tv The Alex Salmond Show RT April 4, 2019 1:30pm-2:01pm EDT
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had she been the leader of the opposition and invited to the drug trial going this year would she have been fortunate to accept. so as to be her duty to resign or just back to the usual mable it however whatever else may be said about me is latest move at least as a change in the script we've broken out at long last of the grind talked a process of never ending thoughts on this theme deal now she wants the votes of the labor party to pass it with all agreement as opposed to the votes of the big cities and the d u p this may even be a relief to the m.p.'s who this week could be fixed to their benches with the same superglue as a climate change protesters themselves to the glass in the visitors gallery. around . the prime minister clearly intends to be the last woman standing on bricks it before she finally keeps her promise to resign. want to tease amaze biggest miscalculations has been to underwrite the strength of the democratic unionist
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parties opposition to her backstop proposal despite its very clear articulation many times including on this very program when she pursued certain the stock market not going to work as a question i'm asking that she listened are civil servants to to listen to those or a values around her who thought we were bluffing they know no i were not bluffing but end this show we examine how the big city baby changing the fixed assumptions of northern irish politics but first your tweets mess just and emails we've had so many and a sponsor the wonderful young people we had on last week sure from belfast fiona says are great sure the young people were smart articulate and above all decent i have every confidence in the future simply listening to them thanks alex now we bit wiser or northern ireland irish whose politics says the future looks bright with these young students for the whole of ireland love your show alex martha says well said young ones times are
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a change and thomas said those youngsters are definitely tuned into what's happening fantastic and finally tony says as a seventy year old living in the south those young people were amazing the future is in good times couldn't agree more tory now over to alex in belfast where parliament square in london was crowded with pro bright demonstrators last friday a demonstration of a very different crime was taking place nor moment communities were demonstrating against the threat of a hard border from a heartbreaks that i spoke to john shared with them one of the organizers of the protest. dr sharon welcome to the it's our i'm sure it's very much of a your farm on the board and for mother tell me a bit about how how does your farm meet the border i suppose the best way to describe it is if you just imagine an eighty degree angle. and where we meet the border i am thoroughly at
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a ninety degree angle so it only leaves me if only my only access to the north is about forty five degrees forty five degrees of a country that i was born and reared in and could always go three hundred sixty degrees in our country you know maybe my memory is playing tricks on me but i seem to remember june the b.s.e. cases started years ago that i have an in paisley making a speech where they declared that northern irish cattle irish and therefore could avoid the the export by the if of my method did you take that as a sign that perhaps economic imperative sometimes prevails over a traditional attitude they always do they always do economic imperatives you know which is why we in northern ireland want to hold the economic status that we have at the moment on the island of ireland recently you met michel barnier the european negotiator the came to become to see the farmer already at the bottom to be sure a keen understanding of the of the issues involved when he can for
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a keen understanding we actually met him in a guild hall in derry he wanted purely to discourse with border communities and business people how it was going to affect them in the referee day lives and he insisted he says i have to represent the twenty seven i have to represent them legally and that's all i'm here to do legally says so i don't want to hear anything about flags around i'm starvin to your ideology but tell me about the organization that you are probably member of headed that just arises the situation developed was a spontaneous a grassroots organization for twenty twenty five years you know where was used to dealing with people all along the border. knew many people and there was people just came together after the referendum and said this is terrible because this is going to absolutely ruin our businesses and i think it's the fact that people along the border authentically realize the trading that goes on from north to south and back from south to north they have it's in their psyche it's in their blood in the
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early so they have a good perception of what it meant to leave europe if you could get just for the sake of argument you could get the six hundred fifty members of the house of commons up to your health and you had them assembled more or less like you assemble your sheep for would you be said i just may keep them corralled there for as long as i could and and bring a doctor to see them i think that they haven't they certainly weren't thinking of the border and the certainly weren't thinking of northern ireland when they were having a referendum we had to respond i had reached my goal spoke to him very very close to the farm and showed him to communities we stood looking down on the villages of black lyondell coup and i told him he was just putting a sledgehammer between the two of them a d.v.d. and if he's at them he'd be very polite because he always says to his revolve yes he's a lady on our stand is a polite and articulate but his business isn't go into the wall he can move his business he can even tell the people really hard he already has i know that i'm
