tv News RT April 10, 2019 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT
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crisis talks at the u.n. security council see russia and the united states over venezuela as america's vice president gives a blunt assessment of the caracas envoy. with all due respect mr ambassador you shouldn't be here. you should return to venezuela. and tell nicolas maduro that his time is up. it's time for him to go. it is thank you. stop interfering in the affairs of other states you will only gain respect from that if you don't like it when others interfere in your affairs no one likes that.
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british prime minister makes her plea to e.u. leaders to delay the day but the rest of the room is torn about how long she should get. and israel's benjamin netanyahu historic election victory and a fifth term as prime minister of the stadiums are already concerned that will lead to further rights violations in the occupied west bank. every headline news twenty four seven this is r.t. international i'm calling brain a moscow news center with your headline news this hour first off with venezuela's ongoing power struggle sending the country sliding deeper into crisis russia and the u.s. have clashed at the u.n. security council over how to tackle the up evil. was following the session in new york. well the fifteen member body that leads the united nation convened in the security council and the meeting began with presentations by u.n.
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officials describing the crisis in the country then when member states began to speak mike pence the u.s. vice president represented the usa and gave remarks harshly critical of the venezuelan government he told a heart wrenching story of an interaction he adds with a venezuelan father and his sons from there he went on to call for governments around the world as well as the un itself to withdraw all recognition from the der and recognize one kwaito as the legitimate government the legitimate head of state that has leyla now there was a response from the russian ambassador who pointed out that the usa has quite a habit of telling the heart wrenching stories in order to justify its interventions let's take a listen at a church in brazil we spoke to families who had fled the deprivation in venezuela. and i'll never forget when a father looked at me with his two young boys standing at his side and said how hard it was. as
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a father to come home at the end of the day and say. we're not eating today. and as he said it is too little boys looked up. and nodded. to the you could you in the commuter we have already seen it in other regions of the chilling stories about the suffering of people in iraq syria and libya from witnesses are based in the west on the group that is after that the real suffering began in those countries because you and still hasn't stopped do you want the same in venezuela. now mike pence is remarks went on to invoke the second world war saying that the usa and the rest of the world failed to take action against dictatorship in germany and that resulted in the second world war now russia spoke following the united states and the russian ambassador and made the point that essentially the situation in venezuela can't simply be blamed on the government that interference by the united
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states and efforts by countries around the world to interfere in that as well as affairs and create a crisis in the country had a lot to do with the current situation this is the russian ambassador who would give the new fools with one hand you are grabbing venezuela by the throat introducing new sanctions and destructions that prevent the country from developing normally with the i'm behind you are picking the pockets of venezuela you want to shamelessly expropriating venezuelan assets in western banks it's also important to note that when mike pence spoke at the beginning of the meeting he referenced the government of cuba he accused the government of cuba of propping up the venezuelan government of supporting it saying that it had exported strong arm tactics this is somewhat like sounds like pence said in reference to the cuban government for decades cuba has tried to create client states across our region. while normal countries export goods. cuba exports tyranny and strong arm tactics last week the
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united states took action to sanction ships transporting venezuelan oil to cuba. and soon it president trumps direction the united states will announce additional action to hold cuba accountable for its malign influence cuba's relationship with the bowl of varian government in venezuela has been a longstanding cuba has set a number of doctors to venezuela who have then been providing medical care in low income areas furthermore cuba's literacy volunteers were key in the early efforts of the bolivian government to wipe out illiteracy in the country now venezuela under the un rules had the right to address the body after the un member states it spoke of the venezuelan government criticised forces around the world for recognizing one wedo the individual declared to be president by the united states the self-proclaimed president of venezuela as the meeting concluded it was pretty clear that there are very strong differences among the international community when
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it comes to the situation in venezuela and who is responsible for some forces simply blame the venezuelan government and are calling for its elected president the doura to step down however other forces look at the united states and other countries and look at their efforts to create a crisis in the country and undermine the elected government so there are clear differences all eyes were on the security council chamber as this meeting took place. ok let's now bring in sara flounders who's head of the anti war in downtown exploitation group the international action center welcome back to. the middle row government with as many critics say is wildly corrupt deeply authoritarian guilty of gross financial mismanagement the poll suggests is popular support as well so is it a fair point for mike pence that it no longer has any legitimacy. well this is really the us trying to create an alternative reality a completely at odds with the reality on the ground that i've just returned from.
