tv News RT April 13, 2019 11:00am-11:31am EDT
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really. really really really. with judy no songs charged in the u.s. with conspiracy to hack government government computers the issue of his alleged links to russia i once again being raised in washington. although seventy people are reportedly killed in libya in a week as the international community remains split over how to deal with the country's escalating conflict. as the german justice minister is roundly criticized after giving an interview to r.t.f. german sister channel in which he mentions close ties between brother and moscow. and we maintain close ties with russia russia was and always will be our partner.
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to. a very warm welcome you watching r.t. international with mina caring. after his dramatic arrest wiki leaks frontman julian our song is facing a charge of conspiracy to hack a u.s. government computer that it appears washington has also another axe to grind at least judging by the vice president's words on friday. when he was a cia cia director he called weekly leaks nonstate house intelligence service often abetted by state actors like russia we strongly agree with that's why the justice department is now seeking extradition might have been just a slip of the tongue currently a song isn't being charged with anything russia related but his alleged links to the kremlin has been on the minds of the people of the media and political chiefs
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for quite some time. looks at whether collusion may still become part of the case against the wiki leaks. it did say it years ago a son that the united states wanted him that's why he was in the ecuadorian embassy and he was right america is seeking extradition and if you watch enough t.v. you surely know why his russian connections can we address the question at hand and that is whether or not you can say definitively that russia had no part in this camp was trying to sabotage the twenty six thousand election and have these facts in front of them saw assad as an agent agent or at least a provocateur or a collaborator with the russian government tonight there is growing evidence that russia is using wiki leaks as a delivery vehicle for hacked e-mails and other information it was everywhere on every pundit slips for years assad's weekly spew to russia meddling
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echoed and echoed by everyone important enough to be on camera like us need is it's time to call out wiki leaks for what it really is a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors like russia they've acted in concert with the russians to interfere on our elections to help you pack into took that information from the russians and at least in a way to disrupt our campaigns in twenty sixteen i don't think that's that's not right that's illegal and i hope mr as much as possible just because if you come you'll get forty years from. russia meddling in what you do by their word he's a covert k.g.b. asset on a secret mission to topple the united states that is if you watch enough t.v. if you don't if you actually read the indictment against him the charges not to mention of russia not a mention of elections of meddling e-mails or grand plots to topple the united
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states his crime allegedly was that he worked with chelsea. manning to obtain classified documents that showed us human rights abuses in iraq and afghanistan the us government asked you. state all the chargers they tend to charge mr sashi with extradition stick. failed to do you mistress arches us that ransom us on. our states government or bring their charges just consider this if the us had any of it anything tying has signed to russia or made legal conspiracy do you think they would have shown it to mention that this is it this is the unique charge he faces and because of how extradition works they can to add any more charges if they get
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him the extradition order. needs to know at that stage what exact charge aside for example. the extradition court u.k. or not extradite somebody to the west the charges that are brought against mr assad . not existed and there's no charges. so the extradition court makes very clear we're only going to extradite what those charges are sent to us and. we just i guess directors. states with the shirts are now saying balance. going by what lawyers and experts are saying the u.s. doesn't have much of a case and that fast is found guilty it sets a nasty precedent where journalists can be jailed for posting classified material no matter how vital like the manning files.
