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tv   News  RT  April 1, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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common ground. the medium leads the polls in the first round of ukraine's presidential election so far he's taken thirty percent of the vote. facebook calls for global internet rules and for governments to play a more active role in regulating. british police are given the power to stop and search without suspicion as the country looks. good knife crime. that's monday evening in moscow nine pm here in the russian capital. with all of the votes counted in the ukrainian presidential election it's clear the
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country is set for a second round runoff medium belong to me as a landscape as well ahead in the polls with thirty percent of the vote he's tried by the incumbent president petro poroshenko who was on just fifteen percent of the trying to look why the currently to support. they counted on him gave them all kind of help and thought he'd take the x. soviet republic somewhere new the result roughly eighty five percent of ukraine voters want to show petro poroshenko the door the western establishment is baffled for them choosing between someone as hated today as the chocolate king pershing co and funny guy selenski aka is a president is a tough one backing the winner of round one who has no political background at all is like opening pandora's box well look at who he's been destroying with jokes for years the names are all they're way behind him now how's that for
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a political background. we did it in. how can you since he had to. give it to you but it's good news that you. know. i. do what you're. in my home they could be way more effective than skills and old school t.v. debates did mr zelinsky have a secret plan years ago what about his own sitcom launched in two thousand and fifteen selenski character just a school teacher on a fast track to be president turns the whole system upside down.
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just like maybe he never even thought of it and maybe his sensation came about because someone once randomly told the man why don't you give it a try in real life anyway world leaders should probably start watching out for comedy shows or at least avoid petro poroshenko mistakes like making a ton of promises you can't keep. being. was destroyed. petro poroshenko came to power after the my dad revolution he was loved in america and europe ukraine was then desperate for a strong new leader what did the people hope to get from mr poroshenko a country with no corruption less poverty a proper alliance with nato and the you and to the civil war in ukraine's east
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at hold men abroad he lost a lot of support by failing at all that would probably want to. ukrainians can stay in the you for ninety days without a visa the president did his best to cut off all possible ties with russia and that was the essence of his campaign but russia has been waging a hybrid war against our country for five years and crean is under the threats of food war with russia we will bring back crimea well despite the crises in crimea donbass which kiev blames on moscow the tactic didn't really work in the country where millions still speak russian and have relatives there it looks like it probably won't help mr poroshenko in the run off either almost fifteen percent is just too big of a margin even in round one all the hugs and kisses from nato's most powerful people have a sell by date. government so being urged to play
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a more active role in policing the internet facebook boss mark zuckerberg calls for more regulation online he says he wants mechanisms put in place to reduce the amount of harmful content on social media platforms is also calling for measures that will help to ensure the integrity of elections and protect users personal data on top of its demands mark a radical departure from the original vision though that he had for facebook. i'm jewish and there's just sort of people who deny the holocaust right i find that deeply offensive but if the in the day i don't believe that our platform should take that down because i think that there are things that different people get wrong we don't check what people say before they say it and frankly i don't think society should want us to freedom means you don't have to ask for permission first and that by default you can say what you want this is really about our mission and our philosophy not about just kind of some short term business decision i really
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very deeply believe that we are best serving the world and best delivering on our mission to connect everyone by continuing to push in these environments and push for as much expression as possible who would have thought that it could come to this book begging governments to tame the wild wild web to police censor and control it to think it all began so innocently people want to go on the internet and check out their friend someone at the web site that offers that i'm talking about taking the entire social experience of college and putting it online it was so simple then a place for teenagers to share their relationship status for friends to share pictures announce parties keep in touch but somewhere along the line they book grew dark gathering and selling people's personal information bought fake news election meddling censorship and suspensions targeting innocent people at
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times and the videos streams mass murders the new zealand shooting rapes snuff videos it seemed facebook c.e.o. did nothing but apologize now it was a big mistake and i was a mistake and it was my mistake and i'm really sorry that this happened. i'm sorry and i'm sorry for it it seems zuckerberg is tired of keeping facebook his own platform clean he now wants governments to do it ministries to police the net with rules and regulations. the saying goes the route to hell is paved with good intentions though something tells me. less interested in good intentions and more concerned about bad
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press and profit but hey who knows he talks so pretty by updating the rules for the internet we can preserve what's best about it the freedom for people to express themselves. remarkable he's actually saying that government censorship politicians deciding what you can and cannot do or say will somehow make the internet free or when has that ever happened before in fact one of the scandals facebook was embroiled in was its wholesale cleansing of pages and news feeds it didn't like in full was alex jones even for a while artie's matthew media all for math experience including the now were taken down for no reason other than pressure from pro-war think tanks and i'll leave the report from fianna messages are slick filled with graphics with ground gradually.
