tv News RT April 2, 2019 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT
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briggs it adds for another cliffhanger more delays with the u.k.'s prime minister saying that she will seek a further extension to withdraw period while offering to sit down with the leader of the opposition to try to break the deadlock. financing terrorism hungry says that it's core to senior islamic state commando was posing as a refugee who'd been issued with a prepaid debit card indrani new scheme to help comes. spain struggles with an unprecedented number of illegal immigrants arriving via the sea of people smuggler reveals in a rare interview just how lucrative the business of human trafficking is. over of course one. thousand dollars in front of you probably took thirty to
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fifty person. to person. of course everybody. good evening and welcome this is r.t. international. the u.k. prime minister has offered to sit down with the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn in a bid to try break the break that impasse to reason may also announce that she'll try to go further short extension of the withdrawal period with e.u. leaders at next week's european council meeting. breaks down the latest twists and turns of. prime minister to resign may holding marathon seven hour talks with cabinet members and coming out of it an essential the putting all the onus on the leader of the opposition corbin because she can't find the way forward her party is
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notoriously divided over drags it as it is that i have a party as well to perhaps not as extreme an extent but still both parties divided on this issue and so in order to try to find a way through she gave a speech to the nation and essentially offered to sit down with the leader of the opposition jeremy called in to try to find the path already the process that the house of commons the opposition and to try to agree a plan that we would both stick to to ensure that we leave the european union and that we do so with a deal now it would appear that this is an attempt a political attempt to try to put all the onus on mr corbin to say well we're headed for a no deal bragg's it on april twelfth and if we don't find a way forward it will be because you didn't want to find a way forward but we've been hearing from mr corbett himself this evening and he's saying that if only to represent the views of perhaps remainders or other people who voted for the labor party at the last election he was willing to sit down with
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the prime minister we recognise that she has made the move i recognise my responsibility to represent the people that supported labor in the last election and the people who didn't support labor but nevertheless want certainty and security for their own future and that's the basis on which we're the meter and we'll have those discussions but the prime minister is insisting that her withdrawal agreement that's been rejected three times already by parliament is the only deal on the table so it remains to be seen what exactly she wants to speak to mr corbett about he's whipped his m.p.'s to vote against the deal all three times he supports a customs union whereas the prime minister doesn't and on a number of issues when it comes to briggs that they just don't see eye to eye so unless the prime minister is willing to shift in her position it remains to be seen exactly how she hopes to achieve anything from these talks. well everybody though was impressed by teresa mayes announcement standing straight unofficial resident
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larry the cat shared his own feline insight suggesting perhaps the pm is shifting blame to labor for her own mis breaks it the director of the pangea while placement moratti feels that the p.m.'s move to reach out across the aisle may be too little too late think it seems very baffling to me that after seven hours with a couple of the best thing you can read to a slug or a conversation with the leader of the opposition in. parliament in general are two years to agree to some sort of move forward only if you include all of the actual voting in the in the civil rights we see from out there there is no cohesive idea of what to do moving forward so the most that we can expect in my opinion out of these talks is more delay more confusion the real thing in which we need to do is really find out what is the main. main way forward in speaking to the leader of
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this of the opposition such a late stage i don't think will not prove any any useful fruit. last year spain witness a record number of migrant arrivals by sea with many of them helped to cross by people smugglers in what's claimed to be the first ever interview with human trafficking from morocco their man told investigative journalist lauren southern the moving people from north africa to europe is a hugely lucrative business. how do people get the space very people have to get have to spend a lot of more new day how to spend two thousand you know four thousand for four thousand euro or two thousand for a few how much money can you make. from the door to spain where you know. every person you can have two thousand two thousand factory to four thousand you the totality fifty person. fifty person you do fifty
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person everybody and by two thousand five hundred you know two thousand five. hundred have a lot of money. earlier we spoke with lawrence of the new film that interview with the moroccan smugglers she believes that there is a massive misconception of how migrants are being portrayed. how the whole business works is they actually end up having a few people here and there that they have to pay off including members of the iraq in coastal security to make sure parts of the coast are clear for these boats to leap and at times he's saying it's around one hundred thirty thousand euros per boat i mean you can ten boats in a day you're making one point three million dollars why is no one talking about this massive criminal syndicate so there's a lot of december mation going on here first of all that this is some sort of refugee crisis a lot of these people there are economic migrants they are selling their houses and
