tv News RT April 11, 2019 7:00am-7:30am EDT
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truman show like situation inside the embassy what we have pushed up this is that security cameras were used to monitor his every move and quite like this year with the trial administration a few weeks ago we learned that some individuals in spain. where passing around the information that they had at much of toro filth documents relating to giuliana sites because a. e-mail back from the individual identify himself as pm. where he said this material. has a price the prize is from three million euros it was photographs of julian inside the embassy visitors' lopes for the photographs. hello and welcome you all watching on c international with me nikki aaron in the studio joined by medina cochon of that today is on his story day for julian assange and all of his
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supporters and enemies around the world the wiki leaks that it's a has been arrested and removed from the ecuadorian embassy in london the u.k. police have said astonished has been arrested by officers from the metropolitan police at the embassy that we do on a warrant issued by westminster and mounted magistrates court on the twenty ninth of june twenty twelve for failing to surrender to the court he's been holed up that almost seven years now wiki leaks there's a song steve not walk out of the embassy indeed as we see from the images on the screen he was forcibly dragged out of that embassy carried in facts looking like a broken man ecuadorian president let him arena confirmed on thursday that the country had to withdraw to songes asylum status over his violations of international conventions we'd love to know more about what that entailed reporters without borders also spoken out slamming us launches the rest of the wiki leaks activity as dangerous assessing a dangerous precedent that the u.s.
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may put you we understand that as a staunch was trying to get out of bed and if he was down to the u.k. must resist and also shouting things about the u.s. president said donald trump was wow so we'll be looking further into what was meant by his comments as well as keeping abreast of all the latest developments on this story throughout the day. what we just received reaction coming from the european union as the police said andrew the ecuadorian embassy in london and arrested julian and sons now the european union says that it will cool the case of the league's founder who was arrested just our word. earlier in the day and you just saw some of the pictures that were a film crew filmed exclusively right at the door and busy. ok we can now cross live
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to our correspondent in london our season issues that there has been keeping on top of all of the latest over the past couple of hours. thanks for keeping on top of this for is what is the latest chicken tacos. well we've just as you rightly said we've just been seeing pictures and footage of julie in the song being dragged out so there could dorian embassy in london where he spent the last six to seven years this follows the metropolitan police confirming that julian the sun has been arrested and removed from the embassy this is also just a day off. as a tour in chief claim that an extensive spying operation was conducted against his son and i quote dorian embassy and clearing that conference as well he has to and she fled the operation was designed to get to songe extradited so a lot of speculation there as well if you remember that that material gathered within the embassy the spying contained files and files of recorded high rise video
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or do you material photos mongering a sondre is every movement every meeting with this it is the worry is that this is a huge breach of confidence there were high risk pictures of a song just noise no some doctors assessing him says that this would be used against him in some way and upon handling that's information to lawyers they said that it was a serious extortion case now and speaking in a televised interview the ecuadorian president this morning said that the ecuadorian government has decided to withdraw all of the diplomatic asylum of julian assange for a violation of international conventions but we keep on the other hounds have tweeted that i could all has acted illegally actually intimidating a songes political asylum in violation of international law but the latest we have now from scotland yard. is saying that mr assad will remain in custody at central
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london police station where he's being held before pairing at westminster magistrates courts and they say how soon as possible whenever that may be. and this story of a son shiz exit from the embassy and his subsequent rats is no doubt making headlines around the world especially there in the u.k. can you give me a sense of the the total of what the newspapers in the u.k. and the news as saying and also what's been the word from the pollsters so far as to be not a reaction. well intensive u.k. press as well and mr a quite controversial in that the eyes of the u.k. press of course he was known for the release of the u.s. classified documents some say that they shouldn't have been released but if you remember correctly he got on the national attention when we released u.s. classified tapes and in particular the helicopter opening fire on civilians killing
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twelve so he'll be remembered for that weekly publication as well but since last thursday we've heard. from the we keep saying that julian songe was expected to be expelled in the matter of hours or days all eyes have been on that and to see to all. this news to the u.k. press and worldwide has been long awaited but will so come as a shock. well can you we just heard from we keep leagues that julian the son was arrested for extradition to the united states for the publishing of the documents do you know anything about that. we're still waiting to more information at the moment it's speculation about these documents particularly as well and between songs his relationship with ecuadorian officials they've
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appeared to be increasingly strained strained as well ever since then president marino came into power and that's an american country and twenty seventeen. he's had rocky relationships with him and his internet was called cutoff in march last year with the move by ecuador an official saying this was his top and from him to fairing in the affairs of other states. we know that song has a lot of support among some prominent people in the u.k. i'm thinking of top of my head vivienne westwood for design oh she's been all. he's been a staunch supporter of us saw engines spoken out in support of him so i do expect we'll be hearing from her in the coming hours she's always been an activist as well . in the meantime we're hearing from the british foreign secretary jeremy hunt tweeting that julius anji is no hero and no one is above the law or i mean do you think we can expect some kind of clash of clashes between supporters of the u.k. and the dominant leadership of the country.
