tv News RT April 20, 2019 10:00am-10:30am EDT
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we're watching closely watching the hawks. friendship yellow protesters. for a week twenty eight this time widening the country's wealth. building. all ignoring the plight of struggling citizens as they see it. also ahead on the program russia reacts to the sensational headlines. a report detailing many twenty six election. we scrutinize some of the bombshell claims from the investigation. to the fall of.
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u.s. presidential hopefuls. joe biden go ahead for the democrats nomination. through the party. on facebook slams the door shut down some of britain's biggest far right groups dangerous we get reaction to the. responsibility this stuff does make a difference and i completely agree with protect kids. about keeping evil people off social media. around the clock across the world. international from the team myself you know neal hello welcome. it's the twenty third straight day of government rallies in front of the so named yellow vests again nationwide it's the first turn
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since the not three. days. with protesters anger directed at the vast amounts of money donated for the purpose some have already used tear gas on have arrested at this stage one hundred thirty seven people we believe. i i. was. alive to participate on a correspondent charlotte dubin ski show and how are today's protests there for palming we just saw some of the images of earlier on and how's indeed the north of done far influenced events in a great way. what we're seeing is again tensions on the streets
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in paris they have been skin which is between the police and protesters at several junctures including at the past and also where some of those demonstrations taking place we understand around seven and a half thousand people taking part in that them and stray ssion in paris that's one of many going on across the country to get the full figures for the number of people who are out across france and till probably at some point on sunday but in those tensions we've already seen cars being burned bins being set on fire rubbish strewn on the streets and then that set on fire we've seen the protesters throw bottles and bricks towards the police and the and we've seen them retaliate of course with that tear gas that was skirmishes really really heating up in the center of the city as you mentioned this is now the first of us protests since not
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to gun control. on monday night that for. at the time we thought was uniting france it actually happened about half an hour before the president was due to give a big address the nation his second address in regards. to this big debate of france has been happening for the last few months since the yellow vests protest started back in november of last year the idea was to address the issues that people had raised during this big debate took itself all around the country saying it was listening to people but before the president back on could tell the l of us protesters tell france what he was going to do to improve their situation not to dumb cathedral burn down now people in france that night. out in paris watched what was happening they waited with bated breath people watched it on the news and there was a moment of solidarity but that came quickly and within twenty four hours all through
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to emerge that hundreds of millions of euros had to be raised for the reconstruction of not to put down a many people including the all of us protesters saying how can you raise hundreds of millions of euros to rebuild a cathedral when you can't deal with the issues that we're facing here in france now these issues don't forget they see all of us protests has always been about the high cost of living in france that included the taxes on fuel when it started out back in november but always about the cost of living and have so many people in france just cannot eat character living here because of that but let's just take you through some of the figures on that last year the latest figures which will from two thousand and seventeen showed that eight point eight million people in france are living below the poverty line that means that they surviving on just under a thousand euros every month that's entire families we also know that there are twelve thousand people sleeping rough across the country many of those sleeping
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rough here in the capital and that has really irked many of the people who support the yellow vests that's. some of the reasons why we're seeing more engagement again this week and it looks like they coming out in strength the other thing that we're seeing this is the black blocs movement this is a movement that has come out at several points throughout the l. of us protests these are ultra radicals from the rest they're anti capitalists they're trying to tear down the state and they're the ones that we saw just a month ago on the show when they were burning buildings down now president matt corn and the interior minister christopher cast in there actually met today to discuss this and what we know is that there is a strong response on the street there's thousands upon thousands of agenda and police all out there trying to tackle the protesters we know that many people have been injured we know many people who've been arrested you mentioned there around one hundred thirty seven arrested we believe of those around one hundred ten have actually been placed in custody as
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a result of that and even more so more than fourteen thousand preventative checks have taken place just in paris today i want to give you a sense of how big that is compared to last week last week at the same time there were six thousand preventative checks this is why we know that the government was very fearful that there would be unrest in the city today and that's exactly what we've seen is a sort of breakdown of exactly what's happening in the background around the charlie doman school in the french capital thank. you. moving on the russian embassy in washington has fired but the newly released mullah report on trumped russia collusion is published the document called russia good has styria a case of severe russian phobia it's a detail rebuttal of the allegations made against moscow and reaches the following conclusion. the investigation didn't show any real evidence to back up claims of moscow's cyber attacks and attempts to subvert democracy all this time russia
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pointed to the obvious made up nature of these insinuations we call on our merican partners to finally disavow these allegations and join efforts to repair the damage to bilateral relations for the sake of our peoples and global security. well the report was finally released on thursday after almost two years of investigation much of it was heavily redacted they've concluded that there was no collusion between russia and donald trump's campaign team during the twenty sixteen presidential election but it was more guarded when it came to mr trump's alleged obstruction of the probe. well after reports released some democrats renewed their calls for donald trump to be impeached while republicans insist the president was exonerated in their moeller pointedly said that's not so many media outlets now appear to be focusing on that the vision it's brought to us society instead perhaps of acknowledging that there are prerelease speculations were wrong.
