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tv   News  RT  April 17, 2019 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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published works and video. plus with. president chooses the whistle blower. where he. faces possible. allegations of conspiring with fellow whistleblower. freedom of speech charges. may have been used against civilians in yemen according to leaks reportedly from
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french intelligence. attempt to disrupt. the headquarters of oil giant shell the climate change protests how polarized opinion. if your house is on fire i would kick your. smashing up. is akin to saving people who. say. you are justified harassment you're justified you're justified. in the clock across the world this is your r t international from the team myself you know hello and welcome we go first to ecuador's capital this hour where
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protesters clashed with police following the arrest of wiki leaks julian in london last week. the protestors claim president. of united states and i know is currently in washington where he has accused the whistleblower of hosting on coordinating the ecuadorian embassy in london he suspended us citizenship last and we terminated his asylum led to the arrest of the. in the embassy. a son she was convicted by a british court of breaching bail in two thousand and twelve he also faces possible extradition to the us after being charged with conspiracy to hack a government computer but civil rights groups say that some of the charges are in fact based on actions that any journalist might take up in our reports. few years
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for the freedom of the press. what message does it send to the world that's the concern shared by the american civil liberties union the very body set up to defend civil freedoms in the united states the indictment is troubling nonetheless it characterizes as part of a criminal conspiracy journalistic t.v.'s that are not just lawful but essential to press freedom now much of the indictment focuses on and conspiring with chelsea manning however this bit that has everyone talking. he was part of the conspiracy that assigns a man into commercials to conceal men and as the source of the disclosure of classified records to weaken leaks including by removing the user names from the disclosed information and delete in chat logs between man and the songe so trying to protect the identities of anonymous linkers and whistleblowers is now considered to be illegal well if that's the case american mainstream media should be in huge
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trouble intelligence sources tell and b.c. news the source tells n.b.c. news law enforcement and democratic sources telling c.n.n. that in a five sources two sources with links to the counter intelligence community according to anonymous washington post source take this article from the washington post. the washington post has obtained transcripts of two conversations president trump had with foreign leaders one with mexican president enrique pena nieto i don't know that with australian prime minister malcolm turnbull the transcripts were prepared by the white house but have not been released the post is publishing reproductions rather than original documents in order to protect sources so time to bring in the department of justice it's a criminal conspiracy to cover up a leaker right or take this one this one turned out to not actually be true it looks like somebody in the government is actually spreading disinformation who
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could that be well c.n.n. is protecting its source we have a not anonymous sources we protect that for real reasons so the information that is important to the public through can get and sense donald trump has taken office hollywood has decided to celebrate the who wrote press the challenge the nixon administration back during the vietnam war. do you have the papers. at the time so seven thousand pages detailing how the white house has been lying about the vietnam war for thirty years. i'm talking about exposing years of government secrets is that legal what is it you think we do here for a living so if you follow the logic of the indictment tom hanks' character is not a heroic journalist at all in fact he's a criminal and that points to another big question a number of voices have spoken up and said that it's ok to persecute and punish julian assange because quote he is not a real journalist but here's the thing the first amendment protects everyone
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whether you're labeled as a real journalist or not this is how the courts have explained it in the past as the supreme court has accurately warned a first amendment distinction between the institutional press on the speakers is unworkable the ninth circuit really believe that the world has changed and that everybody should be entitled to personal interactions so i do that of course julian assange to. fact that he's hiding that means he's protecting his source that's what journalists do he's a publisher. leaks is an organization that publishes truthful classified information that's in the public interest and under that definition he's definitely a journalist so at this point the u.s. department of justice is telling us that julian assange may have done a bad thing by trying to hack into top secret government files well nobody disputes that but the bigger issue may be what he actually was able to reveal wiki leaks
