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tv   Sophie Co  RT  April 25, 2019 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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the leaders of russia and north korea held their first ever joint summit on thursday after more than two hours of face to face talks. to kims of whom expressed their willingness to work towards the deep nuclearization of the korean peninsula. someplace jim and king also redirect leads to tell us about his position and about the questions he fears in connection with the situation on the korean peninsula president micron to friends some of his most unpopular policies during a speech aimed at diffusing the widespread public anger and sustaining france's nationwide protests. also a un report notes u.s. international and government forces in afghanistan are responsible for more
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civilian deaths than the militants they've been fighting to get reaction from the locals. for any child or woman killed in afghanistan the afghan government should ask the foreign forces about them but there is no one to ask we have concerns we want the americans and i says to stop killing our people we don't want the u.s. and nato here. for moscow you're watching r t international i'm daniel hawkins just gone six am here in the capital welcome to the program. has invited a lot of putin to visit north korea following what the d.p. oks leader described as a very meaningful exchange in russia's far east the two heads of state met for the first time on thursday they discussed denuclearization efforts on the korean peninsula as well as international sanctions and their country's bilateral ties our correspondent there was a lot of us talk. well it turns out that in
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a sense john is counting on volodymyr putin as a kind of a middleman in delivering his messages to the rest of the world leadership by the way mr putin's next destination is beijing there you have it but it looks like chairman kim is hoping that his message will get all the way to washington through russia as well but it's. directly to tell the u.s. about his position and about the questions he has in connection with the situation on the korean peninsula we also found out that the russian leader as confident that pyongyang essential desire is international security guarantees guarantees for sovereignty and when it comes to dating korea's ation according to mr putin the
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only way forward is through these kind of guarantees i would like to remind you that for years russia's peace road map was about mutual concessions from both sides of north korea on the one hand and south korea and allies on the other and china is backing of this plan to well the russian president believes that for years every step forward made by washington was followed by two steps backwards . but we need some confidence building measures to be taken which could have been taken back in two thousand and five when the u.s. and north korea came to an agreement however later on for some reason the american partners thought this was no it's enough that they needed to add something more to this agreement that's when north korea with drew from the treaty if you're making a step forward in two steps back you'll never succeed after what we heard on thursday it is definitely fair to say that there is a lot of potential in camp putin some. and by the way the president of south
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korea said that this summit in a lot of austar should act as a springboard for further top rank diplomacy between washington and pyongyang so chairman kim has been drawing contacts with the most powerful politicians on this planet his two historic summits with the american president donald trump were followed by one with a lot of our putin and it looks like mr kim knows what he's doing when he splaying his geo political game let's take a closer look now at the atmosphere during those talks and just how president putin welcomed his north korean counterparts in russia's foreign.
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body language expert howard feldman told us what he thought of the leader's movements. one of the interesting things about of that to me putin and and we see this often with him in every he's meeting he's very protective of the obvious own space it's very rare for somebody to come into his zone or close to his proximity when they shook hands he was quite dominant kim kim jong il and by dominant i mean he is and takes all the downward position we saw that kim jong little want to try and establish a bit of dominance himself when he got to that point that putin kind of left go just quite a long handshake and i think vet and shake was well was very important by the time that there was sitting on those chairs having that conversation it was very very
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little movement from king kim jong un he was quite. uncomfortable i think it was a sense of relief that this was over actually for kim jong un. and there's no doubt that the son that was really about just having a son that the he it was an easier discussion in that it was really just about more about the historic event he was quite relieved when it was whether it was over but i don't think by any means there there it had gone exactly how he was hoping that it would go. following his meeting with putin north korea's leader visited a memorial site dedicated to those from the far east and also to reason lost their lives during world war two you can see that footage on the screen there. laid flowers there as a mark of respect. and
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i will mark the made an impassioned address to the french public on thursday night in which he promised a raft of social reforms in a televised speech which was aimed at quelling the widespread anger that's been driving the country's yellow vest protests the president defended some of his most controversial policies shiela do his q. reports from paris. thursday night saw president macaroons very first press conference at the elisei palace he was due to speak for twenty minutes he spoke for almost an hour with his vision of what his mandate for the next three years of his presidency should be he talked about external things other than fronts particularly about borders saying that the shang going area in europe doesn't work he said that europe needs to be stronger and it needs to have stronger borders usually and so they we must take note of the for good things on going as well as they should be on
