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tv   News  RT  April 9, 2019 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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too close to call the israeli election exit polls put a long time probably have been even netanyahu and challenger but he guns at a dead heat as both declared victory we'll have live analysis and reaction in less than a minute. also this hour the trumpet ministration fires a fresh salvo with its european allies to haiti you goods with terrorists with much as eleven billion dollars the u.s. says the moves in retaliation for subsidies given to boeing rival us. world news live from moscow this is international it's midnight here in the russian capital also in israel that's where we're starting off bring you up to date on the
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election they're counting is underway in that poll but the exit results indicate a neck and neck race between the incumbent prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his political rival benny gantz with both of them claiming victory netanyahu and his political rival benny gantz with both of them claiming victory by looking over the exit polls for us in tel aviv our middle east caller hi again paula they really couldn't be tighter will give us a less clear picture could they. basically could not be tighter but this really was to be expected what we're hearing from the initial exit polls really confirms what we've heard from surveys and polls conducted in the run up to the elections and that is that the two leaders the incumbent israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and his main contender a political newcomer the former army chief are running and make having said that depending which board costa you look at most of them are pushing in first position with some. seven seats and then in second position again depending who you look at
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is netanyahu is trailing obvious some three or six seats behind having said that though both leaders are claiming victory although they party headquarters are quite different at newtown yahoo city could party headquarters there's a somewhat somber mood very who want is more empty and people seem a little bit along by comparison you have the blue and white party headquarters that is guns this party there's a lot of celebration happening there and people they really acting as if they've won these elections but it's still too soon the final confirmation will only be given on wednesday at a round in the day not this election largely has been seen as a referendum on the time yahoo i visited a number of polling stations during choose day and when i spoke to people they said yes issues of security on pluto and social issues issues even like parking and gay rights the overriding issue is whether or not to keep netanyahu in office if he
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gets reelected this will be his fourth consecutive term as israeli prime minister and his for the overall term making him the longest serving israeli prime minister in this country's history and that is why his main contained the guns has really campaigned under the slogan of change saying enough we need new blood we need new leadership i want to make the important point that there are one hundred twenty seats in the israeli parliament this means that the party that wins needs to form a coalition of at least sixty one seats now the initial exit polls even though they predict that gunns the leader of the blue and white party is in the lead he might not be able to form that coalition the leader of the largest number of votes will be tossed by the president to form a coalition initial exit poll suggests it will be the time yahoo who ultimately will be the one to be able to form a coalition with something like sixty forty sixty six seats on the right when the spectrum but that's going to take potentially of weeks. so this is an election that
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will end in terms of the vote counting in the coming hours but the final results in terms of who will be israel's ultimate prime minister and who will will this governing coalition could still take a long time. because you say we'll know more about twenty four hours from now and thanks for clearing that up for us especially can with those exit polls policy in tel aviv. next the u.s. president has pledged to place tariffs worth eleven billion dollars on the e.u. good zoom response to the block subsidies for the european aerospace joined us and discuss the move and the reaction from europe with our correspondent charlotte do bensky and peter oliver eleven billion dollars so it's not peanuts at all that is billion with a biggie that donald trump is it he wants to place in tahrir on goods coming from the european union into the united states of course when it comes to this presidential administration how was it announced through twitter. the world trade
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organization fines of the european union subsidies to air bus has adversely impacted the united states which will now put cherish on eleven billion dollars of new products the u.s. taking advantage of the u.s. on trade for many years it will soon stop so what type of things are going to be affected by these tariffs if it gets approved by the world trade organization and eventually goes through we're looking at different types of cheeses we're looking at lemons all of oil kashmir's sweaters not electrical wall clocks but the thing is this has nothing to do with cheese and almost certainly has absolutely nothing to do with not electrical war clocks this is all down to an ongoing dispute between the european airspace giant airbus and of course boeing the major u.s. air space giant boeing is the largest producer or and export of aerospace technology united states it's a huge colazal to him when it comes not only to commercial aerospace technology but
