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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  April 3, 2019 7:30am-8:01am EDT

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motivations behind this sudden change of heart from the folks at facebook this suspicion of motives prompted the bloomberg editorial board to write that each of zucker burgs for proposals would create its own particular problems if adopted as government policy but on one point they have much in common they'd be good for facebook's business because as many are now pointing out this looks an awful lot like facebook essentially dropping its publicity nightmare over free speech censorship right into the hands of the government. which may be brilliant for the business of facebook but for the business of the first amendment free speech which is why we must always be watching the whole. the. real thing. as to. what they like you know that i got. with. these.
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things are. well going on the watching all i robot and on top of the lot. and i'm not that worried about my dad apart ability. sewed facebook saying hey we're bringing home the regulation here is leaving i wonder how you could regulate us better with having good luck with that. i mean it's kind of silly to me there's a so there's a lot of things of why it's silly when you break down and then raise things a given these four areas about you know these are areas where the government needs to decide essential if someone didn't pay attention to the internet when they were a kid not actually on that or they would have realized like all of us the idea that what you want is to not have any actual responsibility for what happens on your platform while at the same time pretending to be the great arbiters of what is news
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and what is good and what is bad you can't have it both ways and that's why facebook is suffering and that's why they're having so much trouble on capitol you're exactly right and all this started when you look at kind of like the low of information you know a lot of and the reason capitals even interested in all of this is that flow of information being interrupted i mean when you when you you know the flow of information before facebook was essentially you know politicians had to go to the news media news media then took it to the public right but now with social media analysis politicians straight to social me. it. leaves them right to the public you know so what facebook's trying to do and what you know kind of a lot of this war has is over who gets to control this flow of information and who gets to control the flow out of washington with the kind of thing. you know facebook's trying to solidify the trying to say hey you know what we're going to pass these things pass these regulations because we're the biggest and baddest on the block well the only ones who can afford this and that solidifies your monopoly right
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a monopoly on something that literally i mean you their manager and there are value as a platform comes in this algorithm that they sell to other corporations a very small advertising to the truth is anybody could do what they're doing and that's easily seen by the multitude of different platforms out there that people come up with whatever your particular corner of the internet but that you have those most most people aren't going to be blown over by facebook's you know brilliant strategy everything they bring you oppose picture is the opposing stuff it's all quote unquote connected if you take a quiz you find out what marvel character you are. here is living with reason they want the government to decide what harmful content is so his idea that it should either be through the government or i guess the government should pay a third party because he says a third party entity but there is this idea that somehow the taxpayers about the pay for that which is a little strange. but they want them to you decide what's the baseline is and how
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we should do that and i. i mean here's the deal i don't think any government anywhere from whether it's the united states government or the russian government or. bracks that one i don't share with government no but no government should be deciding what is appropriate speech and what is not what is harmful and what isn't i don't like it i don't like i'm not a fan and it is it's facebook to me passing the buck because a we don't want government to decide this but then also it's like facebook looking at a private entity it's up to you to decide who is allowed to say what and if you don't like the heat for what you allowed or didn't allow that falls on you as a private entity that works in allow you want to communicate with each other right you want to be a meeting and then now we are made to go out to the world of dealing with this doesn't fly it off on the government and then risk all of our first amendment rights in the process you know that really is insidious about all of this at the
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end of the day but i'm you know up to see where facebook at the regulations of facebook and social media and the internet in general all. that drips lives into the future. according to the national coalition against domestic violence in the u.s. one of us one of four women and one in nine men have been victims victims of physical violence by an intimate partner or family member and according to the australian bureau statistics one in three women and one in thirteen men have experienced violence there perpetrated by an intimate partner or family member since the age of fifteen which is why the australian. can. commit. but. and then update the already strict visa rules for