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bringing their life savings to come to spain a lot of them are contacted by the traffickers first and offered a deal not fleeing it's a massive misconception that has led to a lot of the open borders talk within europe it's crazy to me to think that anyone has been portraying this as well certainly on the moroccan or turkish side of libyan side as a humanitarian aid crisis this is almost entirely a business and anyone you speak to on the ground migrant trafficker or otherwise will tell you this is a business they are not looking to help people they don't care if you're persecuted they don't care about your race religion your gender in fact women are turned away often in some of these camps. spain has been one of the major gateways to europe from africa international organization for migration claims so far this year alone five thousand six hundred migrants of arriving spanish coast guard struggling to
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cope with the massive influx lauren so then again believes the still authorities can do to help these refugees. there's not much the authorities can do i don't doubt that some want to do something about this however most of these migrants and this causes chaos for both the spanish and for the migrants themselves on the advice of traffickers are told to throw their passports into the sea or destroy them before entering spain and we actually saw it with our own eyes passports that had been ripped up on the ground in these camps of morocco and the reason they do this is so that once they set foot in spain they have no way of being deported but what this also achieves is that there is no way of processing these migrants they can't be imagine how long it takes to process a person that has offered all of their history their passport their work their banking records it still takes five six seven years to get citizen citizenship in a country a person rocking up with not even
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a passport how are they supposed to get processed how are they supposed to get a job or become a citizen or even be seen as a refugee so the police can't deal with this influx of people because they can't even identify who they are and the migrants cannot become a part of the european system because on the advice of these traffickers they threw out their passport is far more wealthy and far more like paradise than it actually is the reality is these people end up on the streets in france they end up on the streets in italy in spain unable to get a job unable to join the actual society because they can't be processed as citizens so the police can do what they want but there's not much they can achieve when these people cannot be identified. the government is claiming a suspected you had to stand to do europe as a refugee that he was given a prepaid debit card by the european union the book has issued some sixty four thousand of these such cards to newcomers peter all over explains. imagine
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a suspected islamic terrorist receiving aid money meant for refugees not just any terrorist a senior eisel commander and not just any money taxpayer money and it gets worse reports say that he received monthly payments of five hundred euros on his debit card that's well over today's gross minimum wage in hungary these prepaid cards are issued to a joint project between the united nations and the european union that's supposed to be a strict screening process in place to make sure that only those eligible have access to the funds but this wouldn't be the first time that a suspected terrorist hiding among refugees that inadvertently been given taxpayer money.
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the european commission insists that the prepaid debit cards are not just handed out to anyone that they know exactly who these cards are being distributed to and check up on this status on a monthly basis so hungry is wondering why did brussels not know that they were funding a suspected terrorist this not only creates another pole factor it also raises serious security concerns the citizens of europe have a right to know the problem of how to provide much needed funding and aid to refugees in europe isn't an easy one to solve but it's cases like these that fuel the popularity of m t immigration parties across the continent and with new parliamentary elections coming up next month question is will the establishment
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parties dealt another blow because laps of the territory that so-called isis was very carefully orchestrated internationally coordinated this is where international cooperation is key i think the threat for a period of time will grow because foreign fighters will start to come back but i think what we're seeing with. so-called isis and with al qaida is we're seeing a time of transition they will transition into something different this is a very very dangerous and very difficult period we need to monitor the transition very closely to be able to identify and track known just how to sort of coming through to run intelligence operations or trying to identify those unknown terrorists that are potentially coming into europe. and elsewhere in the world. c.n.n. host tapper has been attempting to defend the network's coverage of alleged trump
