tv News RT April 7, 2019 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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if you want to get out. and make money. that's what i. call the child victim charlie rowley meets with russia's ambassador to the u.k. seeking to find out more about the nerve agent attack that killed. charlie and his brother to contact us is precisely the fact that they haven't been able to receive anything from the british authorities. ukraine prepares for a second round of presidential elections after a comedian with no political experience wins the fast round getting almost twice as many votes as his nearest rival the current ukrainian leader. spain struggles with an influx of illegal migrants the people smuggling reveals how gangs are cashing in on the closest. people hard to get help to spin the look of morning through their
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old dog a new. court order for dog and you'll be done for a few. and hungry says it's captured an islamic state commander posing as a refugee the man had been issued with a prepaid debit card underneath scheme to help newcomers. very well welcome to you this is r.t. international with your sunday roundup of the latest headlines and the break up of the news that shapes the week but first a victim of last year's not a chunk poisonings in the u.k. has been to meet with the russian ambassador in an attempt to find out more about the nerve agent attack charlie rowley pose all of his unanswered questions to alexander young. mr rowley and his partner dawn sturges fell ill in the town of amesbury in june last year and they surely police suspected drug overdose but then
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concluded the couple had been poisoned off to coming into contact with a toxic substance still just died a week later at hospital. twenty rolly met with a mystery i gave you and co in the russian embassy in london artie's initial set the reports. feeling so many of his questions were left unanswered by the u.k. government charlie really has met with and reached out to the russian ambassador to london and now he's lost his partner to suffering from the terry writing health and he's also been confused by u.k. media speculation regarding the poisoning of his partner and say nearly a script last year by what was said to be the name of a agent no we talk meanwhile though the russian ambassador has been trying to fill in some blanks. literally eighty percent of what i told him was quite a revelation to charlie and his brother is perfectly understandable they're ordinary people reading british newspapers what could they know and what they're offered by the press so it's good to have an alternative point of view and
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understand rush's line of reasoning charlie rowley and his brother had virtually no info on the questions we directed at the british authorities over the script case they don't understand why we're not allowed to make this group files i told them that there was no mobile service connection with this group tells three hours prior to the poisoning we had no chance to examine this nerve agent it was all news to charlie and his brother most of the information they had they had read in the newspapers and i got the impression that both the family of dawn sturgis and that of charlie rowley have not been adequately informed as to what happened to the pen amesbury and what happened in solsbury before they never received any official reports for many months now mr rowley and dawn's family received very little information about the course of the investigation so little that don't some center letter to the russian president. the family of the late don't sturgis ones first and foremost to see the investigations conclusions russia wants the same thing it's
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been a year now and we still haven't seen any official results what led charlie and his brother to contact us is precisely the fact that they haven't been able to receive anything from the british authorities. and the. mr barry raised is that he felt his reputation was affected by u.k. press describing him as homeless when he was simply a british this isn't jolly and his brother a very nice people the first thing they told me was that the british press misrepresented them. this is not the case charlie wants me to get this message across to russian woody and says the russian ambassador on the other hand says there's so much left unanswered which we have plenty of questions regarding the cremation of mr jess because it destroyed a proof making it impossible to examine the results of those investigations that have been carried out by the british authorities everything the u.k. authorities have done needs rechecking including how these people were treated
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moscow was accused of and house repeatedly denied any involvement in the events last year and offered to cooperate with british authorities many times something that london has rejected now the u.k. government is still made little to no evidence public meanwhile though charlie rarely says he just wants to know more details. mr rhodies case came just a few months after the poisoning of russian double agents their gay script powell and his daughter in the city of souls billion large twenty eighty both survived though mr scott powell has not been seen in public since the u.k. has blamed moscow for both incidents russia however claims no evidence has been produced and has flatly denied any involvement political analyst alessandro bruno believes the media has failed in their reporting on the case. the british media is sort of mild for the most part completely going along with the official narrative
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after all crawly is just another victim in the of disinformation that this case involves the british prime minister within less than twenty four hours from the poisoning which was unclear they had all the answers who did what they did and there were the we don't know what the police investigation is this is this requires a real police investigation the biggest role in the whole affair to me that's caused by the building cat website that claims to use open source whatever that is information techniques to find out what's going on from ukraine to let's create parts the u.k. is near a newspaper published an article on sunday about the meeting with the russian ambassador the paper says mr rowley also ambassador why did your country kill my girlfriend and received only russian propaganda in response moscow's envoy says however that here mr lowy found some common ground and that the national clayton wanted to hear russia's position on the case t.v.
