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tv   News  RT  March 31, 2019 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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that. week's top stories from our to international real k. is left in limbo as the original bragg's a day passes and fails for a third time to force her deeply unpopular divorce deal through parliament. the hoax is dead donald trump claims to complete vindication after it is revealed to be highly anticipated a report found no evidence of collusion with russia in the two thousand and sixteen presidential election. news exit polls in ukraine suggest president poroshenko is heading for a runoff battle having come second to a t.v. comedian.
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broadcasting live from our studios in moscow this is our two international have with us as we recap the week's top stories. friday was supposed to go down in history as the day that britain finally divorced from the european union but all that has been turned on its head after trace amaze withdrawal agreement suffered third defeat artie's honest as he looks back over the ukase studying it brags that . finally the date is here march twenty ninth one thousand nine hundred this story for britain marking its departure from the european union. or wait a second. a day like any other except with less clarity about what happens next then the very day the twenty sixteen referendum shocked the world the u.k. has great seats tuesday for. european union. article fifty
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was triggered on march twenty ninth two years ago the article fifty process is now underway and in accordance with the wishes of the british people the united kingdom is leaving the european union so many promises made and shattered since then it's within our grasp to leave with a deal on the twenty ninth of march on the twenty ninth of march the twenty ninth of march with a deal with a deal on the twenty ninth of march we will be leaving the e.u. on the twenty ninth of march two thousand nine hundred eleven pm a declaration made not once not twice but prime minister in this house has said on one hundred times that we will be leaving the european union on the twenty ninth of march what do you think the days going to be remembered by now how we didn't leave here. today we were supposed to be leaving the european union but were not. personally as opposed to a friend which. is here today we should blame twenty ninth for the mess that we've
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made of bricks march twenty ninth well it's a perfectly good day would personally like to come up with a new day. that's got the whole idea of yeah entry voted to leave the european union whether you agree with it or not most the democratic choice march twenty ninth was meant to be the grand departure of the u.k. from the e.u. with hopes of a brand new future ahead instead breck's it is now a saga so lengthy and convoluted it's hard to keep track of all the plot twists with a deadline of the final chapter now postponed due to chaos how this all plays out is only yet to be figured out reporting from london and. with our team. meanwhile to mark the david should have been a museum in southwest england decided to bring out a banksy classic for public display the controversial work by the celebrated british street artist is called all that monkeying around. here are some of the
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thousands who turned out for the so called marched to leave a demonstration outside parliament on friday afternoon many had planned to come anyway to celebrate britain leaving the e.u. instead they rallied to vent their anger over the country's faltering departure police arrested five people at the demonstrations i was through i was your ride was. i i i i. i can your of today when a royal will i mean this madness that's the route to us about this is not no do it is even going to do you to your tombs true brits this is what we voted for and we knew exactly what we were voting for in two thousand and sixty so i think our child has spent elsewhere beyond the european union you know where we can engage in free
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trade arrangements without having speakon find what cost to syria but european commission one off thirty nine billion pounds they would do everything to keep us in this is not a deal worth it it's a very bad. idea is being stitched up by the e.u. it's a bad deal we should leave without a deal on w t o terms international relations professor alan scared says teresa mayes days as leader are numbered. well she's very vulnerable she's already said she's going to go. nearly everyone is expecting a tory did she predicted in the near future she said she would go more as a b. to b. if a deal will pass when with two wars and she's still a rod but she's lost all real authority. majority in the common in control what happens in the house of commons she can't control her own cabinet members who is just one way invert it's a please so she really is a lame duck prime minister however. you know she's. could remain
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until december but that depends where the cabinet get together decide to tell her to go all together. after another stinging defeat to theresa may hopes to bring her deal to parliament for a fourth attempt that vote might happen within the next twenty four hours and will likely dictate to not only the future of bragg's it but the prime ministers as well . breaks it count down on archly. all right two years of investigation and one key revelation donald trump did not to collude with russia in the two thousand and sixteen election attorney general william bars four page summary of special counsel robert muller's report says that no further indictments will be made that has led to the president to claim total exoneration
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despite that the report summary does maintain that the kremlin carried out cyber activities aimed at influencing the election but according to the u.s. secretary of state that is not the full extent of moscow's meddling in american affairs my pump claimed on wednesday that russia has interfered in every u.s. presidential vote since two thousand and four. with commentary. for two years they dug and dug investigated and questioned as sad as it may be trump is not a russian agent who so they think but. officially russia gave collusion was a hook for the style if you only knew just how much could lose and that was in the past do you believe russia interfered with the twenty six thousand u.s. general election yes they did in the two thousand and twelve and two thousand and eight thank you and the loser than we are that a bold claim especially given the evidence he mentioned he didn't mention any
