tv Going Underground RT April 10, 2019 2:30pm-3:00pm EDT
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the atlantic council receives millions of dollars from the u.s. state department nato and washington's allies abroad could it be that some of that foreign funding is finding its way into a social media campaign against meddling both domestic and foreign why do we need this in this year. we're going to. far far off that the point is there this is. you don't need to see something and. this is that this. is. ok that's the way look from moscow this hour thanks for watching i'll be back to you again off the going underground.
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after time so we're going underground as judges rule on u.k. involvement in massacres in yemen and the u.k. backed israeli army prepares for elections after the detention of the younger brother of palestinian icon had to mimi days after she appeared on this show coming up will british judges tomorrow think this was a serious violation of international humanitarian law and stop to raise them a allowing the export of british bombs we hear they just in the aftermath of sunday saudi. and the girls elementary school in yemen. just another tool in the colonialists arsenal we dig up the evidence of an advanced civilization last time
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with bestselling journalist and author graham hancock all of them all coming up in today's going underground but first today is the anniversary of the signing of the good friday agreement and the thirty eighth anniversary of the election to the palace of westminster of the irish hunger strike up bobby sands. and. who the candidate will be sans was elected to westminster while on a hunger strike after a rest in detention by margaret thatcher's security forces he wanted those supporting irish unity to be recognised as political prisoners and while the census name would become synonymous with british imperialism from. to have to tap into washington. regular program schedule to bring you the following special report from a.b.c. news washington. the twenty seven year old member of the irish
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republican army who went on a protest hunger strike sixty six days ago as well what was then called the political wing of. shin fein. to meet with to raise a major recall been overbrook since we caught up with vice president. about the significance of history. michelle of us three of the signing of the good friday agreement you and your leader in meeting a lot of british politicians do you think british politicians have a historic appreciation of the troubles and mary lou mcdonald said something about the secretary of state for northern ireland do you think they do i believe that never been never will be i believe that whenever it was the question of the good friday agreement was never part and parcel of anybody's consideration. the british politicians have the people in the peace process that's why we're here because we
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start. we need to protect the good friday agreement a lot of people here haven't even ran to the good friday agreement ministers that had responsibility for the situation and have not read the good friday agreement so we need to be the voice and we'll continue to do that and challenge the words required do you think they know there's a certain irony arguably that this week is the anniversary of the signing of the agreement and i don't think that they know what is i don't think they know what's in the best interest of people in the north and i think that whenever they can say practice they didn't take into consideration. we have a we have a good friday agreement and. it's also thirty eight years on tuesday of the election of bobby sands to this building what do you think the legacy of all the sands is in two thousand and nineteen when i think that dam. i think that whenever you reflect on all of our history and far we've come from the hunger strikes right through the peace process we have to continue develop we have to continue to drive forward we have to continue to build a better society for everybody that's
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a legacy in which we're committed to achieve and we need to keep doing all that we counted build a more prosperous a better society and i would say and ultimately for us to bring about unification unity referendum most people have their say on the future of the country on the end of our do you think you would have seen do you think you would have seen the irony that it is perhaps the. unionists the g.o.p. that may bring about a united ireland out of bricks and frame well you can never speak for the task but let's just be focused on the fact that we need to protect our centrist need to protect the end of our land we protect our peace process and that's what our commitment is to give us a sporting thank you shane friends vice president michelle o'neill speaking to me earlier and while britain is no longer involved in bombing civilians in ireland it is in the world's worst humanitarian crisis in yemen after sunday's u.k. backed mass killing of elementary school girls evidence will be heard today and tomorrow the court of appeal in london against resumes continued to factor a military threat against twenty million people joining me now from the yemeni
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capital is journalist hussain albuquerque hussain thanks for joining me for what happened at the elementary school on sunday i know the high court is in judgment now about whether britain is indeed involved in serious crimes against humanity yes the coalition has conducted the. strike on that is then. close to the elementary schools are called schools because of that attack was so close to the schools many children have died either from. some of them or would it would it would enjoy that as well because of the broken window broken glass on of the world because it was. about a two thousand five hundred children some of them. jumped from the window. on some of them like a fellow on the ground i knew other children were running all over them that's why the total number of the civilians that were killed mostly children were thirteen it was about one hundred and nine injured and this number could go up because there
