tv Documentary RT April 11, 2019 11:30pm-12:00am EDT
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breaks it down tonality. montes holland international memorial awards twenty nine c. the now open for entries. media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work full terms of media or part of a global news conference to participate and send us your published works and video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and enter now. and you'll see what i get a more it's this edition. of the first one to the finish to give conformal from all the hundreds of. photos in this fluid dorm to. the i think it was national guard number off. the top of. the painting of the year. it's on what was
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performed of course. before school board in these clinics going up to the school as a nobody knew the rules because the. machine and the wife of the smear. told us you knew those. clothes someone to be running in because of the faults telling you the way to. the senior palm beach county police officer did not consent to the still it's.
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conversation being broadcast side of the dialogue is summarized here. the p.b.s. so deputy claims the two can constantly tells lies. he also asserts the dragon himself is to blame for having to leave his family because of what he has done. the sheriff's office denies any responsibility for duggan's in full. michael dog the chief deputy of the palm beach county sheriff's office i don't work for the sheriff's office and so i think the ninety seven. really long time gardner is actually very knowledgeable when it comes to police dog or is not some guy he's very well educated probably should be the sheriff at the end of the day and he's kind of created the entire culture of what i call the culture of corruption. at the sheriff's office i found my dog or. he would
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leave me out of the work i've stroked. my dog unfortunately i think. i might think been attacked by mark. and maybe rightfully so. do you mean the pictures where the sheriff and chief deputy are treated as nazi leaders. the officer replied that those pictures were a very minor transgression referring instead poena graphic images that he claimed to going to doctors to include senior officers faces. some of the star i have some of the photos of you know. bradshaw bending over the chief and vice versa a village of your attire. you know i'm sorry. it's not. very willing. to help old geezer prankster is well i wouldn't have caught it on their. and i didn't like that they were somewhat
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juvenile and childish. takes attention away from the real corrupt activity and it makes the chief look too much like a victim. the senior deputy claim the john dougan frequently post pictures online and then denies doing so the the photo was posted on my website i'm not the originator of that. photograph but i kept it on the site at the top. and i kept it on. because. dog. is very representative of who they are was do can responsible for those posts i don't know there is no way to graduate our dog or i'd make sure that it came from my account but how do you know that it was. not somebody else. the senior officer is quite
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a bit off to succeed as of experiencing what he calls harassment. he's able to recognize to writing stuff. and dog or with all of their errors are nothing more than employees people. need to make fun of them their laughable. their laughable thinks or. so we were trying to ask him for an interview the fewest you have is where you need to talk to person we know. has a negative tom or do. i. they were following back in two thousand and thirteen like seeing strange cards
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. in photographs and i knew i was under investigation when the chief deputy. like the dog or one to my wife lisa my wife to have taken the lead like they really wanted mark fuken is what i believe and they still do they still want mark do good but these are already looking for him they want him to do so so they just want to arrest. him they just can't find something good in you know but they just want to arrest he gave them a reason they got. published them all it was the names of the local police for lauderdale west palm beach police p.b.s. cell broward sheriff's office miami police and f.b.i. . probably is the day when it's
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a felony published to the public i'm against only because i don't want to endanger their lives or anybody else by a little bit and as nasty and as disrespectful unprofessional. as look let's. get our i'm not going to stoop to the level to deal with the reason i did it right . for me. or. wonder you know why. aren't. there no longer. normal for some of the you know monitoring going anywhere in the. morning detective kenneth mark lewis he's a twenty year twenty five year veteran of the palm beach county sheriff's office.
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he retired back i think in two thousand and five but they brought him back on a part time basis specifically to start a unit. to investigate the sheriff's. political enemies so he was sort of like. harvey keitel in pulp fiction. for this year and. i don't think it worked out a way because he admitted to everything when. the male voice called him on the phone so if someone attacks. you might have given. can life. you want to know how i got more clues to believe that i was a woman let me show you hello. hello mark
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my name is jessica i'm a beautiful woman and i'm moving to your area let's meet. a little more clues i mean. i'm a beautiful woman and i'm moving to your area soon. told him i was a woman moving down with my boyfriend and i began flirting with him if i ever wanted to trespass tried to preach. try to. act. paranoia he likes this woman and they start talking hours and he starts telling her all this stuff including back i pretended like i was just this amazing young. girl who was in.