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also to military technology as well and of course the plane donald trump flies around in air force one that's also a boeing jet as well there are big problems for boeing right now they've been involved in two fatal air crashes in the last five months resulting in three hundred and forty six deaths that's the crashes involving lyon air and ethiopian airways both of those planes that went down were the boeing seven three seven max and that well apart from the obvious tragedy that comes with it has tanked their share price donald trump though says despite the problems that boeing has been going through he stands behind the company grounding was a big thing and it's a great company it's a truly great company and hopefully they'll figure it out very quickly as it regards a big decision in one of our. are just extra orders. one of are you know truly one
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of the truly great companies of the world they have to figure it out first they know that they're under great pressure but this just seems like it's donald trump doing business as donald trump those business we have seen it throughout his career but in his presidential korea we saw just last year how he will launched into china to the european not promising tariffs on. steel imports into the united states he has said he wouldn't shy away from a trade war that certainly doesn't seem like he's willing to right now peter thank you for those details as paid to all of us speaking to his life from berlin let's cross over to paris now and our correspondent shiela do penske and charlotte what has been the reaction from europe e.u. and china were actually meeting in brussels today to talk about the future of their own trade agreements they talked about reform of the in the future which china has said for the first time that it will cooperate in many were expecting them to touch
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on those trade wars which of both blocs have with the u.s. but nothing was said perhaps saying nothing about trump and trade rules with them perhaps speaks more volumes indeed but we did hear from the european commission in regards to this new element this eleven billion dollars of tariffs that trump is talking about slapping on european products it said it remains open to discussions with the u.s. but says it will hold those discussions as long as there are no preconditions to the e.u. the european commission has also said it will be speaking to the arbitrator to get them involved in this the commission is starting preparations so that the you can promptly take action based on the arbitrator's decision on retaliation rights in this case. the european union remains open for discussions with the
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united states providing these without preconditions and a mf'er outcome we've also heard from the e.u. in regards to that figure that eleven billion dollar figure same for them that that is a grossly exaggerated figure and that's echoing what we've also heard from us which is course at the eye of the storm in regards to this is also he sees no legal basis for these u.s. proposals these tariffs on european products adding that it's also had taken all the measures that it was asked to comply with according to a w t o report that came out in two thousand and eighteen this is what tells us what to say we don't see no legal basis for this all this is leading to a necessary trait tensions and shoes that the only reasonable solution in this long tree dispute is a settlement which is something we have said since the beginning meanwhile here in
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france we've been hearing for france's finance economy misapplying their lemaire he's been talking about the fact that they need to be a friendly solution to these trade wars between the e.u. and the us it doesn't look like that is something that's going to go down well. we asked economist and author stephen king how he expects the e.u. to react and which u.s. industries it might target. dealing with trump is a totally different experience of dealing with any any president previously others would bluster but then that would be negotiated by the diplomats this would have been almost decided by the charm trump tweets so they know the only way to fight is to fight back directly and i'm pretty certain i will slap tariffs on american products and i might well go for the for the areas where america has an obvious advantage which is in computing design of computing maybe even intellectual property i mean i know trying claim to live in billion worth of subsidy i'm sure that's from vastly exaggerated but if you take
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a look at the you level of contracts that boeing got over the last couple of years it's getting about twenty billion in contracts to a year from the pentagon now we know anybody who produces the pentagon massively over processors so fundamentally this is a subsidy for boeing coming in through the military wing of america which is like a salata than anything in your opinion in a strong in a bus. back then to our top story on the israeli election where polling closed a couple of hours ago but the only indications yet as to who might have come out on top of all those contradictory exit polls which at best put a long time prime minister benjamin netanyahu neck and neck with a political novice challenger benny gantz both are celebrating victory both perhaps prematurely because of the anything that could be gleaned from these exit polls so far is that neither has been given a clear mandate by israeli voters on tuesday let's get a reaction now from dr mordecai kadar who's a middle east expert begin sat at center in tel aviv welcome to r.t.