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are some schoolchildren who still critically injured the u.k. back to saudi coalition certainly the saudis are saying and i know the nine hundred schools have been targeted since twenty fifteen they say that this is the facilities that are being targeted and in fact judges in the high code in the appeal school right now are saying like they said last last time around in twenty seventeen they're going to have to adjudicate was this really a serious violation of humanitarian law or an accident that the saudi claim that the whole thing is a terrorist organization and that they are taken somehow hostage if they are doing so so why are you then thought of those that is the natural area i mean you can you can fight the host is north of yemen inside the of the border and there are many military zones military frontline all around the yemen but to target civilians this is the same thing that this already has been from the beginning we remember that the attack on the funeral the great funeral hole in sanaa that has killed and
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injured eight hundred fifty civilians that's how the at the beginning they have deny it and they said it was a military target and then they confirmed that and they said we will do an investigation but at the end this war has killed sixteen thousand yemeni civilians by direct strike has over two hundred thousand yemeni civilians have died because of all of the blue kate just in this year two thousand nineteen hundred and fifty thousand new cases of cholera over three hundred deaths of cholera this is directly because of the saudi war conveyed in yemen and as well because of the u.k. are united states is back and i'm fully back in this war and we have seen the latest report from the daily made on channel four on as well the guardian about that direct british involvement and it was a symbol. i ninety five percent of the support that is given to the south is actually given them a boost of the united kingdom stop that i believe they can say stop the war in a matter of days and i have been saying that from the beginning of the war well as
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i said british judges are twenty seven he said there are no serious violations of humanitarian law as regards the export of arms in fact b.m. folks the trade secretary met with systems after the coup. was the condition as far as you understand it of young girls bombed on sunday night that has not been enjoyed they cannot sleep they cannot. they have. now like some kind of physical condition and we know that war always can damage human being if you want to solve that on go to fight so what you will go back to your country and you have some of symptoms of the war just imagine those little girls in a school two bombs dropped just near the school what i mean if course they will be suffering i think for them for that entire life and i hope. just what i mentioned when you said about the the trade secretary meeting be a system i mean it should be a human right going to zazen in the united kingdom meet this well being company but
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they send that trade. secret that is because he want to know what will our stand affect our pocket is not about the cooperation with saudi arabia is all about what our reaction to what happening in yemen will it cost us money will it effect our money of course it will effect if there is any human rights violation from saudi arabia if you stay silent against it you can make money but if you actually stop stop that and stand with their many civilians this mean it will be less money for you but it will save the lives of millions of yemenis to say no because we thank you well with the first pictures from the event horizon telescope released today in the u.s. senate armed services committee holding a hearing on president trump's potential. space force tomorrow it seems of a better or for worse humanity is taking its first steps towards a future in space because some of the biggest mysteries facing our civilization today still to be found on earth a new book out now in the u.k.
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and released later this month in the u.s. alleges that scientists and archaeologists are for decades of looked more than one hundred thousand years of american history that could reveal the secrets of our species' origin and shine a light on the true extent of american colonial genocide the book is america before the key to a loss of his asian and its bestselling author graham hancock joins me now graham welcome back to going underground and i've got to ask you we've been told for years yeah that there's no point really who will archaeological perspective in talking about the americas why is this book so big america before well you see it was a long held view unfortunate to say this about something that defines itself as a science but archaeology is very dogmatic and it was a dogmatic view held for more than fifty years from the one nine hundred sixty s. right through until past twenty ten that the first human beings to enter the americas had come in about thirteen thousand four hundred years ago of course through alaska through out through alaska through the bering bad land bridge and into and into north america and then into into south america and this was
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a doctrine it was called clovis first and actually any archaeologist like give you a number of examples like jack jack sunk mars who excavated bluefish caves in the yukon any archaeologist who came across a site where humans were older than thirteen thousand four hundred years was viciously attacked as though the archaeological community was a pack of hyenas they just descended on these dissenting voices and a totally destroyed their careers and while you were having their research you say in the book the editor of nature one of the premier of scholastic magazine said that it was bullying and aggression against people who would want to do exactly terrible bullying and aggression or i often try to try to figure out why why this is and i think that maybe it's maybe it is a natural human instinct to be territorial and if and if you. or territory or intellectual territories a particular idea about the past you're going to tend to resist any ideas that contradict that and if the stronger the ideas are the stronger your resistance is
