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tv   News  RT  March 28, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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it. was one of the richest companies certainly and now it's one of the poorest countries if there was a company not country did a slip of the tongue expose president. venezuela way up the evidence. the ship allegedly hijacked by migrants who were pulled from the mediterranean arrives in malta more than one hundred rescues are on board including children. and children are there not castaways they are pirates. and an online campaign demands a u.s. drugmaker returns billions of dollars that allegedly overcharge for hiv medication .
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from a moscow newsroom at nine pm this is our c international break we did you so far this thursday evening with venezuela continuing to grapple with a dire economic crisis and intermittent power outages adding to it was the country's opposition leader is calling for a fresh wave of protests it comes after the u.s. president on wednesday again stressed his opposition to the madeira government and even accidently rebranded venezuela as he goes down i've explained. you can take a man out of business but you can't take business out of the man apparently u.s. president donald trump is living proof of that he's been tailoring this image of corporate shark for decades and is now taking the approach to politics the potential of venezuela. don't properly and with with democracy would be incredible there was one of the richest companies certainly and now it's one of the poorest countries of the world and. slip of the tongue for sure but could it be
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a fraud and one well he seems to have appointed venezuela's new c.e.o. a long time ago i mean what else could one why do all be in this i mean as an owner trump would want a man he can trust running this venture it has been an expensive one and the u.s. plans to invest more into it the budget also would continue democracy assistance for venezuela and includes new flexibility to provide additional funds to support a democratic transition or respond to the crisis there including up to five hundred million dollars in transfer authority to support programs managed by the state department and usaid venezuela has proven to be an important asset for trump for sure but after all it's not the only one tells in golf courses are going to manage themselves so venezuela has to share trump attention it's only natural if the little things escape his gaze like the fact that some of the investment was
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literally set ablaze by those for whom it was intended they don't take the girl or take a leave sent hundreds of millions of dollars worth of aid to the border who will take the aid they'd rather have his people starve than take the american school even from a political standpoint even from a dictator standpoint of the scale it was why dose support is not more duros who set those trucks with aid on fire but perhaps just an honest mistake by an employee right as former duro he did lead aid in except not from the us but from russia and that is one of the obvious differences between trump's companies and sovereign states the latter can do business with whoever they please but in donald trump said it's all the same competitors must not take over the years to get out. the all options are out all just so you. all options are all another thing how
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would business is different you can bankrupt it and its workers can at least hope to get paid leave and find employment elsewhere a country that's a slightly different scale. trump is a businessman representing the capitalist class in the us and what they want to lay hold in see an enormous resources. trump has absolutely no interest in the lives of the average person. interested in. money. a course trump or pence or any group of nato generals has absolutely no right to speak on any matter where guarding our sovereignty and every one of the actions they have taken are a complete violation of international law and of the un charter. russia in turn has
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lashed out at drum following his calls for its troops to leave caracas saying the russian military advisers will remain there for as long as the venezuelan government needs them. a turkish ship allegedly seized by migrants in the mediterranean sea has now arrived in malta multis forces earlier boarded the small time cover and guided its report near the capital that's more than one hundred migrants are on board including twelve children the refugees were picked up on wednesday by the merchant vessel at sea but when they learned they were being returned to libya they hijacked the ship and set course for europe four people have reportedly been arrested italian interior minister but vinny called the incident piracy. in iraq. it is the first case the first act of piracy of delinquency on the high seas with immigrants asking for help because that is who were rescued by this merchant ship flying a foreign flag six miles from tripoli with a hijacked the freighter saying no do not go south go north they're not castaways
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pirates. italy's coalition government has set a goal of coding migration into the country while the european union has announced it will suspend maritime patrols that have rescued thousands of refugees and asylum seekers instead it plans air patrols and close coordination with libya which is the starting point for refugees and migrants trying to cross the sea from north africa to europe we spoke to a senior researcher for the global policy institute who says europe's hand may be forced to let refugees in. well i think it's the problem that europeans are going to have is that you have this very powerful forces. within europe that welcoming the migrants i'm sure of that the initial response of the multi-source origins will be we are not letting anybody in. but now with all the human rights the amnesty international the george soros crowd will say my
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god this is inhumane european civilization is coming to an end these are people fleeing from most horrific tortures and mother and rape you have to let them in and i think in those circumstances it's going to be very hard for. these and the talents to say no. campaigns being launched against the u.s. drug maker accused of inflating prices of n t h i.v. drug by thousands of dollars and it turns out the company doesn't even own the patent for the treatment of morgan as the story. all across the american political spectrum almost everyone seems to agree that prescription drug costs are too high we will never stop fighting for our children our seniors and those in need of prescription drugs and working families who cannot afford the escalation of cost the drug. is making an absolute fortune at the expense of american consumers but the big companies couldn't care less about the government's opinion