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making a lot of money both himself personally and for us companies. but the audacity to turn round and united kingdom people who could be fifty years before they would have the theoretical grip britain or united kingdom that they hope to have mediately withdrawing from europe he knows well enough i like that that's not true . so you know it's people look at them and just feel that the far right has gone too far do you think. the debate over the us to now for years is changing the undergrowth of northern irish politics you know we've had to fix blocks. for a long time is it changing people's perception to opening up the constitutional question over there that out there that people know even though a lot of people don't want to put their head above the parapet but people know where they make their money they know where their progression comes from i wouldn't
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see the border community against drugs that are just an underground thing and affecting how it affects our daily lives we look much waiter out of the not plenty of people are asked beginning to ask exactly which union you want to belong to the united kingdom of the european union one we have all of those going to be. a settlement there always is with despite the confusion and despite the best efforts of politicians are you confident that the case that border communities ability to collating will win for well as you say there's always been a settlement the way we look at it is that we wanted to remain the backstop i suppose is the best of a bad lot and we hope to still plenty in that backstop where it is. i think that europe won't move on it legalities of it have been properly explained europe i know do not want to get into the constitutional
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business of the united kingdom. but they also have to protect their single market and they also have to protect their customs union and the only way that can be done on the island of ireland is to make sure that the regulatory line which is already there on the scene at the ports is held and intensified to the fact that maybe only three percent checks would be taking place now and i'd say they're looking at maybe an eighty percent check so people simply cannot believe why the backstop can't be accepted they're having met michel barley the european negotiator the euro europe lifestyle farmer you used the negotiation could you have done business with them yes i could i think that i think the westminster and need a few michel barnier is amongst of the six hundred fifty members. it's
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unbelievable to call yourself the fifth largest country in the world and for the last two and a half or may as well call it three years no nearly i like this still have not been able to hammer out. a trade deal. with the biggest consumer bloc in the world a lot of people don't realize how little it was costing to stay in it in billion wasn't it in believe me it was ten half don't realize erasmus schemes the don't realize the integration on security the don't realize the integration in the economy on health on research on education all those things i don't think of ever being properly articulated to the general public know if regs is such a good thing why are six hundred fifty employees in such chaos if it was such
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a good thing whiteman to just go obviously the must know something that we don't and i think they have a response. ability to watch and properly articulate to the people exactly what they're doing upon themselves and what's likely to happen in the future i don't agree to put it well he says i think the realities of the present day are starting to catch up with the theory of the opportunism after brags that george will have to look for i do the right i kind of government here i dislike him but what i can see him externally seeing michelle bodley this is a quick loving cup scotch whiskey bottle of scotch whiskey northwards brandy none of the other stuff only scotch and liquid gold but good that's one of these red lines it. thanks very much i like the grit thanks very much i'll treasure that joins us after the break when alex speaks to keep players in the northern irish
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economy. young elephants have come to us. especially brutal budging incidence because you so often do see them as. killed but also be caught up unfortunate. i do believe the elephant smile i see it's a nice little months. expressed some changes. but politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express. something want.
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to write to the press it's like the book for. three of the more people. interested always in the water. there should. be in the politics. of what's in the hollywood movie because. you do not know what happened. but the. idea like. a lot of developments which would not be possible to have been what you would movies this is. interesting. i think is an outstanding person because he took on the most powerful agency in
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twenty four and you'll be the state if you look at it from a book. mark was the day that when he was five and the line. going to spin the most contentious critic for the first time i noticed something wasn't in fleece work pretty much when i first started the corruption in palm beach county is not something that you can smell. and a wink wasn't what i wanted to do. more shootings in this county then some states have had collective good with this website began featuring comments about the sheriff's wife going to squash you like a book you know we should stop then you should get a lesson in stuff i believe what i'm doing ok you know it's your funeral building.