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the european level we have decided to have common borders the much talked about sharing an area with the rules of the dublin called they do not work anymore now in terms of more internal issues which have a risen from the last few months of the grand debates here in france he said that in future there will be lower taxes he also said that pensions with less than two thousand euros a month will be reindexed from the first of january twenty twentieth's that's next year meaning that they will rise at the same rate of inflation now he also talked about more referendums taking place in saying the threshold for things to be discussed in parliament would be lowered to a million registration votes by citizens if they demand it and he also talked about cracking down on islam islam saying that that was against the cohesion of the nation now one of the more controversial issues that michael also touched on was
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the reforms that he introduced last year in two thousand and eighteen and this was the reform to the wealth tax which for many yellow vests has been a very big bone of contention let's have a listen to what president michel said about that if you can beyond the hood that will tax reform was widely perceived as a give to the world and the real financial injustice this reform did not remove the wealth tie. it was a transform ation to encourage investment in the real economy research factories and production because if there's no national investment there is no economy it's my duty to defend the pragmatic reform we'll review it in twenty twenty and if it's not effective or too large we will correct it it's a reform to achieve results not a gift to the richest president michael may have spoken for almost an hour with the wind to aging discussion of the things he'd like to do over the next three years but what he would like to learn quite
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a lot was the details so yes he talked about lower taxes but he didn't specifically say what that meant in terms of the figure well the yellow vest protests is be happy with what's been announced it's unlikely what we do know is that these protests have been some of the most violent in france for more than half a century. now cool so is the right one and we're not going to change it just because the wind is blowing.
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a professor of french and francophone studies paul smith and political commentator sean bricmont say the president's offers are unlikely to quell the widespread public anger the french population is in favor of what he's suggesting so this was kind of playing catch up with that process almost certainly though we know there
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are going to be protests at the universe don't really seem to have very very much to do to offer apart from turning up in france in city centers and and causing disruption but it's the broader movement of the yellow vests those who we don't hear very much from who are kind of being pushed to the edges that may well be a bit more open to what macrorie is suggesting people are unhappy with this policy but what is tool is that there is no united demand about what to do with this or this is that school i didn't say the opinion is not inherited and all because you have been one to force these sort of nearly abolish loans and of course engage with that but even he didn't can do anything about it so is the dilemma in a.c.s. measure is more social spending more. or less taxes in settings this course is it is is going to look to me and i know i was going to balance the
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budget there was a lot of well as a budget of it seems at least it is mostly a discourse of discourse he's trying to satisfy people that isn't going to be satisfied people because the content is too deep. afghanistan local government u.s. and international forces have been responsible for more civilian deaths than the militant forces they've been fighting as according to a new u.n. report the findings reveal in the first three months of this year alone almost six hundred civilian deaths were documented in the country most of this come from airstrikes conducted by international forces led by the u.s. and nato a number of victims is up almost forty percent on the same period last year we spoke to locals to get their reaction. no more than you know we always requested from the american forces and the afghan government if you want to bombard any areas please take care of the civilians there don't target civilians for any child or woman killed in afghanistan the afghan government should ask the foreign forces
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about them but there is no one to ask we have concerns. lots of our people have been killed or injured women have become widows children have lost their fathers people have lost eyes we want the americans in isis to stop killing our people we don't want the u.s. and nato here we will work with each other. and we request from foreign forces and afghan government forces and from the taliban that if you are fighting with each other do not use a residential areas as a position if the american forces do not take into consideration the civilian casualties in afghanistan and they continue killing civilians by name in them insurgents the future will be very bad for them. u.s. military forces have launched investigations after previous u.n. reports washington currently has about fourteen thousand troops in afghanistan most of them are involved in non operational nato led training missions in december it was reported that president trump would reduce u.s. forces in the country though there's been no sign of that being put into action
