tv News RT March 28, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT
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was one of the richest companies certainly and now it's one of the poorest countries of the world company not a country that a slip of the tongue president. someone as we. pulled from the mediterranean. more than one hundred rescue wards including children. they are not cast away. you know. the campaign demands of us drug maker returns billions of dollars that allegedly overcharged. medication.
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today thanks for joining us this hour. i would venezuela continuing to grapple with the dire economic crisis power outages adding to its woes the country's opposition leader is calling for a fresh wave of protests this comes after the u.s. president again stressed his opposition to the government and even accidentally branded venezuela. explains. you can take a man out of business but you can't take business out of the man apparently u.s. president donald trump is living proof of that he's been tailoring this image of corporate sharks for decades and is now taking the approach to politics the potential of venezuela. don't properly and with with democracy it would be incredible it was one of the richest companies certainly and now it's one of the
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poorest countries of the world a slip of the tongue for sure but could it be a fraud and one well he seems to have appointed venezuela's new c.e.o. a long time ago i mean what else could one why do b. in this i mean as an owner trump would want a man he can trust running this venture it has been an expensive one and the u.s. plans to invest more into it. the budget also would continue democracy assistance for venezuela and includes new flexibility to provide additional funds to support a democratic transition or respond to the crisis there including up to five hundred million dollars in transfer authority to support programs managed by the state department and usaid venezuela has proven to be an important asset for trump for sure but after all it's not the only one tells in golf courses are going to manage themselves so venezuela has to share trump's attention it's only natural if the
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little things escape his gaze like the fact that some of the investment was literally set ablaze by those for whom it was intended they don't take the girl or take a leave sent hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid to the border who would take the. ground that his people starve than take the i don't think it's good even from a political standpoint even from a dictator standpoint i don't think that's good it was why dose support is not more duros who set those trucks with aid on fire but perhaps just an honest mistake by an employee right as former duro he did lead a day in except not from the u.s. but from russia and that is one of the obvious differences between trump's companies and sovereign states the latter can do business with whoever they please but in donald trump said it's all the same competitors must not take over the years to get out. the all options are out all just so you understand all options are off
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another thing how a business is different you can bankrupt it and its workers can at least hope to get paid leave and find employment elsewhere a country that's a slightly different scale. trump is a businessman representing the capitalist class in the us and what they want to lay hold in see enormous resources are one as well trump has absolutely no interest in the lives of the average person as well or interested in business money maximizing profit of course trump or pence or any group of nato generals has absolutely no right to speak on any matter regarding our sovereignty and every one of the actions they have taken are a complete violation of international law and of the un charter. or russia and
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last start at trump following his calls for its troops to leave caracas saying that the russian military advisers will remain there for as long as the venezuelan government needs them. but turkish ship allegedly seized by migrants in the mediterranean has now arrived in malta security forces earlier boarded the small time to unguarded it to a port near the capital letter more than one hundred migrants on board including twelve children of the refugees were picked up on wednesday by the merchant vessel at sea but when they learned they were being returned to libya they hijacked the ship and set course for europe four people have reportedly been arrested italian interior minister moto salvini called the incident piracy. you know. it is the first case the first act of piracy of delinquency on the high seas with immigrants asking for help was that who were rescued by this merchant ship flying
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a foreign flag six miles from tripoli they hijacked the freighter saying no do not go south go north they're not castaways pirates italy's a coalition government sets out to goal of curbing migration into the country while the european union has announced it will suspend maritime patrols that have rescued thousands of refugees and asylum seekers instead of plans air patrols and close coordination with libya which is the main starting point for refugees and migrants trying to cross the sea from north africa to europe we spoke to london metropolitan university senior research fellow george somewhere who thinks that the immigration crisis is nato's fault. well i think it's the problem the europeans are going to have is that you have this very powerful forces. within europe that welcoming the migrants i'm sure that the initial response of the multi-source origins will be we are not letting anybody in. but now with.
