tv News RT March 28, 2019 2:00am-2:31am EDT
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it was one of the richest companies certainly and now it's one of the poorest countries of the world what was that company not country did a slip of the tongue expose president trump real folks of venezuela when up we way up the evidence. is merchant ship and its crew are hijacked by a group of rescued migrants in the mediterranean vessel most said to be reportedly heading to or italy where they might mean for a less than warm reception. know that these people will only see italian territorial waters through the telescope from far away but they are not castaways they are pirates. coming up an online campaign demands a u.s. drugmaker returned billions of dollars the allegedly over charge for hiv medicine.
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morning on am first day the twenty eighth of march live from moscow r t h q it's provolone with you this third an updated will stay with me for the whole lot but first crisis stricken starving and under a brutal rule venezuela's been described many ways in the western media recently hasn't it but next as he goes down off reports this morning there's a new label being pinned on the south american country to buy president. you can take a man out of business but you can't take business out of the man apparently u.s. president donald trump is living proof of that he's been tailoring this image of corporate shark for decades and is now taking the approach to politics the potential of venezuela if done properly and with with democracy it would be
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incredible it was one of the richest companies certainly and now it's one of the poorest countries of the world. a slip of the tongue for sure but could it be a fraud and one well he seems to have appointed venezuela's new c.e.o. a long time ago i mean what else could one why do be in this i mean as an owner trump would want a man he can trust running this venture it has been an expensive one and the u.s. plans to invest more into it the budget also would continue democracy assistance for venezuela and includes new flexibility to provide additional funds to support a democratic transition or respond to the crisis there including up to five hundred million dollars in transfer authority to support programs managed by the state department and usaid venezuela has proven to be an important asset for trump for sure but after all it's not the only one tells and golf courses are going to manage themselves so venezuela has to share trump attention it's only natural if the
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little things escape his gaze like the fact that some of the investment was literally set ablaze by those for whom it was intended they don't take the girl to gain we've sent hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid to the border who wanted to create a drug that has people starve than take the ira gets going even from a political standpoint even from a dictator standpoint i don't think that's good it was why dose support is not more duros who said those trucks with aid on fire but perhaps just an honest mistake by an employee right as former duro he did lead a day in except not from the us but from russia and that is one of the obvious differences between trump's companies and sovereign states the latter can do business with whoever they please but in donald trump said it's all the same competitors must not take over the years to get out.
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the all options are out all just so you understand all options are off. another thing how a business is different you can bankrupt it and its workers can at least hope to get paid leave and find employment elsewhere a country that's a slightly different scale trump is a businessman representing the capitalist class in the us and what they want to lay hold in see enormous resources as well trump has absolutely no interest in the lives of the average person as well or interested in business money maximizing profit of course trump or pence or any u.s. official or any group of nato generals has absolutely no right to speak on any
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matter regarding our sovereignty and every one of the actions they have taken are a complete violation of international law and of the un charter. a group of migrants rescued off the libyan coast of seize control of a merchant ship that save them the vessels now reportedly heading north towards malta or italy on wednesday the turks merchant vessel picked up over one hundred migrants however upon learning that we returned to libya they then decided to take over the ship in search of course for europe the island nation of malta is already knows it will not allow the ship to dock and the italian interior minister material silvie the is called instant piracy. it is the first case the first act of piracy of delinquency on the high seas with immigrants asking for help it was like who were rescued by this merchant ship flying a foreign flag six miles from tripoli where they hijacked the freighter saying no do not go south go north and then head north towards malta or lampedusa you know
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that these people will only see italian territorial waters through the telescope from far away they're not castaways they are pirates. at least coalition governments set a goal of curbing migration into the country while the european union's announced it will suspend these maritime patrols that have rescued thousands of refugees and asylum seekers instead it plans air patrols and close cooperation with libya which is the main starting point for refugees and migrants trying to cross the sea to from north africa over to europe lampedusa mentioned we spoke to london metropolitan university senior research fellow george suddenly thinks that the migration question is nato's fault. well i think it's the problem that europeans are going to have is that you have this very powerful forces. within europe that welcoming the
