tv News RT March 29, 2019 10:00am-10:29am EDT
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it was supposed to be a pivotal day for britain but instead of finally leaving the e.u. the prime ministers left trying to push a watered down brics deal through parliament. also the u.s. secretary of state claims russia's interfered in every u.s. election since two thousand and four. and the next threat totalitarian group of u.s. . cold war era advocacy group calling for pushback against china the move immediately draws the ire of beijing.
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today thanks for joining us on the program now this friday was supposed to go down in history as the day that britain finally left the european union instead of taking that momentous step though the country's foundering still beset by bitter political infighting this afternoon to reason may will seek to get back on track by attempting to push a diluted version of twice defeated divorce deal through a deeply divided parliament. that has always been our we are the high we are the only she would change her redlines we could reach a consensus on the way forward people outside of this chamber will rightly wonder what on earth is going to say we must close the door on the prime minister's proposal close the door and move on she wasted weeks and weeks on this fruitless pursuit short of reading the day on which we left the european union. however. we are today. where we are
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finally the date is here march twenty ninth twenty nineteen story for britain marking its departure from the european union. or wait a second. a day like any other except with less clarity about what happens next then the very day the twenty sixteen referendum shocked the world the u.k. has voted to leave the european union. a critical fifty was triggered on march twenty ninth two years ago the article fifty process is now underway and in accordance with the wishes of the british people the united kingdom is leaving the european union so many promises made and shattered since then it's within our grasp to leave with a deal on the twenty ninth of march on the twenty ninth of march on the twenty
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ninth of march with a deal with a deal on the twenty ninth of march we will be leaving the e.u. on the twenty ninth of march two thousand and nineteen years eleven pm a declaration made no once not twice but prime minister in this house has said on one hundred eight times that we will be leaving the european union on the twenty ninth of march pile into votes of no confidence against the british prime minister her deal struck down in parliament twice already and the house of call. voting against alternative after alternative after alternative showing no majority support for any of the bricks and options what do you think the day's going to be remembered by now how we didn't leave here. the day we were supposed to be leaving the european union but we're not. personally i suppose the. most well you know if there's an easy is a day i don't think we should blame twenty ninth for the mess that we've made of bricks march twenty ninth well it's a perfectly good day would personally like to come up with
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a new day. has got the whole idea of yeah i'm free voted to leave your opinion whether you agree with it or nor most with your across a choice march twenty ninth was meant to be the grand departure of the u.k. from the e.u. with hopes of a brand new future ahead instead breck's it is now a saga so lengthy and convoluted it's hard to keep track of all the plot twists with a deadline of the final chapter now postponed due to chaos how this all plays out is only yet to be figured out reporting from london and stay with r.t. . after today's vote will see what the future holds for brics it so the options so far the m.p.'s voted for the withdrawal agreement the days of leaving the e.u. will be moved to may twenty second if that fails be set fire to pull the twelve without any deal decided upon i mean well to mark the day that should have been one museum in southwest england has decided to bring out
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a banksy classic for public display a controversial work by the celebrated pretty street artist all that monkeying around perhaps for a tommy commons on the bricks a fiasco we'll let you decide. in the meantime protesters from both sides of the bricks of debate are rallying across the u.k. hundreds from the so-called march to leave already reached parliament square in central london now this particular valley actually began back on march the sixteenth two hundred seventy five miles away in the northeast city of sunderland the director of the political risk analyst group pangaea wire thinks the british public is unsure where to go from here. what really counts are we going to have a second appear a second chance to vote on this is article fifteen that's what hopefully will be answered in the next weeks to come people have a lot of different mixed emotions about what our country has turned into what we do see i think is confusion in what people want to see for example the petition that was online that called for article fifty to be revoked but at the same time we had
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as it was reported almost a million man march for a second referendum so i think the people themselves if they come if they do do not want britain to happen they need to come with one aligned message instead of two separate things we truly want the same thing you see. the conclusion of the report by special counsel robert mueller that there was no conspiracy between donald trump on the kremlin it was supposed to put the whole issue to bed spot on a question for elections in russia interfered in all way back to george w. bush our senior correspondent has this report. for two years they dug and dug investigated and questioned as sad as it may be trump is not a russian agent who so they think but. officially russia gave collusion was a hoax. if you only knew just how much could lose it there
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was in the past do you believe russia interfered with the twenty six thousand u.s. general election yes they did in the two thousand and twelve and two thousand and eight thank you and that do you believe that a bold. claim especially given him of course why washington waited for more than a decade to say so but there could be a simple explanation the presidents before trump were get this compromised agents russian agents and contrary to mr pump a oh i have evidence it's so obvious if you think about it let's go back russia meddled and one year election for barack obama how else could you explain the bomber's little microphone slip where he was caught red handed reporting to putin.
