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tv   Documentary  RT  April 9, 2019 4:30am-5:01am EDT

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for freshers there's just a second i'm going to ask each journey general meese to brief you on what we presently know what he has found out here in the united states what good of you know some of. the revelations of the iran contra affair gave new momentum to the work of the peace activists. evidence showed that the weapons were coming from the largest pentagon arms depot on the west coast california was conquered naval weapons station. and i went out just to check out the situation. and discovered that on one side of the road. were literally hundreds of bloggers with all these weapons. there's a train track and these bunkers that came out and crossed the highway and then went out to the pier is where these balls were loaded on to the ships.
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we had a press conference in which that are in store planning to start a forty day fast. of our hearts conscience is what we were doing and why my son was there he is fourteen years old. ryan and duncan murphy and david duncan. placed themselves on the tracks. automatic train. pretty sure thing you know we just go out there and we shan't and then the train slows down and stops. said a couple of people across the road went over to the front gate of the station inform them that we were on weekend. and there was already
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a train that we could see you know this couple box cars were going to show they had heard on the front to be sure to engineer knew there was a dog or something on the truck or use our brain. the police would probably come at some point to remove them before they could move the train. we deliver the letter to the person at the base. that person or someone else said we understand there's going to be violence here today. and we said no no we're told people are not going to be doing any well. and then they start walking back and they say. walking back to the train started global. it was obviously the main way faster than you'd ever observe a train at that stage. i
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turned around. and i saw him play. a few fly out. ryan body back and forth and that frame i watched listening to my son screaming they killed my dad they killed my dad. and i had medical training even had i.v. equipment in my car because i was on ours and midwives and my ass for someone to go get the idea that card nine one one we had to wait at least seventeen minutes after the first ambulance arrived because baby used to take him to the hospital and they said now is not our jurisdiction and then we have a problem the other ambulance. there's
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a. lot. in this room before you go to the. body this is the with. brian's action it really opened up a lot of people to. what was going on there and why you should there and how much he had sacrifice in order to save. the concert naval weapons station or maybe in the national spotlight as protesters are past and present probably going to have a big conference with the nickel occupy. protesters towards this section of bloodstain cracks working the ground run over by a train. i visited this morning if i
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wanted to a. few minutes we're going to be there with. which to feel what it. would do if. for me it's a little that i. began and just wanted to get out of this. brian immediately wanted to get out into the right back to the tracks. in the surge of nets and his heart immediately his compassion for the spotters on the train and doctors of the train he got it right away for other people even expressed anything like that no doubt they were given an order just like they were given orders and vietnam to bomb diligence. in one nine hundred eighty eight or take those government recognized. brian
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sacrifice and his service to the people of nicaragua he received the nation's highest honor the old goose still says our son deno. just to see. this. this wasn't. just. a train attack drew attention to the u.s. military's involvement in the legal wars highlighting its role in training secret armies from other countries most of the covert training took place in fort benning
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georgia at the notorious school of the americas. there for good. as we gather today the main gate of fort benning and then know who. owns the port the money this is there a sacred moment is this the moment. cannot go about the business of killing without . changed we cannot come back from vietnam afghanistan and iraq and all those wars and go on with our lives as before. you know all these suicides the p.t.s.d. that we reading so much about now. the message is clear we are not made. up of it this is our asteroid star. i realize nothing that are made by the writers nothing. and all the. places that it.
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was it were all on we're all. right there is a bit silly other people i know just because i was ordered to do it so i don't. be disobedient. five hundred twenty five salvadoran soldiers arrived at fort benning georgia to start training there in combat a small group of us went in to see not in our name. and what we found through the freedom of information act was a school assassin as we learned it's well known in latin america a school for dictators a school march. wash and calls front page long to. hit a very big article of the torch and. there were a few news at the school of the americas techniques of torture is syria says
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serious. crimes against here. and it was time. to put out the word. who went to latin america simply to request that the stops and in the troops here and i'm happy to report that five countries made decisions to pull out. those countries to be in argentina uruguay and venezuela. bolivia he went to ecuador where you met with president rafael correa and at that meeting he announced that ecuador it was calling out of the school of the americas simply said something very important prison according to say that it will have made it because he said this school. should not exist. less for the east.
