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tv   Boom Bust  RT  April 22, 2019 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT

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broadcasting around the world covering all aspects of business and finance and how it affects you this is them but i'm kristie i believe in for a bar in washington d.c. we're glad you're on board coming up. the trump administration is targeting iran yet again this time setting its crosshairs on the countries using iranian oil hillary for which a strong market drilled into the headlines to see just how this move affects other nations plus why way is managing to soar despite constant pressure from the united states artie's alex mahela vision logs on to break down hallways pass from relative obscurity to household name and finally block chain is making major moves again with legacy institutions jeffrey tucker of the american institute for economic research lend us a hand to break down all the latest watch a news all of that directly ahead but first we have some headlines let's go. a tightening of the screws on our iran leads our global report today as u.s.
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president donald trump puts an end to exemption for sanctions against the oil nations previously eight countries china greece india italy japan south korea taiwan and turkey or granted waivers regarding the u.s. sanctions against iran energy sector now the white house has announced that president trouble will not reissue those waivers effectively making those nations subject to sanctions under u.s. laws as of may second white house press secretary sara sanders said this decision is intended to bring iran's oil exports to zero u.s. secretary of state mike pump a claim that iran's regional rivals saudi arabia and the u.a.e. are working with the u.s. to boost oil output which would also at the last for more we're joined by hillary for which all a strong mark so glad to have me here hilariously well so right now by not reissuing these authorities when they expire president. is effectively trying to
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bring iran's oil exports down to zero and denying this regimes its principal source of revenue is his trying to bring them back to the negotiating table tell us exactly what is the u.s. trying to achieve by doing this by trying to do this i would give the analogy chrissy's kind of like having the new principal in town you had an affair snorty student who has been bullying and terrorizing all the other students actually for decades if you look at it no american administration and no one has really put their foot down with iran and what this is doing and by the way they'll forget these as salaries they have to be renewed basically every six months so all this is doing is putting a foot down what does that mean it means that this student this naughty student in the class should now have to comply and become part of the global community and that's what this is about is trying to get the iranians to comply. so events right now are moving in a very confrontational direction and iran may shut down the strait of hormuz as a retaliation and that would be the world's most busiest transit lane for seaborne
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shipments for oil right now its response to our four hamley thirty percent of the world's oil exports daily and shutting this down could be disastrous could something like this happen if events were to escalate or certainly this maybe could happen but just remember this you know the iranian regime they may be nefarious they may be certainly not stupid and they're not and they're not as a nation they're certainly not suicidal so what would this mean yes you mentioned thirty is maybe thirty thirty five percent of the world's crude oil goes through the strait of hormuz that something like seventeen million barrels a day a huge amount of oil now all different nations would be affected and they know that they are now desperate for their few allies they have in the world they're not going to impact all these other nations so really this is brinksmanship and this is blustering on their part what are they supposed to say of course they're going to say this but again they don't want this to escalate they also know should this lead to a military confrontation confrontation they know the u.s.
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is has overwhelming power and they know this would just be ludicrous and suicidal as a nation that the regime there does not use what moves do they have now will they need to comply and the demand some people have said that these ludicrous but go to the global community what does the global community want the global community does not want terrorism the global community does not want this again sort of like naughty student and i think what it is we've got a new principle in town and the rules have been the rules are being strengthened and i think that the expectations of the u.s. administration on not in any way absurd i think the actually quite reasonable and i think the most nations in the world know that so there's not a student is essentially just trying to toe the line to see how much they can get away with right now again they've been bullying and terrorize in the world for years and no one has actually had either the guts of the confidence or the bravado . to stand up to them and this is what's happening now and i think don't forget the financial pressure and these sanctions are going to really crush the regime the
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regime and they won't want to have the nation penalized any further unfortunately there are other countries that are affected by this countries such as china and india grab some of iran's biggest clients of these oil exports so how are they reacting we don't forget their allies so in this situation iran is even more desperate to have their allies comply so what do they need they want their allies to get on board what i would suggest is if we took a back to the kind of the student analogy what we need those allies to do we need those allies the pressure iran and say look we are your ally comply and actually which nation wants and if you look at the very sad events over this recent weekend the terrorism of religious sites look at the impact that's had the global community does tend to rally when it comes to a global bully and what iran really wants what they want to become is they want to become part of the global community what do you need to do to become part of the global community comply with the demands of this administration and stop the terrorism and stop the halting of funding of such terrorist groups like hezbollah etc yes and now finally we have like
