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tv   News  RT  April 11, 2019 2:00pm-2:31pm EDT

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for. safe haven.
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now faces extradition to the united states. here in the russian capital. and a dramatic turn of events after nearly seventy is holed up in the ecuadorian embassy in london we can leaks founder julian assange was arrested on thursday morning the whistleblower is now in police custody and potentially facing extradition to the united states charges of conspiring to hack a government computer video agency captured the moment a disheveled and distressed look at the songs was dragged out of the diplomatic compound.
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following his arrest was taken to westminster magistrates court where he was convicted of breaching bail in twenty twelve with. reports from central london. julia saunders found guilty by a court to the scathing judge inside westminster magistrates court here a little bit earlier on the judge told us on a narcissist to contest constantly using self interest and saunders told he would be sentenced to a later date set up by a video link you paid charges to tree in a sauna skipping bail back in twenty twelve they carry him out maximum sentence. of
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twelve months so relatively speaking it's a pretty small fry compared to the looming threat of potential charges that he's facing in the us that some more concerning to his legal team we noted that the u.s. justice department has unveiled charges of computer hacking against julian assange and there's an expected to be an extradition hearing in relation to that in may as well now as soon as the full proceedings here over a songes legal team on the wiki leaks to express it came out take a listen to what they had to say this sets a dangerous precedent for all media organizations and journalists in europe and elsewhere around the world this precint means that any journalist can be extradited for prosecution in the united states for having published truthful information about the united states this is what god gave journalists in our studios jennifer
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said he said to the president we don't want to this to go forward this has just has to be. the u.k. government. these two may go for assurance that a journalist will never be extradited to the united states for publishing activities saw the chief to seven years while he's been holed up in the edward dorian embassy had been saying that he most fear this potential threat of extradition to the u.s. over the diplomatic cables that he released as editor of wiki leaks back in two thousand and ten nine years ago today those fears of a staunch being extradited being wanted in the u.s. based charges they turned into a reality at ten fifteen this morning he was forcibly removed from the ag dorian embassy waiting spent the last seven years the ecuadorian all star teams has allowed the metropolitan police to go inside the embassy where
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a party julius on tried to resist arrest and then he was physically bundled up put in to a police baton and taken into police custody now very soon afterwards we learned that julian assange just political asylum to citizenship had been revoked by the ecuadorian authorities take a listen to what lenin morello the president of ecuador had to say about it told. on ops that the discourteous and aggressive behavior of mr julian are shown to the hostile and threatening decorations of his annoyed organization. on especially the transgression of international treaties have led the situation to a point where the asylum of mr assad regime is unsustainable are no longer viable really kind of boils down to two different issues but you sort of came together over the past eighteen months one is that the ecuadorian authorities didn't like
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the fact that they said julian assange is interfering in the international affairs in the affairs of other countries through his online activities through his activities as editor of wiki. but also there was this kind of domestic disputes bubbling beneath the surface as well last year julian assange was given a list of conditions that he needed to add here to if he wanted to stay on the good side of his the ecuadorian hosts he was told they needed to tidy up after himself clean his body free and pay for his own food to pay for the normal three cleanup after his talents which they threaten term leave and subsequently did this and will ation ship really break down and that's what led to the culmination of this situation at this boiling point this morning when the ecuadorian authorities allowed the met police to walk in and arrest julian assange on british officials are pretty pleased about what's happened to will welcome the news this
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morning that the metropolitan police have arrested judy in a song. mr speaker this goes to show that in the united kingdom no one is above the law. but what we've shown today is that no one is above the law julian assange is no hero he's hidden from the truth for years and years but also a very courageous decision by president in ecuador to resolve the situation even though there had been attempts to resolve this issue in the background for many years it all came to a head with sort of the u.k. ecuador and the u.s. playing this card against julian assange together i think today really we witnessed the end at the very least of the embassy chapter of the judean a somersault and to moving on to perhaps a rather put trumpeted chapter of an illegal extradition battle.