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left leaning americans getting news from social media and the videos have been viewed of millions of times billions of times thank you apparently it's all for you your freedom your safety so here it is a corporate billionaire with dirty hands asking politicians to censor and regulate the web you don't get five hundred million friends without making a few enemies he once said but it seems heading towards having just a few friends and millions of enemies. turkish voters president ruling party a major blow in local elections electoral commissions announced that his aka party has lost control of the capital ankara and istanbul thousands of opposition party supporters have been out celebrating in both cities however the a.k.
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party is reportedly planning on challenging the results of the country's two main population centers alleging been widespread voting irregularities despite the setback though the ruling party and its allies still came out on top nationwide taking more than fifty one percent of the vote in turkish press. welcome to victory . as a result shows that in these elections as has been the question of the november two thousand and two election does this mean we as the a have once again become. political analyst use of erin told us he believes the party has done relatively well given to these economic woes c.h.b. had a very good strategy going in they changed it up a little they're normally recognized as a left party and they took a step to the right during the selections we've seen them go out and embrace the conservative electorate you have to realize that the our party's been in power for seventeen years now it's
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a party that had up to fifty two percent of the vote at one time in we see at this election that there are votes around forty five percent when you look at the political conjecture of the country over the last two or three years you see a coup attempt in two thousand and sixteen the turkish lira has dipped over thirty percent recently in the last year the economy has slowed down after a period of high growth so there's an overheating of the economy when you take all these into account forty five percent being the top party is still a very good result everyone knew that this. were going to be a very tight race but we need to realize that there's three hundred thousand votes that were ruled invalid last night that the party does plan to contest so we're going to see if these votes are going to be contested in kind of change the result who knows that remains to be seen. you can police are being given more powers in a controversial scheme to combat a knife crime epidemic but campaigners have called the move regressive and
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a concern that the powers could be abused while officials say that officers need protection to. the police are on the front line in the battle against serious violence and his voice so we give them the right tools to do their jobs. the so-called stop and search method will be trailed in seven hotspot areas in england and wales and will allow police to search any personal vehicle without a reasonable suspicion the change comes in response to at least forty nine people being fatally stabbed this year alone the families of the victims have expressed their support for the measure but say it should have been implemented years ago critics though argue that the powers give the police the opportunity to racially profile individuals we asked a few people in london what they think about the stop and search measure. i think if you look at the. communities we talk you'd rather i was in stop and search but i think with a little annoyed problem we got a moment to really go do something so let's see if it works. i think it's quite. hard. i think it's not always essential when you have
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no reason to do. oh yeah. but at the end of the day nothing to hide. problems can come and so should you know . joining us now peter kirk and who's a former police officer also lead jasper who's a social activist and a former advisor on qualities to the mayor of london gentlemen both welcome to the program pictures a former policeman can i ask you about this first because i know statistics don't paint the whole picture but half of knife crime is attributed as perpetrator or victim to black or ethnic minorities but people from those communities are nine times more likely to be stopped and searched how is it possible to not read that as racial profiling. because you're misreading the statistics and the statistics are unreliable in the first place when you've got. any sony in london that
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disproportionality in terms of people being victims and perpetrators of serious not crime. when you compare the numbers and the population. to the population as a whole the demographics of the population as a whole that's for far more than nine times more likely to be stopped or become a perpetrator in relation to disproportionality the basic fundamental problem with those statistics and this isn't me just saying this this is accepted by academics who study the field including black academics there are no friends of policing knowledge that there's an issue with this the baseline population used to work out the proportionality. it's the census data which is a meaningless measure when it comes to deciding who's available for stop search and so the statistics are unreliable but also there's nothing to say that if there is
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any disproportional assume that probably is some. of the racism of police officers there are numerous other explanations far more likely including disproportionally disproportional involvement in things where stop and search is a tactic and do the statistics therefore not give a full picture. well i mean up first believed the united kingdom. they had all sorts of questions about day figures coming from the police in real relation to claimed reductions in crime and so on about two years ago. the matter says subsequently all forces throughout the united kingdom have to concur with the. guidelines and stipulation sell body you case they say six authority and they seem perfectly fine with this stop and search figures so i think a bit like the flat earth society people just making stuff up to justify their