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a really interesting report out from halliburton saying that they expect international offshore drilling this year to rise double the estimates of slumber jay. fourteen percent actually so right now i think u.s. is trying to reduce its dependency on foreign exports but we're currently importing about a little less than ten million barrels of oil a day so is there actually a dent being made by the offshore drilling will there always be a dent yes absolutely i would say think about it again it's not just the offshore drilling there's offshore drilling but also as an immense amount of fracking going off on throughout the dakotas in the u.s. and what has not yet opened up but when that does they'll be even more oil what we've done is we've made sure that there is that extra production and we don't forget we have extensive reserves and my last comment is look kristie no incumbent wants a price of oil to increase the average person. and including me you everybody all of us we all know what the price of gas is at the pump why do we know because it's something that touches our daily lives so this is ministration is not going to want
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the price of oil to for let alone increase i predict there will be short term pain i think americans will feel this in the short term in the long run to also question specifically offshore drilling will offset it in addition to all the fracking and all the other production in the united states hopefully we've stated that oil is at an all time high so we definitely are going to pay and hillary for which the c.e.o. of strong mark thank you so much for your insight because you're pretty. a presidential phone call to libya is moving all markets last week u.s. president donald trump effectively reversed u.s. policy with a friendly phone call to libya or large khalifa huffed our who is the head of self designated libyan national army and is currently threatening to take control of tripoli by force the phone call reportedly happened last monday but was not publicized until a white house statement on friday the white house statement praised mr hough tar and alluded to a shared vision for libya's future sharing
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a vision for libya with khalifa who reportedly was sponsored by the past by the cia would be a break from u.s. policy of working with the united nations to stabilize the so-called government of national court which is now under attack by mr hough tars forces the prime minister of the g.n. a warrant in an e-mail to the wall street journal oil prices usually rise if wars or unrest occur in oil exploiting countries. despite assurances them from the us. despite criticism from the u.s. and some of its top allies chinese telecom giant weiwei is posting impressive gains and revenues allegations of spying only seem to push the company to higher international profile and brought more of the tension to much how to change over to five g. r t's alex mahela legend joins us for more. hi alex hello there so we got a lot to get there today huawei that he did one. humanitarian support came in and
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things are looking really good by the company tell us about it yeah well he's performing really really well almost forty percent up year after year that translates to about twenty seven billion dollars profit margin of eight percent a little bit better than last year so we were seeing definitely that was a way is moving in the pluses looking when you compared to other companies that are also focused on smartphones as a part of their a bigger scheme of things a while ways really kicking but there's no other way to put it samsung for example we talked about just a few weeks ago samsung is not performing very well there it's part of sort of stagnated with sales numbers and their numbers are not really showing anything that is of interest to investors especially if this is what is the leader even companies like apple hey i got an i phone but it looks like i'm behind because apple right now by the end of this year by their i should say by two thousand and twenty.
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should see what we surpassing samsung and already when it comes to apple why is selling more phone so why waste doing well when you look at the business side of things that's for sure so the cia actually allege that has received funding from china's state security apparatus and falling in line with previous allegations of spying by the company so how while we've been able to fight off all of these accusations from the us government and friends. it's interesting because you know this sort of a relentless campaign by the u.s. they even put out a road show where they went around europe and other countries saying hey get off the wall way you know they're spying on you but these are all allegations and here's when you break it down what now what the cia saying and this is intelligence that they shared with britain they're basically saying that while weight has taken money from the people's liberation army that's the chinese army the chinese national security commission and a third branch of the chinese state intelligence network so what you know the
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united states has tried to work with google and amazon we know that amazon's on board with working the u.s. military so countries do that. are going to stop buying or stop using amazon or google because the american government or the american military works with them are other countries trying to boycott google or amazon because of that you know this is just the way it works while we happen to be in china to be a company that's going to work with the chinese government as well there's really nothing there that is so diabolical or something that we should really be afraid of you also have to look at the fact that like i said these are allegations we're not working with anything really that's proof you know the u.s. government hasn't come out and said hey here's proof of what's going on and we've only heard them saying that you've got to watch out you've got to watch out there and they could be spying and now with this five g. technology rolling out you know that they're adamant about kind of shutting down this company is this a part of the trade to trade war with with china it could all be
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a part of the bigger equation but u.s. is really actively looking to kind of close things down we have a map here it's going to give you an idea of exactly what this looks like a countries that have banned weiwei so so far it's the u.s. it's australia. countries such as. sorry japan japan and it's a big one there because japan obviously when it comes to attack you know they want to keep it in their interest of the nation so other countries are mulling it over. canada new zealand but so far not too many people have joined the bad bandwagon actually not too many countries. fascinating thank you so much for your insight as always r t correspondent alex thank you thank you. time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return law chain is making major moves with legacy institutions jeffrey factor of the american institute for economic research lend us a hand to break down all the latest by chain is and as we go to break here the
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numbers at the close. after the previous stage of my career was over everyone wondered what i was going to do next. different clubs. in fields where everything is familiar. i wanted a new challenge and the fresh perspective i'm used to surprising.