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travellers to a strictly a david coleman the australian minister for immigration citizenship and multicultural affairs stated quote the message is clear if you've been convicted of a violent crime against women or children you are not welcome in this country wherever the offense occurred whatever the sentence a stroll your house no tolerance for domestic violence perpetrators watchers whether you're a man or a woman chris brown or amber heard if you've been convicted or of domestic violence anywhere in the world there's a pretty good chance you are you won't be welcome in all straight. wow this is fascinating and this is bold legislation coming out of australia does that mean it's one thing a bit like hey we don't want a cartel boss entering our country every one of these are some thank you very clearly we see it with that yeah this is interesting because they're saying look you know you know this is a domestic violence and the most egregious good excited about seeing how this can be executed and how it actually can work with us was really interesting to me yeah
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i mean one of the things that they have in australia. i guess we don't have here we do have here but they have a sort of character issue in when you're a visa applicants and what this does is it isn't so much a stricter version of the migration act that they're their main migration act it's more giving power to the people who make those decisions. so what it's doing is the people on the ground who are actually making the david they decisions of looking and waiting in the u.k. this person's accuse this person's whatever the the the department of home affairs the administrative appeals tribunal so what they say when considering case the decision maker eighteen member must consider all crimes against women and children as serious and important crimes or garbus of the length of sentence imposed by courts and i checked the language of actual law there's no gender the but they made it gender gender based in that situation but they won't they won't look at if it's a domestic violence a man against a man or a woman against
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a man whoever the perpetrator is of that violence that's gender so just so we're clear about the gender issue and there's just obviously it happens more with women . it's a i've never maybe it's just me but it is worldly enough but it's funny i've never quite seen something like this before you know and but it's interesting when you break down the politics of like this kind of plays out within the political political echo chamber of australians moving between two thousand and two thousand and thirteen just five hundred eighty two pieces were cancelled under these character provisions rocking the boat and. why will one of the migration act according to m.p. david coleman the council more than four hundred four thousand one hundred fifty beaches afford criminals more than seven times that of the labor party in the country that is even comes down below more based purely on politics right and it really was interesting about it is that like here in the united states we have liberal and conservative what they have is a liberal couldn't serve. liberal conservative us i'm eating very liberal
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ideas but in a conservative way of dealing with and so you really get to the heart of the problem you put the money where it needs to be and you don't waste your time on a whole lot of bits of bob wills and sort of where it's going where though i think the labor party was much more and gave everyone a chance kind of thing but part of it has to do a lot with money and one of the programs i think that they're doing that i think i would hope would get everywhere else in the world is that there is this idea of the labor party sort of saying if we come back into power they're promising another sixty million what they call flexible supports a package a so be a package of money say ten thousand dollars and it would provide funds for rent home alarm c.c.t.v. clothing beds books medication and education the things you need and one of the reasons it's so important is that things like your video for those video doorbells that everybody has it's not the thing about those it's so important to a domestic abuse victim isn't because you're worried about who's stealing your
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amazon packages it's that of someone who you have a protection order and they call him slightly different australia is that if you have an order of protection or violence and i mention a violence there stay away from you it's hard to prove that they keep violating it but if you give this then it makes it easier for them in law enforcement to put people away who do that and i'm sorry if you if you're beating up your loved ones or your family member i don't care what gender they are i wouldn't want you in my country either though i mean secretly it's a little bit like to. allegedly be a member of her. a sort of allegedly. but. it's rare and i'm very excited about way is not as one thing out to make clear that this should be it's about it's about the violence itself when you see that happen people under fifteen you know our god that's everybody like let's be real it happens it happens practically everybody or somebody attacks so it's good to see a government making a stand and saying no we don't want you know but and definitely all right as we go
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to break court watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the proper true cover of facebook and twitter and you tube and sure poll shows that are too dot com coming up investigative journalism but this one joins us to break down the latest entry got a bit of a look at what could be behind the latest edition of the play book about position leader. and stay tune for watching the. thank you. thanks. breaks and count down. a comedian has won the first round of ukraine's presidential election although it
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doesn't have strong policy positions maybe that was his greatest appeal though he made it clear corruption is ukraine's biggest challenge fixing ukraine's very serious problems is no laughing matter. u.s. veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the search that says we're going to attack and destroy the government in seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with them money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war then surely we can risk some discomfort or an easy for. me.
