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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  April 25, 2019 2:30pm-3:01pm EDT

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well i suppose stop this subject matter is just more general in iran were. the whole were this facing an important issue the troubles that trump. his mentality in mind this creating. this correct thought iran or russia are facing due to different reasons the whole world is facing. the war. we are in fact facing a phenomenon in which is. this characteristics include. the humanitarian principle both negligence they turn national. the commitments which is. a full repercussion puncheon now for the whole world and the more repercussion of their
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future. more anyway iran or russia too dependent role they're playing in the region or yet. at the moment the. security of the region. for disability is to reach. a confrontation and confronted with. let's say. the wrong acts of them or against their more facing these the more the sanctions on. americans are creating. in our country we have got a long background of such issues and we are facing loss of sanctions from the side of the americans. now it mentioned several of the. governments as for the american policy have been longstanding and leaders have long reference to the united states. is the great satan but i assume that devil had many
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faces and the face of barack obama was perhaps more open to iran than donald trump do you think it was a mistake for iran to sign the nuclear deal with the united states and others back in two thousand and fifteen. i have. to find this song correctly. yet we were not so falling pursuing to hama deal with them. because of loss of the crew of the americas hans against the iranian nation from the before sonic revolution that han. just. routing the country in many of the rain is very kill. we didn't have any relationship. in the beginning of their evolution. to
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a terrorist group. came which i. have heard of thousands of our authorities and a governor. and they were actually supplying the europeans americans with the wrong information. they have tried to turn this into a global demand from iran therefore they opposed sanctions against iran. finally we embarked on some negotiations. with the european is actually we have begun with three european countries but begin first. three other countries of the us or russia and china. which has come to be known as p five plus one. in order to create a strong and do it i mean confidence building measure. to the neglect of some
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a right support a specific period of time under. the name of a. previous government. of the us approved it was approved by the us. but unfortunately the new golf. the time with huge greediness. which was. with previous was irrelevant to nuclear issues. discussed. regime and the relationship between iran and its neighboring countries. the nuclear till you're facing a new greeting but it's also. some new achievement. people realized. or i could say most of the public. actually opinion this way that the americans are using this nuclear issue as
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a pretext. of other intentions. is now clear people old people in the word now realize this and just said that the americans. as a pretext for other demands and i think american ministration is until they've been trying to hide it they're pretty transparent about that just the other day they trumpet ministration an ounce that it's going to council all the way where they trained in iranian oil in an effort to bring your oil trade. unless of course iran changes its entire security strategy is that likely. going. take a compromise in order to save this vital source of income for your country. for
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sure all the person. who. is not. familiar with this. from before. they have to try to different governments to apply the highest sanctions but they have been defeated for sure there will be defeated in this case we will export our oil for sure diffidently we will defer our critical interests of the country which is a will for all. our nation is a part of it we will defend it protect. with all power and we will pos this fees. correct me if i'm wrong the iranian oil revenues currently fourteen billion here is dollars annually are you saying that iran can withstand losing that income or are you saying that you will find ways of circumventing the american restrictions. of
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this income when. we can see to some weight. loss of experience that. the iranian people. actually get deprived of their own rights. and we will protect this right for a rein in people and in this record. we will use all our legal instruments with all pallbearer to safeguard this rights of the human being in nation i heard you say that american sanctions have become a weapon that's no longer capable of shooting at the target but isn't it still quite capable of making a very loud noise and scaring others because some of your partners are already in. talks with alternative suppliers. ok if it construes o. will make their own this is
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a court to their own interests so what can be sure about. more. countries if went. to these certain let's make a correct decision. these sort of greediness of americans. they then so would face harsh repercussions you know the word has once experience on you do you think more would you in the second world war we were facing a let's say a mean creature the name of history. war and the whole word up for his country. to remind all about. here in russia the moscow. people from moscow really stood against it they could overcome but for
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sure the world look out this issue all so they would know they will not let in you he. makes words are facing such troubles again. now speaking of harsh repercussions that you mentioned the iranian revolutionary guards have already said that in response to the american threats they are prepared to close the strait of hormuz aren't you concerned that they see this. economic warfare that ikhwan because you referenced some of the examples of real wars aren't you concerned that this is this may result in another one. ok streets on. their capability all full. general. old and control are significant. if there are locusts. they get more important and the strait of hormuz is no exception.