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going to be and this unfortunately is the case that for for more than fifty years evidence of humans in america much older than thirteen thousand four hundred years ago was simply dismissed and anybody who attempted to go that way would not get research funding and would be ostracized by their colleagues and literally have their have their lives ruined and this is most unfortunate it's not how science should proceed because we now know that human beings have been in the americas for tens of thousands of years before thirteen thousand four hundred years ago in fact the latest evidence puts them back more than a hundred and thirty thousand years in the americas and what that says to me is if they were saying before that humans didn't come until thirteen thousand four hundred years ago and nobody should look nobody should dig deeper now we know they were there one hundred thirty thousand years ago that's more than one hundred thousand years of the american story that has not been told entirely because of the dogmatism of archaeology and now reluctantly they're having to accept all of the institutions are accepting well we're sorry we got it wrong but it's not just
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a matter of getting it wrong it's a grave responsibility to be the profession that interprets the prehistory of humanity to the modern world and it's a betrayal of that responsibility to be so dogmatic and to refuse to consider any possibility which doesn't fit with one's preconceived notions and you know what the net result is that we're left with one hundred thousand years of north american prehistory which has been completely unstudied and they're only now beginning to study it and the evidence that's coming out both in north america and south america is absolutely stunning all the old preconceptions of being who bear the brunt of the above from this professional class of archaeologists and i know and i know it's very multi-disciplinary this because you're saying not just our village or genetics but yesterday and also the. the new science in genetics is one of the things that's breaking the law of jam because because genetic evidence is coming up which can't be explained by the preexisting paradigm for example the preexisting paradigm held
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that human beings had only entered america one way that they come up through north asia into siberia across the bering straits which would then a land bridge down through north america and on into south america the problem that d.n.a. has thrown up is that we have a very strong genetic relationship between australasia and aborigines and melanie's in people from papua new guinea and certain tribes in the amazon jungle now if you could find that d.n.a. footprint in central america and in north america as well it wouldn't challenge the existing dogma but you can't you only find it in the amazon about rules out any possibility that they could have migrated through north central america to get to south america if they had to have crossed the pacific ocean and furthermore because very ancient skeletal material has been found containing this d.n.a. we know that this happened during the last ice age where they were this horror archeologists that humans could cross an ocean like the pacific during the last ice age after they regarded it as absolutely impossible gravel stop you there more for
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graham and god after this break. welcome back i'm still with graham hancock you have been that your life's work to. some of the nine million people who haven't read your books are watching we still don't really understand or officially understand why civilizations of all grew up at the same time in different parts of the earth we don't but that's just a mystery whereas your live work is to say there is a reason my and my life's work has been to say that there's a forgotten. human history and that once we take that forgotten episode into account a high civilization as many of the myths and traditions of the world attest that existed during the ice age and was destroyed in the cataclysms that brought the
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last ice age to an end i feel that that's a very neglected possibility not just neglected just absolutely ignored as a possibility and i felt that my role has been to present solid well researched thoroughly documented evidence which challenges that idea because if we are missing a very big part of our story then we don't know who we are we are lost in the modern world and that's why i say it's a grave responsibility to be an archaeologist and to interpret the past to the present because our ideas of who we are come from the story we've been told about that past and now we know that an enormous area of the world the whole of the americas was completely ignored and it may in fact have been the center of the origins of civilization i have a book in my shelves called history begins at soon there in mesopotamia between the tiggers and the euphrates river and that's been the idea of archaeology for a very long time that civilization began in the middle east in mesopotamia but that
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idea. and then all over the world but what's what's beginning to change that is evidence much earlier evidence of civilization as we would call it for example go back in turkey and it's pushing the date back right to the edge of the last ice age and those very early sites show evidence of great advanced technology and the only possible explanation as far as i'm concerned is that they inherited a legacy from an even earlier civilization of course scholarly archaeologists have long said about your work ok where what destroyed it but yet now new evidence which you threw in the book again has emerged or what could have destroyed it a comet and again yes that and the archeologists hate this idea as well but this idea is coming from more than sixty. major mainstream scientists oceanographers geophysicists geologists who have been looking at a very peculiar lair in the earth that is called the younger dryas boundary layer
