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tv   News  RT  April 10, 2019 11:00am-11:31am EDT

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drugs in any city in the united states that you war. logs you want to get it. and make money. it's one of the. with most of the votes counted benjamin netanyahu netanyahu looks that for a record fifth term as israeli prime minister palestinians have already expressed concern that early it will lead to further rights violations in the occupied west bank. the british prime minister readies her plea for another extension to gregg's it in brussels as the clock ticks down towards friday's no deal deadline. and war stories slams for rewriting history as it continues to reject russia's involvement in the memorial project at a former nazi death camp in poland. a
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warm welcome you're watching r.t. international with me. now our top story this hour with almost all the votes now counted donald trump passed congratulated benjamin netanyahu on winning israel's general elections the incumbent leader looks set to win i recalled fifth term as the country's prime minister however the right wing leader will still have to form a coalition alliance but he seems to be in high spirits anyway. oh this is a night of tremendous victory i was very moved that the nation of israel once again and trusted me for the fifth time already tonight i have started talks with the heads of the right wing parties our natural partners i intend to be the prime minister of all israeli citizens right or left jews and non jews alike all israeli
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citizens it really would need something outrageous to happen for him not to be able to form this coalition he's likely to get sixty five seats out of a parliament comprising of one hundred twenty so that gives him a better majority than he had in the previous parliament where he stood with sixty one this will mean that his back will be less against the war he'll be able to perhaps move a little more clearly and not be choked by those in his coalition who are putting demands on him that he perhaps doesn't want to go to the election is largely seen as a kind of referendum on netanyahu and he sort of me is perceiving the result which is the strongest showing that his likud party has ever achieved as a nod that he's in the right direction that israelis appreciate his efforts the israelis wanting to continue in the premiership he's already been put in a coalition together for the last few weeks some of the behind the scenes some of it in front of the scenes he courted a lot of controversy for reaching out to a very far right racist group at the same time however it could take at least a month if not longer for him to solidify his coalition it is important to mention
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that there was a very strong showing from his main rival the former israeli defense forces guns who for the first time has come forward with a political party the party now they are neck and neck with him in the polls but they are likely to form as major a coalition as netanyahu but what this does mean for the prime minister is that he'll have a more united opposition he won't perhaps be able to act so freely you also needs to face the american president donald trump's deal of the century there trump is likely to oss can call consolations and of course don't forget the corruption charges that met on. who faces this is new territory for israel what will happen when in fact he is indicted if he is indicted when those charges come forward that could take a long time but at the same time it will be a headache over the head of the prime minister the arab community here in israel which numbers around twenty percent of the population is internally divided and also at the same time there's a sense of despondency in terms of how arab israelis view the potential for
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elections to really change the fate when i travel the election polls yesterday particularly in arab neighborhoods having people who are actually turning out and they say that they feel that there needs to be some kind of change that there was a call by many arab leaders for arab citizens to boycott the elections it's very fluid at this stage we do expect though that the polls at the exit polls that we're looking at now really are not going to change regardless of when those final results come in. live now to water and communication expert wrong as to flow welcome to the program great to have you with us now assuming that netanyahu does secure this fifth term all sorts of policies do you think we can expect from him. probably more of the same the same as the election results showed there won't be any change there is no possibility to make any change. basically there's not much difference between the two large parties and so we can expect this. to
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continue literally all the economy. right even though most israelis believe that it's been deteriorating. differently. director senior directors of. commercial conglomerates even they believe according to what one can see in the economical. media. israel's status is going down but basically in all the indexes it's going up. one cannot. cannot be indifferent to the. international state of the whole deal rises the. opened with india with china.