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host and political commentator steve malzberg believes the article raises some questions the thing here is we have to rely on the newspaper and their account there was a video posted along with the story so the video we see first the ambassador then we see charlie rally and his brother and it's limited it's only about two and a half to three minutes and it does not have what the headline says he said it does not have what the some of the things that the story says he said why they wouldn't post the meat you know that the meat and potatoes part the the story line i don't know so we have to take what they say as as the story because there's nobody else even sky news and others who have written about this quote that from that story. it's not like they all had reporters there but i would have to feel that if there's a viewer lead misrepresenting what he said to the a bastard or we will hear from him saying wait
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a minute i never said that so i guess time will tell. you crane is preparing for a second round runoff in its presidential elections as off of the first rounds the comedian as political newcomer follows him in as a lansky surge ahead in the polls and the current need to ukrainian need current ukrainian need a patch of polish anchor left trailing in second place and had all the second vote poor shanker has been calling on his rival to hold a public debate selenski answered in one condition though a drug test both candidates invited journalists and photographers to the free debate to giving him for trying to report. they counted on him gave him all kind of help and thought he'd take the x. soviet republic somewhere new the result roughly eighty five percent of ukraine voters want to show petro poroshenko the door the western establishment is baffled
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for them choosing between someone as hated today as the chocolate king pershing co and funny guy vol dimmers alinsky aka the president is a tough one backing the winner of round one who has no political background at all is like opening pandora's box well look at who he's been destroying with jokes for years the names are all they're way behind him now how's that for a political background. we. bring back crimea. ok this is. what about his own sitcom launched in two thousand and fifteen selenski character just a schoolteacher on a fast track to be president turns the whole system upside down. just
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like maybe he never even thought of it and maybe his sensation came about because someone once randomly told the man why don't you give it a try in real life anyway world leaders should probably start watching out for comedy shows or at least avoid petro poroshenko mistakes like making a ton of promises you can't keep petro poroshenko came to power after the mud on revolution he was loved in america and europe ukraine was then desperate for a strong new leader what did the people hope to get from mr poroshenko a country with no corruption less poverty a proper alliance with nato and the you and to the civil war in ukraine's east and hold men abroad he lost a lot of support by failing at all that with probably one exception ukrainians can stay in the you for ninety days without a visa the president did his best to cut off all possible ties with russia and that
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was the essence of his campaign it was russian has been waging a hybrid war against a country for five years crane is under the threats of fools going to war with russia the tactic did really work in the country where millions still speak russian and have relatives there it looks like it probably won't help mr poroshenko in the run off either almost fifteen percent is just too big of a margin even in round one all the hugs and kisses from nato's most powerful people have a sell by date if he is president. selections in ukraine seem to have gained less attention in the west than twenty forty three cantor has also received less financial assistance from the u.s. than in previous years political analyst martin summers say is that significant significant. amount of money that they've committed to the election suggests that they're losing face in their pockets in ukraine. is clearly
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a busted flush and they don't particularly want to waste any more time and energy trying to keep him in power no doubt they will be beating a path to zilinskas door at this minute hoping that if he does win that they will be able to influence in the directions they would like to see but they clearly clearly that if they don't see it was one of their candidates i think that's hopeful for ukraine and hopeful for the general situation because we do need their independent people who've got a bit an independent data today and maybe he's going to come up with a more sensible policies than we've seen in the last few years we'll have to see it's not clear. last year spain witnessed a record number of migrant arrivals by sea with many of them reportedly helped across by people smugglers and human traffickers from morocco spoke to investigative journalist lauren sullivan he described how lucrative trade works.