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or else it is going to go. by the way ways of that. seem wrong. to shape our. outlook. and in. the trail. find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the housing crisis was the result of securitizing mortgages that were resold that dozens of times and then like goldman sachs was betting as are all clients and they were engaged in massive fraud again bailed out by timothy geithner and as friends and now they go of that controlled demolition of the housing market is that all the
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housing is concentrated in a few as like blackstone as a gift from their friends of the sudra banks and the result is medieval as. you know world of big partners. and could see yours it's time to wade to be deeper to hit the stories that made history media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. facebook and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately there was also a very dark side. they are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away
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turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very first character that you type into the search bar it will always favor one dog food over another one comparative shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results deiced on what they think you should be seen if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair election doesn't exist the more road we give them the sooner we are all. welcome back their craft times company has named a new chief executive officer in hopes of turning the page on recent troubles in
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february the company disclose that investigators from the f.c.c. had opened an investigation into accounting practices at kraft time while slashing its dividend by thirty six percent now in the wake of those and other setbacks current c.e.o. bernardo he's will vacate the top job and be replaced by former and heizer bush marketing director miguel patricia shares of kraft heinz rose in early track morning trading on the news but the company would have to rebound twenty percent to reverse this decline in the first months of two thousand one thousand. india's second largest airline jet airways has suspended operations and workers passengers and other stakeholders are scrambling to deal with the consequences jet which says the shutdown was temporary was compelled to do so take drastic steps last week due to liquidity problems the company is now reportedly under the control of a group of investors led by the state bank of india the vice president of national aviators killed told the economic times of india's workers are ready to be flexible
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on wage demands in order to help any new investors or owners to get the company back off the ground an activist has filed suit seeking to ensure that passengers who have purchased tickets on more than one thousand suspended flies are either given refunds or allowed to reschedule. there are more details on the peruvian angle of the sprawling international scandal around the brazilian construction firm older brecht in the wake of the suicide of former president alan garcia the two time former president shot himself in his home last week as police waited to arrest him on charges of receiving corrupt payments from motorbike officials now peruvian prosecutors are describing a corrupt network they say took root in mr garcia second presidential administration and received millions of dollars worth of kickbacks. the allegations of dirty dealings are detailed in a new forty four page order for the garcia arrest which places
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a top garcia aide and his transportation minister near the top of the scheme. they call in is holding steady around the fifty three hundred dollar level from as run up earlier this month the total market cap of the crypto industry is back to around one hundred eighty billion with bitcoin making up fifty two percent of it trading between fifty one and fifty three hundred there's no clear breakout yet last time we checked in mc lyte has just broken the fifty one hundred and the two hundred day moving average very k. technical levels we are hoping to see bitcoin form a golden cross where you see the short term fifty cross over the two hundred signaling a bull rally if they're going to hold the fifty two hundred for another week we could see that the last time we saw the golden triangle was in october two thousand and fifteen and that started the ball rally where we saw bitcoin gain more than sixty seven hundred percent. we're seeing some very good momentum here and gains
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are holding we aren't even coming down to retest the two hundred day so we're getting some very good short term confidence and short term risk taking the volume isn't too substantial but it's rising and rising at higher prices it looks like we can hit six thousand soon but i would be cautious here previous support because new resistance and six thousand was a huge level of support years worth of support this will be difficult to break and i anticipate an initial read rejection and a pullback before we try again here to help us take a closer look at the markets as jeffrey tucker editorial director of the american institute of economic research i just. that's for you. so just more same to quietly leave the entire market hire but increasingly we're also starting to see a decoupling within the top twenty one this is very unlike last year where they're becoming less and less correlated with bitcoin what's driving that. well what's driving it is decentralization of the crypto markets a big problem with bitcoin but also called b t c is that it's actually not
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a very usable token right now it's very expensive and very slow incredibly that problem has not been solved even though it's now you know the problem has been known about for four years so you've seen these other assets come in and outperform because i'm just in terms of speed and ease of use and expense and i think this is inevitable in the crypto market as long as the b two c. is not going to adapt and others technologies that fix the stuff but they're still in the experimental stage so if you look at the market cap of the industry in general if up like two hundred fifty percent from its lows and december. see itself is up about sixty two percent which actually compares the to the belgians additional average of twenty three percent since december lows but what's funny to me and it's actually funny for