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the strait of hormuz has got a long. lever many colonials who. try to control straight and we iranians have always founts with them and kept it open. vosa straight. for us is critically significant important for his book a loss of exports important trade it is important for many our countries in their region even for many other countries far away but so using trade. off once you do you been the response of oh to keep it secure. we are keeping. you know power. in our critical interests trade and make the exact an appropriate decision at the proper time you just
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mentioned your military capabilities and as far as i know they are in name it does not have any capital shifts its largest ships are corvettes and frigates and i want to ask you as a decorated general do you think that's enough to stand up to. twenty plus ships including aircraft carriers. straight and. power is not limited to this phrase. forces such as the messiah forces and other capabilities at the proper time we could make a decision on those. strong clee and recently any disruption in navigation would immediately internationalize this problem and i wonder what. do you treat that as a strictly bilateral issue but then in washington or do you want so-called
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international community to weigh in. these. lots of countries have interests and. all of them have responsibly made the sieges of all that. and i suppose. it's not just limited to two countries on all a more relevant country and we'll make. responsible decisions how many. times but this i can that's an assurance of mine bush and all the countries it out i think. actually getting like i think they're. using this actually straight and getting their own benefice it is another issue that is proper time we're going to make a decision for minister we have to take a short break now but we'll be back in just a few moments. we
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could only be dull sort the rulebook. so because you do so prove that is truly real but it took you. to measure your purpose and work separately they don't drill. among the group. you build them over a movie before you fix it you're then he says a pool for folks like me to go through the security just hold it where you go.
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oh. we'll go. wall inclusion we're going to produce a. super the this is the world. says. welcome back to worlds apart basic iran's defense minister and i mean i mean minister just before the break we're talking about the iranian revolutionary guards let me ask you one more question about that the last time the revolutionary guards
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threatened to close the strait of hormuz president obama was in office and those tensions ultimately resulted in the signing of the now defunct j. c.p.o. a do you believe that negotiations are possible with the trump of ministration given the they approach it has taken. iran and other countries as well. as it really. moore who. international law. but experience is well known to say i don't suppose. the world person is going to trust him more than. we naturally like to would not trust him now let me ask you one more question about the american decision this time regarding the iranian revolutionary guard meeting that organization as
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a terrorist organization this is the first such designation for an institution of a silver and state is that going to impact iran's relations with other countries in any way simply because this is part of your government. the pope along with the ira g.c. . is public revolutionary institution always. bright background though you know from the very beginning of this time a group lucian we were grappling with terrorist groups. terrorist groups. officials and. she said thoughts time has played a great role with the time. i doubted that in our region there exists a personal growth that is fair knows about these candy collect these greats rule
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the r.g.c. against terrorism they are just as i think a great role against a terrorist group. we are also facing in their group in the region. with lots of crimes the sets come they us and who. many people in the region helping more human thought if i thought by them they were in a people when a. passenger aircraft they ran passenger aircraft which was shot by a rocket launch. and sixty percent of them. don't choose when and where kill time you are facing such a terrorist group again are reachin hold the muslim going to exact at the time that the americans. let through illegal guns wrong made the wrong with the situation for calling are just a terrorist group home rule iranian security council have decided to recognize
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since calmest as a terrorist group when going on. american as a support. group. as a supporter of the terrorist. as we mentioned before who are against we will resist been lost. any sort of stress and we taken measures also. regarding the arches will not make any effect on him pon. our polars cs and their reach him. we have a highly important responsibility for the security of the people in our mission in the region. we all power it will play a role now guarding the designation of the u.s. central command as a terrorist organization which are just a reference is it largely a symbolic gesture or do you think that it may
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a fact negatively its operations in the region because you mentioned that they operations of the iranian revolutionary guards and going to be affected do you think americans will suffer as a result of your decision but. i have also this question for you whole. a large block list how will they actually treat them. well our suppose the power of the american dollar is a little bit stronger than the power of the iranian currency if it may be able and the legal decision but it may have practical repercussions for countries that rely on dollar for its trade. anyway here is our region. oh boy this is our long war or this is what we are present here we are capable. and were measured with their auction they think we could have you're ready for
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powerful reaction now from what i understand even the russians military it's a military communication with the americans in fact that may be the only channel that is still operating but then also going to washington do you mean sanction the russians for maintaining any contacts with the u.s. central command. should expect for the time many of this will be clarified through time it takes time to get to i mean to realize this there is a constant speculation that there are some sort of tensions but then. when it comes to syria both over the competition over potential contracts and even military clashes between supposedly the russians or iranian militia groups is that are there times. when it comes to damascus.