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exactly a choir right i think we can have a loss of clashes between especially between the especially in the u.k. press and internationally worldwide some people who are supporting the publication in the revelations that he's exposed but also people being quite controversial as well last thursday when this news was first tweeted by wiki leaks the fact that he could have been expelled in a matter of days and there were a lot of supporters outside the embassy at least saying this was a complete violation of their human rights and free speech and as you quite rightly said as well vivienne westwood the famous fashion designer has often been seen outside the embassy doors showing his support and so we will see as well if anyone later on is right now is down by the embassy showing their support and voicing their opinions and their concerns over what's just happened and date everyone seems to have an opinion on jay leno songs love him or hate him this is big news and
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arrested and forcibly removed from the aqua door an embassy in london where a video agency ruptly exclusively filmed the moment as julian assange has been arrested it's by officers from the metropolitan police and a warrant issued by westminster magistrates court on the twenty ninth of june two thousand and twelve for failing to sue rented to the court and dated. spent over sixty years holed up in the ecuadorian embassy wiki leaks there as he did not walk out of the embassy but rather the ecuadorian ambassador invited u.k. police inside to correct him i could also president land in marino also confirmed on thursday that the country had withdrawn a staunch asylum status over his violations that international conventions reporters without borders has slammed songes arrest as a dangerous presidents. ok let's bring in a guest now shall we former m i five agent joins us to discuss this there always
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great to have you on the program what do you think triggered this arrest today and why now. i think it's probably because of political expediency seem to be some deals going on between the usa and could always new president new government so it became politically embarrassing to carry on granting asylum to julian the songs but i think the country should be absolutely condemned for sending political asylum this is not something that's given lightly this is given due weight under international law and to rescind it particularly in the wake of the exposure that there really is a secret grand jury indictment awaiting him in america and there's a good chance the british one hundred move to america to face god knows what i think is an praver. and very dishonorable as well on the part of the ecuadorian embassy. well that it's my do not question him right now in the studio and i've got a question this unprecedented to ras that took place only took place only
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a day after a week in leagues editor in chief kristin robson claimed that an extensive spying operation was conducted against the shah nj in the dorian amber sea and that particular operation was actually designed to get a sound. do you think it was it has been planned for a long time. it looks like it has been in the planning for a certain number of months i mean only a few months ago it was emerged that the ecuadorian intelligence agencies had a base camp near the embassy but they said that was to protect a silent but i mean let's put this in context was the editor in chief at the time of wiki leaks which is a high tech publishing outfit and if he can then face extradition face potential espionage charges in a country of which he is not a system of which he is not a resident as well then that calls into question the role of all of the media too
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because look at it newspapers like the guardian the washington post the new york times and many many other major outlets around the world have one been using the information that we can leaks has produced and to have then set up a rival type submission process procedures in order to try and do the same sort of work so if they're going to sit back now at the mainstream media in the west is going to sit back now and say that will julian wiki leaks you know it's all espionage and you know he deserves what he gets they are setting an incredibly dangerous precedent for themselves if they continue to report news produced by leakers and by whistle blows because they will all be vulnerable this will be an incredible precedent globally for what could happen to any publishing elephant anywhere around the planet and they really need to think about this and to stand up for an of their own a fellow journalist a fellow or to turn a fellow publisher a kind of back to the timing of. exit from the of what was it was the exit i should
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say from the ecuadorian embassy i mean he came out being dragged out there shouting about president trump something about resisting president trump and what he wants now given the fact that we have an ecuadorian leader who's not a fan of a star and she's made that very clear and a time when trump is also in power could this be like a combination of the two marino who hates the thongs and appears quite well known for his one tactics towards dealing with being. well i think it's interesting because when trump was actually campaigning to be elected as president of course he was very complimentary about the role that he likes plays in trying to expose the deep state and corruption in america and other countries however of course since then we've seen trump as a president because controlled by the intelligence agencies largely by the bogus russia gate investigation which came to nothing and they sort of backed into a corner where he will apparently do what he's told now by the establishment in
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america so i think any hopes that assad might have that trump might back off and might let him go and just face the judicial process in britain for jumping bail which is no big deal he faced six months in prison i think. it's unlikely that trump now will be allowed to make an independent cision one hopes that he would and he does shows streaks of independence to this day but the deep state has been incredibly able incredibly careful in backing him into that corner making sure that he got the american agenda. while this situation is very complicated indeed and it's very difficult to really say exactly what might happen next but what's your take on that what do you expect to happen in the next twenty four hours. well he will of course be held on remand awaiting the hearing at the westminster magistrate's court about whether or not he should be charged with jumping bail back in two thousand and twelve they probably will charge him and he'll probably go to