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gilead sciences takes the prize among hated pharma giants its new medication for people who've been infected with hiv is selling for roughly sixteen hundred to two thousand dollars a month needless to say there has been outrage we're here today us to protest the gillie ads pricing their new combination therapy strike though there's no valid reason for it to be priced it's purely greed and profit driven by their new h.i.v. drug provide abroad in a whopping three billion dollars last year but they deserve to be compensated for their creativity and innovation making a new product right well here's the thing it turns out that it was actually us taxpayer money that paid for developing the new drug the scientific research and the testing necessary it was all paid for by the us government however it's gilliard stockholders that get the profits no royalties of any kind are being paid into the u.s. treasury essentially right in the five bears a huge problem with access to expose her profile access in the united states to
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prevent a champion action basically there's a lot of low income communities people of color trans women who are not being able to access this drug and a huge part of that is because the company that makes it go in and sciences charge is sixteen hundred dollars for a drug that only costs six dollars now there is similar outrage when gilead started charging over one thousand dollars a pill for its hepatitis c. drug cartel for her. money. now there's another famous case of the chief executive of turning pharmaceuticals martin scrawly jacking up the price of a jar of pram an anti parasite medication five thousand percent from its initial cost of thirteen fifteen and when pressed in congress to justify his reasoning mr lee seemed to laugh in their faces i want to plead with you to use any remaining influence you have over your former company to press them to lower the price of
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these drugs you can look away if you like but i wish you could see the faces of people no matter what misreads the left says. get the drugs now justice was served but in another fashion the c.e.o. mr lee was convicted on two counts of securities fraud and sent to seven years in prison the price of daraa for him however has never lowered all of this seems to point to the fact that big pharma has got the u.s. public in a position of weakness for someone infected with hiv travolta could be life or death needless to say people in such circumstances are pretty ripe for being out but this raises a bigger question how much freedom should influential corporations have especially when they are receiving so much government assistance in order to do their work caleb oppen r.t. new york. about an hour ago it was confirmed the british m.p.'s will return to westminster on friday to vote on the so-called withdrawal agreement part of the
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reason may be you and specifically addresses key issues such as the irish border and if approved the u.k. would extend breaks it until the twenty second of may this comes after a decision clouded another vote on wednesday on eight options to try and get the bricks and process on the straight and narrow the alternatives included a second referendum revoking article fifty and staying in the e.u. for two more years. try to remind ourselves what we've decided to do nothing. at all i think the public will look at on these proceedings in. amazement this. guy will be completely bemused by dogs has gone all of those things even the c.d.s. movement for all of us and we have to play this house of commons just try to find a way through the bricks that crisis over the last few months and we have. to take the course a very great disappointment that the house is not chosen to find
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a majority for any proposition it does simplify what is now one for which reason he is. in the european union as we've just heard with a deal. all with no deal at all that is now what's on offer and we pressurize a lot of the m.p.'s course if great point theresa may can bring her no deal back to the house which will be seated now is hugely important to do because actually that's going to be the only option isn't. then leaving european union with a hopper but as all costs the reason may have premiership because she's announced her intention to step down as prime minister but only after she's delivered breck said according to downing street the p.m.'s concession came during a closed door meeting with fellow conservative party m.p.'s. i'm prepared to leave this job earlier than i intended in order to do what is right for our country and our party i ask everyone in this room to back the deal so we can complete our
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historic duty to deliver on the decision of the british people and leave the european union with a smooth and orderly brax that the u.k.'s opposition leader jeremy corbyn was quick to react to the news saying may's proposal was about party management and not in the best interests of british citizens he also added that a switch of government should be left to the public to decide. how we as people in london what they think about the prospect of tourism a stepping down. i don't think it matters which monkeys in charge and circus frankly i don't think sixty parliament is a sense of itself whether it's actually sitting in the p.m.'s chair is going to be dealing with hopefully she will resign. when it becomes clear that we really. don't want to. see a prime minister after she's going to resign if she can get a meaningful vote through i don't mean the meaningful that's going to go through so what she going to do is she going to resign or was she not no one knows it's close
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. but economist karen jones and nelson mccausland who is a former social development minister in northern ireland think the reason made proposed resignation will not solve the brics a crisis. many bricks of tears will be. encouraged by her and she is going what the position of i think for the day you pay and for the vast majority of unionists a northerner simply this the deal that she house currently on the table with you is only acceptable whether she stares or whether she goes the problem for them remains that the backstop is deeply deeply problematic the british approach to british food has been entirely governed by party politics and mrs nay has sought to keep the conservative party together by proposing a kind of compromise arrangement that can to some extent at least satisfy the hardline brits it has and also the remain as a softer briggs and says that in her own. right this is r.t.