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in this house. i snuck out of the united states. to russia. man they know as bad will. welcome back one of northern ireland's most successful entrepreneurs in the hospitality industry recently made his first ever intervention into the political debate of the province. dr bill will see why bedsit was bringing people from off the sidelines and onto the pitch but was lee welcome to the examined show delighted to be here so you have someone very prominent successful business person or bell for us and elsewhere but you're somebody who doesn't kill too said much of a plot politics but recently you've been putting your head above the part of what
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is moved to make some political statements absolutely i do not want to return then the the dark days so the border i have you know the thought of that coming back fills me with fear we need to do what's best for northern ireland we need to do much best for our economy and if we have a strong economy that should not just be for the business class that should be for the good of all the people of this province. a large number of people are kept well away from politics and perhaps under the stars some people argue that segments of the middle classes people who normally would be leading or drawing political parties been a vast to get involved in both places changing or yeah i mean the say in the back in one thousand nine hundred sixty it the middle class went to play golf and never returned as probably true back to one nine hundred sixty it anyone who give it any degree of thought knew that compromise was the way forward but we had politicians
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who put simple answers to complicated questions one was pretty true and the other will spread it and they were very simple answers to their communities anyone who thought about it knew that there was a horrendous sectarian dirty little war going on and they decided the best thing to do was keep their head down and try to build a business many people would argue that the back story deal is that. and taters potentially for normal but the prime minister seems incapable of getting an argument across officially persuasively so. serious danger despite overwhelming opinion you'll find unrepresented and cries unanswered. there is not only a great danger i think that's exactly what will happen but both are major political parties are way dime by the past the day you pay. i mean have never liked
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anything about europe and entrust only social and fear and of never been european they've been that lately they've come on board because they see that it gives them some political advantages but i fear that the day you pay will stick to their possession and share in fear in harvard an opportunity they should've in my humble view they should have got the m.p.'s together they say they are the party for all our and say they are the only party that sets both sides of the border they had an opportunity to go over and make a point and then pull back but other things changing behind the scenes i mean the changes were seeming normal if bought with the d.p. supplanting traditional unionism sion free and supplant it with the opi we've been often the blocks but couple circumstances capable of picking people think the balls
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particularly if we are peoples but why human life one who does for this is truly a waiter to energize a creative think people who no longer associate themselves with any religion there are a lot of people like that you know from below forty and there they have just turned their back on the whole political situation they have no interest in politics at all they feel there's nobody there they represent them. so that leaves the supporters of the two blocks chin fear in the paid and they both suck the life blood out of the two smaller parties that you mentioned and pretty much adopted their clothes and they sit there and i'd i don't think they are any either party wants to accommodate the other the whole brags that thing i think has
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made the day you pay particularly think twice they saw themselves as the party of business and here is business and you're not representing us you have no understanding of what will be better for us and in turn be better for for the community and i think that has made the day you piece sit up and take notice but they are not a part they used to make a new turns are quick changes it's just not within their or their whole makeup and then cynthia and they just set outside the whole thing they just say year these are huge changes we must get in here and get involved but they won't. they want to tend parliament they leave those seats empty and they're just going to make the boost the most of a tricky situation the bill if you could get all sorts of the fifty members of the westminster parliament to one of your top class were tales for
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a week and you had the most cups of beer what would you be saying to them don't come i do this room and tell you you have brought together some sort of compromise that represents all the people of the u.k. and absolutely pick up your bloody bill in the way it. but was with work you so work thank you. i'm going to put over offer to all the m.p.'s give up with the quick the scots go if a loving cup thank you very. much. just scot is goober. thank you very much thanks again the trends that bill waltz lee has identified have started to be picked up in polling a recent survey assured deep satisfaction with the blacks a process with an increasing majority for remain across the province backing for the new board of poll and the irish unity is approaching polity with opposition with a significant twenty two percent probably photos expressing support for such
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a referendum the polling shows opposition to united ireland the only forty five percent still thirteen percent ahead of support but with more than twenty percent undecided and among young people the gotten out of his father support for i this unity within touching distance of the opposition twenty years of peace brought the dividend and border communities knew he was once the economic black support of the entire province though the economy is flourishing i spoke to dr kahn of part of a director of enterprise northern ireland and one of the key figures leading this change dot com a partisan welcome to the examined show thank you you've been instrumental many of the development initiatives a mile and a tightly in unity in the border area that didn't get to a substantial success do you attribute that to the the good will the sort of after
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the peace agreement all of a b. in other aspects been instrumental in getting that economy moving and the case of nuri were i grew up in the first half of my life. the experience i had i grew up in a housing stamp my father was on employed was one of widespread spread poverty and thirty percent of the population and the one nine hundred seventy s. were without it without work. employment in your area is two percent so it's a remarkable transformation not to throw be able to foreign direct investment or public sector employment in the case of noori but the home grown old printers are able to take advantage of an open border and until their businesses the poetry is can get in the way of the economic development. it's often kind of create an economic so much but the consent to get in the way of that could well get in the way of the success you've been enjoying in u.t.