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international now it's a general election but it's been seen widely as a referendum on netanyahu is leadership what do you think has been driving voters. definitely the personality of the was not in the center because those who voted for him and truly want to continue with the blame it is the while those who voted against him want him personally out of the government so there's one thing the second thing the few. there are basically three scenarios for the future of the coming months one scenario is that we're going to have the government wallace as we saw until now with the likud in the head and some small parties which we give the government a majority of at least sixty one present members in the second scenario is the end guns will actually meet somewhere in the middle and shape a government which will actually more than seventy percent members out of under the
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. and this will be very conducive for both and of the smaller parties want to come into them come in with a very very little used price since the go to college doesn't need them actually the third scenario is that and you know we will. start to attempt such an attempt to drag some members formally guns party to the likud party means to defect from their party because the lines to join him because they are much more close to the ideology of the likud other than the missing and the orgy of guns and if this happens guns will be even smaller and in the time it will be killed of course those we defect will do it only because they are being given very very prominent their positions and this also happened already in the israeli
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political life and so actually the future of the guns party is still is still in question and really nobody really knows what will be with this party what about what was on voters' minds on shares today because mr netanyahu also has possible corruption charges by the israeli justice ministry hanging over him has that impacted his election campaign. yes definitely. if he is indicted and has to leave office because of this. the most chances that the guns party will jump in because any way they all are there is all dirty work of this party is to get rid of the attorney so if he leaves office because of the of the files and she has to face in the court and motions is this party will jump in. often in general elections of course people are voting compared to what's happening in their own lives their own taxes their own lifestyles their own economy but how
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much do you think from a father donald trump's recent recognition of israel's annexation of the golan heights boosted mr netanyahu his campaign. look mainly elections in israel as about security and you can add to this the palestinian issue which less and less israelis believe that there is any possible peace between israel and palestinians because we are more and more convinced with the years the police want to establish their side by side with us we are more and more convinced that the palestinians once want to establish a state instead of us to kick us out on this place altogether so the moral is there is believe in it and the palestinians unfortunately give israel too many reasons to believe that they don't want any peace with israel but a peace without israel so more and more people believe in the right wing ideas and
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ideologies rather than the left which led israel until twenty years ago which were people still hoping to find some how to live along with the policies ok well sonny get a clearer picture this time tomorrow when some results proper come in but for now dr mordechai coulda but least expert i think again said that center in tel aviv thanks for that. it was a. busy twenty twenty presidential race starts picking up in. in the united states a number of leading democrat contenders of made the issue of reparations for slavery a top campaign endorsement would intel an official acknowledgement of the legacy of american slavery and compensation payments to those to affected by discrimination as a result. we have to recognize that everybody did not start out on an equal footing in this country and in particular black people have not. and so we have got to recognize that and do something about that and give folks
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a lift i believe it's time to start the national some long conversation about reparations so that we can as a nation do what's right and begin to heal there are massive disparities that must be addressed so we're going to do everything we can to put resources into distressed communities and improve lives for those people who have been hurt from the legacy of slavery. so it is long overdue or misguided with me now is attorney and author of re severson and also social commentator anthony bryan logan both welcome to r.t. again the first to point out as we well know much of the west the world was bill solve the slavery of the legacy of that exploitation is so still very much in evidence in the twenty first century shouldn't reparations be paid to it's a way of atoning for one of history's worst crimes. is a little bit too late for a day we're now it's only nineteen if they were to be paid it should have happened
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right at the end of slavery eight hundred sixty five you could have identified the former slave master in a former slave or act in a moment we're now able to years pass a particular point in time who's going to pay people who did not have slaves nobody i laugh today in twenty nine he was a slave being so what do we get paid for who is going to pay for it again it's no more than a campaign promise from democratic hopefuls. trying to get some kind of it seems you know you're very sissy even workable this plan a the. most ridiculous thing i've ever heard first of all let's define reparations reparations is when you have a government repair damages inflicted on a group or people by the government so if you have the government who allowed people to be enslaved and actually participated in that and made it legalized then when they repair those people they provide economic restitution to those people now
