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tv   News  RT  April 16, 2019 12:00pm-12:31pm EDT

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france is in shock after a fire engulfed the national don cheadle in paris badly damaging the iconic structure. its french heritage its part of boston with a shocking we find comfort in the fact that there are no. french historical heritage they could have been faster was helicopters. julian assange is given an award for his whistle blowing by a group of any peace just days after being locked up in the u.k. we speak to a nobel peace prize laureate who wants to hand over their war to him personally. i think we have to acknowledge that you live in the summer. and i want to do
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personally for all he has done for us. and probably european politicians urge the e.u. not to call the united states example when it comes to the middle east. a very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our to h.q. in moscow thanks for joining us this hour. france is today coming to terms with a devastating fire that ravaged one of the world's most famous buildings and in paris investigators believe the blaze may have been the result of ongoing restoration work on the roof inspire both of which collapsed last night present and i know mike wrong has pledged the building will rise from the ass ashes here some of the pictures from the cathedrals gutted roof the french interior minister today visited the site to see the damage for himself. involved in the. has to be rebuilt
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for the sake of the french people art is charlotte reports now from the french capital. cathedral literally sits in the whole lot of the city of paris much of the city's history contained within her bosom a seat of cultural political and economic power when it was built back in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries so eight hundred and fifty years of history that much of it now in tatters following that ferocious fire which broke out on monday evening the crowds gathered at last night to witness that catastrophe and once again they've come today to bear witness to this huge fire which tore through this cathedral. it's french heritage it's part of arthur burns with it we managed to preserve it for eight hundred years and today unfortunately
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it went up in flames i think it touches everyone it's poignant it's heartbreaking and the firemen did all they could but there are some things will never get back. she also talked about a few shocking we find comfort in the fact that there are nine victims but it's our french historical heritage and we all share memories of when we visited but now it's fragile and all the buildings like this one are fragile in terms of the damage well it's still too early to tell exactly how much damage has been done but we do know that the iconic spa and the roof both collapsed last night as those flames ravaged the inside if not put on the cathedral we also know that what's been saved will no move to the new for b.c.m. where it will remain until it can come back to not at all but let's take a look at how that fire which literally ripped through the hearts of people here in paris last night unfold it. oh.
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no says there are two fronts which is burning reduces his or her to francis's or out of paris and so that's a part of a walk we are losing tonight says signature notre dame is the heart of paris it is grander it is monumental it is horrible to see resing we have learned going up in
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smoke centuries of our heritage. up. love. to live. lives. whole. life. it's very sad it's one of the great monuments of france i'll leave that far away so it's devastating that a monument like this is burning. and then most of. i say this to you solomon we will rebuild this great cathedral together we will appeal to the greatest talents to help restore not true them because this is what the french people expect and this is what our history deserves
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it is our destiny. around five hundred firefighters fought to contain the devastating fire we spoke to thomas jenks and a fire chief explaining difficulties and tackling such an inferno. our fire safety is number one because we have to make sure that we can back out the plates tomorrow as well and that's tough to balance when you're dealing with emotionally charged incidents when you have the circumstances were civilian lives are being threatened and in a case like this where you're dealing with property that is you know happy that has value of what you would consider normal property so just stood believably historic call for errors fire department i'm sure that's a sentiment that is shared worldwide that we want to see this fire be extinguished we want to see the property per serving as much as it can be and we want to see all those firefighters go off safely their world is sharing in france as shock leaders