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trump is a traitor he's cronies are abetting him in his treachery and all of them are going to get what's coming for them this promise started to resonate across the airwaves of mainstream american channels even before the miller investigation became a thing and it started with this bombshell then senator jeff sessions met with the russian ambassador in the u.s. the controversial russian ambassador sergey shameful picture was an open question whether there was collusion cooperation between trump associates during the campaign and russian officials current and former u.s. officials say he's considered one of the kremlin's top spies by u.s. intelligence some u.s. intelligence officials believe he's more than that breathing the same with the russian you were supposed to destroy not join them there was no redemption for
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sessions in the buna to i of the media and bassett a kiss like overnight got promoted to the rank of n.h. and now here comes the facts the meetings were brief public and non-substantive the. team found no evidence of coordination between the trump campaign and rushing these chats the once. deflates back into a boring now former ambassador the next scandal reported to reveal a nother despicable truth about trump not only is he a lie himself but he lures others into his web of deceit president trump is facing new scrutiny today over a report that he told his personal attorney to lie to congress about his business dealings with russia we have breaking news tonight on the russia investigation here's what buzz feed news is reporting that eyes bombshell report coming from buzz feed news president directed his attorney to lie to congress about the moscow tower
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project congressional democrats calling for an immediate investigation declaring the trial must be impeached if the story is true this one was rock solid the report clinged journalists corroborated the allegation with their own eyes india's colleagues said on c.n.n. this morning that you were briefed on these documents we've been. we've seen documents we've been briefed and we're very confident in our reporting the revelation was unprecedented but not in terms of factual value but because the military made an effort to personally very polarized the claim description of specific statements and characterization of documents and testimony on not accurate what do you think happened next any ideas buzz feed cocktail apologetically deleted the article no instead it blurted out more letters and words and sentences explaining that while the initial reporting was incorrect at the same time it
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wasn't and you make sense of that and the final jam the infamous meeting between trump's former can pain manager and the leaker in chief julian assange don't hold trump's former campaign man. europol man a fort held secret talks with julian assange inside the ecuadorian embassy in london and visited around the time he joined trumps comparing the guardian has been told the military paid so much attention to this possibility it didn't even bother to look into it and no where on its five hundred plus pages does the report mention anything of the sort and this is just barely a handful of all the bombshells and sensations and i open is nuked by the miller report it's still out there unfazed in arrogance as attaining their full swords there is really an organized campaign here involving the media the corporate
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media and the intelligence agencies and there then the effort is to use the new even of the mueller report found that this whole scandal this whole pseudo scandal was much ado about nothing they are now trying to use the report the mueller report to increase the pressure on trump in order to drive him from office the behavior of the press is outrageous. it just expounding on a point spoken by igor there the long awaited report might not have hit on the alleged meeting between paul monna ford and julian assange but it did take a long hard look at the whistleblower on his alleged links to russia on the leak of more than twenty thousand democratic national committee e-mails documents the investigation though provided no solid evidence as to how exactly that data was obtained or whether. even existed well it does of course come hard on the heels of julian assange his arrest last week by british police was filmed by our
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team's exclusive video here after ecuador terminated his near seven year asylum in its london embassy the wiki leaks founder is now awaiting his fate with an extradition hearing expected early next month over u.s. charges of government computer hacking. life inside those prompt confines of the merged a rare video of a snapshot of how a songes life war for a really so long as we say seven years maybe thoughts running through his head of what he's going to do when he gets out and simply trying to keep fit in this tiny embassy kitchen perhaps you know it's. inevitable take the. in case you missed it ecuador needed it spare room back a certain get out of the embassy and into the slammer for everyone's favorite we. could do was embassy is looking for a decent painted decorator in the london area after judas andras carried out like a. battering ram the whistleblower is the passions sometimes it's love
