the rest of us. love that when the moment that they decided to be like hey maybe we'll make the interest rates like the normal everyday citizen who is trying to get interest rates are trying to get that no you can't have that it's incredible. and the other thing we have to understand too is that we already have a kind of weird version of this loan program to give countries loans so that where they can buy weapons from. our own money. what they call the grant program actually
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would grant grant money for the military financing or f.m.'s grant program. currently it's the largest for separate supercop of the f.m.'s assistance israel which is fifty one percent of the program spawns that was in two thousand and eight egypt and jordan follow as the next two to align for basically getting the most of these f.m.'s gramps out of the us but basically give us taxpayers giving them money so they can buy hardware from the united states government well or lockheed martin yeah i was going to the time sorry but i think it's from the government as a private company making lots of lots of money so yeah that's kind of how. it was a lot of money and times when we keep saying we don't have the money and that we should be the world's policemen and we shouldn't be providing all this and at the same time the trumpet ministration asserting they're making this big play of the reviewers from the campaign trail. about how we shouldn't be subsidizing other people's defense we shouldn't be paying for this defense we shouldn't pay for nato
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nobody is paying their fair share so not only is no one paying their fair share but now the trump administration and this government has decided that what they want is to give give more of those people who weren't paying their fair share well just alone on the money but will probably never get it back and who knows what could happen and then something like what happens if a country says you know why i know that you loan me like you know a billion dollars to buy these weapons systems like campaign. what do you do when you bomb them like you know what is the you can't son why do you know rocks go in moose over to collect you know what you're going to do you consider absolutely ridiculous and just a good idea of lloyd where these numbers ultimately add up to the current grant program crosses about five point four billion dollars in taxpayer dollars the suggested loan program would add eight on top of that which would mean it would basically put like the trumpet ministration for financing arm purchases around the world with our tax dollars would actually put them into an about thirteen point
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four billion dollars of our own money to do this campaign we don't have money for roads. machine learning is when a manmade computer is able to learn to perform tasks without explicitly being programmed to do so it's also used to create better accuracy data processing and to create self learning algorithms so machines of all sorts can do their particular job better but what happens when the machines are learning how to kill human beings and more efficiently and the government doesn't say the public doesn't want the public to have a say well last year it was discovered the tech giant google was a bit of a pickle why google employees discover they were developing artificial intelligence for analyzing drone footage in late two thousand and seventeen eric schmidt of google told a panel at the new american security it artificial intelligence global security summit that quote there's a general concern in the tech community of somehow the military industrial complex using their stuff to play it any other way. well now the intercept just learned that while google insiders were desperately trying to cover of google's dealings
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with the military the pentagon had their back on december eighteenth of twenty eighteen the u.s. department of defense's acting chief management officer concluded that google's project maven quote is exempt from disclosure under exemption for the freedom of information act steven aftergood director of the federation of american scientists project on government secrecy told the intercept in a way it is the path of least resistance that enables the agency to avoid time consuming expensive and detailed review of records so hot water should we be making it easier for government agencies to experiment with death without oversight or is it time to rethink just how much google knows about our national mood like ok. the google. drone over there nobody. will ever know whatsoever it is a bulls one month project even the name sounds creepy yeah it's ok that was the original project maven which i had to do with like i said are sort of processing
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drone footage of what they're trying to addle finding a or machine learning that would go over all this data for them so the deodhar there was a deal memo dated april twenty sixth twenty seven t.n. must integrate artificial intelligence and machine learning more effectively across operations so the idea is that they want more they should have more they should do more of the. you know. sorry is that they're going to do more of this artificial intelligence artificial intelligence. which is what's funny is that even even in the d.o.d.'s own stuff they don't even clarify that they get it they sort of interchange the two phrases and they're not the same so actually the whole thing about well this is part of a project for artificial intelligence and machine learning but then there's a reason they're set differently but. it's interesting too because it's like when you look at. earlier.