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made public a lot of information that angered powerful people and it seems that now they want him to pay up and r.t. new york well on today's going underground on r t former pink floyd from then roger waters itself the u.k. for not opposing moves to extradite dissenters. what they're trying to do trump and the rest of them and to raise them away is they're trying to frighten would be truly innocent is who may provide this incredibly important service for the rest of us in society in the future they're trying to scare them off so they won't do it somebody like julian as sarge willy nilly will be a progressive think thoughts why he chose to do the job that he chose to do they are killing his son do you see him when he came out of the embassy he's been living he has
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a say in how hardly seeing daylight for six years having committed no crime he may very well end up dead that is why the british people he calls them as he was taken by those special branch offices into that van and driven away he called upon the people of great britain to resist i watched on the t.v. resist them and they should there should be a general strike in england to prevent him being extradited. the right to another story we're closely following today french made weapons may have been used during the saudi led coalition's incursion into yemen that's according to links said to be from french intelligence they were made public by investigative website disclose which also say's the weapons may have been used against civilians and for other war crimes. it demonstrates that hundreds of thousands of civilians
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live under the threat of these arms and provides information that allows us to demonstrate that some of these weapons may have been used to commit war crimes the french government is today where of the risk of this well in light of the revelations are missed the international calls on france to suspend arms sales to saudi arabia president micron's the government though has staunchly defended its seal done played their role in the conflict as well scholer dubin ski has been looking into the story. france has long been criticized for supplying weapons to saudi arabia human rights charity said time and time again told the government that those weapons are being used to bomb schools hospitals and other civilian targets exacerbating the crisis in yemen a war that's left thousands dead and pushed millions to the brink of starvation the
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u.n. has even called what's happening in yemen the world's worst humanitarian crisis. you're. right france has always hit back saying the weapons that it sells to saudi arabia only used defensively to defer attacks by the p.c.'s i'm not aware that french weapons have been used directly in yemen except that now appears to be contradicted by a classified note by the french military intelligence service uncovered following an investigation by a media outlet called disclose it was feels french weapons sold to saudi arabia and
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the united arab emirates are being used in the war in yemen but one pressed again in light of this new evidence the government's once again offered denials to our knowledge the french weapons available to the members of the coalition are mostly in a defensive position outside yemeni territory or on call issued rights of way but not on the front line and we are not aware of any civilian casualties resulting from their use in the yemeni theater france is not among the league. arms suppliers of countries in gauged in yemen but that's hard to swallow given that this classified note was apparently provided to the french government in october twenty eighth jean it showed forty eight seas our artillery guns were being used along the saudi yemen border that tanks sold to u.a.e. are in action as to fight it jets while missile guiding technology may have
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been deployed. france's military agency note actually goes even further two friendships are serving in the blockade of yemeni ports directly leading to food and medical shortages that means that women and children can't access the food that they need nor medicines if they've been attacked now last year president mccone dismissed pressure to halt arms sales to riyadh after it was implicated in the murder of
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journalist jamal khashoggi. st it's pure demagoguery to say stop selling weapons they have nothing to do with mr has to not confuse these things but it is interesting to hear before knowing the facts say we will not sell more weapons already so more than france through the joint ventures they have on sales to saudi all big business for france between two thousand and eight and two thousand and seventeen it was the second biggest purchaser of french elam's with deals totaling more than eleven. billion euros meanwhile maccarone has talked about the ongoing crisis in yemen his country even hosted a humanitarian conference to discuss the issue but for many so far it's been all talk and little action as pockets continue to be lined all why the people of yemen face one of the world's most desperate plight. so it's even ski party
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paris. washington is trying to tighten the screws on cuba so why is it threatening to punish european companies we'll explain why reaction after this break. ties are financial survival. but customers go buy your supplies. then else will reduce a lower. that's undercutting but what's good for food markets is not good for the global economy.