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how do people get the space very people have to get have to spend a lot of money or they they had to spend two thousand you four thousand for four thousand euro or two thousand for a few how much money can you make. from the door to spain where you know. every person you can have two thousand two thousand factory to four thousand you know the totality fifty person you have to call it fifty person you do fifty person everybody and by two thousand five hundred you know two thousand five . hundred have a lot of money and we also spoke with lauren south and he found that entity within iraq in smuggler she told us more about the skiing. now the moroccan man we assume at the moment is someone that would have connections within the moroccan government or be able to ensure that the coast guard would leave because we were told multiple
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times by people on the ground that there is a cut that people on the coast moroccan coast guard receive to stop patrolling certain areas so that boats can leave from spain so this is a quite. intelligent business this isn't just a few people fleeing their country desperately getting on dinghies trying to get to spain this is a very structured business and at times he's saying it's around five hundred to a thousand people imagine how much money you're making it's one hundred thirty thousand euros per boat i mean you can ten boats in a day you're making one point three million dollars why is no one talking about this massive criminal syndicate it's crazy to me to think that anyone has been portraying this as well certainly on the moroccan or turkish side of libyan side as a humanitarian aid crisis this is almost entirely a business and anyone you speak to on the ground migrant trafficker or otherwise
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will tell you this is a business they are not looking to help people they don't care if you're persecuted they don't care about your race religion your gender in fact women are turned away often in some of these camps. spain is one of the main gateways to europe from africa says the sounds of this year more than five thousand going for the right by thirty and twenty eighteen about sixty thousand made the crossing lower in southern believes the authorities don't know how to deal with the crisis much the authorities can do i don't doubt that some want to do something about this however most of these migrants and this causes chaos for both the spanish and for the migrants themselves on the advice of traffickers are told to throw their passports into the sea or destroy them before entering spain and we actually saw it with our own eyes passports that had been ripped up on the ground in these camps and morocco in the reason they do this is so that once they set foot in spain they have no way
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of being deported but what this also achieves is that there is no way of processing these migrants they can't be imagine how long it takes to process a person that has offered all of their history their passport their work their banking records it still takes five six seven years to get citizen citizenship in a country a person rocking up with not even a passport how are they supposed to get processed how are they supposed to get a job or become a citizen or even be seen as a refugee so the police can't deal with this influx of people because they can't even identify who they are and the migrants cannot become a part of the european system because on the advice of these traffickers they threw out their passports assuming they would be entering a europe that is far more they imagine is far more wealthy and far more like paradise than it actually is the reality is these people end up on the streets in france they end up on the streets in italy in spain unable to get
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a job unable to join the actual society because they can't be processed as citizens so the police can do what they want but there's not much they can achieve when these people cannot be identified. garion government says it has detained an islamic state commander who went to europe posing as a refugee and this is speculative carrying out terror attacks in syria it was also discovered the syrian national was given a prepaid debit card by the e.u. as part of a migrant assistance program artie's pay to all of our ports imagine a suspected islamic terrorist receiving aid money meant for refugees not just any terrorist acing eisel commander and not just any money taxpayer money and it gets worse reports say that he received a monthly payment of five hundred euros on his debit card that's well over today's gross minimum wage in hungary these prepaid cards are issued to
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a joint project between the united nations and the european union that's supposed to be a strict screening process in place to make sure that only those eligible have access to the funds but this wouldn't be the first time that a suspected terrorist hiding among refugees that inadvertently been given taxpayer money. the european commission insists that the prepaid debit cards are not just handed out to anyone that they know exactly who these cards are being distributed to and check up on their status on a monthly basis so hungry is wondering why did brussels not know that they were
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funding a suspected terrorist this not only creates another poll it also raises serious security concerns the citizens of europe have a right to know the problem. of how to provide much needed funding and aid to refugees in europe isn't an easy one to solve but it's cases like these that fuel the popularity of anti immigration parties across the continent and with new parliamentary elections coming up next month question is will the establishment parties dealt another blow because of the territory that so-called isis was holding it will generate more people trying to get in through and that's why very carefully orchestrated and internationally coordinated this is where international cooperation is key i think the threat for a period of time will grow because foreign fighters will start to come back but i think what we're seeing with. isis and with al qaeda is we're seeing
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a time of transition they will transition into something different this is a very very dangerous and very difficult period we need to monitor the transition very closely to be able to identify and track. the sort of coming through to run intelligence operations or trying to identify those terrorists that are potentially coming into europe and elsewhere in the world. president emanuel necron has insisted that protecting the environment is the top priority for france but along picture perfect was always studied cosigns artificial it depends finds that pollution is still a critical problem. this is for summer on the one hand it looks like an idyllic seaside town in the south of france but you don't have to look very far to see the whole area is overshadowed by one of europe's largest industrial and port zones for years the oil refineries chemical factories and still companies have spewed out and
