tv News RT April 23, 2019 5:00am-5:30am EDT
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i. i i i. i i i i. i. i. breaking news this is an initial probe into sunday's deadly bomb attacks in sri lanka claims the atrocity was in retaliation for last month's shootings in new zealand. marty investigates the links between the us government and facebook is the social media giant introduces its need general counsel a legal adviser at the u.s. state department. called kill over
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gone the route to shoot and kill a famous bodyguard from germany reveals how has become an ip center for criminal ethnic clans and why it's so difficult to deal with. day here in moscow you're watching r.t. international start this hour with breaking news to you because it's being claimed the easter sunday bombings in sri lanka which killed three hundred ten people were in retaliation for the mosque shootings in new zealand last month that's according to an initial probe into the weekend's atrocity by the country's defense ministry the shrine can authorities have apologized meanwhile for failing to prevent the attacks after receiving several warnings. don't measure the intelligentsia against
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you see i've been on the for the very international intelligence agencies informed us that such an incident could take place there detailed reports named christian churches and tourist destinations as the main targets as the government we are responsible for all we have story and we apologize to everybody. on monday there was a further explosion in the capital colombo special forces had been trying to defuse explosives there in a van used by the attackers it's not clear whether anybody was hurt here it came after police discovered almost ninety detonators at a bus stop in a city. now the new zealand mosque shootings claimed the lives of fifty people back in march with two mosques targeted this is how those events unfolded.
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this is one of the new zealand's darkest days. are following the attack social video companies were severely criticized for failing to block live streams of the attack on the manifesto of the shooter being published perhaps in response to that this weekend the sri lankan government temporarily blocked social media in the wake of the attack there saying it was done to stop the spread of false information my colleague neil harvey discussed the move and its implications with journalist isn't part how and also derek brings. a lot of show use are happening with the social mobile apps all over the world more and more going to a concert and what could happen. to. all of these noble
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it's all over the tool of social media over the last decade has been used in a number of great ways you can look at the arab spring you can look at the growth of the independent alternative media in the united states and really around the world governments of the world as well as the tech companies and some of the media are promoting and portray in social media i have difficulty accepting that they are simply doing this out of the kindness of their hearts and out of to keep the you know the people from having access to graphic content i do think that it benefits governments of the world once they start censoring certain parts of the internet companies all are going to know what happened or do something. create. some government but want to prevent. the speech to explore after one or two situation of we can't just say the government is making it up can we
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have seen the darker side of humanity does emerge in in the wake of terrorist attacks and we saw it in christ church people have been charged for posting what was considered to be the offensive material that was the live streaming it was a hateful deliberate posting of material in some cases and even with the not a damn fire we saw a lot of you know positivity and condolences expressed but we also saw people mocking the tragedy the negative element it is a reality and that. i mean sure it's a reality but i mean i feel like i don't know if we have quite right yet reached adulthood if people are so afraid of reading offensive things or angry mean comments on the internet you can see much more graphic things on hollywood films and on you know the nightly news but those things are allowed to continue to be on the web i think that this is really for my take a. the bigger picture is that this is various governments around the world you know and we're seeing new zealand through argo maybe we'll see in the u.s. and u.k.