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a person like me who follows the markets very carefully. because i think crypto in general still suffers under kind of a i would call it like a psychological debilitating state or everybody is comparing the current price to the highs which were a fluke and so even now i think the wall street journal ran a headline a couple of days ago the something like. the bleeding in the carnage in the crypto industry continues i'm looking at that thinking of well here's the evidence of that is actually not true but it's because the credit markets picked out you know and december a year ago and you know that was you know that was continues to be the top briefly a touch twenty thousand dollars and people are still suffering under this delusion that it should actually be that so it seems to be a pretty decent opportunity to move into the markets at least from the way i'm observing it i think you're right. we've consolidated a lot of games for the last several months and we might be prepared for something
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like a bull run again yeah sure of course yeah you're right people always come used to compare apple and amazon microsoft to the highs back in the early days and it's taken that light almost a decade to actually surpass the higher highs yeah that's right and so even now it's funny to me because i have been writing about this since about two thousand and thirteen it does get frustrating because you look at the at the obituaries for this asset and they keep pouring in these are like everyday people like oh this is it didn't work it's terrible well you know i think you look more objectively what you see is a conventional trading patterns that you're going to see in any kind of dramatically emerging technology same as the dot coms in the late ninety's and early two thousand as following the the samak pattern i don't think there's any reason to to panic about it i mean obviously the technology is not only brilliant but it's very much needed in today's today's world where all of our remittances technology and enter big transfers are stuck unlike the eighty's and ninety's level technology
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dramatically when the desperate need for something big to happen and i think probably blocks and technology is that very thing so speaking of we've seen a very harsh battle we've seen a very big battle between big client cash a.b.c. and declining cash as he and this was used to be a hash war now turned into an exchange the listing war and has gotten very nasty so give us the latest details on how that affects the industry. well thank you for asking that question which sounds a little obscure to people but what happens the because in cash was a fork of core and then of course b c h then forked again with another theory of the size of the of the way the block should be sized and it was a kind of a different perspective everybody's claims to be carrying on the gym invision it's a totally but that was a bloody battle. between what is now called b s b b c h and it was it was kind of
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painful to watch on the other hand forks are just part of the industry as part of the market process role in itself there was a lot of carnage that resulted from that thing but i think as you look look back at it the market sector has separated itself very well but the people who love gigantic walks are already in a b. and that's that's fine that's your perspective and the people who want more careful sort of roll of block size to keep up with transaction volume they're rallying around b. c. h. the people who believe in just holding that old fashioned. thing called the big question. there the hollow crowd and barry and with that and if you if you're interested in this and you joined twitter your feed can fill up all day with people to be out each other it's a good old fashioned word sport out there and. it's very exciting it actually. has been a very interesting battle to watch to see who do lists who as be i actually just
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the listed a.b.c. in favor for s.b.s. no that was very unexpected move by their on their part out that's right and well depending on which exchange you use you're going to you're going to rally around that exchange on the other hand the really hardcore people say forget the exchanges you should just hold your wallets jeffrey talk to the editorial director at the american institute for economic research thank you so much for joining. pleasure. that that by this time you can catch boom bust on directv channel three twenty one dish network tell it to eighty or streaming twenty four seven on put a t.v. to free t.v. at one thirty two or as always tell us about you tube dot com boom bust. next time .
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trump said many times that you know we got there are let's say advantages you know with moving the embassy to jerusalem the recognition of jerusalem as our capital and he said that there would be something few things that israel will not like either so this is why i think the palestinians should come with opening the minds to the to the negotiations. could only be docile little ball less men no go to set for the fall to do. i'll sell some properties to me if you go back to cuba.
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they were among the group was. to build a mobile movie didn't you except your then he says the calls were false like me that fell for the security just hold it where you don't pick up. oh i. don't. feel pity you will psycho. wall enclosure we're going to produce a. monkey is the absolute divisive as this is the last stop at the push and i wish all forces . would lol make this manufacture come sentenced him to public wealth. when the
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ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round lifts and be the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. doing the rounds coming real needs is really. i. i. i. i.
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today i'm announcing that we will no longer grant any exemptions we're going to zero washington says it will no longer exempt any countries from its sanctions on a rainy and up oil imports suggesting that song crews are not produced by its gulf allies as the alternative. us democrats pledge to present a united front overcalls to impeach the president from news that they were ducked that version of the reports on collusion will be introduced in congress on may the . government admits it failed to heed multiple warnings about the devastating easter sunday attack that left two.


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