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around the globe have expressed their condolences to the french nation saying that is not just part of french identity but of world heritage. so horrible to watch the massive fire not true dam cathedral in paris perhaps flying water tankers could be used to put it out must act quickly i'm following the not saddam for minute by minute it's not just on the perry belongs to all humanity what a spectacle what hora i share the emotion of the french nation which is ours as well my thoughts so we the people of france tonight and with the imagine says services who are fighting the terrible blaze at milton's on coffee drove former deputy director of culture at new mexico francisco bandar and says this will be more about reconstruction rather than restoration. now we think the structure of that. yesterday i mean all use is going. to be free and well we'll have to be. really i mean construction just
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a. major construction project this will. difficult to say today. how much it cost the city and you don't know that many many hundreds of millions of dollars even in a way was also a symbol of what modern society can do for the moment because you know about one hundred years ago under putin years ago if you know when two major players asians and there's been. through. the generations so i remember a feeling i think everybody's feeling that we have to continue to say forward and be able to. bring that to the future generations. just days after being drugged by police from his asylum refuge where he links co-founder join the song has been honored by a group of any peace they granted him an award for journalists whistleblowers and the funders of the right to information which is currently in prison ahead of
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a hearing set for next month the australian national was arrested last week when his asylum in the ecuadorian embassy in london was a robot and his citizenship suspended he was convicted by a you can court of breaching bail and has also been charged in the us with conspiracy to hack a government computer faces extradition to the u.s. and up to five years in prison although some fear the whistleblower could face far more serious charges the moment he steps foot on u.s. soil they were now given to us and was established in two thousand and eighteen by a group of leftwing m.e.p. is in the e.u. parliament it honors those who have been persecuted or intimidated for uncovering the truth and exposing it to the public as julian assange is currently behind bars he won't be able to attend the ceremony however a nobel peace prize laureate maria that maguire has volunteered to hand it to him personally we spoke to her about the award. very happy to dan to fire and receive
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the prize on behalf of jillian the science and i have asked that i be allowed to visit julian assange and belmarsh prison in london and i hope that will be granted i just think it's very important that we acknowledge julian assange for the great sacrifice that he has me and for us all one our must ask the question why didn't this happen before i nominee of the this year for the nobel peace prize for his work for peace and trying to end war and suffering of the people he knew when he published through recchi lakes he knew he would be a wanted man. and he was governor pursue freedom i think we have to acknowledge julian assange and thank him and i want to do that personally for all he has done for us i was deeply shocked that julian assange was arrested from there to dorian amber say so trivet so badly dragged died of them to say julian assange.
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deserves his human rights and he should be freed immediately and under no circumstances sent to america for a jury trial because if that happens we all become poorer and live in a very dark orange for our children. prominent european politicians have expressed their discontent with america's israel policy and in letter to british newspaper the guardian they say the e.u. must recognize jerusalem as a capital both of israel and an independent palestinian state there are reports. donald trump's decision to go his own way when it comes to finding a solution to the israeli palestinian situation coupled with no real response to this decision from any major leaders but that's prompted a group of former european leaders to pen an open letter in condemnation of the
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u.s. policy of europe's reactions well putting their signature to this letter include the former foreign secretary of the united kingdom david miliband the nato secretary general mr salado the former foreign minister of germany. we are very concerned when europe is completely silent while america strong is and now wants to put forward a unilateral peace plan these is the reason why i think we need a week up call for euro to be again trying to be in the game not can delete lee sideline and me as european foreign policy approach e.u.