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outside westminster magistrates' court a lot to spoken to the former president of ecuador granted asylum to saddam. thinks the country's current leadership is out for revenge. i think marino deserves the title of the greatest traitor of history he could compete with judas the state of ecuador in accordance with international law and guided by its own national pride was simply a ploy to protect the person to whom it is granted asylum and instead they simply gave him up and allowed the british police to enter our embassy just imagine for a moment if it was the ecuadorian police entering the us embassy that it was a decision by him or a no no he wants revenge for having been accused of corruption because wiki leaks released documents proving it not to mention other evidence like correspondence bills etc all now online so marina is taking revenge on a sanch i think the consequences will be even harder because although i don't want to look ahead the possibility that the u.k. will not extradite julian assange to the united states is very unlikely. are joined
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now by n.s.a. whistleblower william binney mr binney welcome back to r.t. we've talked several times over the years about this and various nefarious activities that various agencies may have got up to now the lawyers at the n.s.a. various mandarins on capitol hill about years to gestate hatred or want for revenge against putin assad they say he's really wanted for hacking a computer what do you really think your face. i think that's basically the upfront charge that doesn't carry any death penalty or anything so that people could easily agree to it and then extradite him to the united states once he gets here they can add any number of charges in secret or in public against him the the point is that they have if they're talking about and saying they have classified information collected by n.s.a. or cia then they can keep that out of sight of the public and even the defense lawyers and handle it with the judge in secret and convict him in secret that way
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so i mean that's one of the ways to do it the other ways does it add more charges on once he gets here. whatever the appetite for bits are eventually it's going to be extremely scrutinized in the public arena as it would really go that fall within . i don't i wouldn't put anything past them this is the shadow government the secret government involved and they're involved around the world with other governments too so that's why they're all lining up this way but i would point out some very important aspects of this this is silencing the truth now what that means is fundamentally even the president wouldn't be able to president trump wouldn't have been able to find out that they were spying on him if they were allowed to keep all this information secret so unless you have some source of information telling you the truth like i think perhaps the director of n.s.a. rogers radmore rogers when he did after president trump was elected he visited him and i think he probably told him some of the truth probably not all of it but once
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he did that i mean clapper and and brennan from cia and clapper as the d.n.i. at the time wanted to fire him so but i guess they they couldn't get through the president to do that because they were part of this attempted coup the other point of these things are handled been handled in secret then nobody in the administration even congress would know and this is true but the parliaments around the world these people. build up these agencies to do spying for them and once they do it once they close the secret doors they have no idea what they're doing the i in the door and so they have no guarantees and real and way of checking and validating what they say they are doing that's the problem unless they have whistleblowers or somebody who's going to tell them the truth like join the sons or or other media state ever start doing their job of investigative reporting then there's no way that anybody could have any truthful information at all when i had
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a sickly fits into the jim scenario the scenario the governments want what about this we know them into this because it is rather secure which is root to all this to the reason that he's been convicted of jumping violence because of the arrest warrant from sweden dating back is now that could be reopened the statute of limitations that doesn't. right now until the middle of next year or something what's the likelihood that could now resurface. but i think they'll do anything they can to keep drilling and songe out of circulation they want to silence them any way they can and also their use any country that's participating with them in secret. and they have the secret agreements behind the scenes to do this so they'll use whichever avenue they need to do to keep him off the streets if julian assange does get found guilty of assisting chelsea manning what does that have to do with media freedom. well i think this is a this is
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a i would call it a red herring because that's not the real issue that they have the real issue is that he's exposing the the crimes that these governments are committing and the real truth about what's what's going on in there was governments that they don't want their own populations to know that's the whole point that they need the government position is the shadow government i would say here in the u.s. . once the population in the united states to be uninformed and manipulable so they can manipulate them any way they want these are techniques that have been used in the intelligence agencies for over one hundred years that the russians call it manipulate c. and dispense it this in from out here and we call it manipulation and this information so these are well known techniques they've been used for you know over about a hundred years i mean all the way back to world war one for sure. how do you think this is going to impact the whistleblower community i mean i'm just speculating here if if he does just go to prison serve some time for hacking
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a computer will that really put off whistleblowers some from uncovering serious nefarious activities. i don't believe it will i think it is more likely to stimulate more activity by them and more attempts to get information through to whatever realm of the wiki leaks exists ok. and i say go to nickel direct whistleblower thanks very much for that. but let's go live to new york now auti correspondent kind of more pings are high again what information is being forthcoming from the u.s. on julian assange and his possible extradition and charges well interestingly we have heard from the u.s. president u.s. president donald trump has been asked about the arrest of julian a songe in wiki leaks and he gave an interesting answer and that answer is a little bit different than the answer he gave on the campaign trail let's take
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a listen. you know nothing about wiki leaks it's not my thing and i know there is so clean having to do with julian who saw as i have been saying would accept and with a song that will be a determination i would imagine mostly by due to the general who is doing an excellent job so he'll be making a determination i know nothing really about him it's not my son my deal in life what would you now very very different from what trump said on the campaign trail where he spoke about wiki leaks as if he knew about it but it's important to note that essentially you know a songe there is an effort to extradite him now from the u.s. department of justice we have a statement from the eastern district of virginia where they are essentially calling for for the extradition of julian assange for on charges of conspiracy to commit computer intrusion the indictment alleges that astonished and work they did with chelsea manning and together they tried to crack it castro in order to get out
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of the plans department information that was classified which were a few weeks eventually qabalistic that chelsea manning is in the hands of u.s. officials at this time being held and it's important to reveal what this information that chelsea manning was able to provide him with the reaks actually contain let's review some of that information.