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and elsewhere they're taking the opportunity when they see the opportunity to seize more power of the internet make the argument that increasingly deliberately fake information is being spread now how on earth do you try and organize control these situations and filter the information but this is nothing different lorem going up soon all the time. people trying to create through information and by older i mean . it's not nothing new for a journalist generally it's always through that simply trust check real or not so that we can build this seemed to of. my questions are being raised over the growing links between facebook and the u.s. government that is the social media giant announced it's hired the state department's legal advisors its general counsel and vice president of communications according to the company's statement jennifer knew stead will
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oversee facebook's global legal functions she's already enjoyed a long career in the u.s. administration serving in the state and justice departments and is also part of the team which drafted the controversial patriot act which expanded government surveillance powers after the nine eleven attacks and your appointment comes amid a precedent of pressure on facebook to tackle the spread of misinformation and fake news on its platform r.t.g. go down of takes a closer look now at the firms fact checking and also fears over its trust worthiness. for the past two years facebook has been trying to convince the public it is taking a stand against fake news the program has been battered by controversies from criticism over how it's implemented to claims the impact it makes is little to none so how does facebook fact check news books well it doesn't instead it effectively has outsourced this function to
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a seemingly obscure journalism school. the pointer institute is a nonprofit based in florida it's nondescript anonymous in almost every way except for the fact that any fact checking service willing to partner with facebook has to get pointers approval and this is the type of testimonies they uploaded on their you tube channel journalists to this important point or does for journalists is invaluable it's just so hard to separate. who i am as a reporter from. your point it was done for me. the. world. over it's time. training researching and for journalists to look at journalism as a true wow i wonder how many more journalism students are out there talking about
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their school like it's a sect they joined but so far pointer has licensed around sixty partners from all over the world good to go to fact check for facebook and many of them have a bit more in common than appetite for truth the thing they share is who they get their money from fact checkers from the u.s. the u.k. africa latin america the philippines and the pointer itself have been funded by the open society foundation and a media network either. one of them or both together they've donated millions to fact checkers so what are they and why are they so eager to invest. now the open society foundation was founded and is run by none other than george soros who invested more than thirty two billion dollars into the foundation and
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this open society foundation is known to do exactly that open societies or meddle in the affairs of countries all over the world having proven to be a political weapon or source as for the a media network it belongs to another billionaire pierre media the creator of e-bay and just like soros is brainchild the network has been deeply involved in geo politics providing a steady flow of money for america's soft power ventures from funding opposition in other countries to creating puppet media outlets and there are plenty of other donors bestowing their wealth upon pointer and co not excluding the u.s. state department i expect to be there will be a very close interplay between the facebook checkers and the state department and that they will be really very respectful of the state department's point of view after all they're one of their paymasters so i think they will go out of their way
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not to contradict anything the state department says and to basically try to then discredit anybody who might be criticizing them so fortunately this is the antithesis of what most people think of when they think of freedom of media or freedom freedom of information now point and it's platoon or fact checkers say that one of their binding values is impartiality but sometimes that veil is quite easy to see through and i mean let me bring up one chart for you it was showcased at a separating fact. from fake news panel by point or i mean by different mission here the mainstream media and mainstream news are presented here as a victim and it's presented as an inherently one hundred percent truthful entity just cannot be fake news here and that's despite the fact that mainstream outlets have repeatedly embarrassed themselves with faulty reporting from c.n.n. to buzz feed ironically the outlet behind this graph but after all these story
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suggests neither the u.s. government nor the sorest like bunch spend their billions out of pure philanthropy and what this is clearly aimed at is to restrict the availability of alternative sources of information what they do is defend the establishment narrative and try to discredit alternative and this to the point of views which then they will declare to be non-factual or fake news according to their own fact checkers which are very very biased. wiemar reports claim government and force and agencies have been using facebook to their advantage leading digital rights group called the electronic frontier foundation is you is urging facebook to crack down on the u.s. immigration and customs enforcement which has been creating false accounts. facebook's practice of taking down these individual accounts when they learn about
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them from the press or from is insufficient to discern what would believe is a much larger isenberg beneath the surface we often only discovered the existence of law enforcement fake profiles months if not years after investigation has concluded. well it comes after the law enforcement body reportedly used facebook in a sting operation to catch illegal migrants agents created a fiction college called the university of farmington which promoted the in rollman to foreign students after checking the background of those that applied they ended up arresting around one hundred thirty people u.s. agencies argue the use of social media can be essential for investigations although facebook disagrees. law enforcement or florida keys like everyone else are required to use their real names on facebook and we make this policy clear on our public facing law enforcement guidelines page operating fake accounts is not allowed and
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we swiftly act on any violating accounts we discuss the issue with a social activist he says that human rights have been violated. the united states horsemeat does not only buy only facebook lies it isn't it by elites our own federal state local municipal lots the federal government the local government even vigilante groups in the in the border states continuous violent. human rights for undocumented people in people seeking asylum here in this country i think it's become a peer of the united states of america wants to be controller of the internet but when you have an organization such great magnitude as facebook it seems to be complying secretly with u.s. spy agencies and law enforcement agencies you are going to get your bad out there are no good big in there there's only. the issue of
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immigration is once again making headlines in germany michael curry is the country's most famous bodyguard after being a world kick boxing champion he says he is in favor of multiculturalism but is worried that current migration policies have led to criminal clans thriving in the capital channel in germany spent the day with him in burning. seven nights they are ready to cut and kill if they have a gun they're ready to shoot and kill. it there is a lot everyone has to abide by. their families like. these are big families. well known in the criminal world but you can see all of
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them are criminals and many have nothing to do with it. is no longer. visible be. because i was. because i was peace and love. it's been that i've been in this business since one thousand nine hundred eighty two there's one though almost every family even if i don't know someone they've heard about me they know i'm a fan of multiculturalism i always speak very positively about it wasn't because many found themselves in the criminal world as a result. we have to give these guys some credit the german government hadn't done enough to integrate and then many of them couldn't get a job license for years and that's why they resorted to criminality.