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to get. into. i'm hundred. thousand three hundred. twenty i. get ready for another dramatic turn of the plot the ongoing fight for the political soul of venice whale of watchers just last week. the united states backed self-proclaimed interim president of venezuela announced on twitter about on april
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sixth the mysterious operation freedom will begin sounding more a name like an old plan from the united states gulf war it is the guardian reports like why does operation freedom is quote mobilization across the country that would culminate in a massive march through the capital in a rather trumpy in tone describe the political action to his supporters at home and abroad declaring that quote at its heart operation freedom means exerting maximum popular political pressure of the kind never before seen in venezuela but despite all the political hyperbole surrounding that operation freedom for those familiar with us regime change tactic has a rather ominous feel joining us now to shed some light on just what may lie in between the lines of one new push to dethrone venezuelan president nicolas maduro is investigative journalist. thanks for joining us so that's a. little twisted going on there and i got a. first i'm curious how is operation freedom kind of being sold by. his faction
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and his people and why should we trust their descriptions of you know what you know what is this massive protest that they're talking about maybe hope you can start with the fact that we we shouldn't trust their description of it because they don't really describe the super generic even the term operation freedom i like the way you read it because it just is this corny kind of sounding name it's almost as if you know some eighty year old. in washington who's maybe worked in south america before says hey there's a great name operation freedom everyone will love it i know we all know that we've done this like twenty times before and it failed every time every time. but nobody has until the time i actually think it works every time because the goal isn't to actually create freedom right it's to squash the sovereignty of these countries to put them under what the u.s. wants but look we're in this case why bill is doing is two things one he says there's going to be active assim protests across the country big surprise big that
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happens in venezuela all the time it's actually becoming less and less popular right now so why does actually losing that battle what he's also talking about is starting up these grassroots groups right that will be part of this effort as well exactly what those are we're not sure from what he said however if you go back into february u.s. aid published a report detailing different ways to be able to organize these grassroots efforts and one of them was to create these teams which they refer to as red teams that would be spread out across the country and would be involved in helping to oust the government overthrow the government through protest through activism through plans of action but maybe most interesting only through using weapons defensively and often some of the flour if you read. their own thread sparrow. it all just seems like
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a drone like it really does feel like this is the worst risk game of risk i've ever played like it's all these pieces sort of being moved around by a bunch of people but we really don't know who's behind moving the pieces it's like playing chess with some of you have no idea here playing chess with and one guy joe seems to be this person that everybody is like oh oh what a great what a great leader is the future of venezuela except we don't know who he is where he's coming from and we're seeing a lot of these young voices coming out of the. arena. does quite zero actually have any connections to us and to situations to n.c. is banks something is there something that connects him sort of with the united states and his regime change what he wished he was trained was a group that was funded by usaid sister organization the national endowment for democracy in the so why don't was actually trained by these guys to help to bring freedom and learn how to to instill change the one who is and i'm not trying to be
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a jerk. he's like marco rubio was sent to venezuela to take over the country right now he looks the part it's that again it's like a certain body build a certain hairline in a certain you know overall look that they have that they he's been chosen for his wife you know is now becoming or trying to become like the instagram first lady of the world it's a it's almost as you said comical in the way a lot of this is being constructed it's still comical that it feels like mainstream media can't even get it to stick right because it's just it's so corny and it almost feels like a really bad amazon prime show as opposed to being the reality of what's taking place in this country and that doesn't mean that the duros a good leader doesn't mean that the doura is is doing good things in this country there are massive problems in venezuela and every time i do a report about this i hear from people who say oh you just want to see them stay in this terrible communist situation with the socialist who are ruining the country no
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but self-determination means the people of venezuela have to be able to determine their way out and what the u.s. wants to do there what we've done in so many other south american countries never leads to more freedom it never leads to people being able to have the right to self-determination it's about impoverishing them and then twenty years later saying they want to come here we're having a hard time just trying to find so trying to bring back self-determination in this country and here in our own the united states and i'm going to an american tell yeah i don't have the general having my own body believe me i don't want to tell anybody else you know i'm still working on that i wouldn't bother only what i hear there is that i think you hit something very interesting there but it does it feels like they've they've we've seen the regime if that's what's taken place here if that's what's happening we've seen this story it's like a bad episode of a sitcom being played we watch this play we know there's drama we know this plot we've seen how this plays out the interesting angle that i haven't heard before is this kind of interesting usa red teams that you mention and you know now i remember
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we had covered this. i'm watching the hawks and at that time it was kind of like oh we're just floating this idea we haven't put it into action or are we seeing things here with venezuela maybe they are putting this into action or is this just something very similar but different so here's what it feels like in venezuela right now the quiet oh movement is losing its failing right and it's not failing because the people are trying to have this uprising of freedom and it's being put down by the government it's actually the opposite for all that's happening in the country right now though movement is failing to catch on with the public it's what it appears like so in february as i mentioned usaid put together the stock and i just want to read to you what it says and this is an appendix from the report and it says this about the red team member specifically in addition to being trained in social movement theory and community mobilization techniques they would also be trained in weapons handling you suggesting that their role as a catalytic actor could also involve these behaviors that we've seen in other countries as well so if you create