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migrants i'm sure that the initial response of the multi-source origins will be we are not letting anybody in. but now with. the human rights the amnesty international the george soros crowd will say by god this is inhumane european civilization is coming to an end these are people fleeing from most horrific tortures and other and rape you have to let them in and i think in those circumstances it's going to be very hard for. these and the talents to say no . an online campaign has been launched against a u.s. drug maker accused of inflating prices of hiv drugs by thousands of dollars and it turns out the company doesn't even own the payton for the treatment caleb maupin reports. all across the american political spectrum almost everyone seems to agree that prescription drug costs are too high we will never stop fighting for our
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children our seniors and those in need of prescription drugs and working families who cannot afford the escalation of cost the drug lobby is making an absolute fortune at the expense of american consumers but the big companies couldn't care less about the government's opinion gilead sciences takes the prize among hated pharma giants its new medication for people who've been infected with hiv is selling for roughly sixteen hundred to two thousand dollars a month needless to say there has been outrage we're here today us to protest the guilty ads pricing their new combination therapies strike there's no valid reason for it to be price it's purely greed and profit driven by their new h.i.v. drug provide a broad in a whopping three billion dollars last year but they deserve to be compensated for their creativity and innovation making a new product right well here's the thing it turns out that it was actually us taxpayer money that paid for developing the new drug the scientific research and
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the testing necessary it was all paid for by the us government however it's gilliard stockholders that get the profits no royalties of any kind are being paid into the u.s. treasury essentially right in the five bears a huge problem with access to expose her profile access in the united states to prevent a champion. basically there's a lot of low income communities people of color trans women who are not being able to access this drug and a huge part of that is because the company that makes it good science is charge is sixteen hundred dollars for a drug that only costs six dollars now there is similar outrage when gilead started charging over one thousand dollars a pill for its hepatitis c. drug cartel for our. money. now there's another famous case of the chief executive turning pharmaceuticals martin squarely jacking up the price of darrent pram an anti
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parasite medication five thousand percent from its initial cost of thirteen fifteen and when pressed in congress to justify his reasoning mr lee seemed to laugh in their faces i want to plead with you to use any remaining influence you have over your former company to press them to lower the price of these drugs you can look away if you like but i wish you could see the faces of people no matter what misreads says. who cannot get the drugs now justice was served but in another fashion the c.e.o. mr scrawly was convicted on two counts of securities fraud and sent to seven years in prison the price of daraa for him however has never lowered all of the seems to point to the fact that big pharma has got the u.s. public in a position of weakness for someone infected with hiv travolta could be life or death needless to say people in such circumstances are pretty ripe for being out
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but this raises a bigger question how much freedom should influential corporations have especially when they are receiving so much government assistance in order to do their work caleb oppen r.t. new york. britain's brecht's a conundrum next the u.k. parliament still failing to find a clear path to leave the un peace stays at eight options on the table to choose from in a vote wednesday but none of the ideas going to play a majority they included holding a second referendum maybe maybe revoking article fifty or staying in the e.u. for two more years. try to remind ourselves what we've decided to do. oh i think the public will look at on these proceedings in. amazement this. guy will be completely bemused by walks has gone all of this is even the c.d.'s for all of us and we have to reflect that this house of commons
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has tried to find a way through the crisis over the last few bugs and we have. of course a very great disappointment that the house has not chosen to find a majority for any proposition it does simplify what's now one offer which really is a big city in the european union as we've just heard with a deal all we've no doubt at all daddy's now what's on offer and. pressurize a lot of the same. he is if theresa may can bring her deal back to the house which will be seen now as huge really important to do because actually that's going to be the only option other than leave in european union with a harbor but meantime treasonous says she's prepared to resign if it means a deal getting through according to dunning story the concession came at a closed door meeting with conservative m.p.