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and what they tell you in the media here the shelves are empty that there's chaos and all of that is absolutely a complete bald faced lie just to say have used to excuse every single u.s. war and every war they will claim is based on some humanitarian effort which it never is so we have vice president and sent president trump and. not all of them making one threat after another against the aleck to government invents route one that has overwhelmingly like it and has huge support along with a two million person i wish or community councils everything from top to bottom determined to support the existing government and to refuse an appointed pocket but was this a widely disputed election plus olson i know you've been there and your experiences first hand but over three million venezuelans have left the country as well
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a company that rosy a situation. well there is also almost six million colombians who have entered into that as well based on how terrible conditions are in colombia there are people leaving venezuela absolutely that's true because u.s. economic destabilization and sanctions have laid wreck to the economy billions of dollars literally confiscated and sanctions we should remember sanctions are all weapon or sanctions kill it's like a bomb going off in every hospital in the country literally because of sanctions venezuela is receding now. it's been reduced eighty percent your essential medicines that means even basic human life and so on are now in short supply because venezuela or pair purchase what they did purchase for years on the world market so yes there's economic stabilization and yes there is hyperinflation but
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i'm really gonna look at what the u.s. government is doing and the determined effort to bring the venezuelan government down and that's what is outrageous of a moron that because the former un special rapporteur recently concluded that those sanctions on venezuela might amount to crimes against humanity how long do you think washington can defend those penalties when there's such a dire humanitarian crisis as they see it. well they should be able to defend it for one minute there are sanctions u.s. sanctions now on thirty countries around the world and in every one of them it's really highway robbery it's an attempt to worm holes through economic leverage enormous hardships on the civilian populations and as such it is an act or it's a weapon of mass destruction they asked me stabilization creating artificial famines medical shortages it really is a current against. international law and when charter and
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nuremberg and the conventions to news that kind of leverage advances or an article in sion and it's become a routine weapon on the part of all street why should to force the law was completely unjust economic demands painterly didn't seem to get and they're giving it because no big they're doing it because then as well has the largest oil reserves and go on for service in the world and that's what they want complete control and they're willing to wage war economic war and hopes for hopefully not but they're making threats of military ok thanks for that sara flounders in new york head of the international action center appreciate your time thank you. an old stakes bricks at summit is underway in brussels looks like they'll be going into the night as well twenty seven e.u.
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leaders decide to go in granting britain an extension on exits in the block and how long that should be the british prime minister's appeal for a short postponement to june the thirtieth she's now sitting out the rest of the discussion that he just conveyed though the german chancellor noticed that she and to reason they share at least one thing in common even if it's only the choice of outfit. we have been hearing about the serious business that's been going on the first of the major e.u. leaders to speak has spoken with antonio the e.u. parliament president he addressed the press after his meeting with to reason may put forward eight points from the e.u. parliament side the highlights of those words and no deal breakers that have to be avoided at all costs that there had to be agreement between the two main parties in
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the united kingdom over how withdrawal agreement would be handled also there could be no reopening of the withdrawal agreement and most importantly one of the most forcefully by and through points from the e.u. parliament president was that if the united kingdom has to field candidates in the upcoming parliamentary elections then they have to realize that these elections are no game so that in shifts the european parliament is the home of democracy because of this uncertainty the principle of popular representation is under threat we cannot go on like this you must know what's going to happen and how long the extension will last for the european parliament games are not acceptable to the games at the expense of the people and their representatives the integrity of the parliament is non-negotiable but we've only heard a few words from to resume a while she's been in brussels they were as she arrived at the european parliament
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she spoke very briefly to journalists on the red carpet she basically said i've done everything i can to get this deal over the line and blamed parliament for the current impasse i know many people beatrice straight through to the summit is taking place actually because the u.k. should be used by now and i great. the dress the fact that parliament is not being able to pass a deal that was in a list of the mysteries and also the way that i and the government continue to find a way forward well before going to brussels on tuesday to resume a was here in berlin and also in paris as well speaking to angle america and their money and they've really been dubbed as the good cop bad cop of how this extension if it is agreed does look like it will be agreed how it will be put across mccrone playing the role of bad cop now it's understood that he wants. well he wants concessions from the u.k. if they're to get a long term extension but as money was made his way into the european parliament