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a new century absolutely right months it's the idea is social movement theory and we're going to teach you how to be an activist and use your voice wasn't it you had to use an a k forty seven and just engineering with a guy i'm. telling you but we're not going to. all of this meddling i didn't read all the metally that and that's what's important again and i don't want to belabor this but i hear from a lot of people who i think genuinely look at this story and they then they genuinely believe that venezuela is not in a good place food ration has been going on for a long time that now we can argue about why that is i think there's there's yeah there's a judge part of the u.s. imposes sanctions on all these countries around the world punishes poor people in those countries does not punish wealthy people think it's never do puts down the poor people and then we look at them and say well look at the terrible situation where these poor people need freedom well maybe take off the sanctions and that would be a great start but aside from that i think genuine people look at that as well and say they see something has to happen there will something new. does have to happen
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there that doesn't mean that this is the answer to it nor does it mean that socialism in their country doesn't work even though i don't agree personally with with their model of governance the people of venezuela have a right to it and i think that's what we forget over and over especially in the us we look around the world and we say if you're not running your country the way that we believe you should we now have some god given right to go there and to force you into some kind of fake jeffersonian democracy which is of course never a jeffersonian democracy or anything ever done in democracy it was here on the process lives and. that's why as i question everything we haven't quite finished here yes i really get it was like we're still working on it we're still working and we're b.b.'s on this all the mockery of bush but he would like to in the us it took us over two hundred years to get from where we started to where we are now i think we're in a better place now the we've been in some in some ways the problem is of course we keep we keep forfeiting the freedoms we could keep the freedoms that you go with
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and just keep expanding them that would be great but we also wonder you know one of the things that came up. over at c.n.n. and full disclosure. an old boss of mine had mentioned something i thought was very interesting this weekend and he had said that the supporters there that the majority had supporters and he does have supporters but they tend to be poor and from rural areas that just say everything you know all in a nutshell it's like oh we don't care about the poor in the rural communities they're just too stupid we haven't you know educated that man up to me that's where usaid always seems to end up and that's always worth the work or situations happen with people. my crazier and i think i think that that's a great point and again with what google charges before monroe did and what materials done again whether you agree with with socialism or not you cannot argue
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with the fact that the. have been overseeing in a country where the wealth gap the poverty gap was incredible some of the worst in all of south america and actually to his credit first with chavez and now with the bureau in terms of a population that's educated and literate it's better than it has been in terms of you know the overall poverty rate there has changed health care better and in venezuela than any other south american country so there's a lot of criticism that can be put out there but if you are a very poor person in this country the madeira regime has not been bad for you and let's face it to your old boss for reid never seen a regime change he doesn't like having the right he read the arrows in their release the people who didn't think. it was me are you just going to give us an answer i don't know it's interesting to see how this is going to play out and thank you for you know keeping up with it and keeping track because it's it is i think
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it's very confusing for people when you're this far away and watching all these moving pieces and things like that to be able to say ok who's on whose side and who's doing what and which media outlet do i trust and hearing about this and who can i talk to next you know. don't fall for the buzzwords socialism socialist communist because those are the words that are used to divide us right into understand people thank you so much on the radio station it is always a pleasure. when the european space agency's mars express orbiter detected traces of the gas methane on mars in two thousand and four it was widely debated whether that meant life or something like it now it seems that life might be in the red planet not on it in twenty thirteen curiosity rover found that the methane levels on the planet cycle seasonally and that new research of the data suggests that the methane is being created under the planet's surface through either the production of microbes or secondary is that it's trapped in areas of
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rock gas and water. being released during geological events like mars quakes the research obviously will help future as space travelers find ways to make mars more happen for human life but it's possible you know what's. little a little subterranean life on mars now by the way mars quakes the brand new cereal that you too because you are about as i'm sure you're going to mars which is a serial of i don't remember everyone in this world renowned love developed so i tell you all i love you i am tyrol but for and out of the wallets keep on watching those hawks out there and have a great day everybody. with
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. their praise for a single purpose. they have a superman. they start training very young. eight months of intensive school. rats. and they save lives. because there's a survival guide book stacie just like all the stored safely. resurfaced. you should know there are you going to get it back. next year. oh it's no good says a repatriations look at the rest of seventy years. bill of the separate skies report . i
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don't know if there was a crack seems to do crack when i was a little kid my dad he was like. us to be so you know like what i needed when i was a baby but i had a bad childhood. there's always been single mothers and african-american community service and slavery. i think it's more of these teenagers having kids in you can expect a fourteen or fifteen year old first daughter now order for and then be a father and he said check out. we actually lost our place and. my car you know breaking down and i was unable to get to work on time so they let me go in with my paycheck that i bring home i have nearly enough to pay my car insurance. gas in my car.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy the infantry shouldn't let it be an arms race off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. young elephants have come to us soft. especially brutal bunching incidents because sadly the baby elephants often do see their mothers be killed but also be caught up unfortunately. i do believe them a friend smile i see it's a nice little ones they also say sure they. to
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be. in what's being touted as an important milestone in russo german relations with the german car giant which owns is opening a new plant near moscow. spain struggles with the sheer number of newcomers arriving by sea the smuggling gangs are cashing in on the refugee crisis an investigative journalist shares with us a rare interview with one of the human traffickers. over porcelain who told him to throw them fresh little four thousand you called it took thirty to fifty post reports into a hundred books probably before on. the us.


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