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evidence begs the question of course why washington waited for more than a decade to say so but there could be a simple explanation the presidents before trump were get this compromised agents russian agents and contrary to mr pompei oh i have evidence it's so obvious if you think about it let's go back russia meddled and one year election for barack obama how else could you explain the bombers little microphone slip where. he was caught red handed reporting to putin. that for that it was george bush who russia put into the white house twice in
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two thousand and two thousand and four look at them together putin and bush all that touching and feeling hugs and shakes romantic almost and don't get me started about the eyes and looked the man in the eye i. was able to. get a sense of his soul and you want to tell me that bush wasn't a russian stooge come on get real as red as a cherry and that's just the last few presidents this meddling goes back decades reagan who presided over the collapse of the u.s.s.r. was also compromised it was all just part of the plan i mean what kind of sick man a traitor makes the whole beat of collecting and translating russian jew and then posting about it the story was an american in
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a russian arguing about their two countries and the americans said look in my country i can walk into the oval office i can own the president's desk and say mr president i don't like the way you're running our country and a russian said i can do this i can go into the crimean to the general secretary's office own his disk and say mr general secretary i don't like the way president reagan is running used but i russian meddling is obvious it is going on for more than a hundred years abraham lincoln surprise was a russian agent why do you think russia sent two fleets of warships to new york and san francisco in a show of. port for him and the unionists during the american civil war the coming of the russian fleets was decisive in helping lincoln get through the last and most serious threat of anglo-french intervention you don't hear much about that and for good reason you need to leave evidence lying about i say that comrade lincoln rest
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in peace lennon's blessings be upon him there you have it concrete proof of president after president being russian agents you got it right mr pompei oh about the whole russia meddling. donald trump broker with fifty years of us foreign policy on monday by formally recognizing the occupied golan heights as a sovereign israeli territory the controversial announcement was made during a meeting with israel's prime minister who lauded the decision by presidential proclamation recognizing israel's sovereign right over the golan heights. it's president ladies and gentlemen this is truly those stories. your proclamation comes at a time when the go alone is more important than ever for security when iran is
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trying to establish bases in syria to strike that israel of the strategic territory which belongs to syria and also borders jordan and lebanon was seized by israel in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven and then formally annexed in one thousand nine hundred one move was never accepted by the international community. all right the signing triggered a wave of protests across syria on tuesday including in aleppo and damascus the
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country's two largest cities the government described the move as a blatant attack on the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity it also drew the ire of u.n. security council members even washington's closest allies have emphatically rejected the decision saying it sets a dangerous precedent this decision is of critical critical strategic and security importance to the state of israel the decision by the united states to recognize israeli suffering take over the golan heights is in contravention of security council resolution four nine seven becky we are concerned that this unilateral decision not only complicates the prospect of finding a comprehensive settlement in the middle east is that would lead to instability in the region trumpeted in this direction apparently wants to show some generosity towards israel we would suggest the americans not to lay their hands on what is not theirs the golan heights either it will always be either or sovereign territory
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this is their plate many others it has taken before all showed their willingness of the united states to honor reality on the ground we asked israeli scholar mordecai and investigative journalist my gratitude for their views on the move. there's a couple of things you say one that that just said really talking just precedent to anyone any country can take another land by force but it's also i can trump look very isolated misty's only zone here really this is israel in one or two other countries in the u.s. of course all the large movement countries have rejected this this move as has the e.u. for instance as most of the people of golan the thousands of people from the druze i think syrian troops have had no say on this matter told them so then now and still living on alcoa territory which has now been recognized by the most imperialist power on the planet we are only been in control of the golan heights
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for fifty two use the golan heights is actually a heaven on earth unlike the rest of syria which became independent where is there . some kind of a good thing for the tents and everybody else josel it was also notable denies there is the easily copied so what was our the jewish people. all it did for more than fleas thousand years so what do we need this mission of the world. still to come after the break yellow vest protesters rally for a twenty five consecutive weekend in france and life appears to be imitating art for the front runner in ukraine's presidential race.