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with africa. and these things which are hard to hard to ignore and if will. capitulate on them that. it could be i'm sorry able to capitalize on the strength of. will have even the much better chances of retiring as the most glorious for prime minister since david ben-gurion do you expect israel to annex the illegal settlements in the west bank as netanyahu has indicated he found to do and if he does what you think the consequences would be. let me rephrase the question with your permission illegal is something which is. defined by those politicians who want to market such whether it's illegal or not that debate which israel
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has lost in the image of the international media but in practice if i can quote a famous famous legal advisor or professor alan dershowitz of. international law is a concept that exists in the minds of political political figures and political intellectuals only. netanyahu will have a problem in the only problem that he'll have will be to change the image. settlements in the west bank. one c. one c. we could go over that brutal no be not be a problem. now that there is discourse nowadays is about about deploying the israeli sovereignty over the west bank and.
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if i may make a calculated guess many of the palestinians the. ward circularly be very pleased with that. of course the professionals yes want to follow all of that as communication expo thank you for your time we appreciate it. now even as well as sliding the pain to crisis of the government and opposition continue to struggle for power the un security council is meeting to decide what the situation requires a full scale humanitarian response mike pence is speaking right now let's listen in hospitals across venezuela are dying for lack of basic medical care. in the mature regime. in the midst of this deprivation and suffering.
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has used violence and intimidation against anyone who opposes. their actions. in the last three months the regime has thrown at least one thousand two hundred fifty five people into jail. without any due process of law. and killed at least forty protesters. that's the nature of the regime that we're dealing with. but the manure regime is not only a threat to the venezuelan people it is a threat to the peace and security of the wider region as well. the rising desperation in venezuela has fueled a mass exodus the likes of which we have never seen in the western hemisphere. more than three million venezuelans have now abandoned their beloved country and if things don't get better it is estimated that another two million are expected to follow before the year is out. traveling through the region my wife and i
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witnessed. the results of this deprivation firsthand at a church in manassas brazil we spoke to families who had fled. the deprivation in venezuela. and i'll never forget when a father looked at me with his two young boys standing at his side and said how hard it was as a father to come home at the end of the day and say. we're not eating today. and as he said it is two little boys looked up and nodded. recalling those days. and then there was the day in cartagena colombia. at another mission where venezuelan people had fled the deprivation in their country and a grandmother told me how it had gotten so bad in their small rural town. her
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grandchildren it had to rise at four in the morning to get a single ticket to purchase a piece of bread at four in the afternoon. the children were starving. and she gathered up her grandchildren. and fled the country. those are the stories the world deserves to hear of deprivation the truth is those who stay behind are subject. to crime violence and lawlessness. thieves in venezuela don't rob banks they rob restaurants for food. vicious gangs and so-called collective oh those have turn the streets into war zones. venezuela now has the highest murder rate in the world as more than seventy people are murdered every single day. venezuela is a failed state. and as history teaches failed states know no boundaries.
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drug traffickers criminal gangs even terrorists like hezbollah are exploiting the chaos in venezuela to gain a foothold in the region and export crime and violence. were riedel at the crisis continue. the chaos and suffering will only spread. the struggle in venezuela is between dictatorship and democracy. nicolas maduro is a dictator with no legitimate claim to power and nicolas maduro must go. but for all the suffering the venezuelan people. across venezuela in. cities large and small people are rising up. the rising up against their oppression and deprivation. today those. courageous venezuelans will take to the streets
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again. and as president trump said not long ago the fight for freedom in venezuela has just begun. just three short months ago. after nicolas maduro was sworn into a second term stolen in a sham election. the national assembly the only duly elected body in venezuela exercised its power under the constitution and recognized the new leader. interim president won what oh. and all across the western hemisphere nations have been standing up to declare their support for president why though. last month the interim eric and development bank voted to seat president by those representatives. earlier this week. the g seven issued a statement saying the may two thousand and eighteen presidential election lacked legitimacy and called on the madeira regime to in their words restore the authority
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of the national assembly and just yesterday. the organization of american states the oldest regional organization in the world. voted to stand with the venezuelan people and recognize. the government's representative as the only true representative of venezuela. and president trumps direction the united states was proud to be the first nation to recognize interim president won by doe as the legitimate president of venezuela and today fifty four nations have joined us. the western hemisphere has spoken with a clear voice. nations across the world have spoken. it's time for the united nations to speak. in february the united states introduced a resolution of the security council that called for the restoration of democracy