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sometimes it's hate you do not hear many people saying stuff like. i want to leave. he's a complex character a man only truly understood by just two creatures on god's green earth pamela and discern this guy have you noticed there's always a can't just say now for anyone who has been trapped inside a foreign embassies bridegroom for the last few years is assigned his famous publishing house documents on america's wars diplomats. politicians the us authorities queue to have a few stern words with him about it now this is where it gets a little bit complicated so try to keep up a staunch first of all asylum because the u.k. was considering extraditing him to sweden where he had been accused of sexual assault the way he could claim the i gave were actually part of
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a plot to extradite him from sweden to the us and would have a grim fate awaits him there did you follow that just rewind. of speed if you need to it boils down to this as some just supporters see him as a champion of free speech taking on the american monolith those who don't like him point to the allegations in sweden as a reason that evidence of war crimes is still evidence of war crimes even if the person telling you about them has a few shall we say idiosyncrasies and even if the claims in sweden a setup that doesn't mean washington house anyway here's a little secret the media is hiding from life is going to. ok did tom hanks is always the hero so you just decide whether it's in the public's interest to see what the world's superpower is up to behind closed doors pammy deal with the rest. followed by cold more news in ninety seconds time.
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you know world's big partners. and conspiracy it's time. to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. so they say assets on their books very very frank says bonds with a price of one hundred cents on the dollar but don't have a sale value in the market greater than maybe one penny on the dollar so again this
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departure dorian gray economy all these quote assets on the central bank balance sheets if you add them all up i think the central banks have something like fifty to fifty five trillion dollars of what they call assets that might be worth mcdonald's hamburger when they have no collateral value what's the what they're worthless that's a fact playing. bach former u.s. vice president joe biden has now reportedly become a fund raising campaign for a twenty twenty presidential election campaign pitting him against veteran senator bernie sanders for the democrat ticket a poll this week gives biden a slim one point lead ahead of something that's raising fears that the party faces being torn down the middle by their very different campaign platforms get up and
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looks at the democrats cross roots. inside the offices of the democratic party elite alarm bells are going off why it seems that a progressive democratic socialist is now the front runner sanders is raising money fast and he's got a very big base of support but this isn't supposed to happen the way the game is normally played the far left is not supposed to take the nomination even on left leaning m s n b c we've got voices saying that donald trump is preferable to bernie sanders and that's quite a statement coming from a network that often portrays the donald like the anti christ i find reprehensible as a human being what a socialist can do. to this company country as far as the strength and well being of our country the donald trump but even beyond the burnie movement the democratic party seems to be pretty well shaken up take the case of congresswoman ellen omar now the democratic leadership which has been pro israel since one thousand nine
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hundred forty eight sees her comments as anti-semitic congresswoman omar's use of and dismayed groups and produced the vote is real support this is deeply offensive we condemn these remarks and we call upon congresswoman omar to immediately apologize for these hurtful comments but i want to mark keeps raising money in fact she's more popular than ever for a first term congresswoman turns out that there's a lot more discontent with the israel lobby than many were aware of and then there's alexandria because you know cortez now known as a c she is a first term congressional rock star more popular and well known than people who've been in congress for years but at this point nancy pelosi is saying that her victory meant nothing to have these wings. and her group on one side i think people she even dismissed her new york city win as something that anyone or anything could do if labeled as a democrat those are districts that are somewhat democratic this glass of water
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would win with a deal. next to. this day here's what people in new york city told us about the ruckus inside of the democratic battleship democrats need to be worried period we need to like come together and figure out where the united nations is going to be and focus were to scatter to so many voices there's certainly a split you know for i mean popularity versus the establishment depression everyone is divided in all of this and you have to get a band together to work to say that your socialist democrats who are just believe you know we should give everybody everything for free and the democrats are a little more reasonable donald trump swept the white house by bucking the republican establishment and putting out a message far different than what the g.o.p. has said in recent years and it seems that now the democratic party is facing a similar sub to reign in shake up the democratic presidential primary is lining up to be anything but predictable mopp and r.t.