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a minimal sentence if that the problem is of course that once he's in custody it's very easy for the americans to suddenly activate this not so secret grand jury secret indictment and then ask for extradition to america to stand trial potentially under espionage charges now of course legally this is difficult because america does have the death penalty britain is not supposed to under european law to extradite people to countries that do have the death penalty but it is exhibited a massive lack of backbone in extradition of british subjects to america over the last decade so i think he does face a very very grave threat of being taken over to america and i'm sure they'll say of course he would apply any death penalty but he does face a long prison sentence and we've also seen of course one of his sources allege sources chelsea manning has been rearrested and has been held in solitary confinement is still being held in prison because she is refusing to testify
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against wiki leaks and testify against a songe so i could see that if you extradite is this whole case is going to ripple out and drag in many many other people and this is why i think it's so important that the rest of the western media should stand together shoulder to shoulder with this publisher and say we cannot allow this to happen obviously as hard as many powerful enemies but a supporter base is the world over do you think we're likely to see mass protests over this arrest. i think we will yes because it's a matter of principle as well as a matter of a man's life and if you think back of what he's achieved since we were set up thirteen years ago you know it's not just the the big data dumps from the american government it's not just the collateral murder snuff video that he released in two thousand. and ten that really kickstarted this american which owned but also against corporations around the planet against british political parties i mean his mission has always been very clear to expose and impose transparency on those in
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power and of course in the west particularly and increasingly resistance to having transparency imposed on them but increasing desire to impose transparency on all systems by spying on us so i think you know in terms of his historical mark that he has made he will be remembered for a new form of journalism for a new form of radical transparency and a new form potentially of democracy and i just hope that many many people around the planet value him for those issues and will come out and protest and support him in the media as well to try to make sure that he is not made a scapegoat for exposing the crimes of those in power. could you just pause for a while for us we love having you on we love her we're here today by just want to remind all of you is the found a press conference that was held yesterday medea what can you tell us about that while there was a indeed there was a press conference that happened just a day after it happened when we could add attorney and chief for claimed that there
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was actually an intensive spying operation that was conducted against a son and that happens in the ecuadorian embassy where he was. where he lived for the past seven years and now here's that added to or in chief we can leaks editor in chief said that the operation was actually too designed was designed to get extradited and even. a living like his own it was his own version of the truman show because average. was actually recorded and quite likely shared with the us administration i believe that we have a ground. as the weekly leaks editor in chief and where he talks that where he talks in more details about what was actually revealed.
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an extensive schooling. against. which. has been living you know sort of the. truman show like. what we have to establish is that security cameras were used to be more mature these every move. i would like to see truck administration two weeks ago we learned this from individuals in spain. where. the information that they had much of the rueful. relating to july because. email from the individual identify himself as pm. where he said this material. has a price the prize is from three million euros it was photographs of julian inside the embassy visitors' lopes for the photographs. let's go back to our guest former
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m i five agent and now annie thanks for hanging on for us and having heard that press conference yesterday you know quite explosive claims from the editor in chief of wiki leaks there about an extensive spying operation with evidence provided that the u.s. had been spying on. while he was inside the embassy i mean can we read into the timing of the arrests considering that press conference was just yesterday. i think it's only has a bearing and also the fact that marino last week was saying that we could leaks have been publishing private information about him so it seems like for tat this is a very grave allegation where you have someone who has claimed a political asylum who has been. it's been stated by the united nations that his rights were being infringed by being held in the embassy itself anyway and where you have him being spied on all the time including conversations with his lawyers
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which are supposed to be privileged including conversations with his doctors again supposed to be privileged this is an egregious violation of so many rights under international law and then the fact that somehow magically this is legit information is alleged shorts these alleged villains magic's their way into the hands of hackers in space. is interesting as well because of course you remember when julian assange has access to the internet was shut off over a year ago the stated reason ecuador gave was because he had been making political statements on behalf of catalonia in its fight for independence against speight so it's a very murky world but this isn't just so many rights i would say though that i'm absolutely certain that silence would have taken into consideration that with the interest of so many intelligence agencies into him he probably would have thought he was living in the gulf he probably couldn't assume he would have pretty even in his political asylum or someone who has also been involved in whistleblowing activities he's gone on the run and has lived like that and assumes that any where