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and it's also called the black mat because it's full of sort and evidence of intense wildfires burning and right at the base of the black mat are all kinds of minerals and chemicals that can only in abundance be caused by a comet hitting the earth and that's iridium that's melted glass that's carbon my course for us that's nano diamonds which are physically created by the heat and shock of the impact and these are distributed across tens of millions of square miles of the earth's surface and they all date to twelve thousand eight hundred years ago undoubtedly there was a cataclysm then actually nobody denies that because that's the time that the megafauna went extinct the mammoths die or wall you know the saber tooth tigers the mastodons they all went down at that time and up till now the explanation has been no human beings must have made them must have made them mixed over and over over over hunting although i cannot conceive of a single one to gather a group that would willfully wipe out its entire prey prey animal hunt together is
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actually a very protective of the species they hunt they don't they don't wipe them out that's always been a bad idea the notion of the overkill hypothesis and now we have it's an environmental question of the lives also it also raises environmental questions and then that there are interests that people seek to protect in that area as well but now we have this massive new evidence they've been steadily publishing in major mainstream journals since two thousand and seven the latest papers just came out a month ago in two thousand and nineteen and the overwhelming mass of that evidence just is irresistible we must confront the fact that there has been a hidden hand in human history and that hidden hand appears to have been a comet which was originally up to one hundred miles in diameter which came in from deep space from the cloud or the belt and to deny earth crossing orbit with. in the solar system began to break up into multiple fragments twelve thousand eight hundred years ago at least four of those fragments hit the ice cap that then covered greenland in north america causing a massive global cataclysm releasing
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a huge amount of melt water into the world ocean and bringing global temperatures down suddenly huge dramatic climate change now we know why it happened but it will happen because of a competition i want to get out of the pretty grim implications of why do you think that aside from this in a sense the cover up of. native americans that why would so many people be covering up the evidence of early civilizations in the americas i think some people called it a colonial cover up of colonial archeological conspiracist two sides of this story in one side of the story is the way america was conquered by basically anglo saxons and in that conquest of the of the americas what they what they confronted was an indigenous people who it inhabited that realm for tens of thousands of years we now know and the first thing they did was to attempt to exterminate them physically to get them out of the way and when that became objectionable the next measure was to
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exterminate their culture to rub it out to pour scorn upon it to say that it was of no value that in a sense the observed and monstrous argument was that the native americans deserved what was done to them because they were supposedly not not capable of any high culture we now know that that's that that's completely untrue and that was a conspiracy that was a conspiracy to destroy native american culture and to legitimize the conquest and the massive theft of land and it carried on into the twentieth century with the so-called boarding schools where native american children almost all of them were taken away from their families we've talked about hundreds of miles away and put in schools and taught that their culture was rubbish and indoctrinated with with with with well it actually told you where they were on this program but i mean in the book you say that you use the word you use the others because. david wilkins of the gold amazonian cities it was in london on the sixteenth century sixty thousand population there there were cities there were there were enormous cities in the amazon this is another piece of the new evidence that's overwhelming the old ideas
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because the old idea was that there were no humans in the amazon until about a thousand years ago but the amazon although it's a luxuriant rain forest has poor soils and that it was impossible for human beings in large numbers to survive that we now know they did and the reason we know they did is tragically because of the clearances of the amazon so much of the amazon has been cut down and in those areas that have been cut down evidence of enormous cities has emerged cities with populations of tens of thousands bigger than london at the same time and not only that but evidence of high science geometric geo glyphs on the earth on the scale of hundreds of meters squares circles they even perform the exercise that we attribute to the ancient greeks of squaring the circle a very very sophisticated geometrical exercise you can see that down on the scale of hundreds of meters in the amazon so this is the point that we are we do have some of the information from this wiped out civilization because. not everyone was