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over his skills and capabilities that creep that has that c.b.s. they got a john mark. karr you know that we went to russia and he started in this camp and it's a picture of me as the pictures before he ever published them and we don't worry was that. you're kidding me. no. this is really bad stuff i mean if the government can do this it's it's unbelievable so many federal crimes here. you know but nobody ever held this guy accountable it's weird that we have a journalist from a russian news media. that's more interested. in this than our own. people are you know i was very entertaining it was exactly what
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i said from the start is that the sheriff has a political machine that is designed to keep him. finally the officer is adamant that he himself has not decided to second recorded. even so he's certain that lewis would have been well aware that he was talking to joan doogan and not to a woman. for that reason he didn't deliberately trash. i think that he may as one point have figured out that he was getting fed up but probably not for the first four five six hours of their conversation if if mark lewis knew he was talking to dude why didn't you tell him all this stuff. why it would lead you to tell him all this stuff because all the stuff he was telling me i checked into it they all true but it gets arrested what what jail do you think is going to go on ours. someone tell
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me. that while your child for trial if you stay in the county jail it's our to know that the terrorists that you picked on in the us are sure that you tag their homes it's their job they're in charge they can't expect a from congo i can't trust them it's not on the ground. yet the big huge flag metafile got in. their homes remember me telling you that after a little. yeah he's going to be somebody's girlfriend whether he likes it or not you hear recordings of police officers talking about how they're going to make sure he dies in prison and by knowing police officers that's creepy was. my only choice i think would be to call on. me what would you do if you know you're facing imminent death ok just because they don't want you to talk anymore what
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would you do really. join me every week on the alex simon shore and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see of that. in my health he's read. by the. i realized it was time to flee to leave the country my kids. just went off to school when i walked into the front door. i noticed that there was
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a black ford pickup truck parked in front of my home i figured. i put on and i went back and i put on the key shirt and i walked out and halfway through the truck door opened and there was a guy pled in a black vest he jumps out with his gun and i had people jumping out of the trees and coming from behind the how this woman in all directions thing on the ground on the ground right. into the back of an f.b.i. vehicle i received a phone call. to mr nugent. press and yes he says this is a just so so of the f.b.i. and we're here your son's house more and we need you to come and pick him up i'm just like ok you know we'll set up a meeting i'll tell you whatever you want to know. and the hand they let me out of
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the handcuffs and he told me to leave while the search my house was on the car ran off there. and there were police corps all over the bush f.b.i. a sheriff's office. they said they had forty five people go. through their apartment though my dad keeping me up to my dad would point out how i just knew that i had to lead them to chill and. crazy he was serious terrified. he said don't go it's a casual he asked me if i would see about trying to get his passport back they could have very well have said no we are not giving the passport back and that would have been the end of it however they say they gave it back to me when i heard mark was over in russia i decided i needed a new way to escape. and i went to my attorney's place
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and i gave him a package sent to my children. is going to happen to me to be honest with you in the package with the letter and a new tablet that i had gotten because you know the f.b.i. they took the took everything they took bunny tablet the they took every computer that was in my home. you know if my kids didn't have any way to do homework so i bought them a tablet as a gift. that i had to leave. really terrible because. they were six and eight at that time and they didn't understand the. father just.
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just. the father that they see every morning that loves them so much. you know even. in the situation because their two young. children. are really into the bedroom and we took a little together. and she was laying there she knew something was wrong. got to go. and be able to come back here and it might be a very long time before i can see you again. and we just sat there on the bed. you know both of us. i was thirty five years in jail if i didn't get murdered. and you know how do i explain to them.
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well. you'll never see me because i'll be put in a prison if they don't have killed. at this point i had a truck that i had registered seven years i had to leave it on the north side of. i went to the. mall a. lot when it comes forth i went to one of the dressing rooms. i took a way out to try to lose a park there waiting for me to start a drive north with the.