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i live might well be. two i can say that's very corrosive for a dungeon for the end of a school for the human spirit. well we just heard from the former aqua dorian president who actually gave asylum while he the current ecuadorian president of the greatest treaty in ecuador in latin american history as he allowed the british police to and her there and see in london and arrest a son do you expect to do that in the next couple of hours we will hear more of such really harsh comments coming from really high and officials across the globe. one would hope so yes because what they are doing is in violation of every international norm of any country giving asylum of course it's interesting that her career is currently i believe here in
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brussels because the ecuadorian state is trying to prosecute him on some trumped up charge as well so they seem to be breaching pretty much any rule they can and i have to say i would if i were part of the ecuadorian government at the moment i would be thoroughly ashamed bowing to this international pressure from america particularly but also britain to end the protection for someone who's been incredibly brave and it's been a groundbreaking in trying to get information it's vitally important to all citizens of the world out there into the public to make we've seen time and time again how easy it is for the mainstream media to be controlled or manipulated from behind the scenes by the intelligence agencies and by governments and that is precisely the model that julian assange tried to break and he did it courageously he did it knowing full well what he be facing and for britain and for ecuador probably to just hand him over to the states for some incredibly harsh justice is i think absolutely disgusting i'm actually ashamed to be british today. thank you so
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much for bringing us your inside here on her national it is really extraordinary news there are taking place now in london and again thank you so much for being our guest here in the studio that was four am i five agent and image sean thank you. well ecuadorian president led a marine i laid out the reasons for expelling julian are stars claiming he repeatedly violated international conventions and protocols. we'll see if this. is in place in italy but i suppose that we have just eluded to is will have noticed produce a little spin c.p.s. deliver twenty plus to them implicitly to assume the risk is considered little is proposed to get out of it is to look at the. killer can do people speak too so you can see where this unusual in a sense was a clever soon as this quote this is getting there someplace this will be because who have you ever encountered that equaled you still a total the transit assume it was committing to pass through most. of the signal us
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times is that he will be able to. show that i'm not in the. u. to see the diplomatic will all together so your sense in the us we. don't use it is mrs if i got on the subtle digital models it's to give a sense yes we have to feel this is us cool to be honest he was he's got us humans to do it in but other moments i'm sure they are called julian assange just internet connection back in march two thousand and seventeen saying that he breached written commitment not to issue messages then might interfere with other states well here is part of the last video he released while he could still communicate with the outside world. you're going to freak out a little bit because yes i'm bringing the aliens into this part of the all establishment are in some sense hypocritical and rely on. keeping a different interior well to exterior presentation i don't think it's really
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possible for when i say sions to come up with borders. that are predictable and stable enough to eliminate conflict before there will be more is something very unstable about technologically advanced civilization that means it doesn't go on for long for the most human was have come about as a result of lies and that seems absolutely clear and more i'm a fan of the idea of intelligence agencies because it has the word intelligence to eliminate the notion that there's a place that powerful people can hide from or skilled people can hide from this phenomena and that's the way to get. all those people who have an ability to make a difference to make a difference for those of you just joining us you're watching r.t. international and here's a wrap of our breaking news story wiki leaks editor julian assange has been arrested and forcibly removed from the ecuadorian embassy in london
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a video agency raptly exclusively films the moment offices seized him julian assange has been arrested by officers from the metropolitan police on a warrant issued by westminster magistrates court on the twenty ninth of june two thousand and twelve for failing to surrender to the court well he has spent over six years holed up in the embassy and wiki leaks as he did not walk out of the embassy but rather the ecuadorian embassador invited u.k. police inside to arrest him i could always present plenty moran also confirmed on thursday that the country had withdrawn a son just asylum status over his violations of international conventions reporters without borders has. as a rast as a dangerous precedent well it is a dangerous president because it is right now what the whole world is awaits what's going to happen next and these images these incredible images that we're seeing on your screen right now are exclusive pictures that really set the tone for this
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story barry is being dragged out forcibly from the ecuadorian embassy in the u.k. must resist while will the u.k. resist or won't it we'll find out in the coming hours and days no doubt but for now we'll be bringing you all the latest as soon as we hear it well it was really difficult to see him looking length as he does really look like a broken man as we do know that his health has reported the deteriorated over the past seven years that he spent holed up in the embassy and again with the treatment options which were really limited due to his inability to leave that particular building so it was again very difficult to see him looking like this and now you can really see the difference because we're going to take you back to two thousand and twelve when all t. .
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