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in venezuela and for the madeira regime to allow all humanitarian aid to enter the country. the resolution was not approved. two nations which continue to back this brutal regime used their vetoes to stop this body from taking action. and while russia and china continue to obstruct the security council rogue states like iran and cuba are doing all they can to prop up the madeira regime. for decades cuba has tried to create client states across our region. while normal countries export goods. cuba exports tyranny and strong arm tactics. even now cuban military and intelligence services train and support and equip venezuela's secret police. as they silence opponents. jail and torture members of the opposition. last week the united states took action
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to sanction ships transporting venezuelan oil to cuba. and soon it president trumps direction the united states will announce additional action to hold cuba accountable for its malign influence. in venezuela. and this week. in addition to cuba's action caracas received a delegation from iran to begin direct air service between these two rogue capitals . this blacklisted airline. is used to export terrorism by iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps which president trump formally designated as a foreign terrorist organization on monday. this is the company that nicolas maduro keeps. and these nations continue to prop him up even as he
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inflict suffering on the venezuelan people. just two months ago the dictator in caracas actually danced. while his own citizens were shop and truckloads of desperately needed food and medicine byrne. unlike nations that are subsidizing the dictator in caracas under the leadership of president donald trump the united states has been standing with the people of venezuela. and we are committed to helping. the families and communities that have been devastated by the madeira regime. at this point the united states has sanctioned more than one hundred fifty government officials and organizations loyal to the dictator we sanctioned state owned businesses to prevent the madeira regime from robbing the people of what is rightfully theirs. and as president trump has said we can be a lot tougher. in addition. the
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united states has positioned more than five hundred metric tons of food and humanitarian supplies on the venezuelan border ready for immediate distribution we provided two hundred million dollars in aid to support displace venezuelans and the host communities that support them. and today the president trumps direction the united states is announcing an additional sixty million dollars in humanitarian assistance to address this crisis. the united states of america will continue to exert all diplomatic and economic pressure to bring about a peaceful transition to democracy in venezuela but all options are on the table. up to this point. while other international bodies. have acted the united nations and the security council have refused to act
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. but now that nations across this hemisphere have spoken. the time has come for the united nations to recognize interim president won by dough as the legitimate president of venezuela and seek his representative in this body. this body should revoke the credentials of venezuela's representative to the united nations recognize interim president won by doe and seek the representative of the free venezuelan government in this body without delay. with all due respect mr ambassador you shouldn't be here. you should return to venezuela. and tell nicolas maduro that his time is up. it's time for him to go. members of the security council. the men women and children
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of venezuela are suffering. their qana me has been destroyed. their democracy has been destroyed. the people of venezuela are paying the price. and soon and the world will pay the price if we fail. there can be no bystanders to this history. for the peace and security of our hemisphere the world and the united nations must stand with the people of venezuela. to that end the united states is preparing a resolution recognizing the legitimacy of the government of interim president one by doe and today we urge every member of the security council and all u.n. member states to support this resolution stand with the venezuelan people. as they rise up to restore freedom democracy and liberty to their nation.
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and this they are doing they are rising up. against intimidation and violence even today the people of venezuela are taking to the streets to march for freedom. despite all the hardship they continue to march. spite all of the oppression they continue to march. despite the opposition. they continue to march with courage and strength. because they're marching to freedom. and in the words of simone believe are. a people that loves freedom will in the end
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be free. but now it's time for the united nations to act. and for the world to stand with the people of venezuela as they march to freedom. history has taught us what happens when the civilized nations of the world allow oppression to go unchecked. when a brutal dictatorship arose in europe. the world failed to respond. millions of lives were lost in the second world war. this very institution was forged. in the aftermath of that war. so that nations around the world could come together. and confront dictatorship
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with one voice. and so the united states is calling on the united nations to. live up to its very purpose reject the failed leadership of nicolas maduro. stand with us stand with nations across the world across this hemisphere to help the people of venezuela forge a brighter future. as president trump has said quote if the righteous many do not confront the wicked few than evil will triumph. when decent people and nations become bystanders to history the forces of destruction only gather power and strength. so let us today rededicate ourselves to the mission upon which this body was founded. to maintain international peace.