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he said he wanted negotiations and warned that the the whole project was currently at risk we must remain united as i believe it's important for the viability of the european project that's what's at stake it's essential that nothing compromises that situation we have a european renascence to preserve and they don't want to come and hindered is the time for decisions is now well if micron has been playing bad cop angle or merkel has taken over the role of somewhat of good cop much more receptive saying that there was a role for the e.u. twenty seven that they had to listen to what to reason may have to say and that ultimately the u.k. voted to leave they may not want the u.k. to leave but that's what was voted for and we have to make sure that happens in the most ordered way possible and if that is true should i think and then you know the historical response military faced down a blast has a possibility of a good future together we should discuss it constructively with the prime
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minister's request to resume a has now left the european parliament building she's going off for dinner the rest of the e.u. twenty seven though they're locked in these serious negotiations about what kind of extension is going to be offered to the united kingdom to reason may. they're saying she only wanted an extension until the thirtieth of june that is not washing with the majority of e.u. leaders that is a lot of them saying it will have to be at least maybe one year they're locked in that dinner right now we're expecting it to go on for quite a while i'll be keeping an eye on it throughout the evening as soon as anything comes out of that i'll be back here on r.t. to tell you all about it and even netanyahu scrape through to seal a record fifth term as israel's prime minister after a hotly contested election the details on that and reaction in just a couple of minutes.
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headline news now israel's been even netanyahu has clinched victory in the general election and will now serve a record fifth term as head of government the opposition conceded defeat on wednesday evening but also issued a stern warning to the prime minister. we did not win in this round i respect the voters i respect their decisions but i look around and see the ultimate tool for victory in the next round i want to inform likud and netanyahu and the coalition we're going to make your lives hell we will turn the knesset into a battleground. although netanyahu got the edge in the end it was
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a tight run race as expected the prime minister's likud party in the centrist blue and white alliance of his rival benny gantz both won thirty five seats apiece but it's expected that likud will form a coalition government commanding a sixty five seat majority in the one hundred twenty seat knesset one leader in particular was quick to applaud netanyahu success. i'd like you could graduate. yalu it looks like that race has been won by him maybe a little early but i'm hearing what it wanted a good fashion show he's been a great ally this election has been a referendum on mr in a time the ows personal profile of mr in a time you know is under has been indicted conditioned upon a hearing where he can state his own defense and therefore you know that's very much what this election has been about and analysts here are saying and i joined
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them that that is not enough to win an election having said that it is going to take a substantial amount of mr netanyahu time however even if the hearing his ability to defend himself in a hearing even if he fails in that effort legally he is entitled to continue as prime minister until. a trial and some potential conviction which would take a good couple of years so there are there it is it is fully within the confines and the sanction of israeli law that a sitting prime minister can continue to rule to leave the country and even if he's been indicted a will most voters probably only took a short walk to the polling station one israeli entrepreneurs traveled all the way from san francisco bringing over one hundred ex-pats to make them up in the election. over the israeli. i have the moral duty to comment and. state my voice and i felt like this is a very crucial election. to actually go ahead and make their fourth not just
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to kill myself but to be to organize a group of people who could actually come and vote my expectation was that we could bring. we could increase the number of voters. in general and show some front of like an example for everyone to go out and vote and by that to increase our participation and hopefully the more or less extreme government coming off the selection. prior to the vote the israeli pm vowed to extend sovereignty in the west bank by illegal settlements that something that was hailed by the right wing but raised many concerns among palestinians they say that regardless of the election result israel's approach towards them will remain the same. as palestinians we see no change in the end of all the israeli parties and all these names of service read against palestinian
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rights and interests where the winner is in the israeli election we will be under occupation and these governments will change nothing for us. we think that the u.n. action and what is coming next from the new government probably be headed by the extreme right that he will only present police teams with more land stolen more killing more violations neglecting the palestinian international legitimacy the israeli elections in general were a competition between the right and the more extreme right as far as policies towards palestine is concerned what netanyahu did is that he secured the right of the fundamentalists the rise of the fundamentalist right in israel the students of that. group that is known for its fascist and racist views that. was outlawed in israel and and considered a terrorist group in the united states these will be the allies of benjamin netanyahu in the upcoming government and they will be competing on how hardline
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their policies towards palestinians will be in a nutshell it will be a platform of no no to palestinian rights a palestinian state no to the one nine hundred sixty seven borders or international law and certainly no to a future promising any prospect of peace just more oppression this possession and i mix a sion while palestinians are expected to surrender and accept their miserable fate under this formula. a diplomatic dispute is brewing over the construction of a memorial museum at a former nazi death camp in poland what was projected several requests from russia to take part in the project and that solicited and i agree response from moscow here's our teens medina conscionable. suburb or was a nazi run killing center and any town secrets very few survive to average tallis that scream course.