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noxious cocktail a few residents say that plague the health problem or the main problem comes from the industrial port area which emits ultra fine particles that get into our lungs and bloodstream and cause diseases the cancer rates here is ten percent higher than the average in france and aspirin diabetes levels are also elevated this could all be avoided if the waste from the factories was processed properly daniels' not mean himself he's been diagnosed with diabetes and heart problems i shouldn't complain about having diabetes when some people here have several different types of cancer is an enormous problem just fifty kilometers from here none of this is happening so we can clearly see that it's a local problem with the local source french government reports have a good knowledge that residents here are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases like alzheimer's while women who participated in a study were almost three times more likely to have or have had cancer compared to
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the national average even claims that citizens benefit from some of the highest environmental standards in the world and has pledged to continue cleaning up the continent but despite taking countries like france to court over air quality standards many people here believe that the actions just don't go far enough. they're too weak they say that they need to protect industries and of course we need industry but they need to stop cutting corners and do more to reduce pollution levels the european commission even admits that twenty three of its twenty eight member states exceed air quality norms and it knows that poor air quality accounts permit your deaths of four hundred thousand people every year with less than two months before e.u. citizens head to the polls environmental issues and concerns like those in force so now are climbing the agenda meanwhile president michael has long been an advocate
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of ramping up the battle to combat climate change we are killing our planet let us face it there is no the world of migrations of was of shortage of done for this world it is not a few queue we want for ourselves ma generation will do the best in order for your generation to have the choice to choose but it will be the duty of your generation to do the job environmental campaigners have accused him of all talk and little action people in for so many seem to feel the same way you are now it's on the promises he hasn't done anything yet. if nothing is done then in future years the situation will become very serious. i think there's still plenty of work to be done you know about the yellow vest movement and one of their conditions is improving the environment people here say that without immediate action the future remains
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for their children a bleak prospect so it didn't ski r.t. for. nato celebrated seventieth anniversary this week but a big part of its special day however was devoted to supposedly russian aggression as the alliance is a new strategy in the black sea. but him or putin harbors dark dreams of imperialism he wants to split our alliance and weaken our democratic result still russian aggression russia's attacks on western democracies and in the context of russian efforts all around the world so we are stepping up our efforts. just agreed. huge and we just agreed to package with more surveillance exercises on all the issues which we. strongly believe relevant for the black sea region and of course also the working with opener's georgia ukraine and he says
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chief continues to brand less shared global threats with the end stilton by claiming the country's made the well to more dangerous place and u.s. secretary of states might pump a echoes those remarks while demanding russia remove its military personnel from venezuela and make to the ongoing political crisis moment american congressman long poll thinks nato is trying to promote u.s. interest. i've argued that our foreign policy is designed to say that if you do what we tell you we'll give you a lot of money if you don't you better watch out we might put on sanctions or bomb your country. and i think there's too many countries especially the european countries say well we can't defend ourselves we don't want to have to spend this money it's been a big benefit you send troops over here you spend money here you give us aid and you also provide so-called defense in case anybody would ever attack us so i think it's detrimental to them but it's sort of like a spiral spoiled kid you know they don't take care of themselves so they think
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they're getting a good deal but all of mentally i don't think they should because we're going to run out of the ability to take care of everybody and i think that's what gets to trump sometimes as well he he said this get out of nato but i think what he's tired of is maybe the bills piling up and trying to argue that other countries should pay more but i think it's the principle. that i'm concerned about the principle of an international organizations i guess us involved in badger's other countries and pressures them to support us and what we do around the world where there's an afghanistan or iraq or libya or syria or wherever certainly in ukraine we were looking for support so they gave us token support for us managing our empire and i saw the weekly headlines thanks for joining as a clear and bright like lake will be at the top of the hour with the latest isn't.
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just. am i. going. to got caught. in another little bit of a business. that i feel. like i'm. saying the numbers mean something they've mattered the us has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime happens each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be old rich eight point six percent world market thirty percent some with four hundred five hundred three first second per
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second and fifth when he rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know ford the one and only boom but. u.s. veterans who come back from wall often tell the same stories. we're going after the people who are killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the secretary to branches off he says we're got to act and destroy the government and seven countries in five years americans pay for the walls with them money on those when dad died. if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for
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a war and surely we can risk some discomfort for an easy way for. you this is a story of one of africa's giants. no his teeth aren't that sharp. and his neck isn't that long. list giant is rather modest and keeps a low profile that's not him either. people are often scared of this particular giant but he is nowhere near as dangerous as that one. is a friendly giant every day with the possible exception of weekends he saves human lives day is. his name is isaac the giant power scrat.
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