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political position is very clear the prime minister has said that stop and searches on just the david lammy report to policing in criminal justice says it's and just every hole affairs select committee report says disproportionality and discrimination the equality and human rights commission place the men under special measures precisely for that reason less than three four years ago and we've had countless exercises by academics that prove there is discrimination so i'm afraid discrimination is a fact of life disproportionality and racial profiling is part of the culture of urban policing in large inner cities and this call for more powers i mean when you think about it. is it hey b.s. corpus. a fundamental facts of british citizens be that you can go about your business law abiding bigness without interference that an officer of the law
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with out any reasonable cause. can stop and detain you is a fundamental breach of civil liberties and shouldn't be taken lightly in any regard i'm further if i may just finish on this that when i was policing director of london. deputy mayor under ken livingston i had thirty two thousand police officers i was the policing director for london i know that i agreed that. at thirty two thousand police officers that's more police officers than we have today stop and search was almost ten times the figure that it is today. to reason may stop and search as reduced massively although black disproportionality resigns and we had more teenage homicides then we do today so stop and search was the answer it doesn't explain all the periods in london's past where we've had more officers more stop and search and more killings
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simle taney asli peter is there a danger that by extending the stop and search that it risks pitting police officers against those communities who are already perceiving they're being racially profiled and are mistrustful of the police that could actually backfire. absolutely does arrest that because of the likes of lee just another race baiting. stirrers who are intent on continuing conflict between the black community and the police and who spout all sorts of nonsense which is demonstrable true. and part true or misrepresented yes of course there's a risk of that. we've also got the difficulty. because theresa may basically abolished stop and search was reduced by about eighty percent since two thousand and fourteen when she brought in what was known as best use of stop and search and
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to be honest all that's happening at the moment is that the rules that she brought in in two thousand and fourteen which were never the legislation anyway have been rolled back in part to what the legislation has always said. but she she reduced stop and search dramatically so we've got eight years' worth of offices that have been doing very very little stop and search there were a hundred thirty thousand stop and searches done in the whole of the met last year that's two or three stop and searches each but it is in offices in london more than that do you not find it so they've not got the expertise nobody not find that they're putting the issue at the doorstep of police officers to sort this out to get knives off people is the government dealing with why these people got my vote in the first place feeling they've either got to go out and defend themselves or feeling like they're going to attack somebody. absolutely they're looking to the police to sort it out and that's what they've always done in the past and the police have always had some contingency capacity in the past leigh will remember
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operation trident when there was a problem mainly with firearms or over the knives so much then in the late ninety's and early two thousand and the police managed to pull together from their contingent capacity from their resilience a large number of officers that were on that operation right through to the current time but they haven't got any contingent capacity any more so the public health approach has to be taken with all the other agencies get involved in the medium and long term impacts so that people aren't carrying knives in the first place but that doesn't mean there's not a role for police in that absolutely isn't glasgow. shoebat they need to establish peace on the streets for these other things to take a chance of taking root and having the longer term effects. first of a priority. forty nine knife deaths in the u.k. so far this year already why now is any of the senior politicians leaping on this. well i think that party politicians are under pressure because of the media reports
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they are repeat killings of young people in all sorts of age groups really who've lost their lives on the streets of london and we see this repetitive cycle of media commentary police on the pressure call for more powers more heavy enforcement approach more people to criminalize situation doesn't get any better we've been on this trajectory they say tread path for the last twenty or so we gaze and it's time to get off it but i do agree with peter he's got the public health approach. and i've just come from a meeting with the people from glasgow who are doing the evaluation of the violence reduction unit at glasgow university and he's very clear that they reduced stuff and as a called sequence of aim to do see the public health model violence decline intelligence from the communities they were policing has improved and as a consequence they've moved from being the night crime capital of europe twenty
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years ago to being the shining example of how you get things right today now that's the journey that london needs to go through it says a great example is one that invests in communities it's one that switches from an enforcement led approach to a public health early intervention approach and what we've seen both in edinburgh what we've seen in glasgow what we've seen in cardiff i mean deed in cities throughout america is that violence reduces as a consequence and that should be all our goals. p.t.o. fault. yes i mean why in relation to stop and search in glasgow in the initial stages they increase the amount of stop and search to increase the amount of enforcement. increased the sentences for carrying knives to establish peace on the streets for the interventions to then take effect over time but as those of the interventions took effect there were fewer people carrying arms there were fewer