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i don't really. does the n.s.a. collect any data on millions of new sort of. wiki leaks walks like a hostile intelligence or talks like a hot or cold turkey. now at this point it's important to note that a number of u.s. intelligence officials have declared that wiki leaks is
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a basically they referring to it as a russian the asset and this comes in response to these accusations came in response to wiki leaks publishing the e-mails from the democratic national committee and from hillary clinton's aide john podesta those e-mails were published now it was widely alleged in the united states that came from hacking those e-mails were acquired through computer hacking however wiki leaks has maintained that they were provided these e-mails from a leaker a leaker provide these provided these e-mails they did not hack in order to acquire them now in addition to a being accused of being a russian asset assad has been referred to as being an enemy by a number of u.s. officials let's review some of what he's been called. the united states do something to stop mr sausage we're looking into that right now and he should be treated as an enemy combatant we should be closed down permanently and decisively this guy is a traitor a treasonous and he has broken every law the united states the guy ought to be and
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i'm not for the death penalty so if i'm not for the death penalty want to do it illegally shoot the son of a this is a man of this grown beyond anything i am aware own ignorance or misplaced idealism is no longer an acceptable excuse for lionizing these demons at this point julius songes not anymore in the ecuadorian embassy in london at this point he has been turned over to you k. officials he is in their custody now the question remains will he be extradited to the united states many observers speculate that if he comes to the united states he could be facing a lot more than simply this conspiracy of computer intrusion charge that charge only holds the potential for five years in prison but many people speculate that he could face a much much sterner and more serious charges once the arrives in the united states so it remains to be seen whether or not julian assad will be extradited to the united states where many speculate he could face much more serious charges than simply the computer hacking charge and we'll keep watch on that just as we have
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that over the past seven or more years all right for now kind of more open in new york thanks for that. with control of the brewing over the arrest i was doing in the studio earlier by correspondent for more on the case. today's arrest i should say has clearly showcased how much of a divisive figure songe has become he's got an army of supporters on one hand he's got an army of his own the other one but really whether you like him or not he's won multiple awards for his journalism and that's why some of the most the most vocal bunch i should say were journalists activists and the whistleblowers who have stepped forward and his support to julian and one of the loudest voices in this choir was edward snowden a fellow whistleblower who is was granted asylum and who is still in russia who doesn't seem to be well moving him anywhere anytime soon but he has been very vocal along with some other journalists and whistleblowers have
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a listen images of record those ambassador invoicing the case secret police into the embassy to drag a publisher of like you to know it was waiting john days most of the building are going to end up in the history books in sandra's critics may cheer but this is a dark moment for press freedom the u.s. did not waste any time putting in extradition requests for a sunday terrible press than if journalist publisher ends up in u.s. jail for iraq war logs and state department cables we queue leaks is a publisher charges now brought in connection with its material or any attempt to extradite assange to united states for prosecution under deeply flawed could you know of the espionage act nine hundred seventeen is an attack on all of us. the d.-o. g. cis part of what a science did to justify his prosecution beyond allegedly helping manning get the documents is that he encouraged manning to get more documents for him to publish journalists do this with sources constantly is
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a criminalization of journalism now if you hours ago i spoke with john kiriakou a veteran whistleblower who felt the full impact of the us judicial machine when it comes to treating men like him what i asked him was why he believes julian assange should be granted a for a fair trial in the states is his answer judge levy brick a mob is a former federal prosecutor. on national security cases or herself so you might. judge them bastards. has ever wanted. it but i guess it was seventy documents that i needed to defend myself. all. i suspect you'll get is. just not be allowed. but if you think it's just journalists or whistleblowers who have been supporting his son she will know we one of the store interest and most vocal supporters of
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a songe throughout the years of his asylum and now to what were the united nations about when he was holed up in the asylum they demanded in the condemned the u.k. for not allowing for not granting a son to the freedom of movement he'd been saying that he should definitely be should have definitely been allowed that now they've stepped forward and said that extradition could amount to a human rights violation so if the u.k. was to extradite a son to this could constitute a human rights violation italy and bolivia have already also condemned the handling of the a sanch case the sort of the man handling of the of the week a leak of the founder of we can leagues and well maybe on a more personal note i should say. pamela anderson who i should suppose i should describe as his long distance girlfriend of sorts she also went on a massive twitter round and she did not mince words when it came to describing a world well what she what she hopes to defeat will bring to everyone responsible