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example defense department acting chief management officer maven individually or in aggregate would enable an adversary to identify capabilities and vulnerabilities in the department's approach to our intelligence development and implementation or provide an adversary with the information necessary to disrupt destroyed or damaged technology military operations and then the lives of personnel. about it because it might we're going to brag about it to everywhere about how we're going to be the top of the line and all of this technology and data collection technology of course this is you know less than a decade after the entire u.s. government said it never was collecting anything now agree that you're collecting things but then find a way to sort of. process them and then brag about how you're working with google
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and brag about how you're doing all of this great to beat everyone else but not want to talk about it to the people who are paying for it the people who are actually on the ground to the american people have a right to know what money is being spent on what are you putting and the thing is if you're just going to keep making like putting money and hand over fist and getting private industry involved in the making of it it's it's it's murder attack yeah that's all it is you're looking at drone footage who can figure out what a bomb next that is what you're trying to do to make it so it isn't a person's fault it isn't a general's fault it isn't the soldiers fault of the machine told us to do it so we can't be responsible somehow i don't feel like wars will end because we said oops the machine did it the better it's passing the buck. yeah it is twenty first century flavor we have slowed well up the drone said it was ok to well obviously the intercept of the reason this came up is because the intercept has been sort of pushing to get four requests from them about what they're doing and they keep being denied and that's why they're still sort of being denied the news story but their
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deputy counsel kate murray actually contends that they will keep fighting and he said project maven is undeniably of interest to the public we are exploring all options to gain access to the information about the program that under fire can and should be disclosed so as lou we get the truth i mean that's the thing you can't just spend billions of dollars you can't just do this without oversight that it's not we don't work like that here and it's you know the days of sort of throwing money hand over fist is clearly over we're in debt we don't have the money for a small step because we're going to break our bludgers there we're going to let us know where you're going to suffer to cover them facebook is the twitter sphere for those that are coming up it's more bad news for those of los angeles because the city of angels is the one son told go to weed killer glyphosate fire in melbourne it will be your joins us here in studio breakdown what this means for the full recovery. the rest of us to watch.
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because there's survival guide book stacie just like all the stars. should. get a. tax. cut. repatriations will get the rest to seventy. delegates at kaiser her first.
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in what could be early stages of a big tobacco like downfall our good friends of monsanto just lost another cancer related lawsuit over the safety of their number one we'd kill around on its meaning greedy and like to say and i los angeles county in southern california home to over ten million people is banned the use of life if it within its borders are here america's natasha has a story. for the time being los angeles county officials are banning the use of round up after one of its ingredients has been linked to cancer the los angeles county board of supervisors are asking for all departments to halt the use of round up until public health and environment professionals can determine if it's safe for further use this all comes after a second court ruling finding roundup was a substantial factor in a consumer's not hodgkins lymphoma most recently as san francisco court ruled in
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favor of a seventy year old edwin hartman's case hardiman reportedly developed the cancer after using the herbicide on his sonoma california property for decades was the lack of sufficient warnings a substantial factor in causing harm to mr johnson answer yes last august a california court initially awarded when johnson two hundred eighty may know you for his cancer after using round up on schools as a groundskeeper the payout later reduced to seventy million but it opened the floodgates of some nine thousand three hundred lawsuits against bayer but according to one of the attorneys representing her them in the case itself is about months until failing to warn the public i took took over representative deposition he said to me that there's no evidence across the board. that there's any association with cancer that's just nonsense there is a huge mountain of evidence and this company needs to get straight in to be honest with the speech with its customers and say listen there is evidence that is
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associate with cancer and get let people make a choice about whether or not they use the product scientists associated with the environmental protection agency found those who were heavily exposed to round up had an astounding forty one percent higher risk of developing not hodgkin's lymphoma this is in stark contrast to a twenty six thousand study that found the weak killer had low toxicity for humans twenty sixteen study is currently under review according to the world health organization an eleven country study found that lifeless state is probably carcinogenic to humans and in twenty seventeen california adam going through state to its list of chemicals known to cause cancer however bayer maintains that month santo is safe to use in los angeles not just sweets are. joining us now to discuss the latest blow to months anto is legal and media and was like all of line of media thank you for joining us thank you want to have you actually here with us instead of just jumping over the screen the entire irish static thank you
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for coming out you are going to i got to we talked a little bit about it earlier today but i'm going to say little is this now new this this latest story and it is are they on their way behrman subs are they on their way to becoming the big tobacco the twenty first century yes by virtue of the frequency of the cases by virtue of the severity but with a cigarette in cases in litigation that a company that people are still smoking cigarettes are still there you know we always like to talk about what's the biggest organization is a big ag or a big farm how enormous monsanto bear and others how these people are in terms of something that affects food and agriculture around the world not everybody smokes but i. yeah and the enormity of this i think is is cannot be overemphasized it's massive it's like every food product every park their spirit leaves it's all over the borders yeah and i think what we've seen over the years you know when i