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before that it was george bush who russia put into the white house twice in two thousand and two thousand and four look at them together putin and bush all that touching and feeling hugs and shakes romantic almost and don't get me started about the eyes and looked the man in the eye and. was able to. get a sense of his soul and you want to tell me that bush wasn't a russian stooge come on get real as red as a cherry and that's just the last few presidents this meddling goes back decades reagan who presided over the collapse of the u.s.s.r. was also compromised this is all just part of the plan i mean what kind of sick man a traitor makes
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a whole beat of collecting and translating russian jew and then posting about it the story was in a tree i can walk into the oval office i can own the president's desk. say mr president i don't like the way you're running our country and a russian said i can do this i can go to the kremlin to the general secretary's office phone his dish to say mr general secretary i don't like the way president reagan is running loose but i russian meddling is obvious it is going on for more than one hundred years abraham lincoln surprise was a russian agent why do you think russia sent two fleets of warships to new york and san francisco in a show of support for him and the unionists during the american civil war the coming of the russian fleets was decisive in helping lincoln get through the last and most serious threat of anglo-french intervention you don't hear much about that
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and for good reason you need to leave evidence lying about say that comrade lincoln rest in peace lenin's blessings be upon him there you have it concrete proof of president after president being russian agents you got it right mr pompei oh about the whole russia meddling. all jokes aside for the park collusion saga over t.v. ratings might have spiked after the twenty sixteen election by now experiencing a significant drop after the long awaited report was released the c.n.n. t.v. network whose critical coverage of trump has been labeled as fake news by the us president has seen a noticeable decline during prime time hours likewise one of the most popular n.b.c. anchors rachel maddow lost half a million views in just a week that's about twenty percent of her audience was all this happens trump friendly fox news has seen a jump of over a million viewers. c.n.n.'s chief correspondent trying to explain
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a trend saying there just hasn't been much news since the bombshell findings were announced in the media though some are still not prepared to let it go. i think we've done the media the press has done one of the great reporting jobs in history especially of covering a presidency by the most news organizations have trust in his prosecutorial judgment but that doesn't mean of course that there isn't compelling and incriminating evidence that should be shared with the american people this president has a way of trying to get into people's heads and indoctrinate them he's been saying no collusion no collusion no collusion he does this all the time this is not the end of anything. we've discussed the dilemma the mainstream media face is weighing the ratings against accurate reporting investigative journalists and. because of the nature of. this thing sort of like hard kicks or you know ratings
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for cable stations went up after the election are down. enormous number so that provided a huge disincentive to away from from the narrative obviously loose if you watch innocent or not going on air and saying god we got it wrong we're really sorry we're going to go back and fix that they're actually just basically doubling down on this and moving on to a new. idea which is the thing that's important is obstruction and not collusion and mainstream media c.n.n. m.s.n. b.c. and others took it to such an extreme and have absolutely burned their reputations and they've also commented jeff zucker over at c.n.n. said we don't do investigative journalism or than what kind of journalism is there if you're not actually looking for the information sourcing your information as opposed to just taking bad circular reporting off phony information we have trade deals that are going on ongoing with china very exciting news there that you have stuff going on overseas and brags that and they're talking about there is no news
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out there that is not the reason for their lack of a rating if you look at the exit is from mainstream media into online media and in citizen journalism you will see that the shift is going to where people can actually get accurate news. in a surprising tweet pakistan's minister for human rights has lashed out at the u.s. ambassador to afghanistan calling him a little pick me to tell us your side the came during u.s. peace negotiations with the taliban this came after pakistani prime minister imran khan reportedly suggested creating an interim government in afghanistan to help move the peace process. however responded by recalling it some to islamabad on tuesday pakistan strongly criticized drone base describing him as ignorant of the base said prime minister tang was interfering in internal affairs of the us invasion of afghanistan. for some insight into that diplomatic spot we're joined by jove iran expert on political and strategic issues thanks for coming on the program
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today good to have you on august first things first doesn't look too good for the pakistani human rights when it. well she's annoyed to be very candid and very blunt in not in mosques and what she said by the way is a fact because effect in the sense i'm not referring to the kind of the word there to she used to us and best to gobble a but then a bigger picture as a matter of fact the u.s. investor to his son was simply looking because of clues og so on as a cylinder deal and they had all of the deal of the government in kabul so then they're asking pakistan that by accident but i'm sure should not have made the comment that there has to be an internal government that is what they're discussing with that of their own taliban's on the up of mount on the bombs have simply odd dictating americans their tones and conditions officer do all of this dean is
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basically focusing on two points would draw off u.s. troops there is a dispute within five months or within it he moans and the second parties. are not going to provide any shadow to any international terrorist group something they were ready. to go before the in the unit of money sun so america's odd basically no losing everything diplomatic after losing in the back of me so in that contest i think there is going to be an impediment government in kabul and that is a part of the negotiations between two sides and what pakistan's prime minister there was nothing gone and all the asli the kind of data mocks like he used that the the us and best of kabul there is a prime minister is doing your body temp and doc was inappropriate it was undiplomatic and obviously the action from a from bucks on in the state had to come and obviously pakistan's a regional power it's. you know affected and got involved with with the conflict in