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leaders have had very little to say about donald trump's very visible and very vocal support for israel in fact it's been pretty much the same as when the golan heights were recognized by the united states when the u.s. moved its embassy to jerusalem with the latest idea from the president that israeli citizens should be immune from prosecution in the international criminal court since the creation of the i.c.c. the united states has consistently declined to join the court because of its broad unaccountable prosecutorial powers any attempt to target american israeli or ally personnel for prosecution will be met with a swift and vigorous response. to this idea that the united states. and their friends are somehow above international law something that is called out by the former european leaders in their open letter unfortunately the current us administration has departed from longstanding u.s. policy and this insists now from established international legal norms it has so
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far agonized only one side screams to jerusalem and demonstrated to disturb an indifference to israel aside from an expansion one of the lynchpins of the e.u. is a project is multiple nations coming together to find a peaceful resolution now the situation when it comes to israel in palestine is already difficult and it becomes even tougher when you see the unilateral approach being taken by the united states those who've been involved in and seen close diplomacy at its highest levels say the european union needs to be more vocal and also needs to bring more countries into the process it is not only america it is europe and there are other players rush a's one of the players that can be helped to find a balance. if you still america remains keep player if you
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want to succeed but europe has been always and will be in the future and another key player it is usually to try to get a lasting peace we doubt rely olds on european legal efforts but this is our point we see europe silent we see europe not engaged in talks and these is the time to deal with the european union and trump are already butting heads over trade and defense spending there isn't any particularly you leader that stands out as the one who would stand up and challenge the united states's unilateral approach towards the israeli palestinian situation peter all over r.t. berlin still to come down trump once again locked horns with the democrats are immigration that star and more after the break.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race is off and spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. what holds us do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. some want to be rich. but you'd like to be close to see what the before three of the people get. interested always in the waters of our. first ship.
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welcome back the russian state duma has passed a bill dubbed the internet isolation law lawmakers claim it will help ensure russia's security online although critics claim it's an attempt at censorship i discussed the bell with our correspondent maria phenomena. it's called the bill on separate internet and it is aimed at creating domestic told to independent internet here in russia as a measure the lawmakers behind these documents say to protect the country from cyber attacks from cyber threats well technically this means that if russia one day is cut off from the global network it will still be able to function to operate
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without being affected the altar's of this bill say that is simply a response to america's two thousand and eighteen strategy or national cybersecurity that they found aggressive this is their word it is supposed to come into force later in the year but it still has to be approved by the parliament or the federation council and then signed into law by russia's president which will likely happen with no delay with no problem with ludmer putin known as a big fan of the idea of independent internet here in russia believing that it is a tool to lee in the interests of the russian people and the cyber security of this of course very important these days but critics claim that this could lead to russia's isolation online and will help state censureship are they right to be concerned with iraq. even among the state duma deputies in russia they say it will allow senses shape that they too will become the government's instrument to
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put more control more regulation on online life and technically yes it will give russia's governmental institutions watchdogs whoever will be responsible for that more authority as more technical options more power to control the internet but again as the supporters of this bill say it's all for the sake of the country's national security well just leaders say that this law is aimed at protection from external cyber threats that could theoretically paralyze the internet in the country do those fears have any grounds while many believe that these theories are quite real early in february the american newspaper washington. i used published an article claiming that the u.s. military had one spec in two thousand and eighteen minutes to block one russian group from internet access just because they believed it was dangerous it was involved in the alleged interference in the american elections so that is quite serious and that article cited
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a number of us high ranking officials with no names given though claiming that that was just the beginning of a massive cyber complaint against russia well if these claims are real and these threats are real from the russian authorities point of view it absolutely makes sense to to protect the country including by introducing this law. the subject of the legal immigration saw donald trump firing off on twitter once again piling pressure on his democratic rivals angered at their failure to back his border security plans on friday the president suggested all undocumented people should be shipped to so-called sanctuary cities if the democrats don't back down. we could fix that and shellfish if the democrats would agree but if they don't agree we mothers will do what they always say they want they want more people in this sanctuary cities well we'll give them more people we can give a lot we can give them an unlimited supply and let's see if they're so happy they
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say we have open arms or over say they have open arms let's see if they have open arms trump also sarcastically agreed with pop star and left wing social activists share you stated l.a. couldn't take more illegals as it has to care for its own citizens first including homeless ones her stance came as a surprise to many as she had previously been a vocal defender of immigrants she can claim she was willing to take some home to protect them but cher isn't the only democrat who objects to trump's proposal. i say he's trying to put americans against each other make us less safe he's injecting fear into our country notion that is unworthy of the presidency of the united states and disrespectful of the challenges that we face as a country as a people to address who we are a nation of immigrants the idea of using these human beings as a kind of pestilence to spread around the country like a form of plague that you want to impose on your enemies is really grotesque
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we spoke to a legal and media analyst lionel who feels democrats are all talk what trump has been saying and others rational people is we have immigration yes we have in the harbor the statue of liberty bring those you're retired in your emma lazarus but we've got to have some kind of an order here the left as we call them hollywood's it doesn't matter your i hate monger so he says you know what i'm going to do i'm going to give you a neighborhood that all of us out whoa whoa wait a minute hold it all that the democratic party they love to talk about things like free education free health care free stuff you want it you got it right or how we're going to pay for it bring these people in who are going to take no they love the bumper sticker they hate the fine print they hate the well how do we do this they love to talk about everything from collusion to drub to corruption they're getting what they've been asking for unlimited unfettered on.