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new york. facebook has bombed some of the u.k.'s biggest right wing groups under a new category to taco hate speech online. individuals and organizations who spread hate or attack or call for the exclusion of others on the basis of who they are have no place in facebook under our dangerous individuals and organizations policy we ban those who proclaim a violent or hateful mission or are engaged in acts of hate or violence all the groups permanently banned are accused of having far right or extreme views on how to become notorious for promoting negative attitude toward certain groups or being firmly opposed to increasing immigration the bomb hits groups like the english defense league the british national party on britain first here's how one of the organizations reacted one thousand nine hundred eighty four is here next why the so afraid of the truth we survived before the fascist facebook page and we will
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continue to survive a political and social commentator moron's our media analyst new wallace brocht on the issues surrounding facebook's latest decision. i'm very skeptical about a company like facebook group run by a bunch of. billionaires from silicon valley coming from the classic liberal elite. background then are they really people we would appoint guardians of this sort of thing do we really trust their judgment are we meant to sit around and wait for laws to be implemented we need to tackle these people the methods that we use for tackling the likes of our own hard to ruin street. preachers and their online. forums for doing all of their hate preaching we need to apply that same principle to the likes of the e.t.l. of britain first and the national front what this is really is an enormous amount of virtue signalling by an appalling company facebook and instagram who are using
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it purely. a fig leaf for the fact that frankly over the last few years they have an appallingly laughable policy about keeping evil people off social media the real truth of the matter is this these are not small problems we knew already from twenty eleven and twenty twelve and as brave killed what was it seventy seven people wounded two hundred nine people in the norway terror attacks he had openly admitted and it was in the dossier that was came out in the court evidence and was held to be correct he met with the senior leadership team he met with e.t.l. on rhetorical strategies the idea was to have these street gangs these radical people online to radicalize people online like terrorists why is it why is it that he has taken eight years since those socialist you would call them signal virtue
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signallers socialist labor movement youngsters kids that were slain in norway they're linked to either why did take an eight years. government's done nothing the tories have done nothing you know why they might did now is because that under tremendous more pressure than ever before about the lack of social responsibility they have created this. race cultural differences on religion have long been controversial targets of choice for satire writers but of things not gone too much the opposite way for us companies judge for yourself.
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i think. we can escape to the north i think there's a place we can be together. across the border. but you even. lie to white people insist on remand to size my black female and sisters experiences with white men during slavery they were raped abused treated like animals beaten and murdered by white men stop with the revision. it wasn't a lot starry white men were raping black women we didn't forget did better.
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savers have had a tough time this past decade with bank accounts giving next to no return so when interest rates ever rise the kaiser report has its say next. what do you do before you came here where did you work before you came here when you lived. death row in many us states capital punishment is still practiced convicted prisoners can spend years waiting for execution but most of the time the victims' families they are very much in favor the death penalty there are some people because of what they did have given up the right to live among us somebody even proven innocent after years on death row and how many more exonerations is it going to take before we as a society realize that this is not working and we actually do something about. you know world of big partisan movies
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a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for washington closely watching the hawks. international memorial awards twenty nineteen are now open for entries. media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media or part of a global news conference to participate in sunday's show published works and video all written for much go to award dot altie dot com and into now.
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hi. this is the kaiser report show that keeps it real when mil and others do we are right i like that word to keep it real because real and fake are in the news and i notice you may have misidentified yourself there in that opening when you said your max kaiser because i actually max kaiser or are you so toshi not come otoh tell me more here's the headline max kaiser claims to be actual big queen founder just another fake toshi and before we get to your comments on this i want to show you how it reads because this story right here they actually have you could read this you can have the story read to you by a computer this is what it sounds like quite funny another person this time max
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keiser of the keiser report has claimed to be. now if you were crypto market regular you would know how many people have tried to claim their city. the anonymous creator of bitcoin well i don't think there's any question really about my place as the genuine article the genuineness of toshi the real so toshi it's it's channeling you know i mean especially in this whole the way this this religious wake there is the concept of bit christ and the who represented christ on this plane of existence and toshi is part of that talked about it many times that there's this new revolution coming a new cosmic reality that bitcoin is ushered in the ash rate is obviously quadrillions of a.
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