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the problem of bragg's and i and makes national identity our decision that house to be made it choose to be there are a sure bradish whichever choice you make us consequences but will the choices change many people who perhaps are them interested deliberately so whether to keep a poet it's own course or perhaps came from a well known state came from you know this but. the price of that's not the. sort of thing that shifts that i think what i and all others have been trying to say at the people in the unionist community is don't think of your irish dimension as being you know something that house to be limited if you're expressing an irish an issue also expressing a european identity and if you could get the six hundred fifty members and i was the colemans to neuilly i'm sure all of them unemployment to four percent on economy which has been transformed over the last generation and. nobody wants to
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risk what would be the key point you would have you'd make to the assembly of parliamentarians who unexpectedly the said upon your i think your east prescription was not to be tar bowl nationalise you know to respect the opportunity that people are giving you in all their jurisdictions and offer the best of what you have so it's about collaboration and sharing i would say at a. he's in the house of commons you know you don't have to assert your british mis people yeah but you have a lot of self par you know widely loathed for all of your you're lying your language you're not there to hear your music the example that you have given to the world in so many respects that's enough to be having almost you know you can conquer the world without without having to a start some nineteenth century and period. historical model that's no longer going to be accepted. in the field of economics and you know if i
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was asked to do for you know to make a political food what do you think the end game of the bee is going to be and the way i think this was an actual or says i'm that was all was going to have to hop on . the board of view of a narrow group. a reaches of british society the elites. those that continue to make money brags of caylus but ultimately they're going to roll into the ball for years but i cound say bragg's it was conceived done so with the british population without explanation i can see that succeeding the next generation too good to be to these these ideals of sovereignty against a moment well it might be the last some men before i came here was speaking to a group of primary seven kids and you're at the last and from forced half of my
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life known as the troubles. they all understand and we've all learned a lesson to respect the all or. whatever we do whatever disagreements we have we don't turn to violence because violence is ultimately self destructive so if we've learned our lesson and we hear. why there are threats from one. section of the population here i don't think that group can survive if so will not last and i thing. well apply spragg that people will have learned that there's nothing wrong in paying europe and you don't have to be exclusively british so how x m of a certain age is i am of the star trak generation and i believe in the starship enterprise ok that captain car could be on the bridge but without a spark of that as you heard of that is check off. the starship enterprise could not have gone boldly to strange new new war those dots the model that i grew up
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with you know we're human beings and ultimately we will conquer the challenges we face but only if we do it well don't count out of sun don't forget to that's why we have plenty of it is a quick and the only stipulation of course i'm presenting you with it is only school in the cli of course thank you it's been a pleasure a pleasure thank you thank you oh here in east belfast this wall this piece small and the short stop in separates a catholic on glee from the predominantly protestant community it's a harsh reminder that balios and island don't just potentially exist between north and south but within communities even here and now and i was great a city of a national we've had the economic realities frew the break debate starting to bring about a change in attitudes a potential political realignment the question is is the leadership here in order to make that realignment
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a reality and will it be entirely to secure nonviolence peace and prosperity. i know from just being on myself and over the shore it's goodbye for now. that financial life i don't buy any i've caught up with features. of the five. as of last summer buying from the future crack up watched kaiser. u.s. veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the
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people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circulated branches off that says we're going to attack and destroy the government and seven countries in five years americans pay for the walls with their money on those without lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war then surely we can risk some discomfort. for peace.
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mark seventy years since its creation but the alliance is birthday bash is marred by numbers feuding over budget contributions by weaponry. you an expert says that atrocities are on the rise in the west african country of mali with ethnic communities massacred despite a strong presence of french and american troops. iranian rights activists slums western visitors to the country who don't know his job saying that they undermine efforts to abolish the law that requires women to wear the head covering we debate the issue. i think it's i think it's ridiculous i think asking women to come in when they come into a country to just.
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