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is covering that and it's a situation of this morning. to resubmit is really hell bent and do live ring brax it at all cost it seems as she makes it clear that she would be ready to step down more for withdrawal of the dream and finally accepted by the house of commons i'm prepared to leave this job earlier than i intended in order to do what is right for our country and our party i ask everyone in this room to back the deal so we can complete our historic duty to deliver on the decision of the british people and leave the european union with a smooth and orderly. but we have seen reaction to this latest statement from the british prime minister from opposition party leader jeremy corbin who in a tweet said that he believes theresa may has been putting the party's interests ahead of the people's prime in threes may's pledge to turin peace to stand down if they vote for her deal shows once and for all the chaotic brigs that negotiations
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have been about party management not principles or the public interest a change of government can't be a touristic job the people must decide this is the same deal that has been voted down twice the house of commons now whether or not this approach of hers is going to work with means to be seen of course but we've seen already from the likes of boris johnson who if you recall had stepped down as foreign secretary over teresa mayes handling of bracks said he has now indicated that he would support her deal after all the speaker of the house of commons has made it clear yet again on wednesday in parliament that he would not support a third meeting to vote on this deal without. significant changes he would not want the same deal to be voted on for a third time. they call
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a miscarriage jones and no sin because linda form a social development minister nor think that she's always proposals will not solve the problems with bricks it. many tears will be encouraged by her in the interim but she is going but the position i think for the day you pay for the past majority of you know most northerners simply this the. house currently on the table. for you is only acceptable whether she stays or whether she goes the problem for them remains that the backstop is deeply deeply problematic the british approach to british it has been entirely governed by party politics this is they keep the conservative party together by proposing a kind of compromise arrangement that to some extent at least satisfy the hard line and also the remain as some sort of bricks and says. see so then this is just the
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latest of course with a target of a few weeks the statement in westminster for an alternative view of the. yeah yeah loud and clear yet well what you we've been camped out here for. three news in the imminent arrival of baby brags that now little baby brags it's due date with meant to be that when the ninth of march but dr vince vaughn i think that maybe you just. said there's been a bit of excitement because we saw somebody very gay related a little baby brags that go inside this building which is also vaguely related to the little baby brags that now we know the mother's been experiencing substantial difficulties high blood pressure severe morning sickness she hasn't been able to keep anything down for months whatever she tries to get through it just keeps
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getting regurgitated now as you can imagine this is an extremely difficult situation for the mother she never wanted this to begin with then according to our reports the for. although it's trying to discern baby brags that according to one source he was last seen in nice with this stroked. that we don't know if it's going to be a hard or a soft delivery who does the chances of a normal elective emergency c. election which is a dangerous procedure and it carries a lot of risk for the worst outcome the baby could just pull out now some have called for the baby to stay where it is rather than risk that such as look at the crowds out here hugh so much anticipation people want to know when the baby brags it is going to be delivered and of course many are concerned about the
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risk of a still. take on the beleaguered gregg's woodstock and they catch more police showing up next to you it's eighteen minutes past the moscow time. but the united states and the u.n. all tell you why you want to come back. join me every thursday on the alex salmond short and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. the ukrainian presidential elections are just days away but the cause of eligible voters still don't know who to support with thirty nine candidates in the race is
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the choice too broad. to come speak to. seize private companies that have got a lot of p.c. venture capital funding are ready to go public this year i saw the last they're all going out of forty fifty sixty seventy billion dollars valuation so the prediction here is that it will be the end of this cycle you're going to have a like two thousand and one style crash back due to the fact that there's nothing to support the valuations of these companies and very quickly will crash. again good morning i'm kevin i mean this is r t so the decision to recognize israeli sovereignty over the golan heights and seen the united states roundly condemned during an emergency u.n.
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security council meeting there is disputed straddles israel syria jordan lebanon israel annexed it from syria one hundred sixty seven even washington's close to allies now oppose this latest move. this decision is of critical critical strategic and security importance to the state of israel and the u.s. believes it can contribute to stability the decision by the united states to recognize israeli suffering t. over the golan heights is in contravention of security council resolution four nine seven. sidesteps not only one of the norms of international law but also the security council resolution is too little should we are concerned that this unilateral decision not only complicates the prospect to find an egg on the hands of settlement in the middle east by police to instability in the region to look at what my country's government considers this decision as a unilateral statement that has neither helical nor legal authority to decide the
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destiny with another country's people and land this american move is dangerous and it represents the blind and and wesson and tendency of this administration to twist international what policies and humiliate the us and its resolutions and they go on to hide either it will always be either heard of sovereign territory we thank the united states for the jazz the new story population this fair play to many others it does they can before shoulder their willingness of the united states to honor reality on the ground instead recruiting regional stability it's undermining that really seems to be. pretty much universally being criticized it's really undermining our. international are you know and even that you won't surrender the statements of traditional allies like the u.k. it being very critical of the us position on here is