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breaks it count down. a thing the number. they've met us is over one billion dollars that's more than ten point four m.p. . eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be old rich with six percent world market rose thirty percent some with four hundred five hundred three first or second person and that one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know for them is the one and only bloomberg.
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and i welcome back to starting international on the weekly ukraine is counting the votes after polls closed on sunday in the first round of the presidential election exit polling suggests that voters have not president bush in go back to second place setting him on a course for a runoff battle with a t.v. comedian with no political experience earlier my colleague collin bray discussed the returns with the host of artes political talk show worlds apart. that's a pretty interesting picture bret many would say that it was kind of expected that the fact that the incumbent president according to exit polls a number of exit polls i have to say managed to get around seventeen eighteen percent of the vote many people would say that that's quite a victory for patrol poroshenko because only a few weeks ago he was facing approval ratings in single digits he managed to
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grow it quite a bit to around sixteen seventeen seventeen percent which is not very impressive but still it was enough to get into according to exit polls to get into the runoff which. the stage for a pretty interesting second round robin is going to say that it's a success to be this far short of the fifty percent mark to avoid a runoff but that's you know that's what the ukrainian politics is like it's like a pendulum i mean we have had many many examples in history one of president would secure a major victory like the top five years ago he won the elections in the first round five years ago i think fifty three percent of the vote and now he is struggling to get into the second term and that happened to many of his predecessors as well so that's pretty normal for ukraine. going to look like because it's not like he's up against an established politician here this is somebody who didn't even have any policies well we don't even know whether he is against one politician or several of
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them because there have been some speculations that lansky may be in consultations with the. former prime minister who tried for the third time to get into presidency a third time wasn't doesn't seem like lucky for her but if she joins forces with. it's going to be a very very interesting combination because. he has a lot of support among younger voters many of them deciding in the east of the country she's polling well with the older electorate so that would be quite a combination. as a person has fought on his hand what about the process itself was polling day gone well there have been some reports of irregularities nothing really criminal even though there have been i think nineteen criminal cases opened but nothing that would call the call both into question have to say that outside the
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regulator regularities there has been quite a few of novelties in the during this election process the candidates really pushed the electoral law to the limits of what they can say beyond that because for example saturday was supposed to be a day of silence with all containing supposed to be suspended but it began with the incumbent president taking part in the widely televised prayer praying for the wisdom of the ukrainian people believe it or not he is there is a lenski who as you mentioned is most famous for his part in the t.v. series now the channel that where she actually has a contract with decided to run those series for the extolled days so it was from the morning till the remaining he's face on the screens on these suppose it's. twenty of the consecutive weekend yellow vests protesters in france have rallied against government recent measures to ban protests in specific areas of the capital
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like the comic and in other major cities have apparently had little effect for shows claim around thirty thousand protesters turned out nationwide while organizers put the figure out more than one hundred thousand there were clashes with police and tear gas to disperse some rallies dozens of arrests were made in paris violence also broke out in the southern city of new york. where we ask some of the protestors why despite dialogue and the song concessions they are still furious with the government. if we have to express our discontent especially about the purchasing power of retired people which is unacceptable.