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so. this is. the force. peaceful efforts to disarm the iraqi regime have failed because we are not dealing with peaceful man. intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt. that the iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised. i went downstairs hours later the pentagon and officer of the joint staff called me into his office and said i want you to know he said sure we're going to attack iraq you pull up a piece of paper off his desk so i just got this memo from the secretary to fence it off that says we're going to attack and destroy their governments and seven countries in five years we're going to start with iraq and then we're going to move to syria lebanon libya somalia sudan and iran. i seventy seven
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countries in five years i says in a classified memo he sits yes sir i said well don't short term. breaks it killed joan. and he was a bit like you what's this is yours you're just the first one to open your eyes because can storm from a hundred pounds. but you'll see this would do him good except. you think if it was national guard coming off. the top of the plane. however to libya. it's
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a look it was from the films. made up little support school board of these clinics one of the least musical you didn't need to lose because in. the shin you don't lie for the smear. list you knew those symbols. imposed someone to be an english as an adult and still if you played eighty. i do think the numbers mean something they've matter to us and over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime families each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to be old rich eight point six percent in the world market rose thirty percent somewhat four hundred to five hundred three first
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second per second and fifth one roast. twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers over. the only number you need to remember one one business show you know bored you missed this one and only boom but. brian lost his legs trying to stop a train from going to central america to finance the same kind of war that we were engaged in an iraq the same kind of war that was being wasted against the nigger i want to be home when i was growing up and. as
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a young immigrant community and joined the u.s. military in part to pay for a college education through the g.i. bill i was a very political i read the new i didn't really question things i had been in the military almost a year i was about to graduate from college i didn't want to put anything into every day. so i said to myself i'll just go to this war. because maybe we will test scare saddam hussein out of power and come back in no time i'll go back to school and everything will be fine. by going it's first mission was to run a prisoner of war camp in al assad air base and there we used fear tactics that amounted to torture in order to keep prisoners to get the right. to be interrogated.
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and sit. ramadi it became evident. that our military commanders were not interested in helping they rather. they were not interested in the well being of their own soldiers either. we started engaging their persistence in combat. which was basically hit and run operation for them. in order to retaliate since we were dealing with a ghost and we were going after the people are feeling to. the situation was very intense we were being hit with mortar rounds improvised explosive devices rocket propelled grenades were moving targets which made it very difficult for anybody to question the morality of the war and. so i lost my my moral compass you could say i was still afraid to question i was too afraid to take a stand. until i went home i had to with for
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a lot and eventually became clear to me that i could not in good conscience continue to be a part of the war at that point i became the first combat veteran to publicly refuse to go back to war based on morality and based on my own assertion that the war was oil driven. after five months variant of being on the ground and being a wall and putting together a conscientious objector claim. i decided to surrender to the military. that made my case very political to the military in a manner like. common on the military installation. i was very scared of what the military would would do to me if i spoke out against a war and surrender. you may not know or maybe you do know and i. they still
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have the death penalty for the servers and the time war so i was really afraid about that i had no idea what would happen. so i mean it is. was authorized. under the treaties which we have sought. precedents which we. have to take for if you want to be as a practice i didn't find obedience to authority. you she didn't order it illegal intervene in order to commit a crime don't do it. quickly found guilty. assertion. and given up by bad conduct discharge the motion to stop sergeant a private. picture of my pay and twelve months of incarceration in
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a military jail. there i became a prisoner of conscience after nine months i was released early because of good. and then i became an anti-war and thank you i mean do we stand for the immediate withdrawal of all u.s. troops from iraq when i got out of jail in the first place is that i visited what's called a foreign land where brian was living that the time from that moment on my association with brian began to open my eyes in ways that i had never imagined possible i began to meet so many people that helped me understand so many different pieces of the web of. what has been u.s. intervention throughout latin america and the world. there are over one million american military personnel stationed in one hundred seventy five countries the u.s. government has increased its military budget play nearly ninety percent since two thousand on the budget now stands at seven hundred been. dollars per year.