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this remarkable as it may be the u.s. is now saying that exposing us human rights abuses wanted murder committed by the u.s. military exposing that is one serious than the abuses and murder themselves chelsea formally bradley manning was freed by a bomber but judging by the toxicity on t.v. in washington as shouldn't be too hopeful the. you never know trump
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is trump wiki leaks i love what you like. on thursday police force to be removed julia songs from the ecuadorian embassy in london they came out to quito stripped him of his ecuadorian citizenship and revoked his asylum which was granted almost seven years ago i could always things the songs violated the terms of his asylum in numerous ways i could do was former foreign minister ricardo pacino claims the current government has struck a deal with washington. what is clear here is that moreno who is currently the president of ecuador has reached an agreement with the u.s. they agreed to loans from the international monetary fund and in exchange they agreed to things hand over julian a songe and the process of the latin american integration moreno has betrayed his homeland british police to enter our embassy the embassy which we've been defending
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since two thousand and twelve it's clear that the death penalty still exists in the us i repeat it's public information they commit barbaric acts of torture against those they consider an enemy clearly julian a sign is an enemy to them that's exactly why we gave him political asylum seeking independent journalist and close friend of duty in a silent smith phase the wiki leaks chief he knows is not the month painted in the media. julian is very robust and strong person physically quite large and mentally but he has been under the most of his overstrain i mean physically he lost a lot of weight mentally he was still the same julian of course but you could see that he's a man who'd suffered he all know we can do this for example the embassy used to close down and you could see that he didn't like being alone rattling around the place he hasn't been outside the ecuadorans were in the last year under the regime of merino were monitoring him inside the embassy to an extraordinary degree there
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were two cameras in every room except the lavatory even the kitchen that one also he was gagged he was allowed speak to journalists and the other thing is this occasion right took a tail this is quite difficult to see and julian has expected to be thrown out of the embassy since before christmas and he was just waiting for it to happen but i didn't think he expected to be dragged out in this way the way it happened was to patrol him to help portray him as a fugitive rather than allowing him to walk out himself with dignity people consider much more of a threat than he really is. you know the district judge and the magistrate court that he went into after straight after being taken by the police and described him as a narcissist i mean the judge had met him once in the courtroom but day i mean that's a savage thing to say about somebody you know today what we're talking about they're talking about the welfare of the cat i mean you couldn't make it up so hungry for news they'll talk about a cat they'll talk about silly stuff about him you know apparently. unclean or
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something like that i mean it's extraordinary how journalists are able to distract themselves what's really important and really important to the future of journalism . the international criminal court will not probe one of the biggest revelations from leaks published by whistleblower julia songe the i.c.c. claims they're looking into alleged u.s. war crimes in afghanistan would now be counterproductive. the judges decided that investigation into the situation in afghanistan at this stage would not serve the interests of justice the i.c.c. noted the lack of cooperation the prosecutor has received which is likely to go scarce should an investigation be authorized hampering the chances of successful investigation and prosecution u.s. president donald trump held the decision as a major internet international victory of the rule of law washington recently were voted entry visa for the prosecutor responsible for the probe citing the need to protect the country's sovereignty the us has refused to sign up to the i.c.c.
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with officials lashing out at the court. we will not cooperate with the i.c.c. we will provide no assistance to the i.c.c. and we certainly will not join the i.c.c. as far as america is concerned the i.c.c. has no jurisdiction no legitimacy and no authority we will ban its judges and prosecutors from entering the united states the i.c.c. plains near universal jurisdiction over the citizens of every country the united states will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court the i.c.c. opened a preliminary investigation into the issue in two thousand and six this looks into allegations that more than ten thousand civilians were killed in atrocities as well as claims of torture and rape and twenty seven c. in the i.c.c. prosecutor also judges to take things further saying there were reasonable grounds
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to suspect the us military was implicated human rights watch stays the course decision to reject a proper investigation sets a bad precedent the i.c.c. judge's rejection of an afghanistan investigation is a devastating blow for victims who have suffered grievous crimes without red dress the judge's logic effectively in the house member countries to opt out of copulating with a quote antiwar activist. the i.c.c. has no power against the us. i don't think that an entity like an i c c would be able to bring those charges to the front and i think if we look back i mean you take on yugoslavia you take on small countries in africa maybe countries in latin america or maybe countries in south asia but taking on the united states i mean i i mean you could i guess the president to that would be the case with the signs right now this is this is not only of ghana stand but we have to look at did
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they do they do anything about iraq no that was a legal occupational legal in beijing just like a pianist in this case is not the first case that points that out i think there are a few cases that point going back to even the crimes in yugoslavia that the nato committed i think there's quite a few cases and there's quite a few precedents to show that i.c.c. is actually not capable of. bringing the real actors so the western countries the hedge amman's to the table and actually charging them with crimes. seventy five papers have been killed and more than three hundred twenty wounded in libya in the last ten days according to the world health organization the country's ongoing civil war has been escalating off the general khalifa haftar his forces control least in libya ordered his army to launch on the capital the u.n. is calling on all parties to the conflict to end hostilities. health partners have
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verified seventeen civilian casualties so far with seven fatalities including three medical staff at least five ambulances have been hit since the onset of the conflict we continue to call for a humanitarian pause to allow people to safely evacuate and emergency services to get through and for all parties to abide by their obligations under international humanitarian law meanwhile thousands of libyans have been gathering in tripoli to protest against renewed fighting in the region libya has been in turmoil since the ousting of more on the gadhafi in two thousand and eleven since then the country is in the establishment of two rival governments one backed by the un in tripoli and the other based entire book on his party boy has been looking back at how the civil war thought it in her latest edition of in case you missed it. the cia stooges competing colonialists a powerless us billions of barrels of the black stuff in case you can set the looming civil war in libya has this will. help us in the early i thought.