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if i came into your house mr a.b.l. and i sell a thousand dollars from you and then i die or if i sell a million dollars from you and then i die would you say oh well reason so the money doesn't matter anymore no you would go talk to my children children are still living off the benefits of that million dollars what i bought them a new house what i paid for their school education there were benefits that were passed on and that's what the government always to people in america that are descendants of slaves and that is due and we're ready to cash that check right now . and say who pays. i mean that's that's not as a thing because you're talking about ok the government database then but nobody laughed today and they go from it was in the government back when it happened you're talking about people they are descendants but that it isn't is because most people in his currency especially white people came after slavery so what are we really talking about if i go into government am i responsible for slavery because i
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mean the government now because of way prior governments have dane and if we go by your example of somebody stealing something from somebody ok they did it i didn't do it just because somebody is grand day's dose something doesn't mean i'm responsible for it if somebody is grandad was are you a killer and they found out one hundred years later you don't go after the kids and say ok you get to go to jail now or you get a pay back some money because of what your grandfather makes no sees you know who did it. should have been able to catch him while they were alive punished him while they were alive and that funny people they had nothing to do with slavery at all it's absurd so even if we still have this great imbalance with among the black communities of the united states who is going to pay for it then because there are still white communities that have white privilege and get where they are based on their ethnicity don't they why shouldn't they pay a little toward for addressing that balance. what is happening there so we can talk
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about it. well way ok so if so here's the issue you're conflating two concerns one is if a person stole money and two if a person committed a crime yes there were mass atrocities done during slavery rape and just to just complete you know murders and things of that nature but what we want to focus on is the economic harm that was done to black people if we really break down with slavery was people were brought from across the water to work and that was free labor labor that translated to. estimates of some of their clout anderson almost one and a half to two trillion dollars and so what we have to do now is have the u.s. government say that they are going to study and figure out how to go about repaying that one point two trillion dollars that amount of money still can be paid when you talk about fault it's the fault of the people who were the government that allowed
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slavery to the government had a right to outlaw slavery it chose not to back when. she freed a few well away he freed a few of the slaves and then guess what he did the slave owners complained and then he gave reparations to the slave owners for the economic loss of no longer having slaves working because when he freed them the slave owner said oh well i paid twenty five dollars for this person so what we're talking about is three hundred sixty years of labor of wages that were stolen from black people and they are the black people who are the descendants we need for the descendants see here's what's even better about it because when you get into it it's not just labor it's jim crow it's redlining it's reverse. it's the g.i. bill that was not that black people were not allowed to participate in so what we have is generations and years hundreds of years of systematic distant discrimination and shutting out of economic access to black people and that has to
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be repaid. and so that's what reparations. oh there is a lot there it's a really address i mean talking about jim crow since when did a segregation in you know bank policies about lending equate to slavery i don't really understand but we talk about the government being here for many if we're going to blame the government and you a say well you got over bodies a laugh right right and even no nobody's allowed right now it's only nineteen that was a lot of bathing why not talk about the kingdom's open air natural light it down making them their whole empire the whole kingdom was based on exploiting sleighs less now for you we've all learned in school would that it was called the slave trade not to slave kidnap like slaves already right there procured by the africans to the arabs and density europeans so in some reparations why not go back to a gun in nigeria you benito go back in if i so excited and so that may pay us back the money we're talking about their government of the usa although nobody is alive they came from their particular points and made them are trying to incorporate
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other things that just happens to be oppressive we feel like they're afraid to answer and to end in a thing about it is who's going to pay you're talking about a government the government is funded by the people would i mean to me then means you will pay for it so how does it make any sense like i see it would have been more let me raise you know how many hands that you are my family have all under paid as slave when reparations would have been due which is at the end to slavery not right now it makes no sense to so argue me it is no logic here. let me tell you how many times the u.s. government has repaid people for atrocities or harm done first we can start with the slave owners that one can pay then we can start with the money that was taken from the freeman grill and given back to the slave owners again as reparations to the slave owners then we could talk about how the american indians were given to at least twenty seven thousand dollars annually for any and we are aware we could talk about how after what war two we think over seven billion from. the marshall plan to