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white house has been seeking a peaceful resolution of america's longest ever war iraq concerns that any deal could lead to a new wave of instability in the region. we've spent close to one trillion in the afghanistan all of that is a true if you screw up on the day after a peace agreement a dramatic decrease in not only troops but financial support for the afghan government will mean the collapse of the government you have five hundred thousand some troops and police who are trained and have weapons you have sixty thousand taliban who are trained killers they want to be reintegrated plan for that. and meanwhile just a day after the u.n. reports on afghanistan was published on the things the national an air war sub released a report on civilian casualties in the syrian city of raka it finds the us led coalition was responsible for the deaths of more than sixteen hundred civilians that's ten times the number admitted by the us government writer and commentator
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one thinks the us must stop such practices really responsible remember news guard that handy dandy microsoft program that tells you what is and isn't fake news while they're still hard at work putting little green checkmark sort of profit report for you let's go live to the u.n. secretary general antonio to rush at that summit in beijing that is turbulent times. inequality the climate crisis and the potential risks of globalization and the foreseen that's the revolution creating levels of public insight. and these global challenges are compounded by darkening it konami prosperous triggered by new obstacles in world trade heighten financial volatility rising levels of dept and political uncertainties even the very notion of international cooperation and essential component in our entire dependent world is under fire now allow me in
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this context to express two main concerns i have a secretary general of the united nations first the twenty city agenda our work globally agreed plan for people peace planet and prosperity on current trends we will only be all sway towards achieving the sustainable development goals by the target date of twenty certainty. financial resources available for the developing world for developing countries to reach those goals are far from being enough today. seconds climate change is running faster than we are. i have repeatedly called it to the refining issue of our time climate change poses an existential risk to all countries we are seeing record highs in land and ocean temperatures sea levels and greenhouse gases concentrations in the last forty
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years were the hottest on record. natural disasters are wrecking the voc around the globe and the cigarettes to public health as i discovered eighteen and the poor and vulnerable out of the first to suffer and the worst heat but why are we facing these we're also seeing promising trends china's leadership on climate action is helping to show the way. new renewable energy jobs in china now outnumber those created in your legacy industries in twenty seventeen china invested over one hundred twenty five billion u.s. dollars in revenue about energy an increase of at least twenty five percent over the previous years. and china's new cutting gets transmission line since electricity along the passage way six hundred miles longer than anything built today is a further potential boom for a new a bulls china also played
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a pivotal role in building bridges and security going to get him and at last december's u.n. climate conference in cut of each and we'll host next year second global sustainable transport conference. looking good on the world we see more and more governments cities and businesses and their standing that climate solutions are wise investments in an equitable prosperous and sustainable future. and the we are now looking ahead are aware that at least seventy five percent of the infrastructure our world will need by the year twenty fifty is yet to be built so we have a unique opportunity to build a new generation of climate resilience and people centered cities and transit systems energy grids that pro tries low emissions and sustainability. but that's required in urgent us from asia now we built also societies power our cities and invest you know what economies. in the context i have just described we absolutely
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need to come together in the chief to sensible ject use first the quantum leap in the mobilization of resources available for the developing world to implement the sustainable development tools and second the capacity to stop with runaway climate change. that is why i am convening a climate action summit in new york on september of two through a few cert together with four other summit meetings during the high level week on the un general assembly in september covering different development related strategies and there to set the course for full implementation of the paris agreement and the sustainable development goals we must remain gene and rebuild our world in a way that works for everyone brings women into the leadership of the economy of the future and they expands the opportunities for young people. and then telling leaders do not come to summits with speeches come with credible and be shoes plans
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now it is in this context that the belton drove the initiative assumes the remarkable and urgent importance. with the scale of the splendid investments utah for the meaningful opportunity to contribute to the creation of a moderate beatable prosperous world for all and to reversing the negative impact of climate change. excellence is in moving forwards i would point to city very important opportunities that can be seized first the world will benefit from a belton's though the initiative that's excellent its efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals. the five pillars of the belt under old policy coordination facilities connectivity and in private trade financial integration and people to people exchanges i mean three is we link to the seventeen sustainable development walls these are conceptual peelers that can be translated into real life progress for every people. united nations country team stands ready to support