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these clowns are closely tied together they're like a hole you won't see anything like that in germany. they can bring together forty to fifty people in just half an hour before the. founder margin on business in one thousand nine hundred ninety four that's when the plan started expanding on their influence pushing aside local german groups and taking. under control the oil spill and farmers now totally controlling or including drugs prostitution and she has a lot of money. because
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if one has an investigative group that deals primarily with organized crime on families of arab origin for individual members of these families as well as a. conducting intelligence activities including coming into contact with potentially dangerous criminal elements what your government's policy completely failed your thirty's totally is to meet in the situation it's all they're trying to minimize the damage but it's not an easy thing to do. i cooperate with police given the opportunity to be independent when i don't depend on any clan like my class if it looks as if it's now remind of breaking news this hour here in our officials are claiming that the weekend's deadly bombings were revenge for mosques for the mosque shootings in new zealand last month we'll have
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a live reaction to this just after the break. with manufactured. public wealth. when the ruling class is a project. of the right. wing or middle of the room. the housing crisis was the result of securitizing mortgages that were resold to dozens of times like goldman sachs was betting as are all clients and they were
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engaged in massive fraud again bailed out by timothy geithner it is friends and now they go of that controlled demolition of the housing market is that all housing is concentrated in a few as like blackstone as a gift from their friends of the central banks and the result is medieval. again now let's go back to our breaking news this hour because it's being claimed the easter sunday bombings in sri lanka were in retaliation for the mosque shootings in new zealand last month weekend's atrocity claimed the lives of three hundred twenty one people including thirty eight foreign nationals and left up to five hundred more people injured the sri lankan authorities have since apologized to you for failing to prevent the attacks after receiving several warnings so let's get some reaction now from fernando he's
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a foreign and security policy analyst and he joins us you very welcome thanks for coming on firstly what's your reaction to this suggestion that these attacks were in retaliation for the attacks we saw all mosques in new zealand just last month. yes i mean there are a lot of scenarios and not awful debates going on at this point so what both feelings at. this point was that this was a preplanned mission which was. got a couple of months ago and and there are external. entities and warning to be out there on mass burials and quite saddened and it's a shocking thing that that's happening truly on top but now the emergency law has been brought in so all the military gets rest and question suspects
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before that it was not there so these are things that are unfolding and at this point and what today's a national mourning daintree lunker it is surprising to. nobody has claimed responsibility for this attack yet no names come forward although perhaps we don't know the motivation it seems strange that we know one and not the other. yes but by now on more stuff the information is reviewed by the government yesterday the government spokesman in a press briefing. mentioned there are organizations that want from the local point and all sort to have just a few fourteen s one two up from syria and others also having links to different groups externally and into policies on need to be doing this to get further and help to street i'm going to do under this mystery. but.
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organization is more and no it is also linked to are external extremist groups maybe in the middle east so far this ranking government has been pretty open haven't they they've also come forward and apologize for not acting on intelligence they had received why did they fail to act on that intelligence. one thing was that after two thousand and nine when the sri lankan conflict ended. and after a couple of years there are a lot that. need to try to force us had what's taken out under their recent act and in yesterday by the president under emergency under the emergency law six. force us gone. into good and doing a stupid and even if. it cannot interest and.