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the activity known as journalism is under assault and it didn't start with the trials of julian assange and wiki leaks once it was a noble to report on the nefarious activities of those in power now it is being criminalized free speech is now the privileged few. a quarter of an hour into the program welcome back european firms could be in line for a run in with washington which is planning to reinforce a controversial law to take legal action against foreign companies doing business in cuba the e.u. is one of the country's largest trading partners let's go live now to europe
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correspondent peter all over your transatlantic tensions have been bubbling of late and much in this new development is not going to help matters. not at all this particularly when you look at the u.s. being one of the well it's the biggest international investor in cuba one of the biggest trading partners a lot of you money also canadian money in cuba is hotel tourism industry the tobacco farms and factories that are on the island as well as distilleries the sting of course rum which is quite synonymous with the island however those companies could find themselves well on the end of lawsuits from people saying that they have connections to the original owners of those businesses from pre-revolutionary times this is prompted the united kingdom canada and spain to go to the world trade organization and say that should the united states follow through on threats to initiate this this controversial part of
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a one thousand nine hundred six law then well they're going to try and push for sanctions or some kind of retribution on them for trying to infringe upon the sovereign rights of cuba to do its own business now the european union has sent its big guns out on this one federica mockery me the head of foreign policy the equivalent of a foreign minister in the e.u. as well as the e.u. commissioner involved in trade have written a letter to mike pompei at the u.s. secretary of state saying this if you follow through with this european courts will find ways to punish u.s. companies the e.u. will be obliged to use all means at its disposal including incorporation with other international partners to protect its interests this could trigger some defeat in cycle of claims that will impair the business climate without bringing justice to holders of claims or impacting the situation cuba in any positive way.
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well this relates back to legislation that came in in one thousand nine hundred six it was intended to open up cuba to international investment now the particular clause in this legislation has been suspended by every president since bill clinton signed it into being back in the mid ninety's it's called article three of the helms burton act it would be the first time a president has not waived this particular clause the current waiver runs out on the first of may so two weeks to go for this the european union though not happy at all they are the largest foreign investor in cuba also cuba's second largest trading partner and they have very unhappy by this potential move by washington. that was able to get the extraterritorial application of the u.s. embargo is illegal it's contrary to international war i also personally consider it immoral we believe that this will harm us all but it will be self-defeating
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obviously this will create even more confusion more deterrence more confusion for foreign investments. well it's going to cause more confusion and all of these problems why not just extend it the reason is it has nothing to do with trade what we're expecting to hear later on wednesday is that john bolton the president's senior national security advisor will be announcing further sanctions against venezuela and nicaragua the threats of this tsunami of lawsuits against cuba is really intended to make should it have drops their support for president in venezuela in fact the u.s. government has been very transparent and about the reasons that they're doing this saying that it's all about getting cuba to back away from a douro. watch the political and diplomatic noose tightening around but. we will begin to do the same thing the cubans of us understand too that there will
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be a cost associated with their continued support of nicholas berg. but this isn't going to help the relationship between brussels and washington over trade at the moment they're already locked in a wrangle over the u.s. wanting to place eleven billion dollars worth of tariffs on produce coming into the united states that ranges from everything from cheese to non electrical wall clocks it really has its roots in the u.s. not being happy about what it sees as illegal. funds going from e.u. governments towards airbus and an ongoing battle between the two aerospace giants airbus and boeing what we are seeing is trade being used as a weapon we've heard donald trump certainly being used as a stick to beat those that don't do what the u.s. government wants them to do we've heard donald trump say in the past he isn't afraid of trade wars he certainly seems to be stepping towards one with the european union at the moment all right thanks for taking us through all of our r t
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europe correspondent peter oliver in berlin thank you well let's delve a little bit deeper into this story because dr a one hundred key ruling from the spanish history department of britain's newcastle university is live with this why do you think i one hundred president trump wants to punish european firms primarily when it's cuba that he's got a problem with. really. trade . union. it's very very long. the other hand you're getting in the mass three. by the president find.
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in the united states something that you already know. it's is a very long and sometimes difficult to. return you know. it's been delayed or it's been it's been way for two decades by the u.s. but no doubt it's back in play is threatening legal action isn't even legal as far as you know. no it's not not legal according to thinks national law and that one why in the in the first instance in one thousand think. that the queen government decided to introduce is the way. we. are. not going to be the apply when european union actually threatened with into the new. organization the idea of the.
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law. and that it wasn't woodward. or why now. gratian think it fine could be part of the problem while. i think. it will lose in the in that audience if they take it to two who a lot of. international court undertake your time this hour and we're just running out of it in fact i'll a hundred hero get spanish history academic at britain's newcastle university. let's move on to that in another story that's a lot of implications in the u.k. environmental group extinction rebellion has attempted london's real. lines out after more than three hundred activists were arrested over a series of protests that caused chaos in the british capital.