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health costs plus interest from more than one point five million veterans and the u.s. is paying one trillion dollars per year. and preparation. government spends ten times more percent or so on average for military costs over industrialized. this increased military spending has not made the us more secure home. you know let's face it the weapons corporations in america always love the enemy and they always log new instability because they're able to sell more weapons that way the pentagon says our role in america under corporate globalization will be security exports which means endless war to benefit the corporations so we can extract oil. minerals from
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africa or whatever our job in america is going to be making weapons fighting wars and increasingly communities addicted to military spending cutting the military budget just a tiny little bit corporations are saying don't do that because we're going to lay off thousands of people before the next election will punish you if you try to cut the military budget so we're held hostage. and say hey we're not trying to. they're. trying to point out that the way we conduct ourselves in the world makes us a lot of enemies and one thing that i think is important. two thousand and ten army private manning sent to wiki leaks to iraq air strikes video collateral murder which shows a u.s.
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helicopter. gunning down eleven on armed journalists can soon be. my model. for leaking the classified video in related documents manning was charged with espionage and abetting the enemy since it was thirty five years in the military prison. whoever leaked all those state department documents to the wiki leaks website is a traitor if you want to have a democracy with even some democratic front some foreign policy have to have was little bit of interest and that will always be at risk because the government will always try to deter anyone from following their example. during sentencing manning apologized to the court. i'm sorry for the unintended consequences of my actions and i made these decisions i believed i was going to
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help people not hurt. to make democracy functional really to get the information we need they need whistleblowers who expose the truth that personal risk. people who will risk their reelection are using their powers of office their powers in a corporation to effect bullshit. at dawn every sunday since february two thousand for a temporary military cemetery appears on santa monica beach in california it is an improvised protest to remind people of the cost and consequences of the rule is an instrument of american foreign looms. there's three was right there three. over there you can see two here those are just those are images of all those
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it wounded. american and iraqi children it's really people that's the first thing they see and i think we touch something has touched. your own show because nobody is paying for the wars they think they're. having for the record. and they're not paying with the threat of. being devastated childhood taken in. this is an effort to be in the game and shoots. for the maybe people who feel something. about the cost of war to kill me i've just have to. leave the room. and the sound of the crowd. let's put it takes to remember when you know sixteen and people who.
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then it turns to use drifting to war. and on the police didn't. use them to. do that on modern please. read it. and choose the. everybody has a greater role to play the role they're playing right now people who are afraid to write right start out with a two paragraph letter to the editor and you'll see the words will start flowing people who are afraid to speak out start by convincing a friend and then those speaking in a church and then you'll find your voice you can do it with a measure of fear because you can be very frightened but it's equally twenty children and you've confronted your worst fears and you call the society out and you said i love you enough to risk your route by opposing your point. and i didn't
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harm anyone. we will be willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for our sins surely we can risk some discomfort for a nice. for pete's. and ours are suffering other human beings who are worth more. then the question is how can you justify continuing to live as if other people don't come. along to please. them. you can. the president say this to us are close enough.
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in the shadows of our own. skin them to. tell this thing would be easy but then that.
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in a world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. you don't need interest rates above zero you don't need capital you don't need savings you don't need. you don't need inflation. people like united states.
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can we just be like you. i mean more do good is an outstanding person because he took on the most powerful agency in this county or you'll be to stay if you look at it from the analogy. marc was the day that when he was fighting the. most contentious critic for the first time i noticed something wasn't right in fleeced work pretty much when he first started the corruption in palm beach county is not something that you can smell it. it's a nod and a wink it wasn't what i wanted to do. we've had more shootings in this county then some states have had collectively. begun featuring comments about the sheriff might. wash you like
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a bug you know we should stop then you should say and i'm left with i believe what i'm doing ok you know it's your funeral. critic in this house. i snuck out of the united states. into russia. political. men they know. i i i i i. i
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i i. troops in the region of terrorists. revolutionary. he's facing a close race today in a general election. in the world the claim of the u.k. government. regulate. themselves. it's time to do things differently.


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