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stop ins and therefore there was fewer stop and search is needed and so it's a longer term impacts e-com do the public health approach without establishing peace on the streets in the first place and the only way of doing that the only way of stopping someone getting tonight tomorrow next week next month maybe even next year is policing that's the only chance we've got of stopping that around the streets being used and that's why stop and search is unfortunately an integral part of this and i define it and quickly. just focus on london but when you look at the maps of london where knife crime is it's in. play it's that endure extreme poverty in parts of the capital so there is a correlation there and as peter was mentioning the reduction in police officers being a significant factor as well don't you think people in those ethnic communities would rather appreciate the fact that there will be officers stopping and searching potentially getting more knives off the streets they would rather that than risk
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the alternative. or what they what they'd rather is good quality policing and i think you're flying at the metropolitan police service in the inner london areas particularly those with massive african and caribbean communities those ethnic groups. a thirty percent confidence level in the metropolitan police thirty percent and the average in london is probably closer to eighty thirty percent in those areas now thought you want to err that is consistent across all black areas it rarely rises above fifty percent as a confidence level so you've got to improve trust and confidence in order to get to the position where the public health model can take root but you know we look to new york new york stopped stop and frisk as a consequence of a civil rights. throughly and violence dropped as a consequence so this policing all the doxy that is almost now assumed a level of common sense more policing more police stop and search equals less crime
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and less violent crime has no basis in reality ok gentlemen maybe we'll get back in a year from now and see what the numbers say again for the committee just a thanks for your time. videos emerged online purportedly showing a group of protesters attacking a convoy carrying venezuela's self-proclaimed leader the opposition figurehead was reportedly on his way to speak at a rally in a deprived part of caracas. according to local media reports military police officers who were loyal to president dura could be seen in the video protecting one gordo's convoy the protesters held insults at the country's self to plant leader and demanded that he leave that most populous district of caracas some on twitter pointed out the irony of wide open protected by the national guard take another look.
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and that's the way look for moscow this out thanks for watching and next on news in just over thirty minutes. welcome to max kaiser financial survival guide. looking forward to your pension account. yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. you watch kaiser report. the biggest political hoax in american history russia gave is almost a thing of the past brings it on the other hand only seems to drop into deeper levels of purgatory and what is next for russia's relations with the west.
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we're going underground ahead of the start of mass war ship and war plane games by nato simulating conventional war with russia and china coming up on the show switzerland's president on his meetings with the e.u. appointed venezuelan counterparts one white oh trump's point man abrams on clearing out all the bank accounts of the richest man on a sign a russian bus driver may kilometer or the final death of mainstream media we speak to jimmy door about the long term implications for nato nation journalism after
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a massive failure to link donald trump to vladimir putin all this of all coming up in today's going underground but first away from the biased jeremy corbyn bernie sanders left wing mainstream media britain has never been doing better arguably one of the most successful and competent u.k. prime ministers in history tourism explains here how to build on all the successes underpinning all this is the need to get the best bricks it deal for our country one that benefits families across the u.k. one that delivers the control over all borders and money. and one that maintains the maximum possible access to european markets but as that last shot of may shaking hands with the president of france shows the triumph of the neo liberal model is not exclusively british france's success in eradicating economic inequality has necessitated historical reconstructions of what it was like in france on the socialism here is one an accident at the iconic locked
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a trail in film by our sister organization ruptly with the words of france's most popular leader since napoleon. guys you are not free markets i'm i do believe in free markets i do believe in a market economy but we need regulation and convergence. but there are those who threaten the success demonstrated weekly in paris here is the eminent biographer tom bower on the leader of western europe's largest totalitarian vegetarian movement jeremy starlin corben the real reason i went for this who called and wrote this book is because he's a communist not only that but he's threatening britain's best love company currently involved in valuable aid work in the poorest country in the middle east be a systems is a very important part of the u.k. economy as an organization we are the leading edge of engineering in technology and as a result of that we can tribute hugely to the capability of this country both in terms
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of its security and of course its prosperity and our footprint all over the world is very significant indeed championing that valuable work in yemen is britain's defense secretary gavin williamson who is using the british military to attack the evils of chinese communism and i can announce for first operational mission or feature mass queen elizabeth will include the mediterranean the middle east and the pacific region. making global prison a reality significantly british and american f. thirty five will be embedded in the carriers and a wing and hansing for rechannel a fallacy of our forces reinforcing for fact that the use of united states remains our very closest of papias so successful was his announcement to threaten the people's republic of china with lethality that the chinese immediately canceled a visit by the u.k. foreign secretary debates.


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