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garzon septic in part in coordinated sit in protest at the site since monday demanding action over climate change some vented their anger as well at the london headquarters of oil giant shell smashing windows and spring we're feeding on the world number of the protesters. my grandchildren know what everybody's going to be able to grow up to safely we are demanding that the government tell the truth. and they must do that because people don't know what they're doing is criminal all the governments across the world are part of this and they are letting us down i die our ecosystem is down i and we all have to stop this . but the demonstrations are part of a global campaign organized as we say by a british climate group extinction rebellion which was formed last year the movement demands governments reduce carbon emissions to zero by twenty twenty five
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progress should be monitored by a public group to achieve its goals extension rebellion promotes must civil disobedience on the stage rallies and more than thirty countries to date let's take a look now at monday's demonstration in britain. yes. how many do. we have demonstrations long enough we have the right and must now use the means of civil disobedience this time to rebel. well the issue of climate change how's play staff political commentator new york observateur color mr walker and also activists and teacher tim jones as well as a lot of other people in opposing corners. what these people believe that just because they think they're rights that anything that they do is morally justified
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that is an extremely dangerous i think stream the own democratic positions of. making a point by make by not harming anybody and so no life is harmed or threatened anything we do and we sometimes we do commit criminal damage and we do that to draw attention because nobody is listening to the terrifying severity of the of the evidence the relevance of what we're talking about the idea that people do not believe in manmade global warming in this country is nonsense we've got ultra low emissions i would just been launched in london this effect and diesel calls we've got a lot until tax which means that you have to recycle everything on less you want to pay a hundred dollars a toll and this is classic denial what's that going to what none of those things are anything to do with climate change ok or the or the collapse of. biodiversity in the world they've got nothing to do it so you're just distracting from what is a terrifying prospect and climate change is going to get worse and worse and worse
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all of the scientists that have given predictions of the world's going to end in five ten fifteen years all of those deadlines have passed and so they say well that's just. because i've and most of the i.p.c.c. predictions going back if you look back at what they said what happened they were a massive underestimate especially if you look at things like the decline of arctic ice they massively underestimate what has happened i'm going to bet you if you're dead as a result of climate change by sixty five that i will pay fuel for you don't get me upset if you're still alive when you claim your pension when you'll still if you'll still live long enough to claim your pension then you've got to give me the in top add to it if you also come for that that you're going to be dead by retirement age will you take that bet your own or above is just one of the stories we're going in-depth on on our website right to get involved at our t.v. dot com more great programs though ahead here on their involvement.
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international memorial awards twenty nine. media professionals eligible. journalists. media. to participate in published works and video. go to award.
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greetings and salutations no one will argue that there is a lot of pain sorrow and truly deplorable things in the world today and most often they find their way on to your evening news or news speeds every day and truly daily basis watchers and it's not hard to see why given the industry the brought you if it bleeds it leads is a news station mantra as the old saying goes if you want to be depressed turn on your news. but not that today no this week we decided we'd bring you an april fools' day show that will only focus on the most positive uplifting in the important news of the day that doesn't showcase the worst of us only the best of us so let's start the show off with something truly great the great green wall of africa yes well u.s. president donald trump has been busy building or trying to build walls of barbed
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wire and hate metal in order to protect our southern border from poor people that don't look like him farmers environmentalist and scientists working in more than twenty african nations have been building a wall of trees indigenous land use techniques environmental pretty little protection to help combat the desertification of africa originally started back in two thousand and seven with just eleven countries involved the ambitious project stretches across roughly six thousand miles eight thousand kilometers of drain that at the southern at the southern edge of the sahara desert in a region known as the sun how backed by a cod ray of conservation groups and governments around the world if the wall is completed it would be three times the size of the great barrier reef. with fifteen percent of the wall completed just ten years into the project there's still yes a long way to go but supporters are determined this grand green dream will work because unlike.


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