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russian collusion comes after special counsel robert miller found no evidence of russia gate the toppers claim the news channel got nothing wrong was challenge by fellow journalists. this clear evidence on the issue of collusion of collusion between the trial campaign and washington colluding is something president trump has repeatedly denied something that looks and smells a whole lot like collusion at. the mall or report fourth graders who could not have pretty better consented no instruction no closure it could not have been struck. i'm not sure what you're saying the media got wrong. you put the wrong
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facts in the world i think never a good one for your facts that we put out. i don't know anybody who got anything wrong we didn't say that there was conspiracy we said the mother was investigating a conspiracy. the. police say that i could speak live now to journalists human and labor rights lawyer dan kadlec joins me on the line great to have you on don and we heard it from jake tapper's own mouth he said c.n.n. never said that was a true russia conspiracy he said they were just talking about investigating it do you agree with him. no i don't. c.n.n. and medicine b. c. and p. or a new york times washington post all these mainstream media sources have been claiming collusion. for many months now have said hey wait some our report comes out you're
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going to see that there was collusion and of course the lower court did it come out they found no evidence of collusion and you know the press is heavily invested in this story and they've invested a lot of minds a lot easier time a lot of he got it and they want to salvage some credibility here i think it's time for them to do. you to support of their trump russia collusion has been headline news certain for the mainstream media for two years and one wonders what they would have reported on without that story chicken egg question though was this because of public interest that demanded this extensive coverage or was this a story they were pushing upon the viewers. i believe they were pushing it to be viewers the polls i've seen show shown you know. very weak interest amongst americans people in this story in why would they be interested in it frankly you
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know when you're pressing it on a concerned crumbling infrastructure forty million people living in poverty why would the russian great story be an interesting again the whole show in never what this was a. agenda story by the media but sectors of the government that want to continue building earth a military bionic passably that either the world or desire or. donald trump certainly enjoying his opportunity to further mock c.n.n. and miss n.b.c. and the likes talking about the failing ratings he says those people are watching because they're fake do you think there is any sort of believable element to his argument. well interesting thing about donald trump is that while he himself is you know very well you know it's has
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a tendency to lie tell untruths he many times well sometimes even it in berkeley tell some very profound truths and i think it's a he in the news is true it's not always it's not always the way he client but i think he's right on this one this was a case of a sort of. news in search of a story. news in search of the sick what that means in the end didn't support it and yet the media still i well in. well that's what i wanted to ask you about i mean that the mother reports according to donald trump is exonerated that you know there's nothing no case to answer the media as you said they're the mainstream they've invested so much into this story that really they have to kind of kick with it or find something to justify it will they keep going or they just wash their hands of in sage you know what let's just quit while behind
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i think it depends on circumstances i think it depends if. the democratic house tries to open up investigations relationship. but i think by do you think at some point the media's going to have to give this one up they don't want to do what they're going to keep beating this horse for some time to come but at some point they're going to hear i am willing to surrender that they had. done appreciate your time good to speak to journalists human and labor rights lawyer done kovalchuk is my guest there you know. now the u.s. supreme court clarified the eighth amendment to a prisoner who asked for a less painful way of capital punishment justice neil coursework said that there was never an indication on the punishment to be less severe in the u.s. constitution. the eighth amendment does not guarantee a prisoner a painless death something that of course isn't guaranteed to many people including
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most victims of capital crimes. on the u.s. supreme court response was addressed to russell buckley from missouri who was sentenced to death for murder back in one thousand nine hundred seven buckley was a rare form of blood vessel malformation that can cause him suffocation and drowning in his own blood if injections used for capital punishment. well he asked the court to replace the method of lethal injection with gas but his request was turned down the punishment through injection runs in three stages first as the sedative drug is injected to nice the thais the prison after approximately ten minutes a paralytic drug is then injected which can lead to the suffocation of the prisoner the third injection that stops the heart and kills the prisoner but it can be mistakes made by doctors which can make prisoners feel extreme pain sometimes for as long as several hours according to statistics ninety seven percent of all injection executions are botched bringing the victim suffering.