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afghanistan do you think of the sort of diplomatic raul has effectively sidelined them from the whole peace process. well the peace process is going much good. in principle i think they have already. agreed on the basics of the peace deal and this doing to your many countries you sticking in gone through all of their lives of all those allies actually basically as a matter of fact let me belittled learned they want to share their defeat with the york realized letting them that they are americans are not alone in sharing their defeat because it is not what i'm saying this is a lot of americans from what i'm best at that he has already said that it is the slender deal that the americans under bush were going to. have that option because a method to use everybody can see the consumer bill miller clean matter to defeat of a gun that has not happened they couldn't build more than seventy percent of the own
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out of some of the other big cities and some more symbolic of the u.s. sort of has. the government in kabul and you might recall just a few days ago there was a draw between afghan government and the u.s. when its national security adviser. as best as of why site was a dictating your stones the americans have all that he actually is the government and now the. u.s. investor talking in a manner as if that bug is on the primaries to ease that trying to derail the peace process with americans out when to withdraw from decision i gave the point that i won't commit all the terms and conditions of a gun taliban and a very interestingly let me tell you that americans are having the bush here to deal with five balls afghan leaders who what the tester postured in in guantanamo bay i know they are dictating americans this surrender under surrender
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deeds so i think in a in a bigger picture of what is going to ignore of what don investor obama said and simply he's the line he's not getting what doesn't actually lose out as though he has already struck a deal very interesting and biggest and see how those peace talks do go now that things are escalated have to teach a case you cite for your time today. well china's foreign ministry has this mystery allegation that beijing poses a threat to the united states as a cliche but soft it was announced that a cold war era advisory board was being revived to focus on china the group says aims to tackle the full array of conventional and unconventional dangers posed by beijing we'll have more of that story just after this short break. most people think just the voice of the biggest dream in truth to stand this is
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welcome back to r.t. international a war of words escalating with beijing and washington with the state department korea creating an advisory board of the cold war era to tackle conventional and non-conventional threats from beijing. the existential threat presented from the people's republic of china every university in america has penetrated to gain as much intelligence about america pretty much everything they do is in one way or another in influence operation and many of those influence operations are designed to have psychological effects on us the russian charges of political meddling or especially ridiculous when one considers the a rate of threats posed by the people's republic of china. now that committee on the present danger was first set up in the early nine hundred fifty s. it was tossed with countering communist influence in the united states just about
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twenty years later to once again challenge the soviet union during the cold war era now today the committee claims china is the greatest threat america is facing international china specialist told us the ongoing trade war between washington and beijing is part of a multifaceted approach to weaken china. the trade war is only one of us three hundred sixty based on the united states against china as far as train as . there are some legitimate concerns. about the. disappearance of the excess afterwards protection of election but also as a technology. and those the your logic. no transgression expansion. or you are. also the kind of military.
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china sea so i think that even though there was a deal on the trade war is unlikely. as this. conflict. turkey's top diplomat sharply rebuked the trumpet ministration for recognizing the golan heights as israeli territory at the pair discussed the us decision during a spirited bilateral meeting in turkey managed to find a lot of common ground on the conflict in syria has more. the map of who's in control of what in syria doesn't really look like a very spotty leopard anymore since last year when the government pretty much got rid of all the rubble in the south and the fighters some of them known as moderates some of them outright islamists thugs were moved to the northwest the area always a power keg became potentially even more explosive however for months it's been
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relatively quiet while thanks to the efforts of turkey and russia which let's be honest have a massive influence on the opposing sides but the status quo can't last forever so the foreign ministers of these two countries have met and turkey to discuss what's going on on the ground and what's next on the ground they have become true friends and once again from the way they interact you could really feel it today. they're going to stop using the. electric or the. liability little. you're going to get a problem with. the sport. but there isn't much to laugh about when it comes to issues on the ground
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the russian military has warned that former. and its affiliates are running the show in the in the area and russia is not happy with how ankara has been delivering on its promises to separate the moderate rebels from the terrorists but a very high level of trust between the countries allows them to keep working together on that no matter what the top diplomats of both. also weighed in on donald trump's this isn't to officially call the golan heights israel because it is against international law it is against the un resolutions that say the territories are syrian and no other state can unilaterally claim that these territories belong to another in the receipt of them to accept mr despite the move being perceived by many it was a conscious and deliberate demonstration of america's permissiveness together with threats ultimatums and sanctions it basically represents the whole package of tools
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the u.s. is using on the international arena. this is where and cry in moscow clearly see eye to eye and it looks like we're going to see more of these kind of contacts in the near future of a train go artsy tahlia turkey that is the headlines the south axis thing soon that ought international back in about thirty minutes time with the latest global news updates event. breaks it countdown tonality.
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this. says. to me that mark the mother of one who's been brought up the one who is you know members of the world photos of stuff that i. was up was. just i think that's what. she. told the sun on my book to go to the british course was one of them broke up. i mean. if you. join me every thursday on the all excitement sure and i'll be speaking to guest of
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imposing. the region's countries. continuing pressure. will the u.s. decision. trade and welcome. so. from one side we have the us supporting the opposition. factions on the other hand. still somehow. have to intervene directly in point the become a contagion in the americas just like syria has become
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a contained in the middle east it's quite likely that will eventually leave the challenge will be how do you go about doing that i think that the chinese government in the russian government have privately come to terms that the relationship that's important with venezuela. so this is about how do we extract. and how do we do it efficient.
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