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member states in capacity and governance building and unit scheveningen and more news and sustainable integration of the built in growth projects in their own economies and societies in accordance with national development plans anchored in the twenty set the agenda for sustainable development second the world needs to take profit of the bilton through the initiative to help close significant financing gaps for achieving the sustainable development walls specially in the developing world in particular didn't need for about twenty billion u.s. dollars needed for infrastructure investments in developing countries these underlines the importance of economic growth that can generate inclusive sustainable and durable social and then developmental games and serves i see the belgium through the initiative as an important space we're getting principles can be reflected in that in action. counties to not only require the physical robes and
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breathes to connect people in the markets they need the roads and bridges from the unsustainable fossil fuel to get the economy to a clean green low carbon energy future. fully expanding our policy options for green and sustainable development and backed by green financing instruments must be the new norm excellences in these three areas and more the united nations is poised to support the alignment of the belt and all the initiative with the sustainable development goals to set knowledge and to make the most of the opportunities of these lots in the cities for maximum sustainable development the evidence lets us work together to restore trust by making good on the set of promise of the twenty city agenda and our common commitment to leave no one behind thank you
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if. microsoft's fake news watchdog called news got is facing heavy criticism in the u.k. it's labeled as trustworthy three controversial tabloid newspapers the sun daily mirror and the daily star it's not only issued at the new but listing program is raising donald quarter as they support. remember news guard that handy dandy microsoft program that tells you what is and isn't fake news while they're still hard at work putting little green checkmarks next to information they like in search engines use cards co-founder calls it applying a little common sense to searching information we're going to a ploy common sense to
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a problem that the algorithms haven't been able to solve we're going to hire the dozens of journalists to read and review the seventy five hundred news information common sense might not be enough if the admins are living under a rock the old robert muller's report is out and many liberal tall tales about trump russia collusion have been debunked still a lot of those stories are marked with a big friendly checkmark trump sharing polling data with the russians check except it's not true muller subpoenaing bank records check but same thing not true trumps lawyer secretly meeting with a kremlin official in prague well at least they change the article a bit still a big check even though the title isn't exactly true in fact the checkmarks don't even have to do with how wrong the story is if news guard trusts the outlet they're good to go our green red reading signal if website is trying to get it right or
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instead has a hidden agenda or knowingly publishes falsehoods or propaganda so i guess the takeaway from that is that outlets like the new york times and buzz feed's don't really have hidden agendas and if that sounds ridiculous to you don't worry news guard will make sure you know right from wrong soon enough what's interesting to note is their reaction is they're saying we are not necessarily acknowledging or passing judgment on the veracity and accuracy of the information we're just passing judgment. on these source of it these people this source this group this website this newspaper this whatever we give them our check mark we approve of them what they say wow we don't really necessarily pass judgment on that if you go down
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the list of all of those items which have passed editorial muster it's the same it's breathtakingly obvious to anybody that if your story or if you are source repeats this mean this trope that there was russian collusion effect of just as anything negative to trump it will be checked and approved without an me problem not misleading trustworthy they're a fireball job well done but there's other headlines for the south join us again at the top of the zero seven am muskets on for the latest global news updates.
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stance would break away kosovo remain frozen serbian government finds itself facing of protests sweeping across. europe. set for a shake up i ask serbian foreign minister. the president remains defiant. between east. russia will the question of. integration. people. it's said that it's such a great pleasure to have you once again on our show we missed you it's been probably are so so once a year it's a must and since lot of things have been happening especially in serbia kind of turbulent times protests are raging in your country since december your president
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is saying that he's not going to bow down to any of the demands do you think it's a good approach to actually be so hard on the protestors could it be that they will get even angrier. well you know what they want to resign not crazy to do that. therefore there is no need to get excited about the protests. i'm not sure if you understand here we do not have a situation where the parties in the opposition are equal in terms of the number of m.p.'s the number of votes we have a situation with. my party both. have more than sixty percent of the votes while all the protests have around ten percent. the difference is quite large protests all these protests can last for who knows
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how long but no one should thing that you can just come to the demonstrations and say that it has to resign. gained or lost only in the elections you know so this protest thing is actually very popular all across france with a yellow ass protests. in france for almost half a year now and. is actually traveling there with q. and a sessions to actually understand what the people want what their demands are things that could be maybe an option for which each and serbia. regardless of marker on. already you know pain president. of serbia. everyone can see how many people gather at the biggest opposition really .


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