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only way to get past p.s.a. was to get in the can the. i called around to. different places planes and i found a guy with a cessna one seventy two who flew in to fly me around i told him i was writing a book on plate tectonics and that i just had to fly over canadian territory to photograph scene g.p.s. coordinates for the book and then we were in the united states again doesn't require any clearance from the t.s.a. and the soonest i got over certain g.p.s. coordinates which i knew that there was a smaller strip i would fix a medical emergency with the heart attack we landed i jumped out of the airplane to
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grab one bag from the guys in cash. and i took off i went into the. took a bus to toronto drano i took an airplane. i was just thankful to be here but honestly i was i landed in russia. water with relief. off my shoulders to know that you know i was at least going to be safe here. to. see. the. i thought i probably ended with six or seven hundred dollars. and. you know it doubt point i was even thinking about. work or where as you get money
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i just knew that when i got here i'd be ok i've never felt unsafe in russia actually for me personally being in russia. feel safer than being in will seek student in the united states we're going to the factory where my tables are manufactured in solution or. i just started a company called my company builds computer tables i design them and build them what i think computer tables they are tables with computer components integrated into the tables. this is the factory where my tables are made. this is a very cool laser cutter it takes this sheet. very finely the beam in it all around the metal gamers happened to love these computer games and you did that
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for many prestigious events for electronics secure in russia. and i've shipped a couple of them internationally kids so you know that's what i'm doing. i'm writing a book at the moment. if you look. this is all leaves are cut. and even. my logo is laser cut into the metal. see this. metal. and. so these are the studs. these are the links for it. so. hard. like that and it's difficult because i can. tell i can't have. a normal job like i can't work for an american company. because. you know once a company finds out that you know i fled the united states for political asylum
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they're not going to hire me really work for a russian company because i don't speak russian. very well fine for is finding a stable job it's incredibly difficult. i've had people contact me. off for me to come back and i had one person offer me you know to tell information that i have i might have about russia. in exchange for you know amnesty back home and do it. russia was incredibly generous and give me asylum here and. for me you know it's my country now. doing it on that mat in the grass you could catch your ankle lace you stepped in dog. march
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mother. last december on christmas eve when my mother died mom but my brother was devastated that he couldn't be here you know. they didn't always talk a lot and sometimes they go back and forth it's quite a lot. but in the end you know we're family and. you know because what my government is i wasn't able to go home and so. i had to tell her goodbye over the telephone which was difficult. and she died just to see if i had a very rare cancer called mantle shell and foam which is a blood cancer you know with the sickness i've got right now i can't travel i don't think i'll ever see my far. again. he probably has ten years left and. he can never make the journey over here probably never see my aunt again. and lost my
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family. it's easy to say it wasn't worth it it's very easy to say that. that's true you know because somebody's got to take a stand so. nobody ever takes a stand against anything that's bad. our world is going to go to a very bad place my family doesn't understand the decisions that i made sometimes i don't understand the decisions that i made but i think what i did was the right thing no matter if it made a difference or not if he has made a difference well that's not the kind of the world you want to live in. the world that i want all these my children what i do it over again knowing what i've lost. i don't know if i would. but if you ask me if i think i did the right thing. yeah i did do the right thing. marco. i can't wait to have
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capitalism relies on competition so competition means that if you have winning ideas or winning companies you survive if you don't yell survive best survival of the fittest this competition pretty have a corrupt subtle bank who's willing to finance dodgy deals then it crowds out the good company and the end up with a lot of bad companies and it crowds out competition and you end up with a with a with a company capital growing. physicists' . i remain very much opposed to military intervention i am opposed to it because i fundamentally do not believe it is in u.s. interests there are several issues at play in venezuela one is the terrible terrible humanitarian state into which then is that alone in my opinion is not a justification for an american invasion.
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with no make this manufacture consent instant of public wealth. when the ruling closest to protect themselves. with the flame and merry go round to listen we don't want the same job. to ignore middle of the room sick news. the real news is. you know world of big partisan. logs and conspiracies it's time to wake up. to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and
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shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. after almost seven years confined to the ecuadorian embassy in london police drag we could he said it's a. safe haven and place him under arrest. not above the law and no hero while the british prime minister and officials praise acquittal for ending a song just asylum was blown community brands it's a dog day for journalism. it's preceded mainstay any journalists can be extradited for prosecution.
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