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i don't know if it was humane or not that you could do either not watch or you could. look at this execution that was clearly not going as planned and. so at that point a decision was made to insert one central line into the growing area which is what they did. i could understand. not even mining to read about these things francis let alone
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have to be in the room or watson this was my to the execution to see it was by far believe the term i use with a colleague last night was by far just the post by that i could see. he. givens former chief state prison executioner now an advocate for the abolition of the death penalty things that bring court don't have to carry out the executions the people that have the care of the executions the war and it's up to the pain to condemn only suffer for a moment for short period of time into the chemicals kicking in the electricity kick into whatever what have you but the people that have to live with this the rest of our lives but this pain inside of them is the people that curry's things out and we don't consider that and i don't know why they don't consider that dealing with. inexperienced people to curry hold of professional task
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we know where you're dealing with medications in syringes or things of that nature you tell them by medical personnel training personnel experience personnel but they can't be involved in stuff like this because it's against their code of ethics . so you can't have that person so you get inexperienced people doing. these things that will cause them to make mistakes. and you can blame them for that. british foreign secretary jeremy hunt is under fire after reaching a deal with germany of the export of weapons components to saudi arabia like london has bundle and sells to riyadh but the loophole was found to sell parts of timothy destined to the kingdom through the u.k. one of the reasons arms sales through the saudis are so controversial is its involvement in neighboring yemen.
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the leader of the hooty rebel says that the u.k. foreign secretary cannot be both a peace broker. if it wasn't for the joint british us saudi in u.a.e. naval forces the existing famine and the tragic humanitarian situation wouldn't reach such critical levels the saudi led coalition backed by britain commits war crimes and does not abide by his britain claims the most stringent guidelines for the export of weapons in the world and reports adding context to
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a tragic reality the u.k.'s man on sunday has reveals that at least five british special force commandos were wounded in gun battles as part of the secrets military campaign in north in yemen believed to be part of the special boat services said that they are now back in britain recovering to spark the controversy you case forces a relentlessly fighting alongside child soldiers here in the u.k. the news triggered protests and condemnation from an m.p. with the war in yemen already in its forehead i'm here to express my outrage to the complicity of the british government of the war in yemen british soldiers were fighting alongside i did don't shoot schild soldiers. forced to fight in the yemen this is a war crime this is a crime or much against humanity and britain has been complicit in it and we must say no more inside westminster the shadow foreign secretary is questioning the
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scope of britain's involvement if that is in any way true because if it is then it will confirm that off forces are not just a party to this conflict but witnesses to war crimes when pressed on the issue mark fields from the u.k. foreign office said he would seek to get to the bottom of the allegations but scholars comment on the presence of u.k. soldiers on the ground as for the ministry of defense the conflicts we asked people here in london what they think about the crisis in yemen i'm very surprised that the troops are getting involved and didn't know that hypocritical of them to be saying. you know that there are kind of. trying to evade the many conflict diffusion in the many conflicts and others have been involved personally no i don't think they should be doing that it should be to where you know internally but i also understand yemen is a you know phenomena a complicated situation some people we asked well i'm sure about the new case
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except mission in yemen but then on the air you want to ask the secretary of state for defense what recent assessment he's made of the effectiveness of operations involving british forces in the yemen in the last six months. with civilians bearing the brunt of the crisis and millions on the brink of famine doubts is again being cast on the u.k. still and whether it's his party to the conflicts commission set the party that didn't. launch an commentator around france and that's our troops on the ground fighting alongside believe it is it is at this hour so as to be honest for the british people to pay for this war from their own pockets actually from their own taxes and finance a war which is you know where a war crime is committed in yemen and to log out of their players regime forces dissipating with the saudi who are very good at sort of who are actually the party
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which bombing hospitals schools i believe this war actually wouldn't be ended either by piece or by war because there is a stall made there so the previous government should actually use its knowledge to put pressure on saudi arabia in order to stop this war because the saudis sending their want to play is. composed of a coalition and all of the five it's all hoping to win it and few weeks time but it's that i've gone for now four years and if there's the fifty years and it is there it's. on the case daily mail says its report has prompted a u.n. investigation we have us the un to comment on this and my comment is that so for now we'll be back in thirty minutes with updates to see that.
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you know world a big part of newton's law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime happens each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent in the world markets close to thirty percent some with four hundred to five
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hundred three per second per second and if we rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember in one one business showed you know ford in the one and only bloomberg. the built. grano l. is hard but you gotta make the best of our you. come up higher so
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