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freedom and prosperity in libya twenty eleven creating a glorious last civil. lysis and slave trade turns out i was wrong. not the business of another revolution to get rid of this guy and the more you know this one shares up i just look at them like a little despotic because they're in the. general. and his self-proclaimed libyan national. apparently fought for colonel moammar gadhafi then turned against him before going into exile in the u.s. but twenty years in langley virginia where the cia is based. how is that significant seriously i am trying to record something. where was i after is launching a military offensive and
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a place to take control of the whole country is often there reassuring promise that security comes politics second. house stop one to defeat the government of national accord which is really a selfless or national or in accord with anything but one thing on its side the recognition that the queue at the service center seems easy enough international condemnation of nato for half dollars bill says everything gets better it works every time the plan has everyone's best whale in a press up top. so while the u.n. officially recognizes the tripoli government the french egypt and the saudis have been funding and backing general ham who also got a personalized guided tour of a russian aircraft carrier by him twenty seventeen italy is backing the other side out of the u.s. just pulled out of its soldiers from libya. in
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the quite a geopolitical pickle currently all the sides are doing the only thing may sound do when they can't do anything calling arms or strange kind of dialogue my advice to anyone who lives in a corrupt sandy country with a serious amount of oil is to leave don't go to europe they're just very about the same. the e.u. meanwhile is demanding the general kind of doll stop his military offensive against the tripoli government. the military attack launched by the enemy on tripoli and the subsequent escalation in and around the capital are in danger in civilians including migrants and refugees and disrupting un led political process with the risk of serious consequences for libya and the wider region including the terrorist threat but the bloc seems to be split over the issue france reportedly rejected an
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earlier statement calling on the leader of the libyan national army to pole back his troops paris has the oil assets in the east of the country and have been providing military help to counter italy has criticized france's stance. it would be very serious of france for economical commercial reasons have blocked an e.u. initiative to bring peace to libya and would support a party that is fighting as minister of the interior i would not stand by and watch something that the two thousand and eleven nato led military intervention in libya promoted by then french president nicolas sarkozy was triggered. commercial interests than what humanitarian concerns former deputy speaker of the belgian parliament load of unused things the split in the e.u. or libya is linked to the geopolitical interests of its members. about you political a position of france and italy in a lesson manager brown's was that one country don't start of the war on libya in
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the first place for the same reason that they were there but they do not supporting the guy that they think will protect their interests ironically enough to dismount those leading the libyan national army is a former gadhafi colleague or a tool down and gone disagreed with him and left the country for us in several years this man is just as the reliable as any other military dictator i mean it just shows that when it go really comes down to democracy human rights and so on he's just irrelevant. the german justice minister is under fire after giving an interview swati his german sister channel well she said after the fact.
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after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next that popped about different clubs on one hand it is logical to set off on fields where everything is familiar on the other i wanted a new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising people and i saw what not to give you. i'm going to talk about football narvi or else you can think i was going to go. by the way ways of that's like here. join me every first day on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get out of the world of politics sport i'm show business i'll see that. thank you.