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rebuild italy and germany then we could talk about japan in the point for plan after we bomb hiroshima nagasaki how we think money over there then we could talk about the japanese americans who were given twenty thousand dollars for being in the internment camp and then we could talk about the puerto rican day after the banished war the mexicans after they lost the war to america and lost when we got new mexico and things like that so any of this we can go in even further and say that there are people who are being given money in israel because they live below the poverty line and there's a tendency of people who. even take place i mean everybody is reparation most of you if i can you prove my point if i can just because we have money to help everybody else i just want to but i'm going to review all that we know were harmed on american soil is the republic with the way that this is just being packaged up that it's being called reparations for historical wrongs as a way of kind of absolving the guild's of currents and living memory governments
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who have allowed to this level of inequality to perpetuate through the united states of america that if you couldn't dress it up as saying well we're paying for something that happened in the past instead of saying we should be tackling this now and i'm sorry but governments who are still alive people who are still in congress haven't done anything about it for decades. well it's wrong to package it like that because you're just trying to play on emotions are you going to do you're trying to say reparations because it sounds good on a campaign people say reparations our body put a microphone in their face they say yes so for in their south we had a conversation now it's funny how it was never a really big topic under one barack obama from two thousand and nine. when he said he'd see when he was in office it was never a big topic on the have the first black president and first black family in the white house a dem a great you know whole eight years never a topic now live with significant elections come in over twenty twenty to try and
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defeat but at callao car for the dem. started some some thirty something deep now listen it's a topic because it's a campaign promise and missed most everything back to your point about people getting hurt or perspiration all over the world you put them up point the reparations get paid to those who were able to identify a deserving the right afterwards who right after the whole term a campaign but after everything that was going on to get paid right at that moment we're talking about when her injury fifty years later with people had nothing to do with the governments that were not around during slavery adduced talk is china to run for president it's empty campaign promises they see. so you're saying that there is no lingering effect slavery on the lives of african american i would add we just be a ridiculous statement so we're not even going oh not for me and i'm getting back into the very early let's talk about what i mean we can talk about today. is that i don't know that makes you an exceptional person that does not mean that
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you're not a fact it has over like a serious image of its days are affected by slavery a negative way how many of us can say slavery is only while we're all here in the world. before we go here let's let's clear up something h.r. forty with introduced by congressman john conyers back in one nine hundred eighty nine there's been an en you will push by members of congress to address or even thirty because here let's go here do you realize that h.r. forty that was introduced by cory booker in the senate is really just a request to have a study on what the effects of slavery are because guess what america's never even study the effects of slavery on black people they never sat down and said we know that as a government we think this this this experience but we don't even know how far that experience reaches because no one's ever study it how much do we owe black people no one's ever studied it why because the government has literally buried it had it
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paid out everybody else and turned it back on the black people in america who hate anyone i do to want to just drive eighty eight out of their hand and write in tears . they paid money when whether or not one hundred years that's irrelevant the point is the we're going to. be used to going to years five thousand years i'm going to do narrative what point do we say repair slavery we're going on now because the buck stops here hopefully my generation will stand up and say the buck stops here so we don't have to go on with this any longer just quickly both of you could even get a couple of minutes left so do. people who find it suspicious that so many democratic election contenders are going to be jumping on this particular bandwagon . voter base that they've taken let's face it for grown since in previous elections yes. absolutely african-american people have been beholden to the democratic party
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and we've given our vote we've given our vote we've given our vote we came in because there was hope and we wanted to see change we wanted to be part of the change and everyone else is basically their agenda has come before that of black people when we have to realize that we can't just lump all of the issues of black people into you know this solution that's going to lift all the rising both the rising tide lifts all boats that's not the point because only african-americans were considered three fifths of a human being only african-americans were in slaves and so when you look at what was done specifically to african-americans only african-americans were red line for a bit in from well not just only but for it were jim jim crow wasn't alone i was saying policies or something because i don't know just quickly then finally to. those struggling communities in america below the poverty line with rampant crime if however it's.


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