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for what happened to julian astonished today now these are the just some of the supporters of julian assange but of course you have them on the one side of the argument and you have all the bureaucratic and you know the government machine or the u.k. of the united states of some other states as well who have cheered who have cheered on her praised what happened today but i guess the day to look out to look forward to is may the second now of the reaction we've been getting journalist and wiki leaks supporter cassandra banks told us that she believes the songes of fiction was planned well in advance. i think that this is. a really really dark day for press freedom. julian assange has done more for sri press and the right to know and free information than any other journalist in history he's nominated for the nobel peace prize this year and the fact that our
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administration is extraditing him in charging him for doing journalism is shocking and disgusting it's all obviously courtney did i think this has been planned for a long time and went to their good rate embassy and there was a car that was sitting outside for twenty hours they had shifts of people rotating through every six or so hours and another car that was sitting with their spot lay on the embassy so i had confronted both of them they said they weren't media and then they wouldn't answer whether or not they were a line fauresmith but they claim to not do what we even was and they are seeing arresting him today and i could ring government was just looking and making excuses to put him into the hands of the united states government where he's definitely not going to get a fair trial so a reminder of the story dominating our news coverage today we can make founded today in a song which was arrested on thursday morning and dragged out of the ecuadorian
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embassy in london where he'd been taken refuge for nearly seven is roughly video agency captured the moment that he was brought out by offices. yes. well back in twenty twelve julian assange hosted an interview series on the team coming up next another episode of the whistleblower show with education political activist a la belle foster and ready dissident job he's since been jailed for posting tweets criticizing the government that. julian assange.
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exposed the world secret documents. being attacked by the united states strongly condemning. illegally shoot. a hundred days ago being detained without charge but that. today. is to change the world tomorrow. is the arab spring the enactment of a dream and impossible fantasy this week cut through the spin and speak directly to two leading revolutionaries from cairo i speak to write an activist. imprisoned and now banned from travel he has become the icon of a relation betrayed joining me under house arrest. the director of the brain center for human rights and one of the most important figures in the bahraini uprising i
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want to ask them about the revolutions across the middle east had they been successful crushed captured or concealed and what motivates them to continue to put their lives on the one. you see me as we have here. a. little worried about you. yeah yeah he is out now but. none of us set out maybe not. so well what happened in the past couple of weeks when we called you to try and get you over here i mean you are in jail so i mean yeah i was i was just detained for almost half of the night before the month i was beaten up in this city a few months ago i was kidnapped from my home by masked security. and taken to know
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in a place of blindfolded and handcuffed and i was tortured the i was thrown back home and when i said in my column that i'm going to meet julian assange and i'm going to speak to him in a t.v. program. that my house was surrounded by almost one hundred policemen and. machine guns in the. eyes and i was not at home didn't they just. ask my family to tell me to come to the public. today at four o'clock where i am here you're in so you're here and i received when i was last night and i think i went but i mean what is what are you going to do are you i'm going to go back i mean i have to face it i mean it's not the first time but this is the struggle this is the freedom this is democracy that we are fighting for as a cost and we have to pay the costs and the cost might be very expensive as we have
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paid a high cost in bahrain and i'm willing to pay for the changes that we are fighting for. and. where you at legally are you are you in the clear no. no. i am still pending prosecution the case is under investigation i am banned from travel and accused of murders. of public property. the military p.c.'s. stealing military weapons. inciting illegal assembly for the purpose of terrorism. so i'm basically accused of beating the hell out of a couple of platoons to that weapons and little killing where you are alleged to be a very naughty boy. and a super man also i know you have been doing stuff that would be impossible for. confronting apc's on.


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