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and security. and we have confidence. that if we do that. if we make every effort to be at peace. but the god of peace will guide us and bless us. today tomorrow and always. so thank you mr president for the honor of addressing you today. may god bless the people of venezuela. may god bless you all. i thank you it's expensive mr pence for his statement. i give the floor to the representative for all of rust or. a cd you have you have the floor and i turn on again for us to be
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a little of this with. mr president. was a machete just so you can turn your glasses. on and take basically as long as many times you wish but i will take as much time as i need to but mr president. where you would you be doing the things we are surprised in at the same time not surprise by having the security council intervene in emergency session with the participation of the vice president of the united states. which of course we're always happy to see him in this is the room just as i would say that he didn't want to listen to the other members of the council about what they think about the situation of those well it's a day we are witnessing yet there another episode of a tragedy with several acts in the attempt to change the regime and by this way
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this issue isn't a menace where. does not represent a threat to international peace and security however the external players are a direct threat to the peace and security of venezuela itself and we just heard that today not just me so many of us today we've just heard horrific description of the suffering of the various william people under the yoke of an illegitimate dictator and the only way to ease those sufferings is through decisive action by the international community obviously led by the united states well i'd like to ask you where have you gotten did you get these figures and testimonies that we heard about today when was the last time anyone who spoke today actually visited venice well it turns out that you're examining the situation from a distance based on the premise. that president why do is the only legitimate authority in the country and a source of information about what is taking place there and by the way i want to
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say to her when madam page who. has been who told us about a very difficult situation with health care in venezuela and in particular who she spoke to me those epidemic. i have to say that unfortunately this epidemic is taking place madam page do you know that the authorities of new york have declared a emergency situation due to a measles epidemic that has been occurring in new york a few hundred meter is from this building in brooklyn. we have already seen all this in other regions in the world they're from so called witnesses who have settled in the west and they told of blood curdling stories about the separation of the nations of iraq libya and syria and it just was precisely as a result of western intervention in those countries that the true suffering began
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there and that continues to this day do you want to see the same thing in venezuela . just as the legitimate authorities in caracas would not deny that the humanitarian situation in this country is marked from ideal we are ready to work with them to improve this situation we are guided in this by the provisions of general assembly resolution forty six slash one eighty two which envisions interracially of the requirements to. a request by the legitimate authority for providing to that all government humanitarian assistance and the secretary of the un should contribute to that however the report of has led to a a dual impression. i know it's in our minds on the one hand it stresses the need of separating the political and humanitarian tasks in providing assistance to venezuela of course we are in favor of a neutral and impartial character of humanitarian assistance however on the other
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hand we are disappointed that the information that has been collected and published to date has not received the in was done without the endorsement of the government of venezuela and so it turns out that we were returning to the was not very glorious past when used unverified information and publishing its regrows we would like to hope that is not the case furthermore that we just have preparation and needs assessment is a part and parcel of the preparation of a humanitarian plan of assistance which in turn can only be done with the agreement of the a legitimate authorities not complying with this principle undermines a key aspect of resolution forty six one hundred two mr president we categorically reject the methods of the united states with regard to and we will have with one handle your grabbing venezuela by the throat by introducing still new sanctions and i believe that restrictions which prevent the country from developing normally
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model messages to move version at the same time the international assistance that is required by states should be aimed at creating a situation where a state can take care of its own citizens however with the other hand a lot of money you are also picking the pockets of venezuelans you are shamelessly expropriating venezuelan assets in western banks just from the beginning of this year you have taken this thirty billion dollars from the country claiming that would only the self proclaimed president who i know can. use those funds the overall damage from the actions of the united states to the venezuelan economy since twenty thirteen women can be calculated in hundreds of billions of dollars at the same time. could you go home urgent assistance to the van and the venezuelan people and i'd like to just recall that in the united states not everything is very smooth with humanitarian assistance per se but who also of whom he is still haven't
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overcome the consequences of the devastating hurricane maria which devastated.


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