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conditional this masses of humanity of dreamers be careful what you ask for that's your news break down for this hour and that's all for me as well but we're not you know harvey will be taking over and about thirty minutes thanks for tuning in wherever you may be. when lawmakers manufactured him sentenced him to public wealth. when the ruling classes and project themselves. in the primary go around the lives only the one percent told. to ignore middle of the room signal. is.
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child's seemed wrong why don't we all just all. get to shape our lives just to become sick as a kid and in gaining strength because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. you know world's big partners through a lot of things and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's
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time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. my body told me that i belong with the boys but my thoughts my mind with that i'm along with the girls. as dental surgery starts to be a very popular. football person's doctor. i was born a male had a sex change when i was thirty years old. i've now been living as a woman for twenty eight years and i fully recreate this. problem should have gone away from it by now but they hadn't so these surgeries are nothing more than plastic surgery i've had several female to male friends and you look at it and you just go oh god you paid for that it's horrible nobody can change genders is
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impossible. is delusional it's a mental illness. this is now one of my bones and flesh of my flesh she shall be called woman because she was taking out information. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next the ball different clubs on one hand it is logical to go from fields where everything is familiar on the other i was. into the new challenge and a fresh perspective i'm used to surprising people and i saw one also you think. i'm going to talk about football not the or else in the sink i was going to go.
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by the way ways of the slide here. this drug right her cocaine is where four bucks with the under thirty it's the job everybody use cocaine. cocaine you can smoke it this is worth fifteen thirty. twenty. score came to this is about
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a fifteen dollar big people smoke this one got bigger second sweetie you can find these drugs in any city in the united states that you walk along as you want to get it about to. make money. and that's what i do every day. basically a lot of drugs come in from south america and mexico for any other country to see that they can funnel them in the throat and every time it's sold it stepped on or cut or it gets less and less and less powerful so by the time it gets to the street level and certain towns it's nowhere near as potent as it was when it was certainly you know just the trafficking goes on all the time and there are so many different
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ways people putting it in there an s. and a condom putting it in that wooden figure that might be a souvenir you can cut it in half hollowed out fill it with a baggie of cocaine or whatever and then seal it back up varnish it as a souvenir from wherever you went to people having it run for them by you. what's called a meal so you have somebody running it in so the person who's buying it has somebody who's basically going to get in trouble for trafficking it in on a plane or whatever so a lot of this brought in that way and again it gets stepped on more and more and more as as it goes but the thing is you can't stop it as long as people want it i mean now people in america are taking tide. laundry detergent in back in the one nine hundred fifty s. they started glu i mean they still do that but anything that changes your perception and it's such a problem all the time and it isn't always just the drugs are going to mess you up it's that it's all the dangerous things that go on around. the violence because
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this is money it's business and if you mess with it you can get in the. marijuana is probably the least offensive it's going to affect people different ways some people get paranoid like the guy was stopped six times at one stop sign some people get just getting in and happy and hungry. cocaine gives you a great burst of energy and you just you just feel powerful and you can do anything in your confidence goes up and all of that i could understand why people would take cocaine but other people.


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