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syria was a success. a successful. regarded terrorist is cited to. them you know what is your idea of those who do just as a result of many of the lines. the reconstruction has and start of there i suppose at a time be we should emphasize or water should. the homeless people in there if you go to their homes you. iran iraq. to the six i had a successful measure to can't regard to terrorist groups. besides government forces and the nation which was a successful model for the. decision for other world i don't suppose we cannot do it again in the reconstruction period again in that reconstruction period i got a. good cooperation of friends and cooperation with russia in order to do. as i
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said has in hand with syria. the model for the rest of the world as well i'm sure you know that the kremlin has quiet accommodating israel's concerns. perhaps a little bit more than somewhere right in there are no even simon russia would likely to be how much of an irritant is that for to. say israel. is. serious. and i suppose russia. has done some was successful in doing the recording to defend syria. against israel and i suppose the strengthening. of the initiative will be. although we consider. this an aggressive regime.
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any intervention and it will make we're in trouble they can help us syria is has got good power to responsiveness and iran and russia are powerful countries hold them and if you have to miss something compounds against their interests like before they will harm. let's say strong reaction. do you find russia as attentive to iran's concerns as it is to israel's. rana russia. compromises and agreements. we do not consider its relationship with other countries and we have a good relationship i want to know why very final question i know that someone are concerned that this illegal american pressure on the our country may encourage the
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iranian leadership to resume its nuclear program. acquire a nuclear capacity the americans like to say that all options are on the table is that the case for iran is while. we. have our own initiative. our own capabilities. nor. can recognize our interests. because we are an absolutely independent country maybe we could make the right decision at the proper time. regarding. these pressures on the. u.s. we have got loss of experience i want to.
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utilize many of. our we could also. call how the way from the conscripts is a true. i assure you. i can say for sure. again we will overcome these pressures and we successfully passed this phase as felt minister you've been very gracious thank you very much. you know you're most welcome. to success encourage our viewers to keep this conversation going in our social media pages. same place same time here i was a part of.
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a number the famous friends will use the new wave of poc back in the sixty's i think mostly been well yes and tell the audience happens they eat themselves to death yes and it's really kind of violence actually hard to watch because gross they're burping and farting and puking just keep on eating in the right that's blackstone berkshire hathaway jamie diamond third floor getting themselves to bet on those who fail. and they themselves will perish and take their entire country down with sound because they can't stop there's no editor and their minds are like goldfish in a bag of food they're just keep themselves to. facebook
2:57 pm
and google started with a great idea and great ideals unfortunately it was also a very dark so. they are constructing a profile of you and that profile is real it's detailed and it never goes away turns out that google is manipulating your opinions from the very first character that you type into the search bar it will always be worth one dog food over another one can. paradigm shopping service over another and one candidate over another they can suppress certain types of results on what they think you should be seeing if they have this kind of power then democracy is an illusion the free and fair election doesn't exist the more we give them the sooner we are all. we could only be done. for the. simple as you did.
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to me if you don't have to keep. playing. the among the group was. to belittle them if you did it well yeah except you're then he says the cool like me that the security just . a little psycho. were going to produce and. this was the last stop that the.
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international memorial awards twenty nineteen are now open for entries. media professionals are eligible whether you are a freelance journalist terms of media or part of a global news conference to participate in published works in video rich in flight . go to war dot dot com and then to now.
3:00 pm
the. leaders of russia and north korea conclude their first ever summit after more than two hours of face to face talks both putin and kim jong un expressed a willingness to work towards the denuclearization of the korean peninsula. because of some german king also be directly to tell the u.s. about his position and about the questions he says in connection with the situation on the korean peninsula. human rights groups have condemned as grotesque saudi arabia's beheading of thirty seven people said to be mostly from the shia minority one person's body was even stronger in public following the largest mass execution three years.


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