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another unit arrived once they were already undressed they apparently understood where they were being taken naked and all in fear they ran away but where could they run everyone rushed to the bulk wash fences and there they were met with the fire of machine guns and rifles many people died from the bullets the rest were driven into the gas chambers the fires were burning into late at night that's all flames illuminated the evening black sky with its terrifying lights the whole camp and the surrounding territory.
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like thunder the screams of people rode over the death camp six hundred people exhausted yearning for freedom rushed forward shouting here a in this single impulse the jews of russia are in poland the netherlands and from the czech it's a vacuum in germany united it was only then that the tower gods realized that something was wrong in the camp and opened fire. unlike auschwitz there is nothing left of sabi bore the extermination camp was destroyed by the nazis after the uprising and trees planted to conceal evidence it ever existed but there is concern that key part. history are now being over look at the this is a matter for the whole of europe through in the so people come. russians french they were also people from other countries and that's what you know this pain the
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loss of people who were tortured there and died so that we never repeated the polish government started construction plans back in two thousand and fourteen for a new visitor center at the site of the former death camp russia says that it was unfairly sidelines and the design of the museum especially as a soffit soldier was behind the here roy group fault and this caper sabi war the committee behind the project includes representatives from slovakia the netherlands poland and israel as the construction of the museum moved forward to paul and opened the betting for those who wanted to take part in setting up the museum interior but again all three obligations sound by russian museums all private entities were not approved by war sell polish russian relations are complicated and certainly when it comes to world war two they were complicated so i think the poles rather take control themselves of the narrative they're afraid of the russian
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narrative and they also don't want to give russia too much credit for liberating poland you can use history as a weapon and the poles haven't weaponize in history as a as many people have been doing some may call it historical amnesia some like paul ince ministry of culture and national heritage say it's a logical decision the international steering committee maybe now to mississippi continuing the cooperation between its current members who have already worked together for ten years in order to smoothly complete advance works on the new moon morial site the cultural standoff aside as high time average one as remembered for their suffering and bravery let me remind you of something where seventy thousand verses of the liberation of the auschwitz death camp. was broken house death camp was observed in poland. or putin was not invited and given the fact that this was liberated by the red army i mean this is quite quite outrageous i would
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say so what we're seeing now is a continuation of this policy which is trying to. keep the russians out of participating in any. effort to present the history of sobibor and the suffering of the of the inmates there in the horrible mass murders that took place there. that's it from a show in thomas' across all developing stories in the coming hours wherever you're choosing it thanks for choosing out the international. breaks it killed joan.
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i remain very much opposed to military intervention i am opposed to it because i fundamentally do not believe it is in u.s. interests there are several issues at play in venezuela one is the terrible terrible humanitarian state into which venezuela has fallen under the regime of the first of which i was and now new that alone in my opinion is not a justification for an american invasion. of. u.s. veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either there already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circular defense offices were got to act and destroy the
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governments and in seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with them money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war and surely we can risk some discomfort for uneasiness for. the senior palm beach county police officer did not consent to these telephone conversation being broadcast his side of the dialogue is summarized here. the
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p.b.s. so deputy claims the duke i'm constantly told. he also asserts the dog and himself is to blame for having to leave his family because of what he has done. the sheriff's office denies any responsibility for do comes in for. michael dog the chief deputy from the palm beach county sheriff's office i don't work for the tom county sheriff's office and so i think the ninety seven. really long time gardner is actually very knowledgeable when it comes to police dog or is not some guy he's very well educated probably should be the sheriff at the end of the day and he's kind of created the entire culture of what i call the culture of corruption. at the sheriff's office and sound like dog or. who ultimately pushed me out of police work i've spoke to my father
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