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welcome back police have fired tear gas at yellow vests protesters in france on the first weekend after a controversial anti riot law came into force but law bans demonstrators hiding their faces officers intervened after protesters reportedly trying to build barricades in the southern city of toulouse it's this twenty second weekend of anti-government rallies and more than seven thousand are protesting across the country the yellow vests movement started in november with demonstrators rallying against fuel price hikes and calling on president mcclaren to resign. german media and politicians have rounded on the country's justice minister after she gave an interview to r.t. is german sister channel in a seven minute appearance catarina bali touched on
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a number of issues concerning europe including germany's relations with russia artie's peter all of the reports. well the german justice minister catarina bali is found herself in hot water according to some lost on the political sea according to others it's curious to see how you can completely lose your political compass in no time well what heinous act did she commit she spoke to the media or as some would have you believe the wrong type of media this is all come about after ms barley gave an interview to r.t. deutsch our german language sister service. and we maintain close ties with russia russia was and always will be our partner however that doesn't mean we don't take issue with certain things but then that's a natural part of any relationship. nordstrom to is a private enterprise and we as
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a government do not interfere i also do not consider it appropriate to comment on u.s. plans in any way. europe has external and internal enemies these include all who seek to weaken at first of all of course these are the e.u. countries that want to become nation states again and stop their usual cooperation with us in order to pursue their selfish national interests heaven forfend a german politician give an interview to a russian news outlet about issues that affect both nations that minister must be out of her mind according to the german tabloid press justice minister caterina barely wants to join the european parliament for the s.p.d. and has given many interviews so far so good but why she took questions from the kremlin propaganda portal russia today is not comprehensible to many in political circles while the c.d.u. is fighting for every euro to strengthen europe security the s.p.d.
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european candidate for the rino barly gives interviews the russian state propaganda that is twenty four seven to weaken europe. because the arena barely of the european the un through body all smiling and friendly to those who want to send you are plummeting into chaos with their education freedom of the press sorry make that freedom to talk to the press as long as it's the ones the german tabloids approval of. thousands of poured on the un to the square and to the central square outside the serbian parliament in belgrade as part of an opposition rally the demonstrators are calling on the president very chit chat as well as the prime minister and the parliament speaker to step down they also want a new election the ongoing rally is expected to become the largest in recent months protests have been held regularly in serbia since december last year with the opposition could accusing the church of being autocratic and suppressing press freedoms. more than one hundred war crimes on counting their fantasy
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we're back with more at the top of the. themselves. they get accepted or rejected. so you want to present. to the right for us this is what the. real people are. interested in the lives of our. u.s. veterans who come back from war. same stories. were going up for the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the well be. not their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the
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circular defense off that says we're going to attack and destroy their governments and seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with their money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war surely we can risk some discomfort for an easy miss for peace. and justice more than i will. mention that it's on. the up and it. on the show doesn't isn't that a. bit like it's
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a more efficient use was it. does look at three am drug. just in spoke so you took your last chance for much you know so. this is your do you wish that is where the. whole thing you want us to just finish the victim of the journalists. of course mr. twenty seventeen the russian space agency launched a new cosmonaut core recruitment campaign the requirements was strong. a degree in
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piloting engineering or science psychological stability perfect health even height weight and chest measurements are important because model has to be able to fit into a space suit and of course the ship for one hundred twenty was shortlisted from the campaign but only eight would be selected we'll focus on three of the would be cosmonauts whose progress we followed for almost two views. when the shut. down through. the post both us were the news and notes on the bus which is. one of the. really rich but isn't even the. world's corsten insufficient reason.
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as a business consultant constantine knew that his chances of being a cosmonaut was slim so aged thirty he joined the leading aviation institute and spent five years preparing for this process. should continue. to you need. to know what to do. first so that this is true that there's little room for siebel. so there's. little to do. well. as a serious athlete irina is a cross-country ski climber and free dive.
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