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the human rights the amnesty international the george soros crowd will say by god this is inhumane european civilization is coming to an end these are people fleeing from most horrific tortures and other and rape you have to let them in and i think in those circumstances it's going to be very hard for. these and the tally ends to say no. an online campaign has been launched against the u.s. drug maker accused of inflating prices of. drug by thousands of dollars it turns out the company doesn't even own the patron for the treatment the store. all across the american political spectrum almost everyone seems to agree that prescription drug costs are too high we will never stop fighting for our children our seniors and those in need of prescription drugs and working families who cannot afford the
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escalation of cost the drug. is making an absolute fortune at the expense of american consumers but the big companies couldn't care less about the government's opinion gilead sciences takes the prize among hated pharma giants its new medication for people who've been infected with hiv is selling for roughly sixteen hundred to two thousand dollars a month needless to say there has been outrage we're here today u.s.c.a. to protest the pricing of their new combination therapies strike there's no valid reason for it to be priced it's purely greed and profit driven by their new h.i.v. drug provide abroad in a whopping three billion dollars last year but they deserve to be compensated for their creativity and innovation making a new product right well here's the thing it turns out that it was actually us taxpayer money that paid for developing the new drug the scientific research and the testing necessary it was all paid for by the us government however it's guilty
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of stockholders that get the profits no royalties of any kind are being paid into the u.s. treasury essentially right in the five bears a huge problem with access to expose your profile access in the united states to prevent a champion action basically there's a lot of low income communities people of color trans women who are not being able to access this drug and a huge part of that is because the company that makes it science is charge is sixteen hundred dollars for a drug that only costs six dollars now there is similar outrage when gilead started charging over one thousand dollars a pill for its hepatitis c. drug cartel for her. or her own body. now there's another famous case of the chief executive of turning pharmaceuticals martin shrilly jacking up the price of a jar of pram an anti parasite medication five thousand percent from its initial cost of thirteen fifteen and when pressed in congress to justify his reasoning mr
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squarely seemed to laugh in their faces i want to plead with you to use any remaining influence you have over your former company to press them to lower the price of these drugs you can look away if you like. but i wish you could see the faces of people no matter what miss roots where. can i get the drugs now justice was served but in another fashion the c.e.o. mr ali was convicted on two counts of securities fraud and sent to seven years in prison the price of darrent for him however has never lowered all of this seems to point to the fact that big pharma has got the u.s. public in a position of weakness for someone infected with hiv truvada could be life or death needless to say people in such circumstances are pretty ripe for being gouged but this raises a bigger question how much freedom should influential corporations have especially
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when they are receiving so much government assistance in order to do their work caleb oppen r.t. new york. court in luxemburg has denied a us request to seize a reigning assets held in the european nation as a way of compensating the victims of the nine eleven attacks to ron's assets have been frozen in luxembourg for seven years as part of international sanctions off the york judge found evidence that pointed to iran helping al qaida conduct the terror attacks that rocked new york and washington iran is still firmly denies any involvement over the court so there were no grounds to uphold the u.s. decision as international nor iranian foreign ministry has praised the decision. the era of totalitarian and bullying behavior of america to words of the countries is over and it can no longer research groundless accusations. and we can cross live now to for what is a professor of political communication the university of tehran thanks for joining
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the program today there is a strong body of evidence that indicates iran was involved in some way in providing material support to al qaida prior to those eleven attacks do you think this ruling . is a bit of a setback for all those victims' families after all these years. i don't think so because iran was not the responsible for nine eleven and you may remember a couple of years after nine eleven the united states and nine eleven commission which was. a stab at the u.s. congress a published report more than five hundred pages actually have a copy of that. lets me know that in that official report of what happened. during nine eleven and the terrorist attack of nine eleven no and that's reports you have any indication that even the slightest indication that iran is any way
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responsible and you talk to any intelligence. community in any place in the world no one really believes that you don't have anything to do with nine eleven there isn't because that's a court decision was because iran does not recognize the jurisdiction of that court in new york and he don did not send anyone to fight the case because you don't as a sovereign country that court doesn't have jurisdiction over what they wanted to do and they ruled against student was just fine. so the problem that. people in the united states had was that they had difficulty proving that you don't have any connection with nine eleven that's one problem the second problem is the issue of sovereignty that iran is a sovereign country you don't have assets about one point six billion dollars in luxemburg and just taking over hard money is not really going to be an
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option when you're dealing with a soft answer the calls are not some are just not yet ruled on whether iran is frozen assets can be returned to tehran of course to been frozen for seven years now do you think that will eventually happen given this latest legal development. i think so and you know the funds of frozen as part of the difficulties that existed with iran's nuclear program had nothing to do with nine eleven issues and since we had the agreement in two thousand and sixteen the funds were supposed to be released basically in two thousand and fifteen actually the funds are supposed to be released in two thousand and fifteen then we had this court case that you have to deal with given the fact that the court case is thrown out of the court. there's no reason to keep that money and that money belongs to you don ian people. basically is that price is is the assets that iran had for selling
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oil and oil belongs to the people the money that comes for the sales belongs to the people so keeping it on and people's money in look simple has no justification for what is a professor of political communication at university of toronto. and all the international . and we're coming up with more stories just after this short break. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. theory dramatic. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very. you see.