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to the stories they haven't got any help with our salaries this patrol crisis or on democracy or climate change policy it's. close to that that they did at their best and we want a decrease in the value added tax necessities like food so people could have higher purchasing power so both distributions and equal justice. we are here every saturday we will be here until the end. but israel on top several of our bulletins last week after russian military planes touched down there with around one hundred hundred troops according to moscow their presence in the country is allowed under an agreement struck almost eighteen years ago with caracas but that did not satisfy washington president trump and other u.s.
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officials say russia should leave venezuela or face the consequences. russia has to get out. of the sea will say see all options are open. just so you understand all options are off. the people who's using the russians to support is just brutal to keep the venezuelan people from hearing room president maduro calls for hands off in his way while he invites security forces from cuba and russia so he and his cronies can keep plundering venezuela it is time for venezuelan institutions to stanford or sovereignty russia and cuba hands off and as well supporters of venezuelan president nicolas maduro and opposition leader held rival rallies on saturday in the capital caracas that is amid the south american country experience and a serious of nationwide blackouts which have hit water transportation and telecommunications services a spokesman for the red cross says the power outages are
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a primary cause for concern and to aggravate the humanitarian situation in the country. it's interesting that israel are it's quite complex and difficult and it's our. last few days when each point i mean and forward because we need your money. for the international federation of red cross and the main focus of our will be. and squaring off because simply excited by this problem unfortunately you have to only to imagine that we could and we could probably really crazy for instance also a little more you know doesn't preclude easy these means that you know the associate ignore the odyssey's for instance just your example of a nazi whereby you know where they're almost one position they're probably in water but then we decided to focus our circles on hand because we're going to go for the police i mean it's it's sick when we know how to deal with it and also because the
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women here it's all been sort of i don't know the moment. to be nice all around the guy and he's while we were there for. more than weekly in thirty five minutes stay with us. join me every thursday on the alex salmond chill and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. spanning dramatic development only personally i'm going to i don't see how that strategy will be successful thirty k. to kill time time to just sit down and talk.
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when lawmakers manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. doing all middle of the room signal. doing the rounds being real new. the way. i was as i have it i am i. not.
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that i am not. so who is christopher manny well i grew up in several small towns throughout the midwest. from a good christian family. and join the national guard and then eventually college into law enforced. i did thirteen a half years work in the street here everybody who was in my p. knew that they could trust including the street people. you know a lot of people don't realize but i was a single parent reason to jetstar a i place as a street race guy. and were reaching to mexico my kids are of a different race today we are going to go through the autopsy report of dad's
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radials why couldn't you just talk to the fact the matter is that's only to try to do and the attack was so quick and so violent you know i kept push him off and he just kept attacking what was going through your mind at that point. just as used in the film. where you thought of portraying garcia. and fifteen gursharan. there's no stiffening. or a bird or bird gunpowder particles on the skin surrounding any of the entrances so . that fire was not what that struck and this as a quest for many when he shot the said this means seven roxane balance travel back our. hands he had a friend on the right side of the. scout this may come home to. face that present or may have. been one of the top point poured out of the fire our. meeting with
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the district attorney we were provided with photographs of christopher manny the day of the incident. there were no visible injuries to his head his neck his face the shoulders his back there was a very small abrasion or a laceration to his thumb. there was a. were you saying you don't know if you think you can see i don't even know what i was. told. right i mean they're all there now never you got here or so they say. you know if you've been struck. instantly i remember touching my head and i really felt like my brains coming out. i remember an officer touched me on the shoulder and i said how bad is it and i kind of left my brains pouring out and he said no you've got smarts you got sprucing you've got some issues but your brains are intact.
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iraqi police department has conducted a comprehensive internal investigation into the officer involved shooting a gun tray hamilton and red arrow park on april thirtieth two thousand and fourteen based on a comprehensive internal investigation i signed an order terminating christopher manny from his employment with the milwaukee police department earlier today. in this case were manny approached this individual as though he were a criminal suspect even though the officer self reported that he thought he had mental problems upon his approach the training to deal with it mentally ill people tells you. again absent the behaving as a menacing fashion object of the putting your hands on him is almost the worst thing you can do and finance as often.


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