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up next the dark side of america's presence in japan and how the wife of a u.s. marine is giving voice. sees private companies that have got a lot of v.c. venture capital funding are ready to go public this year i saw the list they're all
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going out of the forty fifty sixty seventy billion dollars valuation so the prediction here is that it will be the end of this cycle you're going to have a like two thousand and one style crash. due to the fact that there's nothing to support the valuations of these companies and very quickly crash. into american women have launched an initiative to help people on the japanese island of okinawa who've been sexually assaulted by u.s. military personnel washington has over twenty five thousand troops in the prefecture hundreds of all the members have been convicted of serious crimes there in recent decades including rape we spoke to one of the women who's working with victims. and the reason that i wanted to create survivors you know and it's because
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it's been my you know our feelings we went through we went through i was so lost i didn't knew where to turn for help i didn't know who to trust i did you know and you know what what questions to ask i didn't know what to search for i feel like the military justice system is a system. it has not caught up with the times today to be able to accommodate the cases that we're seeing and to adjudicate successful age adjudicate cases that we're seeing but this is this is not and negative light it's being shown on our military and this is a positive that we we don't want this behavior happening. america's a full ten minutes we base is located in a densely populated area and i was to round off of all american troops stationed in japan resentment towards u.s. troops especially grown in recent years and paul due to the allegations of widespread criminality over the u.s. and japan are in the process of relocating the banks to a quiet off the on many of its inhabitants were gone altogether.
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just. that it's human nature in any institution in any culture and there's going to be bad apples and unfortunately there are bad apples in the united states military just like there are in any other military in the world and. if these crimes are committed against the foreign nationals in whatever country they are our military station and i want them to know to be able boyce that these these survivors of
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abuse sexual abuse by our service members if it occurs have a voice and if they have somewhere to go and they can pursue justice just because they were sexually abused by the united states military member doesn't mean that they have to stay silent if they don't want to you and i do understand that not everyone wants to pursue justice but at least they can know what their options are what their rights are and then they can if they decide to they can pursue justice and. cannot be scared to do so. donald trump's decision to recognize israeli sovereignty over the golan heights triggered a wave of condemnation at the u.n. security council on wednesday the territory which sits between israel syria jordan and lebanon was seized by israel in one hundred sixty seven and then formally annexed in one thousand nine hundred one even washington's close allies voiced staunch opposition to the u.s. president's move saying it sets a dangerous precedent. this decision is of critical critical strategic and security
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importance to the state of israel and the u.s. believes it can contribute to stability the decision by the united states to recognize israeli seventy over the golan heights is in contravention of security council resolution four nine seven thank you showed you produce the desired steps not only one of the norms of international law but also the security council resolution that is we are concerned that this unilateral decision not only complicates the prospect to find an end comprehensive settlement in the middle east by pleats to instability in the region and trumpet administration apparently wants to show some generosity towards israel we would suggest the americans not to lay their hands on what is not theirs the us itself is in doubt with a vast expanse of land so the americans could get the israelis north and south carolina for example why not south carolina is a great piece of land why not give israel
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a state or two if this administration really wants to have israel support their golan heights either it will always be either heard of sovereign territory we thank the united states for just then you started problem ation this there plague many others it has taken before shoulder their willingness of the united states to honor reality on the ground instead of recruiting regional really it's undermining that really seems to be. pretty much universally being criticized. undermining our. international are you know and even that you won't surrender be the statements of traditional allies like the u.k. it being very critical of the us position on here is a significant. trend in the increasing isolation up. you know it did states which it's getting coffee with is real but it. seems to be little by little
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do or think it still is traditional european or. codes in syria are appealing for an international tribunal to prosecute islamic state battles for the syrian democratic forces which is largely made up of kurdish fighters declared that the terror group final on place had fallen on saturday more than five thousand militants are reportedly being held in kurdish detention centers while their relatives have been sent to a separate refugee camp many of the suspected fighters and their families are of foreign origin we spoke to a journalist who has visited syria a number of times during the conflict about the crossroads facing the kurdish minority. if you like and all the syrian government has regained all its territories except in a little is a matter of months before the government takes back control of the province now the kurdish issue in northeast syria is also on the table because the kurds want the creation of kurdistan but it hasn't been a good start as you try and lead
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a series of offensives which weakened the kurds and gave him control of the region in syria there is a kurdish controlled area. ruled by the syrian democratic forces but this is just a label in reality it is under the y.p. ji branch of the p.k. k. to give themselves a better image they associate with christian and arabic militias who fought against islamic states and created the syrian democratic forces but in reality everything is controlled by the white p.g. the white b.g. has no support it is alone and incapable of resisting the syrian army so will there be a conflict between them i don't think so the north the syria would like to have control over some economic areas so i believe there will be a negotiated solution the question is how much of an ontology the syrian government will be ready to give to the northern part of syria. better off the world news for this hour thanks for watching your next update follows the alexander.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is often dramatic development only and going to exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. ukrainian presidential elections are just days away but the cause of eligible voters still don't know who to support with thirty nine candidates in the race is the choice to broad. to go straight to. the.