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killed by the comet no not everyone there were there were ok just as we live today in a world where there are hunter gather is there a hunter gatherers in the amazon who don't even know we exist there are hunter gatherers in the maybe who live a full hunter gatherer lifestyle they know we exist but they choose to perpetuate to perpetuate their lifestyle they are co-existing with an advanced civilization so called ours and i suggest it was exactly the same during the ice age that there was an advanced civilization on the planet as many myths and traditions suggest that it co-existed with hunter gatherers but who survived the cataclysm in the largest numbers were not the members of the advanced civilization just as i believe we would not survive such a cataclysm today we're not psychic psychologically prepared for a disaster with the spoilt children of the. if we are used to having clothes on our backs roofs over our head plentiful supplies of food in the supermarket you stopped that dead in its tracks and within a matter of weeks there would be traumatic shock and chaos and disorder people from
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advanced civilizations actually do not have survival skills but people who are hunter gatherers are masters of survival so it's not so not surprising that is the hunter gatherers who survived in the largest number but what i evidence in this book what i document in this book is that there were survivors of a more advanced civilization and they took refuge amongst hunter gatherers and they then tried to teach them what they knew and in hoped to recreate a restart their civilization again and quite apart from the lies you you've exposed i would there was a call them lies i don't think that the archaeologists have deliberately lied i want to be clear about that i think honestly speaking that the majority of archaeologists who held to that old model that has now been completely discredited honestly believed what they were saying to be true they felt that that's what the evidence said and then their careers became connected to that idea and they became very reluctant to accept any idea that threatens that and i think it's more that natural territoriality of human beings rather than
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a deliberate attempt to hide the truth of the past from us but the effect has been as overwhelming or worse than a deliberate attempt to cover up the past because one hundred thousand years of the human story has just been completely shut down until now and aside from finding out who we are there's obviously trillions spent or military technology you think we should be spending on so i'm going to protect and serve liberal i certainly do things because it rather they do is one of the things that frustrates and annoys me that we can create massive scientific endeavors we can raise enormous amounts of money to fund weapons of mass destruction so that we can invent ever more sophisticated ways to move to one another as a species but when it comes to protecting the earth from environmental threats when it comes to protecting the earth from for example a comet impact. we're not interested to tall and the thing is that we could that we could do that and the key point that i really need to make is that that original giant comet broke up into multiple fragments that caused the cataclysm twelve
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thousand eight hundred years ago huge bits of it are still in orbit in the torrid meteor stream which the earth passes through twice a year and this is regarded by responsible astronomers as the most grave collision hazard facing the earth at the present time and it doesn't need to be gloom and doom all we need to do is take all that ingenuity all that money all that power that we now put into weapons of mass destruction and turn it towards protection of the earth because these events when they happen are world changing do we really want to see the end of our civilization because that's what's that's what's in the offing unless we do something about this but the good news is we can do something about it my goodness economic interests are already talking about mining asteroids the technology exists to do that you could mine an asteroid you could move it and just finally over after if we get past october in the torah then your work has depended on scholars going out with paper after paper since your last straw so much
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new information that has supported your original these yeah what next you think is very difficult i think we i think we are poised on the edge of what is called in science a paradigm shift i think the monolithic control of the past the dark energy has exercised is being eaten away by new sciences like like like genetics and indeed geology and the result of that is that all the evidence that's coming out shows that the human species is much older than we thought that their ability that their abilities were much more advanced than we thought that whole areas of the world that have never been studied by archaeologists at all may have been the source of an advanced civilization in the past the evidence keeps on mounting up it won't go away i keep thinking i'm finished with this story i thought i was finished. the story in two thousand and two after a book called underworld and then go back to became a law i needed to write magicians of the gods and then after publishing magicians of the gods in two thousand and fifteen this just amount of new evidence from the
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americas showing that the whole story of the people in the americas were wrong and that the americas are full of cunningly designed highly scientific monuments geometry astronomy on an extraordinary scale that speaks to enormously sophisticated people. that for the show will be back on saturday when we speak to british political cartoonist steve bell whose book before the press council depicting every kissinger as turkey with a german. media. headlining
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this international crisis talks at the u.n. security council russia and the united states clash over political and economic strategies. with all due respect mr ambassador you shouldn't be here. you should return to venezuela. and tell nicolas maduro that his time is up. it's time for him to go. stop interfering in the affairs of other states you will gain respect from that. like.
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