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a significant. trend in the increasing isolation of the united states which it's getting closely with israel but it. seems to be little by little doors that you. it's traditional european allies falling over the weekend now a new poll that suggests the findings of special counsel robert muller and alleged trump russian collusions had little effect on americans on sunday the two year long investigation concluded there was no sign of a conspiracy between the american president and the kremlin according to the poll and most half of those surveyed to some extent believe that trumper is tino colluded with russia during the twenty sixteen presidential campaign further opinion was split if democrats in congress should continue digging into troubling committing those alleged ties with russia although end it and falling overwhelming majority say the findings of the report hasn't changed their minds at all we spoke to some people the streets new york. do you still think that trump colluded with
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russia. yeah yeah he's a traitor i don't trust their report i don't trust any of them because ultimately. it's a conspiracy. to make america races again they're all around trial but somehow trump is that involved it just seems strange to me people are gone i can because he's a rich guy well what does the media have been saying about it for the past few years it's always been a clue that he's definitely clued into these everything loaded and therefore comes out he has acquitted everyone still believing that so happened the main stream press as completely given up on its standards in reporting this story in the new york from the new york times to the washington post to c.n.n. and especially in this in d.c. one of the other news networks and he have just been all over each other trying to beat each other with the latest rumor and scandal mining to ring on. including this specially the russian collusion thing so it's on the news every night russian
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collusion russian collusion and people are watching at four to six hours a day it's mind numbing it's the end of your work day you come home and you watch that with a beer and you know it is sinks into your skull it's propaganda. while authorities in japan face a public backlash on the results for a referendum on u.s. military bases on okinawa two american women helping victims of sexual assault by u.s. servicemen the aged perry told us why she started the group the reason that i wanted to create survivors units because i know our feelings going through we went through i was so lost i didn't know where to turn for help i didn't know who to trust i didn't know anyone know what answer what questions to ask i didn't know what to search for i feel like the military justice system is it antiquated system and it has not caught up with the times today to be able to comedy the cases that we're seeing into you adjudicate successfully to adjudicate cases that we're seeing but
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this is this is not a negative light it's been shown on our military and that's the positive we we don't want this behavior happening this comes amid concerns raised by residents long term they voted against relocating a u.s. military facility closed to fishing village over environmental and safety concerns seems only nineteen percent roof favor of moving the air base to new location away from a densely populated city of hosts nearly half of all american troops stationed in japan locals are being outraged by the behavior of u.s. troops who've been involved in many crimes.
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it's human nature in any institution in any culture and there's going to be bad apples and unfortunately there are bad apples in the united states military just like there are in any other military in the world and if these crimes are committed against foreign nationals in whatever country our milk our military station and i want them to know that they have a voice that these these survivors of abuse sexual abuse by our service members if it occurs have a voice and if they have somewhere to go and they can pursue justice just because they were sexually abused by a united states military member doesn't mean that they have to stay silent if they don't want to you and i do understand that not everyone wants to pursue justice but
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at least they can know what their options are what their rights are and if they can if they decide to they can pursue justice and down. cannot be scared to do so. you can follow what i will do stories dot com us update so far this thursday morning as i keep up you know come by your side because as those headlines which you got are off it all go straight to mobile devices there in moscow this morning is kevin i would say of a great. love that i.
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am confronted with. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to signal from fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to suppressing. or not if you think. i'm going to talk about football not the or else you can think i was going to the. by the way ways of that slide here. officer. told him to get up off the ground yasser began to. sound the sounds of.
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the groom in the midst of the essentially officer. john. was it away from the office or. did they kind of lunge for the web. and then would have been done. and. i never saw any contact. any comment back to where they were back here again fifteen feet apart at this point. he's got. greetings and salutation as a famous french journalist and critic once wrote the more things change the more
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things remain the same well iraq watchers here in the united states and surprisingly the republican press is having their usual privileged. castro fee over a homosexual black man i'm not going to jail while the other side of the political fence the democrats press corps they're playing their favorite sunday afternoon pastime of moving the goalposts now that russia date has blown up in their faces and once again lost in all of this right and left lunacy are issues important issues like the war in yemen now entering its fifth year the atrocities in this tragic conflict between the who the rebels and saudi arabia led coalition continue to mount this week the new york times reporting that the a hospital in yemen supported by save the children was hit tuesday by a deadly airstrike the charity officials blamed on the saudi led coalition an attack carried out on the war's or anniversary located about sixty miles from the city of saddam reports say that the coalition missile struck a gas station just yards away.
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