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officer. or to get up off the ground or serve began to pet him down. and then freeze on the sounds of an mit grown man like wrestling essentially. through his or john. wish to go away from the office or. the obvious or did they kind of lunge for the web in one's midst and then when it happened on trace one as i didn't hit him i never saw any contact with you until any kind went back to where they were so the answer is back here there try again fifteen feet apart at this point and that's when the officer has gone and even
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turned three. welcome to the alex salmond show from a blustery belle fussed i didn't particular to the storm and the state governments of non-i and the stake in place for the last ninety years and the empress of parliamentary buildings behind me a lot quicker than the prime minister none islands once to clear but a protestant parliament for a protestant state but also of changes in the social and economic growth of this province which is going to bring about a very different outcome. and welcome to terre gardens outside the palace of
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westminster where the heist of commons dramatically voted this week to seize control of the brics a process from the hapless prime minister there had been some indications of a possible shift towards them is nigh twice defeated backstop deal one of the two tossed at the top of the brics to european a for group have raised the white flag but that is still no surrender from the hard men and women of all star this is why the democratic unionist and twenty but but the prime minister's deal to the sword in the chamber statement will represent the most shameful surrender by a british leader since singapore nine hundred forty two. where are you going to stop using northern ireland excuse until you realize that the importance of this agreement to delivering brecht's that i will show to the you'll be the united kingdom is such that we will not be used and any skirt thinks to push this through here what i have genuinely been trying to achieve through everything that i have
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been doing is enjoying that we respect the wishes of the people of northern ireland and we respect northern ireland's position within the united kingdom the situation in relation to the european union's proposal is being very clear about european union rules and the necessity of those e.u. rules being planned however if the prime minister's deal looks like a dead duck while the m.p.'s do any better i'm joined by senior s.n.p. m.p. and disbanded mcneil welcome to the show i thank you now will this problem and she process bring any order at old to the current chaos well i think we're made chaos of perhaps with at the beginning of the chaos something this is something that should happen about two two and a half years ago the prime minister made a deal and no idea who would be reacted what the actual be in parliament parliament said no this is some form of a sticking plaster to try and get a good ship u.k. away from the iceberg. i wish you and preferred to forward to the future one of the
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best ways to revoke this people didn't vote to be themselves today and we can see that by what was written inside of a bus the thought of getting three hundred fifty million pounds extra week people were misled badly by the whole breaks it argument in the beginning i think revoke it for get it on the back to what we were doing and give me a piece of effectively taken over and become the government this be kind of enjoying your new rule well absolutely and i think i should have happened a long time ago clearly would you do a little bit better than the prime minister over lead to and then we had a prime minister koizumi. but the reality is m.p.'s had to do this because the government would up to get in the sponsibility to consult properly so no what should happen to it of years ago will be happening someone said that the s.n.p. is campaigning rather more vigorously for a second rate supporter people's vote than the i actually for a second independence referendum vote is actually one i can see why people would say that with the attention all on breaks at the moment perhaps we had like to put it is the s.n.p. or perhaps press pause a little bit when it comes to independence and pushing the revocation of people's
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votes a little bit more and the emphasis has been on not but i think it's time for the s.n.p. to pivot away if not they should be have done the best to bring order to the chaos but you know if people frankly don't accept or don't want to continue with chaos well it's time for scotland to get on to being the safety that we see ireland denmark and whatever and be an independent country and the same and thank you very much indeed. the rock on which the prime minister's plan has perished is the irish backstop as this week's parliamentary exchanges sure she has totally miscalculated to the him and of the democratic unionist opposition to any proposal which this place in northern ireland out of total alignment with the rest of the u.k. that's a problem when she turns at westminster the d.p. has never been more influential or more successful however even as they dominate the commons alex has been finding out that the deed piece uncompromising approach starting from disquiets back home in northern islands.


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