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even questioning what sort that force the prevailing situation of the military chief yesterday and. so now teens will be settling down i mean a whore and a president has assured that subject x. will not happen in the coming month and so anything there dick necessity policy. thing that's reassuring for the public came for sure lankans in general because a curfew has been imposed i mean that would suggest that perhaps there is a fear that there could be further attacks or is that going to. never to see an obvious going to go if you was important one last through a stop backlash. because there are a large number of so and all saw. on the street and if such devices gets activated like the ease and reach the military could have found so there could be
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other question which we should be reducing our use to one used to prevent and one nice. calm down the situation we caused. by to be and by tomorrow so just to conquer and to bring the situation under control only. with these precautions were taken by the govt you are good morning once again. and looking at the long term in a wider picture is there a failing or is there a concern that the country could descend again into some sort of conflict internal conflict and instability on our i mean it looks trust i mean when such things happen in any country to step up and it looks at. least the scenario is a very small group. a small extremist group has carried out this act any larger motion off the ideological less to
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a given this is because it is a christian minority community because the germans has been less in the least. of their conflict was of course english than the germans and this has been named on the sinhalese and done so. it's not divided it's more uniting the factor but yeah it's a great concern and how we are going to experience one which is controlled by external countries so that's one concern. the case the man looked really nice to very good to get your analysis on this that was terrible fernando he's a foreign and security policy analyst thank you. in other news all prices have soared to a six month high does come after the u.s. announced it will scrap all exemptions on iran or oil imports and sanction those who fail to abide by the new rules slamming the sanctions is illegal though around pressing to prop up the strait of hormuz the world's key oil route which transports
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a fifth of all international oil and added that if breath and it would not hesitate to protect and defend the strait this comes after the secretary of state mike pompei o confirmed washington would not extend the way visit had previously granted to eight countries. today i'm announcing that we will no longer grant any exemptions we're going to zero going to zero across the board any nation or entity interacting with iran should use its diligence and err on the side of caution the risks are simply not going to be worth the benefits if you don't abide by the stop the sanctions both the kingdom of saudi arabia and the united arab emirates have assured us they will ensure an appropriate supply for the markets and of course the united states is now a significant producer as well. i can confirm that each of the suppliers are working directly with iran's former customers to make the transition away from
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really in crude less disruptive while until now eight countries had been allowed to continue to buy oil from iran without the threat of sanctions from washington it was previously claimed these waivers would be a way of affording volatility in the oil market says though that ending these waivers is designed to deny the islamic republic its principal source of revenue turkey meanwhile has come out strongly against the u.s. decision it says the move will only jeopardize regional stability and bring harm to local iranians china has also criticised unilateral sanctions maintaining that its dealings with iran had always been open and transparent meanwhile japan says it's not overly concerned and doesn't believe it will impact its economy. iranian foreign affairs expert. be believed washington is forcing taran to adopt a more aggressive stance. the u.s. is seriously escalating this unilateral economic warfare against iran
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jeopardizing economic well being of iran and even young people putting iran against the wall and therefore one should naturally expect a stiffer reaction from iran which me in the form of implementing their threats industry that of. the us is edging courser to war with iran using all kinds of excuses. why before we go then a recap on that breaking news this hour it is being claimed the easter sunday bombings in sri lanka were in retaliation for the mosque shootings in new zealand last month that's coming from the country's sri lankan defense ministry the weekend's atrocity claimed the light claimed the lives of three hundred twenty one people including thirty eight foreign nationals and left up to five hundred more
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injured the sri lankan authorities have since apologized for failing to prevent the attacks after receiving several warnings so that's how the news is looking so far what have the latest on that frankie trunk a bombing investigation at the top of the next. holiday the international memorial towards twenty nine c. the now open for entries the media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist work for alternative media who are part of the global news corp participate sunday show polished works of video. go to war dot r.t. dot com and enter now. when else will seem wrong.
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