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was a kid it was doubt dupont and now it's gone then everybody all kind of like melded together and it's evolved months draw thirty points then you go do you think part of it is that those big companies started becoming bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and we're just becoming habituated to the idea of this you know you so when when you were a kid when i was a kid we had silent spring rachel carson that's right d.d.t. was a days of agent orange sigler mates there was a time when we're sick oh my god cyclometer what to say to a mate so we did know but we reacted i remember one day it was a tuesday everybody went crazy towards gluten because our gluten was somehow rootin tootin gluten i don't know what it was but everything was gluten free and they didn't know why but they thought maybe it has something to do with with the weight gain so people jump to it life's a round g.m.o. . what it is whatever that part of the brain is that
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kicks in we don't have that and maybe that's because of all the global state it turns out all the difficulties of the alarm centers or the lobby as well as a lawyer i mean this is a company that now has almost ten thousand lawsuits against us about this one thing what is a corporation do as a lawyer what do you what would you share six shots where you normally you would see reorganization of some kind of bankruptcy in the like but look at the way they also bifurcated at all or legal wi fi for pete and they took two different parts of these trials at first when they said let's look at the science is there any causal connection between life or see you the jury and cancer and they said yes ok reasonable reasonably related then these said remember this line what do you know and when the no wonder what that's kind of what's going on is you're going to tell. it's really hit critical mass when you hear the ads on radio have you been
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injured by a life estate doing cheatham and how have you been injured you one of the hundred you point out is injured while the injury you call us right now monsanto operators are standing by when it hits that you know it's hit and then people are going to say we did it and then when people say what exactly where is life estate everywhere yeah i mean it's on lawns it's on your feet like you said it's kind of one of the things that you can't get around but we love cheap apples and we love cheap we like affordable fruits veggies at everywhere around the time so. you know it's interesting too because we talked about the big tobacco because i remember being in the ninety's in high school reading about this and you know you know all these governments basically cities you know states brought massive lawsuits against big tobacco saying look you are you lie you deceived us about this are we going to see that with one side or are they too tired and about lobbying complex in washington and elsewhere where they're paying out too much too much dollars to tack themselves
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some of them to see you know a similar thing where suddenly the government gets involved and you're seeing state lawsuits against one side or things of that nature whenever you hear or the chance of the plaintiffs trial bar you know people hate lawyers. until the effectuate. the reason why the pinto decided to change the design of its gas tank wasn't because of the kind of heart but because somebody came along and said you know we're going to sue you you know so when when it gets to the point when people start talking about it when and this was always my test when mothers talk about you know recently as in the in the tendon case we're talking about c.t. eason and. the various brain trauma in terms of football as somebody said when mothers decide to tell their kids no so when it gets to the point when mothers and families look to babies and look to families to make that connection when it
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becomes part of our collective conversation no lobbying no money is going to change at all and that's what's happening right now but there is this thing of the just explain that i think there is a presumption of safety in food there is this idea that will the government would have done something but look at our own e.p.a. said well it's save that they hear so there's this idea that somebody is looking out for us right not necessarily when that happens plus mothers that it has critical mass because i think what's interesting is you brought up piggybacking off what i had said about you know growing up we you know by that that we you know knew about babies that certain things where you took them off the shelves i mean you guys it was right before my generation and size generation because you guys did something because our parents or grandparents or somebody they stood up and said you know our kids play and that you know what i'm spraying this on my head. this is you know whatever and so stop that and so it's shocking to me that we're still
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fighting that same fight that we have to do that the next iteration of this which i'm looking forward to is the idea of genetically modified organisms you know there are kids who maybe now never had a molecule of food ever. created in a laboratory and think about this there was a new commercial a seventy soufan margarine before your time. and i used the for mother nature of a sudden your body is saying what is this it looks like corn that looks like b. to looks like soil it looks like what is canola what is it and it's not that's the thing we're going to have to check out and do keep an eye on i want to thank you so much for going it's a pleasure for everybody that we have here with us thank you so if you. ok so this week in honor of women's history month of the awesomeness of female astronauts and general nasa planned to have an all female space. because no one at nasa bothered
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to make sure they packed more than one set of space suits and sizes that fit the women they were forced to cancel the historic about how many women did this massive event require suits for two two women just to astronaut and mclean had to relinquish her spot in the space walk because now sit in bother packing more than one medium sized hard upper torso or trip now site has accomplished a lot over the years which makes one wonder exactly how such an insulting mistake was made the mistake being. there you assumed that there would never be more than one female astronaut on the international space station at any one time that might need a spacesuit valentino tara became the first woman ever to travel there and nineteen sixty three so nasa the next time you want to stand on the shoulders of women for a bit of p.r. make sure you have it in are so. typical it is literally the most
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typical thing sorry we don't have that mirrors that us rove. the other off thing is that is our show for you to remember what in this world we're about told that we're above the flood so you all i love you i'm tired old winter and i'm having a while if people are watching those hawks out there and have a great period right everybody. so i was going on the phone line smoke if i don't make
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a name for them it might come up on the limb for appointments in november of sunlight so doesn't have to get a. lot of sleep at all but i just i think that. she was you make an issue for most of the industry in. general but from the sun on my book you go to the british course there's enough of them stop. i mean they got. it.
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right yes they get out. breaking news this hour russian means to get out of venezuela president trump tells moscow warning all u.s. options are on the table. the war between the u.s. media and president trump rages on despite the long awaited report concluding there is no evidence of conspiring with the kremlin. under the new school in the west bank has been raided by israeli soldiers with children as young as just ten held at gun point. side this whole hospital.
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