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they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. want. to go right to the pros this is what before three of the more people. interested in the war. they should. come back to the program british m.p.'s will return to westminster on friday to debate a motion relating to brics it. online that's the reason why is divorce deal could
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be put to the test for a third time this comes after a decision clouded another vote on wednesday on eight options to try to get the brics process on the straight and narrow the alternatives included a second referendum revoking article fifty and staying in the e.u. for two more years. try to remind. and our selves what we've decided to do nothing was i think the public will look at on these proceedings in. amazement it's. my will be completely bemused by what has gone on this is a very serious moment for all of us and we have to reflect that this house of commons has tried to find a way through the threats that crisis over the last few bugs and we have feel. it is of course a very great disappointment that the house is not chosen to find a majority for any proposition it does simplify what's now on offer which really is
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a big city in the european union as we've just heard with a deal all with no do it at all that is now what's on offer and we pressurize a lot of the m.p.'s course if point theresa may can bring her deal back to the house which will be seated now as huge really important to do because actually that's going to be the only option and. then leave in european union with the hopper but as kay mysteries in my and out of her intention to step down as prime minister but only after she's delivered bricks it according to downing street from if this concession came during a closed door meeting with conservative members of parliament. i'm prepared to leave this job earlier than i intended in order to do what is right for our country and our party i ask everyone in this room to back the deal so we can complete our historic duty to deliver on the decision of the british people and leave the
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european union with a smooth and orderly breck set the u.k.'s opposition leader german corben was quick to respond to the news saying may's proposals about party management are not in the best interests of british citizens we also added that a switch of government should be left to the public to decide for the price we asked people in london what they think about the prospect of to reason may be stepping down. i don't think it matters which monkey see george because frankly i don't think it's because i said to yourself whatever is actually sitting in the p.m.'s chair is going to be dealing with hopefully. it because we really. don't want. to a prime minister after she's going to resign if she get a meaningful vote through i don't mean it will that's going to go through so what she did is she going to resign or was she not no one knows. columnist go and joins
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a nelson mccausland or former social development minister in northern ireland think that the reason why he's proposed resignation won't solve the brics crisis. many bricks of tears will be encouraged by her announcement that she is going but the position i think for the day you pay for the past majority of unionists in northern a simply this the deal that she house currently on the table. for you is only acceptable whether she steers or whether she goes the problem for them remains that the bike stop is deeply deeply problematic the british approach to bring suit has been entirely governed by party politics and mrs nay has sought to keep the conservative party together by proposing a kind of compromise arrangement that to some extent at least satisfy the hard line breaks the two years and also the remaining years and sort of brings answers within her own party. to american women have launched an initiative to help people new
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japanese island of okinawa who've been sexually assaulted by u.s. military personnel washington has over twenty five thousand troops in the prefecture hundreds of army members have been convicted of serious crimes there in recent decades including rape we spoke to one of the women working with the victims . their reason now when it's your average you know and it's because in my heart. the human is going through we went through i was so lost i didn't know where to turn for help i didn't know who to trust i didn't know and you know what answer what questions to ask i didn't know what to search for i feel like the military justice system is it antiquated system and it has not caught up with the times today to be able to accommodate the cases that we're seeing and to adjudicate successful age adjudicate cases that we're seeing this is this is not and negative light that's being shown on our military and that's the positive that we we don't want this behavior happening. america's for ten minutes she bases located in
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a densely populated area it hosts navy hoff of all american troops stationed in japan resentment towards u.s. troops aesthetically grown in recent years in part due to a series of widely publicized rights on kidnappings of the u.s. and japan are in the process of look painting a bicycle quad's a fault of the island many of its inhabitants gone altogether. for. it's human nature in any institution in any
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culture and there's going to be battles and unfortunately there are bad apples in the united states military just like there are in any other military in the world and. if these crimes are committed against foreign nationals in whatever country they are our military station and i want them to know that they have a boys that these these survivors of abuse sexual abuse by our service members it occurs to have a voice and that they have somewhere to go and that they can pursue justice just because they were sexually abused by a united states military member doesn't mean that they have to stay silent if they don't want to you and i do understand that not everyone wants to pursue justice but at least they can know what their options are what their rights are and if they can if they decide to they can pursue justice and. to not be scared to do so those are the news headlines for this hour from the team and myself i'm just going through
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport that's less i'm show business i'll see you then. when the old maid gets manufacture consent to consent to a public wealth. when the roman clauses protect themselves. when the financial merry go round lifts certainly the one percent. we can all middle of the room signal. the world. is a tense situation in venezuela is still all over the news the problem in venezuela is not that socialism has been poorly implemented but that socialism has been
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faithfully implemented for inside venezuela things are different we're going to announce sanctions against petroleum's to venezuela associate famously have a son of a moment goes. down person that political battle so on the path to the madness of the moment the focus of the who story isn't new makes him cold in henry kissinger to tell him that it would not be tolerated that in latin america an old terms of economic and social system could take hold and therefore the policy would be to make. the chilean economy scream so once in the making the economy of venezuela screed. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime happens each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent and the world market blows thirty percent some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and fifth when he rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know for the mit the one and only boom box.
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this. was. placed through. me. because i was going on the phone one smoke i don't make a name for the moment and i don't know my schmidt's name from memphis machine but if. it's something. put me in the middle of the bass that is off the pedal you saw them on the end of a. few good things i forgot to get the last live in the license of our
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club to get a line that says it all got called i want to song it to those kids to shred the blue zones of out another side of because. of us of one of the stone in charge of the. show could pull them out of them if one wants. to. push on if. welcome to the circus. so we're now going into what we call the go to song sun some. good means flower or sun means storm. sun means flowers that can grow even on storms. the circus country which is located in afghanistan but i think is very different.
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than the rest of. the route from denmark because one of the founders of the couple circus which is barely bigger than the average afghan backyard. in afghanistan things everything is designed made organized. so adults decides at all think. adult know what is the right thing his office is. only on practicing for. one of the very big shows we do a lot of shows in schools and different places but the big shows takes of course a longer time to practice for rattling around. was a labor of.
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